• 제목/요약/키워드: Temperate deciduous forest

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The Structure of Plant Community of the Woonsooam Valley in Jogyesan (Mt.), Suncheon (순천시 조계산 운수암 계곡부 식물군집구조)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo;Noh, Tai-Hwan;Hur, Ji-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to investigate the ecological succession sere and conservative value, and to provide the basic data in Woonsooam Valley, in Jogyesan (Mt.) (altitude 884m), Suncheon City, Korea by analysing the structure of the plant community. Fifteen plots (size is $20m{\times}20m$) were set up at an altitude of range from 255m to 495m. As a result of analysis of DCA which is one of the ordination technique, the plant communities were divided into five groups which are community I (Pinus densiflora community), community II (Quercus variabilis-Quercus serrata community), community III (Q. serrata-Q. variabilis community), and community IV (Carpinus tschonoskii-Q. serrata community) and community v(Deciduous broad-leaved forest community). We found out that the vegetation of the study site located in the South Temperate Climate Zone. The study site is found out that Q. serrata community 34.4%, part of slope in valley is the distribution that dominant species is Q. serrata-Q. variabilis community 32.1%. And in valley showed Carpinus tschonoskii community 5.5%. And Sasa borealis was dominant species in the shrub layer. We couldn't supposed that the ecological succession sere of the study site, however we should do a long-term monitoring to investigate the changes of the ecological succession each plant community, According to the index of Shannon's diversity (unit: $400m^2$), community III was ranged from 1.0102 to 1.1013, community V was 0.9945, community II was ranged from 0.7913 to 1.1503, community IV was ranged from 0.8081 to 1.0749 and community I was 0.9273.

The Structure of Plant Community in Jungdaesa-Birobong Area, Odaesan National Park (오대산국립공원 중대사-비로봉 구간 식물군집구조)

  • Han, Bong-ho;Choi, Jin-woo;Noh, Tai-hwan;Kim, Dong-wook
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.764-776
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to identify the structure of the plant community, and the ecological succession sere and the change in the forest ecosystem in Jungdaesa-Birobong area, Odaesan National Park_(i._e., located at high altitudes(over 1,000m)). It seeks to offer the basic data for the planning of vegetation management. In order to verify the status of the forest vegetation between Jungdaesa-Birobong, seventeen plots(size is $20m{\times}20m$) were set up as research sites at high altitudes. Importance value, distribution by diameter at breast height(DBH), the growth volume and age of the sample trees, similarity index and species diversity index of each survey plot were analysed. According to the results of DCA(Detrended Correspondence Analysis), one of the multivariate statistical techniques. It was found that the plant communities were classified into five groups: community I_(Quercus mongolica-Tilia amurensis community), community II_(Q. mongolica-Deciduous broad-leaved community), community III_(Q. mongolica-Pinus koraiensis community), community IV_(Abies holophylla-Q. mongolica community) and community V_(A. holophylla-Deciduous broad-leaved community). Community I which is dominated by Quercus mongolica and Deciduous broad-leaved communities is located at an altitude of over 1,300 meters(ranging from 1,335m to 1,495m), the community IV and V which are dominated by Abies holophylla are located at an altitude of under 1,200 meters(ranging from 1,115m to 1,175m) and the community II and III which include the main species of Quercus mongolica, Pinus koraiensis and Abies holophylla are located at an altitude of between 1,160 meters and 1,300 meters. The results showed that Quercus mongolica tends to have a higher importance value of woody species at a higher altitude while Abies holophylla tends to have higher importance value at a lower altitude. For the importance value woody species and -DBH class distribution, the communites I, II and III are expected to continuously maintain the present status. Whereas, for the influence of communities IV and V, Q. mongolica is predicted to be weakened. The age of sample trees was between 85 and 161; the average age was 123. The index of Shannon's Species diversity (H') showed heterogeneity was found among community I_(i._e., located at high altitude) and communities IV and V_(i._e., located at low altitude). As a results of analysing the index of Shannon's Species diversity (H': unit: $400m^2$), community III showed the highest diversity intex with 1.1109 followed by community II with 1.0475, community I with 1.0125, community IV with 0.9918 and community V with 0.8686. This study verified that the index of Shannon's species was significantly different by plant communities. For instance, when comparing the index of Shannon's species diversity in Quercus mongolica communities of this study and that of past relevant research, the value of index is very similar. However, the diversity index for the community which is dominated by Abies holophylla showed lower value when compared to the results from past relevant research.

Quantification of Temperature Effects on Flowering Date Determination in Niitaka Pear (신고 배의 개화기 결정에 미치는 온도영향의 정량화)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Jin-Hee;Chung, U-Ran;Kim, Seung-Heui;Park, Gun-Hwan;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2009
  • Most deciduous trees in temperate zone are dormant during the winter to overcome cold and dry environment. Dormancy of deciduous fruit trees is usually separated into a period of rest by physiological conditions and a period of quiescence by unfavorable environmental conditions. Inconsistent and fewer budburst in pear orchards has been reported recently in South Korea and Japan and the insufficient chilling due to warmer winters is suspected to play a role. An accurate prediction of the flowering time under the climate change scenarios may be critical to the planning of adaptation strategy for the pear industry in the future. However, existing methods for the prediction of budburst depend on the spring temperature, neglecting potential effects of warmer winters on the rest release and subsequent budburst. We adapted a dormancy clock model which uses daily temperature data to calculate the thermal time for simulating winter phenology of deciduous trees and tested the feasibility of this model in predicting budburst and flowering of Niitaka pear, one of the favorite cultivars in Korea. In order to derive the model parameter values suitable for Niitaka, the mean time for the rest release was estimated by observing budburst of field collected twigs in a controlled environment. The thermal time (in chill-days) was calculated and accumulated by a predefined temperature range from fall harvest until the chilling requirement (maximum accumulated chill-days in a negative number) is met. The chilling requirement is then offset by anti-chill days (in positive numbers) until the accumulated chill-days become null, which is assumed to be the budburst date. Calculations were repeated with arbitrary threshold temperatures from $4^{\circ}C$ to $10^{\circ}C$ (at an interval of 0.1), and a set of threshold temperature and chilling requirement was selected when the estimated budburst date coincides with the field observation. A heating requirement (in accumulation of anti-chill days since budburst) for flowering was also determined from an experiment based on historical observations. The dormancy clock model optimized with the selected parameter values was used to predict flowering of Niitaka pear grown in Suwon for the recent 9 years. The predicted dates for full bloom were within the range of the observed dates with 1.9 days of root mean square error.

Potential Habitats and Change Prediction of Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. in Korea by Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 한반도 후박나무의 잠재 생육지 및 변화예측)

  • Yun, Jong-Hak;Nakao, Katsuhiro;Park, Chan-Ho;Lee, Byoung-Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.903-910
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    • 2011
  • The research was carried out in order to find climate factors which determine the distribution of Machilus thunbergii, and the potential habitats under the current climate and three climate change scenario by using classification tree (CT) model. Four climate factors; the minimum temperature of the coldest month (TMC), the warmth index (WI), summer precipitation (PRS), and winter precipition (PRW) : were used as independent variables for the model. The model of distribution for Machilus thunbergii (Mth-model) constructed by CT analysis showed that minimum temperature of the coldest month (TMC) is a major climate factor in determining the distribution of M. thunbergii. The area above the $-3.3^{\circ}C$ of TMC revealed high occurrence probability of the M. thunbergii. Potential habitats was predicted $9,326km^2$ under the current climate and $61,074{\sim}67,402km^2$(South Korea: $58,419{\sim}61,137km^2$, North Korea: $2,655{\sim}6,542km^2$) under the three climate change scenarios (CCCMA-A2, CSIRO-A2, HADCM3-A2). The Potential habitats was to predicted increase by 51~56%(South Korea: 49~51%, North Korea: 2~5%) under the three climate change scenarios. The potential expand of M. thunbergii habitats has been expected that it is competitive with warm-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest. M. thunbergii is evaluated as the indicator of climate change in Korea and it is necessary for M. thunbergii to monitor of potential habitats.

The Continuous Measurement of CO2 Efflux from the Forest Soil Surface by Multi-Channel Automated Chamber Systems (다중채널 자동챔버시스템에 의한 삼림토양의 이산화탄소 유출량의 연속측정)

  • Joo, Seung Jin;Yim, Myeong Hui;Ju, Jae-Won;Won, Ho-yeon;Jin, Seon Deok
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2021
  • Multichannel automated chamber systems (MCACs) were developed for the continuous monitoring of soil CO2 efflux in forest ecosystems. The MCACs mainly consisted of four modules: eight soil chambers with lids that automatically open and close, an infrared CO2 analyzer equipped with eight multichannel gas samplers, an electronic controller with time-relay circuits, and a programmable logic datalogger. To examine the stability and reliability of the developed MCACs in the field during all seasons with a high temporal resolution, as well as the effects of temperature and soil water content on soil CO2 efflux rates, we continuously measured the soil CO2 efflux rates and micrometeorological factors at the Nam-san experimental site in a Quercus mongolica forest floor using the MCACs from January to December 2010. The diurnal and seasonal variations in soil CO2 efflux rates markedly followed the patterns of changes in temperature factors. During the entire experimental period, the soil CO2 efflux rates were strongly correlated with the temperature at a soil depth of 5 cm (r2 = 0.92) but were weakly correlated with the soil water content (r2 = 0.27). The annual sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux to temperature (Q10) in this forest ranged from 2.23 to 3.0, which was in agreement with other studies on temperate deciduous forests. The annual mean soil CO2 efflux measured by the MCACs was approximately 11.1 g CO2 m-2 day-1. These results indicate that the MCACs can be used for the continuous long-term measurements of soil CO2 efflux in the field and for simultaneously determining the impacts of micrometeorological factors.

Soil Properties in Quercus mongolica Communities (신갈나무림의 군집별 토양특성)

  • 박관수;장규관
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 1998
  • This study was to compare soil characteristics among Quercus mongolica communities that characterize the boreal-temperate deciduous forest in Korea. The classification of Quercus mongolica community and soil sampling were carried in Mt. Odae and Mt. Jungwang in Kangwondo from April of 1991 to October of 1994. The study area was classified as 5 Quercus mongolica communities with Braun-Blanquet method as follows; Quercus mongolica - Abies nephrolepis, Quercus mongolica - Acer pseudosieboldianum, Quercus mongolica - Lindera obtusiloba, Quercus mongolica - Acer mandshuricum, and Quercus mongolica - Carpinus cordata communities. Quercus mongolica - Abies nephorolepis community had the most shallow depth of A horizon(5cm) among communities, and root penetration was mainly from 0 to 10cm soil depth, and they had a dry soil moisture condition. Depth of A horizon of Quercus mongolica - Lindera obtusiloba and Quercus mongolica - Acer mandshuricum communities was about 20cm, and root penetration was mainly from 0 to 20cm soil depth, and they had a slightly dry soil moisture condition. Quercus mongolica - Acer mandshuricum, and Quercus mongolica -Carpinus cordata communities had the deepest depth of A horizon(35cm) and root was well developed over 45cm, and they had a moderately-slight dry soil condition. The soil organic matter, total N, exchangeable Ca, Mg and K concentration and CEC was the greatest in Quercus mongolica-Acer mandshuricum community and Quercus mongolica-Carpinus cordata community among communities. Quercus mongolica - Abies nephyolepis community had the smallest soil organic matter, total N, and CEC among communities. There were large differences among Quercus mongolica communities by soil properties and the result may be due to different habitat positions in the landscape among communities.

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Ecological Characteristics of Fraxinus chiisanensis Nakai, an Endemic Plant of Korea (한국 특산식물 물들메나무의 생태적 특성)

  • Jeong-Seok Park;Shin-Young Kwon;Ju-hee Lee;Ji-Eun Byun;So-dam Kim;Seok-Min Yun;Ji-Young Jung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.375-387
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the ecological characteristics of Fraxinus chiisanensis Nakai, one of the endemic and rare plant species in Korea, based on its distribution status, characteristics of the growth environment, and species composition. A vegetation survey that analyzed the correlation between species distribution patterns and environmental variables, along with the traits of the emergent plant species, was performed according to the explanation of environmental growth conditions and phytosociological method for the location where F. chiisanensis is found. A total of 19 dominant locations and 9 non-dominant locations of F. chiisanensis were observed in 28 study sites in 12 regions, and a total of 155 taxa were observed. According to the vegetation climate of Korea, the growth environment of the study site where F. chiisanensis is located is characterized as cold and is primarily situated within the northern temperate deciduous broadleaf forest zone. The average elevation was 859m above sea level, with an average rock exposure of 60.4%, soil exposure of 24.7%, and an average slope of 18.7°. The taxa belonging to the top P-NCD(Percentage of Net Contribution Degree) among the emergent species were mostly designated as the taxa emerging in valley vegetation. The correlation analysis of environmental variables revealed that altitude had the strongest correlation, with rock exposure showing the second highest correlation. The ongoing dynamics of the F. chiisanensis forest are anticipated to persist due to the high P-NCD values exhibited by the F. chiisanensis within the shrub and herbaceous layers among the taxa associated with tree species. Most F. chiisanensis habitats are currently situated within protected regions such as national parks, provincial parks, and county parks, where there are relatively minimal human-induced disturbances. However, there is potential for damage in areas not designated as protected, such as forest tending operation sites or new hiking trails. Concerns about declining habitat quality have prompted suggestions for management strategies such as establishing Forest Genetic Resource Reserves in these locations. In addition, follow-up and further research should be conducted to identify possible sites for distribution and establish candidate conservation areas based on various environmental conditions of F. chiisanensis.

Spring Phonology of a Grapevine Cultivar under the Changing Climate in Korea during 1921-2000 (겨울기온 상승에 따른 낙엽과수의 휴면생태 변화)

  • Jung Jea-Eun;Seo Hee-Cheol;Chung U-Ran;Yun Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2006
  • Remarkable winter season warming has been observed in East Asian countries during the last century. Accordingly, significant effects on dormancy and the resulting budburst of deciduous trees are expected. However phenological observations are rare and insufficient compared with the long-time climate records in the same region. A chill-day accumulation, which can be estimated from daily maximum and minimum temperature, is expected to make a reasonable proxy for dormancy depth of temperate zone fruit trees. To simulate dormancy depth during 1921-2004, a chill-day model parameterized for 'Campbell Early' grapevine, which is the major cultivar grown virtually anywhere in South Korea, was applied to daily temperature data at 8 locations in South Korea. The calculations showed that the chilling requirement for breaking endo-dormancy of this grapevine cultivar can be satisfied by mid-January to late February in South Korea, and the date was delayed going either northward or southward from the 'Daegu-Jeonju' line crossing the middle of South Korea in the east-west direction. Maximum length of the cold tolerant period (the number of days between endo-dormancy release and forced dormancy release) showed the same spatial pattern. When we divide the 83 years into 3 periods (I: 1921-1950, II: 1951-1980, and III: 1981-2004) and get the average of each period, dormancy release date of period III was accelerated by as much as 15 days compared with that of period I at all locations except Jeju (located in the southernmost island with subtropical climate) where an average15-day delay was predicted. The cold- tolerant period was also shortened at 6 out of 8 locations. As a result, budburst of 'Campbell Early' in spring was accelerated by 6 to 10 days at most locations, while inter-annual variation in budburst dates was increased at all locations. The earlier budburst after the 1970s was due to (1) warming in winter resulting in earlier dormancy release (Incheon, Mokpo, Gangneung, and Jeonju), (2) warming in early spring accelerating regrowth after breaking dormancy (Busan and Jeju), and (3) both of them (Seoul and Daegu).

Planting Method of Buffer Green Space in the Reclaimed Seaside Areas, Rokko Island, Kobe, Japan (일본 고베시(신호시(神戶市)) 로코(육갑(六甲))아일랜드 임해매립지의 완충녹지 식재기법 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Yup;Choi, Jin-Woo;Cho, Yong-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to suggest the basic data of planting method for construction of buffer green space based on the land use in case of reclaimed land by analyzing land structure, planting concept, and planting structure in buffer green space, Rokko Island, Kobe, Japan. Rokko Island(total area: 580ha) is divided into port and logistics industry area and urban area by constructing the box type large-scale buffer green space. The land structure of buffer green space were biased mounding type, parallel mounding type, and complex mounding type. The width of buffer green space was 50meters in case of northern area, from 28 to 32meters in case of eastern area, and 37.5meters in case of western area, and the slope of that was from 18 to 25 degrees and the height of that was from 2 to 15meters. There were applied landscape and buffer planting concept on the sea side area of northern buffer green space, on the other hand landscape and shade planting concept on the Inner city side area of that. According to the result of planting structure analysis of northern buffer green space, the main woody species were those of deciduous-evergreen species grow in warm-temperate forest zone such as Quercus glauca, Cinnamomum camphora, Machilus thunbergii, Elaeagnus maritima. The results of maximum number of species and planting density by $100mm^2$ was that 9 species 22 individuals in canopy layer, 9 species 15 individuals in understory layer, 3 species 67 individuals in shrub layer, and 14 species 104 individuals in total. The plant coverage of northern buffer green space based on the ecological planting method was from 69 to 139% in case of canopy layer, from 26 to 38% in case of understory layer, from 6 to 7% in case of shrub layer, and from 101 to 184% in total. Index of plant crown volume of northern buffer green space based on the ecological planting method was from 1.40 to $3.12m^3/m^2$ in case of canopy layer, from 0.43 to $0.55m^3/m^2$ in case of understory layer, $0.06m^3/m^2$ in case of shrub layer, and from 1.89 to $3.73m^3/m^2$ in total.

Genesis and Classification of the Red-Yellow Soils derived from Residuum on Acidic and Intermediate Rocks -II. Songjeong series (산성암(酸性岩) 및 중성암(中性岩)의 잔적층(殘積層)에 발달(發達)한 적황색토(赤黃色土)의 생성(生成) 및 분류(分類) -제(第)II보(報) 송정통(松汀統)에 관(關)하여)

  • Um, Ki Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1973
  • The morphological, physical, and chemical properties of Sonjeong series derived from acidic crystalline rocks are presented. Also it deals with the genesis and classification of the Songjeong series. Morphologically these soils have brown to dark brown loam A horizons and yellowish red to red clay loam Bt horizons with moderate, medium subangular blocky structure and thin patchy clay cutans on the ped faces. C horizons are very deep, yellowish red to yellowish brown fine sandy loam or sandy loam with original rock structure. Physically distribution of particle size indicates that clay increases with depth up to argillic horizons but below the argillic horizons clay content decrease. The moisture holding capacity is fairly good in Songjeong soils. Chemically soil reaction is strongly to very strongly acid throughout the profile and content of organic matter is less than 1 per cent except A horizons. Cation exchange capacity ranges from 5 to 9 me/100g of soils and base saturation is less than 35 per cent throughout the profile. The natural fertility of Songjeong soils are usually low. It needs lime, organic matter, and heavy application of fertilizer for the crop land. These soils occur temperate and humid climate under coniferous, deciduous, and mixed forest vegetation. Songjeong soils are classified as Red-Yellow Soils. Characteristically Songjeong soils are similar to Red-Yellow Podzolic soils in the United States but lack of A2 horizons and are quite liket Red-Yellow Soils of the Japan. According to new classification system which is 7th approximation of USDA Songjeong soils can be classified as fine loamy, mesic family of Typic Hapludults and in the FAO/UNESCO project World Soil Map as Orthic Acrisols.

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