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Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Scanning System for Inspection of Mineshaft Using Multichannel Lidar (다중채널 Lidar를 이용한 수직갱도 조사용 3차원 형상화 장비 구현)

  • Soolo, Kim;Jong-Sung, Choi;Ho-Goon, Yoon;Sang-Wook, Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.451-463
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    • 2022
  • Whenever a mineshaft accidentally collapses, speedy risk assessment is both required and crucial. But onsite safety diagnosis by humans is reportedly difficult considering the additional risk of collapse of the unstable mineshaft. Generally, drones equipped with high-speed lidar sensors can be used for such inspection. However, the drone technology is restrictively applicable at very shallow depth, failing in mineshafts with depths of hundreds of meters because of the limit of wireless communication and turbulence inside the mineshaft. In previous study, a three-dimensional (3D) scanning system with a single channel lidar was fabricated and operated using towed cable in a mineshaft to a depth of 200 m. The rotation and pendulum movement errors of the measuring unit were compensated for by applying the data of inertial measuring unit and comparing the similarity between the scan data of the adjacent depths (Kim et al., 2020). However, the errors grew with scan depth. In this paper, a multi-channel lidar sensor to obtain a continuous cross-sectional image of the mineshaft from a winch system pulled from bottom upward. In this new approach, within overlapped region viewed by the multi-channel lidar, rotation error was compensated for by comparing the similarity between the scan data at the same depth. The fabricated system was applied to scan 0-165 m depth of the mineshaft with 180 m depth. The reconstructed image was depicted in a 3D graph for interpretation.

Replay Attack based Neutralization Method for DJI UAV Detection/Identification Systems (DJI UAV 탐지·식별 시스템 대상 재전송 공격 기반 무력화 방식)

  • Seungoh Seo;Yonggu Lee;Sehoon Lee;Seongyeol Oh;Junyoung Son
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2023
  • As drones (also known as UAV) become popular with advanced information and communication technology (ICT), they have been utilized for various fields (agriculture, architecture, and so on). However, malicious attackers with advanced drones may pose a threat to critical national infrastructures. Thus, anti-drone systems have been developed to respond to drone threats. In particular, remote identification data (R-ID)-based UAV detection and identification systems that detect and identify illegal drones with R-ID broadcasted by drones have been developed, and are widely employed worldwide. However, this R-ID-based UAV detection/identification system is vulnerable to security due to wireless broadcast characteristics. In this paper, we analyze the security vulnerabilities of DJI Aeroscope, a representative example of the R-ID-based UAV detection and identification system, and propose a replay-attack-based neutralization method using the analyzed vulnerabilities. To validate the proposed method, it is implemented as a software program, and verified against four types of attacks in real test environments. The results demonstrate that the proposed neutralization method is an effective neutralization method for R-ID-based UAV detection and identification systems.

Implementation of Acceleration Sensor-based Human activity and Fall Classification Algorithm (가속도 센서기반의 인체활동 및 낙상 분류를 위한 알고리즘 구현)

  • Hyun Park;Jun-Mo Park;Yeon-Chul, Ha
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2022
  • With the recent development of IT technology, research and interest in various biosignal measuring devices is increasing. As an aging society is in full swing, research on the elderly population using IT-related technologies is continuously developing. This study is about the development of life pattern detection and fall detection algorithm, which is one of the medical service areas for the elderly, who are rapidly developing as they enter a super-aged society. This study consisted of a system using a 3-axis accelerometer and an electrocardiogram sensor, collected data, and then analyzed the data. It was confirmed that behavioral patterns could be classified from the actual research results. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the human activity monitoring system implemented in this study, experiments were performed under various conditions, such as changes in posture and walking speed, and signal magnitude range and signal vector magnitude parameters reflecting the acceleration of gravity of the human body and the degree of human activity. was extracted. And the possibility of discrimination according to the condition of the subject was examined by these parameter values.

Study on Advisory Safety Speed Model Using Real-time Vehicular Data (실시간 차량정보를 이용한 안전권고속도 산정방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, JeongAh;Kim, HyunSuk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.5D
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    • pp.443-451
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes the methodology about advisory safety speed based on real-time vehicular data collected from highway. The proposed model is useful information to drivers by appling seamless wireless communication and being collected from ECU(Engine Control Unit) equipment in every vehicle. Furthermore, this model also permits the use of realtime sensing data like as adverse weather and road-surface data. Here, the advisory safety speed is defined "the safety speed for drivers considering the time-dependent traffic condition and road-surface state parameter at uniform section", and the advisory safety speed model is developed by considering the parameters: inter-vehicles safe stopping distance, statistical vehicle speed, and real-time road-surface data. This model is evaluated by using the simulation technique for exploring the relationships between advisory safety speed and the dependent parameters like as traffic parameters(smooth condition and traffic jam), incident parameters(no-accident and accident) and road-surface parameters(dry, wet, snow). A simulation's results based on 12 scenarios show significant relationships and trends between 3 parameters and advisory safety speed. This model suggests that the advisory safety speed has more higher than average travel speed and is changeable by changing real-time incident states and road-surface states. The purpose of the research is to prove the new safety related services which are applicable in SMART Highway as traffic and IT convergence technology.

Unsupervised Learning-Based Threat Detection System Using Radio Frequency Signal Characteristic Data (무선 주파수 신호 특성 데이터를 사용한 비지도 학습 기반의 위협 탐지 시스템)

  • Dae-kyeong Park;Woo-jin Lee;Byeong-jin Kim;Jae-yeon Lee
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2024
  • Currently, the 4th Industrial Revolution, like other revolutions, is bringing great change and new life to humanity, and in particular, the demand for and use of drones, which can be applied by combining various technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and information and communications technology, is increasing. Recently, it has been widely used to carry out dangerous military operations and missions, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and North Korea's reconnaissance against South Korea, and as the demand for and use of drones increases, concerns about the safety and security of drones are growing. Currently, a variety of research is being conducted, such as detection of wireless communication abnormalities and sensor data abnormalities related to drones, but research on real-time detection of threats using radio frequency characteristic data is insufficient. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct a study to determine whether the characteristic data is normal or abnormal signal data by collecting radio frequency signal characteristic data generated while the drone communicates with the ground control system while performing a mission in a HITL(Hardware In The Loop) simulation environment similar to the real environment. proceeded. In addition, we propose an unsupervised learning-based threat detection system and optimal threshold that can detect threat signals in real time while a drone is performing a mission.

Evaluation of the Curvature Reliability of Polymer Flexible Meta Electronic Devices based on Variations of the Electrical Properties (전기적 특성 변화를 통한 고분자 유연메타 전자소자의 곡률 안정성 평가)

  • Kwak, Ji-Youn;Jeong, Ji-Young;Ju, Jeong-A;Kwon, Ye-Pil;Kim, Si-Hoon;Choi, Doo-Sun;Je, Tae-Jin;Han, Jun Sae;Jeon, Eun-chae
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2021
  • As wireless communication devices become more common, interests in how to control the electromagnetic waves generated from the devices are increasing. One of the most commonly used electromagnetic wave control materials is magnetic one, but due to the features that make the product heavy and thick when applied to the product, it is difficult to use them in curved electronic devices. Therefore, a polymer flexible meta electronic device has been presented to sort out the problem, which is thin and can have various curvatures. However, it requires an additional evaluation of curvature reliability. In this study, we developed a method to predict electromagnetic wave control characteristics through the resistance/length of the conductive ink line patterns of polymer flexible meta electronic devices, which is inversely proportional to the electromagnetic wave control characteristics. As the radius of curvature decreased, the resistance/length increased, and there was little variations with the duration times of curvature. We also found that both permanent and recoverable changes along with the removal of curvature were occurred when the curvature was applied, and that the cause of these changes was newly created vertical cracks in the conductive ink line pattern due to the tensile stress applied by applying curvature.

A Store Recommendation Procedure in Ubiquitous Market for User Privacy (U-마켓에서의 사용자 정보보호를 위한 매장 추천방법)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Chae, Kyung-Hee;Gu, Ja-Chul
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.123-145
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    • 2008
  • Recently, as the information communication technology develops, the discussion regarding the ubiquitous environment is occurring in diverse perspectives. Ubiquitous environment is an environment that could transfer data through networks regardless of the physical space, virtual space, time or location. In order to realize the ubiquitous environment, the Pervasive Sensing technology that enables the recognition of users' data without the border between physical and virtual space is required. In addition, the latest and diversified technologies such as Context-Awareness technology are necessary to construct the context around the user by sharing the data accessed through the Pervasive Sensing technology and linkage technology that is to prevent information loss through the wired, wireless networking and database. Especially, Pervasive Sensing technology is taken as an essential technology that enables user oriented services by recognizing the needs of the users even before the users inquire. There are lots of characteristics of ubiquitous environment through the technologies mentioned above such as ubiquity, abundance of data, mutuality, high information density, individualization and customization. Among them, information density directs the accessible amount and quality of the information and it is stored in bulk with ensured quality through Pervasive Sensing technology. Using this, in the companies, the personalized contents(or information) providing became possible for a target customer. Most of all, there are an increasing number of researches with respect to recommender systems that provide what customers need even when the customers do not explicitly ask something for their needs. Recommender systems are well renowned for its affirmative effect that enlarges the selling opportunities and reduces the searching cost of customers since it finds and provides information according to the customers' traits and preference in advance, in a commerce environment. Recommender systems have proved its usability through several methodologies and experiments conducted upon many different fields from the mid-1990s. Most of the researches related with the recommender systems until now take the products or information of internet or mobile context as its object, but there is not enough research concerned with recommending adequate store to customers in a ubiquitous environment. It is possible to track customers' behaviors in a ubiquitous environment, the same way it is implemented in an online market space even when customers are purchasing in an offline marketplace. Unlike existing internet space, in ubiquitous environment, the interest toward the stores is increasing that provides information according to the traffic line of the customers. In other words, the same product can be purchased in several different stores and the preferred store can be different from the customers by personal preference such as traffic line between stores, location, atmosphere, quality, and price. Krulwich(1997) has developed Lifestyle Finder which recommends a product and a store by using the demographical information and purchasing information generated in the internet commerce. Also, Fano(1998) has created a Shopper's Eye which is an information proving system. The information regarding the closest store from the customers' present location is shown when the customer has sent a to-buy list, Sadeh(2003) developed MyCampus that recommends appropriate information and a store in accordance with the schedule saved in a customers' mobile. Moreover, Keegan and O'Hare(2004) came up with EasiShop that provides the suitable tore information including price, after service, and accessibility after analyzing the to-buy list and the current location of customers. However, Krulwich(1997) does not indicate the characteristics of physical space based on the online commerce context and Keegan and O'Hare(2004) only provides information about store related to a product, while Fano(1998) does not fully consider the relationship between the preference toward the stores and the store itself. The most recent research by Sedah(2003), experimented on campus by suggesting recommender systems that reflect situation and preference information besides the characteristics of the physical space. Yet, there is a potential problem since the researches are based on location and preference information of customers which is connected to the invasion of privacy. The primary beginning point of controversy is an invasion of privacy and individual information in a ubiquitous environment according to researches conducted by Al-Muhtadi(2002), Beresford and Stajano(2003), and Ren(2006). Additionally, individuals want to be left anonymous to protect their own personal information, mentioned in Srivastava(2000). Therefore, in this paper, we suggest a methodology to recommend stores in U-market on the basis of ubiquitous environment not using personal information in order to protect individual information and privacy. The main idea behind our suggested methodology is based on Feature Matrices model (FM model, Shahabi and Banaei-Kashani, 2003) that uses clusters of customers' similar transaction data, which is similar to the Collaborative Filtering. However unlike Collaborative Filtering, this methodology overcomes the problems of personal information and privacy since it is not aware of the customer, exactly who they are, The methodology is compared with single trait model(vector model) such as visitor logs, while looking at the actual improvements of the recommendation when the context information is used. It is not easy to find real U-market data, so we experimented with factual data from a real department store with context information. The recommendation procedure of U-market proposed in this paper is divided into four major phases. First phase is collecting and preprocessing data for analysis of shopping patterns of customers. The traits of shopping patterns are expressed as feature matrices of N dimension. On second phase, the similar shopping patterns are grouped into clusters and the representative pattern of each cluster is derived. The distance between shopping patterns is calculated by Projected Pure Euclidean Distance (Shahabi and Banaei-Kashani, 2003). Third phase finds a representative pattern that is similar to a target customer, and at the same time, the shopping information of the customer is traced and saved dynamically. Fourth, the next store is recommended based on the physical distance between stores of representative patterns and the present location of target customer. In this research, we have evaluated the accuracy of recommendation method based on a factual data derived from a department store. There are technological difficulties of tracking on a real-time basis so we extracted purchasing related information and we added on context information on each transaction. As a result, recommendation based on FM model that applies purchasing and context information is more stable and accurate compared to that of vector model. Additionally, we could find more precise recommendation result as more shopping information is accumulated. Realistically, because of the limitation of ubiquitous environment realization, we were not able to reflect on all different kinds of context but more explicit analysis is expected to be attainable in the future after practical system is embodied.

A Study on the Institutional Improvement Directions of Industrial Security Programs: Focused upon Policies and Practices in the U.S. (산업보안의 제도적 발전방안 연구: 미국 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Justin Jin-Hyuk
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.197-230
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the institutional improvement directions of industrial security programs, particularly focusing upon policies and practices in the U.S., to enhance the effectiveness of industrial security programs in Korea. This study also aimed to investigate the significance of institutional and/or policy implementations in preventing economic espionage attempt. Data leakage and/or loss of trade secrets in corporations has been a scary proposition and a serious headache to both the CEOs and the CSOs(Chief Security Officers). Security professionals or practitioners have always had to deal with data leakage issues that arise from e-mail, instant messaging(IM), and other Internet communication channels. In addition, with the proliferation of wireless and mobile technology, it's now much easier than ever for loss by data breaches to occur, whether accidentally or maliciously or even by an economic espionage attempt. The researcher in this study used both a case study and a comparative research to analyze the different strategies and approaches between the U.S. and Korea in regard of implementing policies to mitigate damages by economic espionage attempts and prevent them from occurring. The researcher first examined the current policies and practices in the U.S. in terms of federal government's and agencies' approach and strategies on industrial security programs and their partnerships with private-commercial-sectors. The purpose of this paper is to explain and suggest selected findings, and a discussion of actions to be taken on implementing a proactive and tactical approach to enhance the effectiveness of industrial security programs to fight against information loss or data leaks. This study used case reviews, literatures, newspapers, articles, and Internet resources relating to the subject of this study for triangulation of data. The findings during this research are as follows. This research suggests that both the private and the governmental sector should closely cooperate in the filed of industrial security to strengthen its traditional prevention strategies and reduce opportunities of economic espionage as well. This study finally recognizes both the very importance of institutional development led by the Government in preventing economic espionage attempts and its effectiveness when properly united with effective industrial security programs.

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A 10b 25MS/s 0.8mm2 4.8mW 0.13um CMOS ADC for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting applications (DMB 응용을 위한 10b 25MS/s 0.8mm2 4.8mW 0.13um CMOS A/D 변환기)

  • Cho, Young-Jae;Kim, Yong-Woo;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.11 s.353
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2006
  • This work proposes a 10b 25MS/s 0.8mm2 4.8mW 0.13um CMOS A/D Converter (ADC) for high-performance wireless communication systems such as DVB, DAB and DMB simultaneously requiring low voltage, low power, and small area. A two-stage pipeline architecture minimizes the overall chip area and power dissipation of the proposed ADC at the target resolution and sampling rate while switched-bias power reduction techniques reduce the power consumption of analog amplifiers. A low-power sample-and-hold amplifier maintains 10b resolution for input frequencies up to 60MHz based on a single-stage amplifier and nominal CMOS sampling switches using low threshold-voltage transistors. A signal insensitive 3-D fully symmetric layout reduces the capacitor and device mismatch of a multiplying D/A converter while low-noise reference currents and voltages are implemented on chip with optional off-chip voltage references. The employed down-sampling clock signal selects the sampling rate of 25MS/s or 10MS/s with a reduced power depending on applications. The prototype ADC in a 0.13um 1P8M CMOS technology demonstrates the measured DNL and INL within 0.42LSB and 0.91LSB and shows a maximum SNDR and SFDR of 56dB and 65dB at all sampling frequencies up to 2SMS/s, respectively. The ADC with an active die area if 0.8mm2 consumes 4.8mW at 25MS/s and 2.4mW at 10MS/s at a 1.2V supply.

A Study on Establishment of the Optimum Mountain Meteorological Observation Network System for Forest Fire Prevention (산불 방지를 위한 산악기상관측시스템 구축방안)

  • Lee, Si-Young;Chung, Il-Ung;Kim, Sang-Kook
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we constructed a forest fire danger map in the Yeongdong area of Gangwon-do and Northeastern area of Gyeongsangbuk-do using a forest fire rating model and geographical information system (GIS). We investigated the appropriate positions of the automatic weather station (AWS) and a comprehensive network solution (a system including measurement, communication and data processing) for the establishment of an optimum mountain meteorological observation network system (MMONS). Also, we suggested a possible plan for combining the MMONS with unmanned monitoring camera systems and wireless relay towers operated by local governments and the Korea Forest Service for prevention of forest fire.