• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical sovereignty

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Trends in Personal Data Storage Technologies for the Data Economy (데이터 경제를 위한 개인 데이터 저장 기술 동향)

  • Jung, H.Y.;Lee, S.Y.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2022
  • Data are an essential resource for artificial intelligence-based services. It is considered a vital resource in the 4th industrial revolution era based on artificial intelligence. However, it is well-known that only a few giant platforms that provide most of the current online services tend to monopolize personal data. Therefore, some governments have started enforcing personal data protection and mobility regulations to address this problem. Additionally, there are some notable activities from a technical perspective, and Web 3.0 is one of these. Web 3.0 focuses on distributed architecture to protect people's data sovereignty. An important technical challenge of Web 3.0 is how to facilitate the personal data storage technology to provide valuable data for new data-based services while providing data for producers' sovereignty. This study reviews some currently proposed personal data storage technologies. Furthermore, we discuss the domestic countermeasures from MyData perspective, which is a typical project for data-based businesses in Korea.

The International Civil Aviation Organization and Recent Developments of Air Law in a Changing Environment (변환기(變換期)에 있어서의 국제민간항공기구(國際民間航空機構)(ICAD)와 항공법(航空法) 발전(發展)의 최근(最近) 동향(動向))

  • Choi, Wan-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.4
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 1992
  • The expansion of air transport on a global scale with ever increasing traffic densities has brought about problems that must be solved through new multilateral mechanisms. Looking to the immediate future, air transport will require new forms of international cooperation in technical and economic areas. Air transport by its very nature should have been a counterforce to nationalism. Yet, the regulatory system in civil aviation is still as firmly rooted in the principle of national sovereignty as when it was first proclaimed at t-11e Paris Convention of 1919 and reaffirmed in the Chicago Convention. Sovereignty over the airspace has remained the cornerstone of relations between states in all respects of air transport. The importance of sovereignty over air space embodied in article 1 of the Chicago Conrenton also is responsible for restricting the authority of ICAO as an intergovernmental regulatory agency. The Orgenization, for all its extensive efforts, has only limited authority. ICAO sets standards but cannot enforce them; it devises solutions but cannot impose them. To implement its rules ICAO most rely not so much on legal requirements as on the goodwill of states. It has been forty-eight years since international community set the foundations of the international system in civil aviation action. Profound political, economic and technological changes have taken place in air transport. The Chicago Convention is living proof that staes can work together to make air transport a safe mode of travel. The law governing international civil auiation is principally based on international treaties and on other regulation agreed to by governments, for the most part through the mechanism of ICAO. The role of ICAO international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with a broad range of technical matters could hardly be overestimated. The organization's ability to develop these standards and procedures, to adapt them continuously to the rapid sate of change and development of air transport, should be particularly stressed. The role of ICAO in the area of the development of multilateral conventions on international air law has been successful but to a certain degree. From the modest starting-point of the Tokyo Convention, we have seen more adequate international instruments prepared within the scope of ICAO activities, adopted: the Hague Convention of 1970 for the suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and the Montreal Convention of 1971 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation. The work of ICAO in the new domain of international law conventions concerning what has been loosely termed above as the criminal problems connected with international air transport, in particular the problem of armed aggression against aircraft, should be positively appreciated. But ICAO records in the domain of developing a uniform legal system of international carriage by air are rather disappointing. The problem of maintaining and developing the uniformity of this regulation exceeds the scope of interest and competence of governmental transport agencies. The expectations of mankind linked to it are too great to give up trying to restore the uniform legal system of international air carriage that would create proper conditions for its further growth. It appears that ICAO has, at present, a good opportunity for doing this. The hasty preparation of ICAO draft conventions should be definitely excluded. Every Preliminary draft convention ought to be sent to Governments of all member-States for consideration, So that they could in form ICAO in due time of their observation. The problom of harmonizing a uniform law of international air carriage with that of other branches of international transport should demand more and more of its attention. ICAO cooperation with other international arganization, especially these working in the field of international transport, should be strengthened. ICAO is supposed to act as a link and a mediator among, at times the conflicting interests of member States, serving the happiness and peace of all of the world. The transformation of the contemporary world of developing international relations, stimulated by steadily growing international cooperation in its various dimensions, political, economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural, continuously confronts ICAO with new task.

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Studies on Effective Management of Cabotage in Maritime Co-operation of Northeast Region (동북아물류협력에 있어 효율적 Cabotage운용에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2007
  • It is recent trend that every countries are opening their border in the name of liberalization of contemporary era. Shipping is not exceptional and it used to be said as international business. Therefore, co-operation and openness of maritime sectors between regional countries is required to utilize resources that each countries can manage. It can be done by employing their vessels in other countries' short sea area. However, there are some problems to implement this practices, here cabotage is centre of issue. Each countries do not open their sea in order to protect their national interests in sovereignty. But, it should be opened if co-operation between each countries work well and properly. To achieve true maritime co-operation, countries as Korea, China and Japan in Northeast Asia region should have understanding for the opening of cabotage. In order to make things work well, it can be done by the lessons from EU and American cases. Therefore, it should be clarified such as market scale to provide cabotage trade, employment as well as interested parties, and technical safety matters as well as environmental standards. Then cabotage matters can be smoothly resolved between three countries in Northeast Asia region.

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The Trends and Outlook of Technology Development for Oil and Gas in the Arctic (북극 석유·천연가스 자원 기술개발 현황 및 전망)

  • Lim, Jong-Se;Shin, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Ji-Su;Jin, Young-Keun
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.303-318
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    • 2014
  • The rising global demand for energy resources may lead to greater interest in the Arctic region. Since it has various resources, such as oil and gas, and large potential as a strategic location in exploration and production (E&P), there is likely to occur island sovereignty issues between the five arctic costal states and other countries. While global warming has led to the opening of the Northeast Passage and the Northwest Passage, several obstacles may impede the development of this area such as the low temperature environment, infrastructure problems in a limited area, flow assurance, environmental regulations, etc. To overcome these problems, various techniques have been applied in the exploration, development, production, transportation, and environment fields and it seems to be made technical development in extreme environment. In this study, the E&P status of representative states and development technologies in the Arctic region have been summarized with regard to carrying out E&P related to drilling, development, production, and operation in oil and gas fields. Furthermore, environmental factors have been taken into account to enhance progress with regard to E&P and ensure sustainable development in the Arctic. On that basis, it will be possible to secure oil and gas field development, production technology and R&D infrastructure in the Arctic.

A Study on Legal Issues in Telecommunication and Direct Broadcasting by Uses of Artificial Satellites (정보화(情報化) 시대(時代)에서의 통신(通信) 및 방송위성이용(放送衛星利用)에 따르는 법적(法的) 문제(問題) 분석(分析)과 대응방안 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Young-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.9
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    • pp.445-488
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    • 1997
  • In the forthcoming 21st century new technical and scientific developments in outer space demands new approaches towards the problems arising in several fields of the use and exploitation of outer space including practical applications. The main purposes of this study are to analyze the legal problems of geostationary orbital position, telecommunication, direct television broadcasting by uses of artificial satellites. Communication via artificial Earth satellites was one of the first applications of space technology and is now one of the most developed field. From the technical and economic standpoints the advantages of world-wide satellites communication system are too all obvious. However, as the practical uses of space technology become more freguent, the legal conflicts among nations have become more divisive. One of the problem grown in uses of artificial satellites is that of the increasing shortage of suitable orbital slot positions for satellites, especially in geostationary orbit. Legal status of geostationary orbit as a limited resourece have to be reviewed in consideration of the side effect of the "First use, first-served" principle. The geostationary orbit is to be used for the benifits of all mankind and to be guaranteed for each state institutionaly in order to have eguitable access to the use of the orbit. Rapid increase of satellites broadcasting system in not only developed countries but also in developing countries opened up new possibilities with one another's scientific and cultural achievements. But there is also a potential danger that this powerful new instrument of influencing public opinion will be abused. Such a danger incudes spill-over or harmful interference. This controversial issue brings about the question whether prior consent from the receiver nation is needed to broadcast across international boundaries. Some states have rejected prior consent because it interfere with the free flow of information. Many other countries have opposed that opinion as an invasion and violation of sovereignty and as a violation of the 1967 Treaty and the UN Charter. Since declaration of the First Year of Outer Space in 1985, our country have promoted the plan of launching communication and broadcasting satellites. With the Koreasat launched in 1995 as the start, a real satellite-telecommunication era was opened in korea. According to this new development of our country, there will also rise various legal problems related to satellite broadcasting and telecommunication such as the inflow of foreign programs, the permeation of culture and the infringement of program copyright. Consequently the effective reactions to these problems in satellite-communication era should be tried including international cooperation. It is therefore to take into careful consideration the legal issues which may arise in outer space activities and to formulate positive policy on international cooperation with surrounding or advanced countries and international organization concerned. For this purpose the United Nations also prepares the UNISPACE III in 1999, to enable the international community to meet a more promising 21st century.

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The Settlement of Conflict in International Space Activities (우주활동에 있어서 분쟁의 해결과 예방)

  • Lee, Young-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.159-203
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    • 2010
  • Together with the development of space science outer space law has become one of the most rapidly developing branches of international law. This reflects a general realization that these new activities must be subject to reasonable legal regulation if they are to serve the peaceful purposes of mankind without undue confusion and disorder. The exploration and use of outer space introduces many novel opportunities and dilemmas, and inspired insights are needed in the development of this new resource. In particular, the settlement of space law disputes is a relatively new discussion in international law. However, the significance of the settlement of space law disputes was acknowledged in various colloquia organized by legal academicians and practitioners around the world. Analysis of the dispute settlement provisions in space agreements plainly reveals the degree to which States persist to be mistrustful of any impingement to their sovereignty. They are reluctant to submit disputes to adjudication and binding arbitration, particularly when these provisions are negotiated between States which have dissimilar political, economic and social interests and demography. However, there is a slow but clear shift in this attitude as States realize the contemporary political, economic and technical pressures necessitating the lifting of the veil of State sovereignty. The development of an effective mechanism for the settlement of disputes arising in relation to the development of the exploration and exploitation of outer space has been the subject of global study by highly qualified publicists and international institutions. The 1972 Liability Convention is the space treaty with the most elaborate provisions for dispute settlement. However, it fails to ensure binding decisions. In this point, the 1998 Taipei Final Draft Convention may be a useful instrument for further consideration on whether an independent sectorialized dispute settlement mechanism should be established. Considering these circumstances it seemed essential to take legislative action to implement a system as comprehensive as the relevant legal framework are in the Law of the Sea and International Criminal Law mechanisms for dispute settlement and conflict avoidance from outer space activities.

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A study on Korea's defense export expansion strategy - Focusing on Korea-Poland Defense Export Case - (한국의 방산수출 확대 전략 연구 - 한·폴란드 방산수출 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Geum-Ryul Kim
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2023
  • Since the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, European countries have cut defense costs and reduced armaments as an era of peace without large-scale wars continues, and as a result, the West's defense industry base has gradually weakened. On the other hand, South Korea, the world's only divided country, was able to achieve high growth in the defense industry as a result of continuous arms strengthening in the face of North Korea's nuclear and missile threats. With the rapid increase in demand for conventional weapons systems and changes in the structure of the global defense market due to the Russia-Ukraine war, Korea's weapons system drew great attention as a large-scale defense export contract with Poland was signed in 2022. In 2023, K-Defense ranked ninth in the world's arms exports and aims to become the world's fourth-largest defense exporter by 2027. Therefore, this study analyzed the case of Korea-Poland defense exports to derive problems, and presented development strategies related to export revitalization of K-Defense, a national strategic industry. In order for the defense industry to become Korea's next growth engine, it is necessary to establish a defense organization, prepare government-level measures to protect defense industry technology, and expand military and security cooperation with allies linked to defense exports.