• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical high school

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Analysis of Fluid Flows in a High Rate Spiral Clarifier and the Evaluation of Field Applicability for Improvement of Water Quality (고속 선회류 침전 장치의 유동 해석 및 수질 개선을 위한 현장 적용 가능성 평가)

  • Kim, Jin Han;Jun, Se Jin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the High Rate Spiral Clarifier(HRSC) availability for the improvement of polluted retention pond water quality. A lab scale and a pilot scale test was performed for this. The fluid flow patterns in a HRSC were studied using Fluent which is one of the computational fluid dynamic(CFD) programs, with inlet velocity and inlet diameter, length of body($L_B$) and length of lower cone(Lc), angle and gap between the inverted sloping cone, the lower exit hole installed or not installed. A pilot scale experimental apparatus was made on the basis of the results from the fluid flow analysis and lab scale test, then a field test was executed for the retention pond. In the study of inside fluid flow for the experimental apparatus, we found out that the inlet velocity had a greater effect on forming spiral flow than inlet flow rate and inlet diameter. There was no observable effect on forming spiral flow LB in the range of 1.2 to $1.6D_B$(body diameter) and Lc in the range of 0.35 to $0.5L_B$, but decreased the spiral flow with a high ratio of $L_B/D_B$ 2.0, $Lc/L_B$ 0.75. As increased the angle of the inverted sloping cone, velocity gradually dropped and evenly distributed in the inverted sloping cone. The better condition was a 10cm distance of the inverted sloping cone compared to 20cm to prevent turbulent flow. The condition that excludes the lower exit hole was better to prevent channeling and to distribute effluent flow rate evenly. From the pilot scale field test it was confirmed that particulate matters were effectively removed, therefore, this apparatus could be used for one of the plans to improve water quality for a large water body such as retention ponds.

Strategy for Store Management Using SOM Based on RFM (RFM 기반 SOM을 이용한 매장관리 전략 도출)

  • Jeong, Yoon Jeong;Choi, Il Young;Kim, Jae Kyeong;Choi, Ju Choel
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2015
  • Depending on the change in consumer's consumption pattern, existing retail shop has evolved in hypermarket or convenience store offering grocery and daily products mostly. Therefore, it is important to maintain the inventory levels and proper product configuration for effectively utilize the limited space in the retail store and increasing sales. Accordingly, this study proposed proper product configuration and inventory level strategy based on RFM(Recency, Frequency, Monetary) model and SOM(self-organizing map) for manage the retail shop effectively. RFM model is analytic model to analyze customer behaviors based on the past customer's buying activities. And it can differentiates important customers from large data by three variables. R represents recency, which refers to the last purchase of commodities. The latest consuming customer has bigger R. F represents frequency, which refers to the number of transactions in a particular period and M represents monetary, which refers to consumption money amount in a particular period. Thus, RFM method has been known to be a very effective model for customer segmentation. In this study, using a normalized value of the RFM variables, SOM cluster analysis was performed. SOM is regarded as one of the most distinguished artificial neural network models in the unsupervised learning tool space. It is a popular tool for clustering and visualization of high dimensional data in such a way that similar items are grouped spatially close to one another. In particular, it has been successfully applied in various technical fields for finding patterns. In our research, the procedure tries to find sales patterns by analyzing product sales records with Recency, Frequency and Monetary values. And to suggest a business strategy, we conduct the decision tree based on SOM results. To validate the proposed procedure in this study, we adopted the M-mart data collected between 2014.01.01~2014.12.31. Each product get the value of R, F, M, and they are clustered by 9 using SOM. And we also performed three tests using the weekday data, weekend data, whole data in order to analyze the sales pattern change. In order to propose the strategy of each cluster, we examine the criteria of product clustering. The clusters through the SOM can be explained by the characteristics of these clusters of decision trees. As a result, we can suggest the inventory management strategy of each 9 clusters through the suggested procedures of the study. The highest of all three value(R, F, M) cluster's products need to have high level of the inventory as well as to be disposed in a place where it can be increasing customer's path. In contrast, the lowest of all three value(R, F, M) cluster's products need to have low level of inventory as well as to be disposed in a place where visibility is low. The highest R value cluster's products is usually new releases products, and need to be placed on the front of the store. And, manager should decrease inventory levels gradually in the highest F value cluster's products purchased in the past. Because, we assume that cluster has lower R value and the M value than the average value of good. And it can be deduced that product are sold poorly in recent days and total sales also will be lower than the frequency. The procedure presented in this study is expected to contribute to raising the profitability of the retail store. The paper is organized as follows. The second chapter briefly reviews the literature related to this study. The third chapter suggests procedures for research proposals, and the fourth chapter applied suggested procedure using the actual product sales data. Finally, the fifth chapter described the conclusion of the study and further research.

A Study on the Development Trend of Artificial Intelligence Using Text Mining Technique: Focused on Open Source Software Projects on Github (텍스트 마이닝 기법을 활용한 인공지능 기술개발 동향 분석 연구: 깃허브 상의 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트를 대상으로)

  • Chong, JiSeon;Kim, Dongsung;Lee, Hong Joo;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2019
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the main driving forces leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The technologies associated with AI have already shown superior abilities that are equal to or better than people in many fields including image and speech recognition. Particularly, many efforts have been actively given to identify the current technology trends and analyze development directions of it, because AI technologies can be utilized in a wide range of fields including medical, financial, manufacturing, service, and education fields. Major platforms that can develop complex AI algorithms for learning, reasoning, and recognition have been open to the public as open source projects. As a result, technologies and services that utilize them have increased rapidly. It has been confirmed as one of the major reasons for the fast development of AI technologies. Additionally, the spread of the technology is greatly in debt to open source software, developed by major global companies, supporting natural language recognition, speech recognition, and image recognition. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the practical trend of AI technology development by analyzing OSS projects associated with AI, which have been developed by the online collaboration of many parties. This study searched and collected a list of major projects related to AI, which were generated from 2000 to July 2018 on Github. This study confirmed the development trends of major technologies in detail by applying text mining technique targeting topic information, which indicates the characteristics of the collected projects and technical fields. The results of the analysis showed that the number of software development projects by year was less than 100 projects per year until 2013. However, it increased to 229 projects in 2014 and 597 projects in 2015. Particularly, the number of open source projects related to AI increased rapidly in 2016 (2,559 OSS projects). It was confirmed that the number of projects initiated in 2017 was 14,213, which is almost four-folds of the number of total projects generated from 2009 to 2016 (3,555 projects). The number of projects initiated from Jan to Jul 2018 was 8,737. The development trend of AI-related technologies was evaluated by dividing the study period into three phases. The appearance frequency of topics indicate the technology trends of AI-related OSS projects. The results showed that the natural language processing technology has continued to be at the top in all years. It implied that OSS had been developed continuously. Until 2015, Python, C ++, and Java, programming languages, were listed as the top ten frequently appeared topics. However, after 2016, programming languages other than Python disappeared from the top ten topics. Instead of them, platforms supporting the development of AI algorithms, such as TensorFlow and Keras, are showing high appearance frequency. Additionally, reinforcement learning algorithms and convolutional neural networks, which have been used in various fields, were frequently appeared topics. The results of topic network analysis showed that the most important topics of degree centrality were similar to those of appearance frequency. The main difference was that visualization and medical imaging topics were found at the top of the list, although they were not in the top of the list from 2009 to 2012. The results indicated that OSS was developed in the medical field in order to utilize the AI technology. Moreover, although the computer vision was in the top 10 of the appearance frequency list from 2013 to 2015, they were not in the top 10 of the degree centrality. The topics at the top of the degree centrality list were similar to those at the top of the appearance frequency list. It was found that the ranks of the composite neural network and reinforcement learning were changed slightly. The trend of technology development was examined using the appearance frequency of topics and degree centrality. The results showed that machine learning revealed the highest frequency and the highest degree centrality in all years. Moreover, it is noteworthy that, although the deep learning topic showed a low frequency and a low degree centrality between 2009 and 2012, their ranks abruptly increased between 2013 and 2015. It was confirmed that in recent years both technologies had high appearance frequency and degree centrality. TensorFlow first appeared during the phase of 2013-2015, and the appearance frequency and degree centrality of it soared between 2016 and 2018 to be at the top of the lists after deep learning, python. Computer vision and reinforcement learning did not show an abrupt increase or decrease, and they had relatively low appearance frequency and degree centrality compared with the above-mentioned topics. Based on these analysis results, it is possible to identify the fields in which AI technologies are actively developed. The results of this study can be used as a baseline dataset for more empirical analysis on future technology trends that can be converged.

Structural features and Diffusion Patterns of Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence using Social Network analysis (인공지능 기술에 관한 가트너 하이프사이클의 네트워크 집단구조 특성 및 확산패턴에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Sunah;Kang, Juyoung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.107-129
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    • 2022
  • It is important to preempt new technology because the technology competition is getting much tougher. Stakeholders conduct exploration activities continuously for new technology preoccupancy at the right time. Gartner's Hype Cycle has significant implications for stakeholders. The Hype Cycle is a expectation graph for new technologies which is combining the technology life cycle (S-curve) with the Hype Level. Stakeholders such as R&D investor, CTO(Chef of Technology Officer) and technical personnel are very interested in Gartner's Hype Cycle for new technologies. Because high expectation for new technologies can bring opportunities to maintain investment by securing the legitimacy of R&D investment. However, contrary to the high interest of the industry, the preceding researches faced with limitations aspect of empirical method and source data(news, academic papers, search traffic, patent etc.). In this study, we focused on two research questions. The first research question was 'Is there a difference in the characteristics of the network structure at each stage of the hype cycle?'. To confirm the first research question, the structural characteristics of each stage were confirmed through the component cohesion size. The second research question is 'Is there a pattern of diffusion at each stage of the hype cycle?'. This research question was to be solved through centralization index and network density. The centralization index is a concept of variance, and a higher centralization index means that a small number of nodes are centered in the network. Concentration of a small number of nodes means a star network structure. In the network structure, the star network structure is a centralized structure and shows better diffusion performance than a decentralized network (circle structure). Because the nodes which are the center of information transfer can judge useful information and deliver it to other nodes the fastest. So we confirmed the out-degree centralization index and in-degree centralization index for each stage. For this purpose, we confirmed the structural features of the community and the expectation diffusion patterns using Social Network Serice(SNS) data in 'Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence, 2021'. Twitter data for 30 technologies (excluding four technologies) listed in 'Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence, 2021' were analyzed. Analysis was performed using R program (4.1.1 ver) and Cyram Netminer. From October 31, 2021 to November 9, 2021, 6,766 tweets were searched through the Twitter API, and converting the relationship user's tweet(Source) and user's retweets (Target). As a result, 4,124 edgelists were analyzed. As a reult of the study, we confirmed the structural features and diffusion patterns through analyze the component cohesion size and degree centralization and density. Through this study, we confirmed that the groups of each stage increased number of components as time passed and the density decreased. Also 'Innovation Trigger' which is a group interested in new technologies as a early adopter in the innovation diffusion theory had high out-degree centralization index and the others had higher in-degree centralization index than out-degree. It can be inferred that 'Innovation Trigger' group has the biggest influence, and the diffusion will gradually slow down from the subsequent groups. In this study, network analysis was conducted using social network service data unlike methods of the precedent researches. This is significant in that it provided an idea to expand the method of analysis when analyzing Gartner's hype cycle in the future. In addition, the fact that the innovation diffusion theory was applied to the Gartner's hype cycle's stage in artificial intelligence can be evaluated positively because the Gartner hype cycle has been repeatedly discussed as a theoretical weakness. Also it is expected that this study will provide a new perspective on decision-making on technology investment to stakeholdes.

A Study for Improvement of Nursing Service Administration (병원 간호행정 개선을 위한 연구)

  • 박정호
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-40
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    • 1972
  • Much has teed changed in the field of hospital administration in the It wake of the rapid development of sciences, techniques ana systematic hospital management. However, we still have a long way to go in organization, in the quality of hospital employees and hospital equipment and facilities, and in financial support in order to achieve proper hospital management. The above factors greatly effect the ability of hospitals to fulfill their obligation in patient care and nursing services. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal methods of standardization and quality nursing so as to improve present nursing services through investigations and analyses of various problems concerning nursing administration. This study has been undertaken during the six month period from October 1971 to March 1972. The 41 comprehensive hospitals have been selected iron amongst the 139 in the whole country. These have been categorized according-to the specific purposes of their establishment, such as 7 university hospitals, 18 national or public hospitals, 12 religious hospitals and 4 enterprise ones. The following conclusions have been acquired thus far from information obtained through interviews with nursing directors who are in charge of the nursing administration in each hospital, and further investigations concerning the purposes of establishment, the organization, personnel arrangements, working conditions, practices of service, and budgets of the nursing service department. 1. The nursing administration along with its activities in this country has been uncritical1y adopted from that of the developed countries. It is necessary for us to re-establish a new medical and nursing system which is adequate for our social environments through continuous study and research. 2. The survey shows that the 7 university hospitals were chiefly concerned with education, medical care and research; the 18 national or public hospitals with medical care, public health and charity work; the 2 religious hospitals with medical care, charity and missionary works; and the 4 enterprise hospitals with public health, medical care and charity works. In general, the main purposes of the hospitals were those of charity organizations in the pursuit of medical care, education and public benefits. 3. The survey shows that in general hospital facilities rate 64 per cent and medical care 60 per-cent against a 100 per cent optimum basis in accordance with the medical treatment law and approved criteria for training hospitals. In these respects, university hospitals have achieved the highest standards, followed by religious ones, enterprise ones, and national or public ones in that order. 4. The ages of nursing directors range from 30 to 50. The level of education achieved by most of the directors is that of graduation from a nursing technical high school and a three year nursing junior college; a very few have graduated from college or have taken graduate courses. 5. As for the career tenure of nurses in the hospitals: one-third of the nurses, or 38 per cent, have worked less than one year; those in the category of one year to two represent 24 pet cent. This means that a total of 62 per cent of the career nurses have been practicing their profession for less than two years. Career nurses with over 5 years experience number only 16 per cent: therefore the efficiency of nursing services has been rated very low. 6. As for the standard of education of the nurses: 62 per cent of them have taken a three year course of nursing in junior colleges, and 22 per cent in nursing technical high schools. College graduate nurses come up to only 15 per cent; and those with graduate course only 0.4 per cent. This indicates that most of the nurses are front nursing technical high schools and three year nursing junior colleges. Accordingly, it is advisable that nursing services be divided according to their functions, such as professional, technical nurses and nurse's aides. 7. The survey also shows that the purpose of nursing service administration in the hospitals has been regulated in writing in 74 per cent of the hospitals and not regulated in writing in 26 per cent of the hospitals. The general purposes of nursing are as follows: patient care, assistance in medical care and education. The main purpose of these nursing services is to establish proper operational and personnel management which focus on in-service education. 8. The nursing service departments belong to the medical departments in almost 60 per cent of the hospitals. Even though the nursing service department is formally separated, about 24 per cent of the hospitals regard it as a functional unit in the medical department. Only 5 per cent of the hospitals keep the department as a separate one. To the contrary, approximately 12 per cent of the hospitals have not established a nursing service department at all but surbodinate it to the other department. In this respect, it is required that a new hospital organization be made to acknowledge the independent function of the nursing department. In 76 per cent of the hospitals they have advisory committees under the nursing department, such as a dormitory self·regulating committee, an in-service education committee and a nursing procedure and policy committee. 9. Personnel arrangement and working conditions of nurses 1) The ratio of nurses to patients is as follows: In university hospitals, 1 to 2.9 for hospitalized patients and 1 to 4.0 for out-patients; in religious hospitals, 1 to 2.3 for hospitalized patients and 1 to 5.4 for out-patients. Grouped together this indicates that one nurse covers 2.2 hospitalized patients and 4.3 out-patients on a daily basis. The current medical treatment law stipulates that one nurse should care for 2.5 hospitalized patients or 30.0 out-patients. Therefore the statistics indicate that nursing services are being peformed with an insufficient number of nurses to cover out-patients. The current law concerns the minimum number of nurses and disregards the required number of nurses for operation rooms, recovery rooms, delivery rooms, new-born baby rooms, central supply rooms and emergency rooms. Accordingly, tile medical treatment law has been requested to be amended. 2) The ratio of doctors to nurses: In university hospitals, the ratio is 1 to 1.1; in national of public hospitals, 1 to 0.8; in religious hospitals 1 to 0.5; and in private hospitals 1 to 0.7. The average ratio is 1 to 0.8; generally the ideal ratio is 3 to 1. Since the number of doctors working in hospitals has been recently increasing, the nursing services have consequently teen overloaded, sacrificing the services to the patients. 3) The ratio of nurses to clerical staff is 1 to 0.4. However, the ideal ratio is 5 to 1, that is, 1 to 0.2. This means that clerical personnel far outnumber the nursing staff. 4) The ratio of nurses to nurse's-aides; The average 2.5 to 1 indicates that most of the nursing service are delegated to nurse's-aides owing to the shortage of registered nurses. This is the main cause of the deterioration in the quality of nursing services. It is a real problem in the guest for better nursing services that certain hospitals employ a disproportionate number of nurse's-aides in order to meet financial requirements. 5) As for the working conditions, most of hospitals employ a three-shift day with 8 hours of duty each. However, certain hospitals still use two shifts a day. 6) As for the working environment, most of the hospitals lack welfare and hygienic facilities. 7) The salary basis is the highest in the private university hospitals, with enterprise hospitals next and religious hospitals and national or public ones lowest. 8) Method of employment is made through paper screening, and further that the appointment of nurses is conditional upon the favorable opinion of the nursing directors. 9) The unemployment ratio for one year in 1971 averaged 29 per cent. The reasons for unemployment indicate that the highest is because of marriage up to 40 per cent, and next is because of overseas employment. This high unemployment ratio further causes the deterioration of efficiency in nursing services and supplementary activities. The hospital authorities concerned should take this matter into a jeep consideration in order to reduce unemployment. 10) The importance of in-service education is well recognized and established. 1% has been noted that on the-job nurses. training has been most active, with nursing directors taking charge of the orientation programs of newly employed nurses. However, it is most necessary that a comprehensive study be made of instructors, contents and methods of education with a separate section for in-service education. 10. Nursing services'activities 1) Division of services and job descriptions are urgently required. 81 per rent of the hospitals keep written regulations of services in accordance with nursing service manuals. 19 per cent of the hospitals do not keep written regulations. Most of hospitals delegate to the nursing directors or certain supervisors the power of stipulating service regulations. In 21 per cent of the total hospitals they have policy committees, standardization committees and advisory committees to proceed with the stipulation of regulations. 2) Approximately 81 per cent of the hospitals have service channels in which directors, supervisors, head nurses and staff nurses perform their appropriate services according to the service plans and make up the service reports. In approximately 19 per cent of the hospitals the staff perform their nursing services without utilizing the above channels. 3) In the performance of nursing services, a ward manual is considered the most important one to be utilized in about 32 percent of hospitals. 25 per cent of hospitals indicate they use a kardex; 17 per cent use ward-rounding, and others take advantage of work sheets or coordination with other departments through conferences. 4) In about 78 per cent of hospitals they have records which indicate the status of personnel, and in 22 per cent they have not. 5) It has been advised that morale among nurses may be increased, ensuring more efficient services, by their being able to exchange opinions and views with each other. 6) The satisfactory performance of nursing services rely on the following factors to the degree indicated: approximately 32 per cent to the systematic nursing activities and services; 27 per cent to the head nurses ability for nursing diagnosis; 22 per cent to an effective supervisory system; 16 per cent to the hospital facilities and proper supply, and 3 per cent to effective in·service education. This means that nurses, supervisors, head nurses and directors play the most important roles in the performance of nursing services. 11. About 87 per cent of the hospitals do not have separate budgets for their nursing departments, and only 13 per cent of the hospitals have separate budgets. It is recommended that the planning and execution of the nursing administration be delegated to the pertinent administrators in order to bring about improved proved performances and activities in nursing services.

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Characteristic Analysis of the Changes of Landscape Architecture Construction Costs in Time-series - Focused on the Cases of Works of Public Institution's at Capital Area - (아파트단지 조경 공사비의 공종별 경년변화 특성 분석 - 공공기관 시행의 수도권 아파트단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sang-Jin;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted for the purpose of presenting basic data for calculating a more reasonable landscaping project cost in the future through the construction cost calculation ratio of scenic planting and facilities and their time series trend analysis targeting 'J' corporation, a representative Korean public institution that creates apartment complexes. This study targeted scenic planting and the facility construction costs of 37 apartment complexes in the capital area from 2004 to 2012, using statistical analysis methods such as technical analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to analyze the characteristics of the time series change. The conclusion was drawn as follows. First, breaking down the cost of overall landscaping projects to scenic planting and facility construction, the ratio of the average cost of scenic planting to that of facility construction showed 56.1% to 43.9% from 2004 to 2012. Second, the costs of planting construction and facility construction both showed a fluctuation range of about ${\pm}3%$, implying relatively steady costs considering the inflation rate. Third, the landscape construction cost for each type of construction resulted in a fluctuation range from minimum ${\pm}3%$(exercise facility) to maximum ${\pm}5%$(packing facility), reflecting that among the landscaping projects, the facility construction costs tended to show relatively large fluctuations in accordance with the change of time series. Fourth, the comprehensive indication of the ratio of landscaping project costs by time series and landscaping construction type implies that the regional characteristics and positional condition of the apartment complexes were not reflected sufficiently. Fifth, the high level of correlation of landscaping construction types and landscaping construction elements imply that the entire construction costs were controlled through partial adjustment of cost components within the overall frame of construction cost. These results reveal the problems of standardized landscaping cost irrespective of user satisfaction or environmental traits such as the conditions of the apartment complexes.

An Empirical Study on the Effects of Seniors' Growth·Fixed Mindset and Entrepreneurial Ability on Entrepreneurial Intentions: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Entrepreneurship Efficasy (시니어의 성장·고정 마인드셋과 창업역량이 창업의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구: 창업효능감의 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Jae Yul, Lee;Tae Kwan, Ha
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.89-104
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    • 2022
  • Entrepreneurship by seniors who have accumulated skills and expertise in the industrial field is very important from a social point of view. This study aimed at seniors to find out the major start-up capabilities of seniors in an economic situation where instability factors and uncertainties are amplified due to the social structure of jobs that has changed due to COVID-19 during the 4th industrial revolution and the rapidly progressing high interest rates and global supply chain problems. The purpose of this study was to empirically verify how variables affect entrepreneurial intention. In addition, from the perspective of mindset, which is the individual psychological characteristic of pre-entrepreneurs, we tried to empirically verify whether growth mindset and fixed mindset have a significant effect on senior entrepreneurship intention. The psychological characteristics of founders were approached from the perspective of mindset, and an attempt was made to apply them to the field of entrepreneurship and to obtain practical implications. This study empirically analyzed the effects of growth mindset, fixed mindset, technical competency, network competency, and funding competency, which are components of mindset, on senior entrepreneurial intention, and verified the mediating effect of entrepreneurial efficacy. As a result of the empirical analysis, it was verified that growth mindset and technological competency had a positive (+) effect on entrepreneurial intention. In addition, it was verified that the mediating effect of entrepreneurial efficacy was significant in the influence of growth mindset and technological competency on entrepreneurial intention, and it was verified that growth mindset and technological competency are important variables in senior entrepreneurship. The study results provide the following policy implications. In order to activate senior entrepreneurship, first, to maximize the effect of founder education, programs such as customized entrepreneurship education that match the growth mindset characteristics, which are the psychological characteristics of founders, are needed. Second, it is required to expand the base of technology startups by expanding government support, such as expanding low-interest policy financing, for senior startups with technological capabilities and expertise. Third, it is necessary to provide institutional support for starting a business, such as providing a start-up program even before retirement, so that the expertise and technology accumulated by seniors can be linked to start-ups even after retirement.

Perceptions of Body Shape and Weight Control in Individuals Consuming Weight-Control or Functional Health Foods (체중조절용 조제식품과 다이어트 건강기능식품 섭취자의 체형 및 체중조절 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyo-Jin;Won, Hye-Suk;Kwak, Jin-Sook;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Kwon, O-Ran
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the general characteristics, body shape, and perceptions of weight control in individuals consuming functional health foods and weight-control foods. The survey was conducted between April 15 and June 17, 2010 among 199 (57 males and 142 females; age range, 25-45 years) in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, who experienced eating functional health foods or weight control foods during the past year (June 2009 to June 2010). The subjects were divided into a weight-control food group (89 adults) and a functional health food group (110 adults). The subjects were comprised of a high proportion of aged (average age, $34.2{\pm}5.9$ years), graduates (71.9%), and married (65.8%) individuals. In the weight control food group, gender, age, and educational background were similar and the ratios of service/technical employees, college students, and normal-weight individuals [body mass index (BMI), < 23] were high. BMI was significantly different by gender (p < 0.001), age (p < 0.01), marital status (p < 0.001), and job type (p < 0.001). Self-perceived health status showed a higher response for "in good health" in the 35-44 year old group than that in the 25-34 year old group (p < 0.05). Male group satisfaction for body shape was significantly higher than that in the female group. The main reason for going on a diet was significantly different by gender (p < 0.05) and BMI (p < 0.01). The main motives for dieting were "because I am not at an ideal weight" and "because of the social atmosphere and the attention of others " in men, but "can't wear the clothes I want" in women (p < 0.01). The most preferable product type related to the two groups was significantly different by job (p < 0.001) and BMI (p < 0.05). However, no significant differences were observed for questions about body shape perception and weight control. Consumers who had different general characteristics and used diet products perceived body shape and weight control differently. Additionally, no meaningful differences were observed when the results were categorized by product type, except job and BMI, but the distribution of consumer characteristics showed different tendencies. These results can be utilized as basic data for developing new diet products to help people control their weight more scientifically and appropriately in the future.

Eligibility Standards for Recognized Organization Personnel Responsible for Statutory Survey (정부대행검사기관 선박검사원의 자격기준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Jung, Min;Jeon, Hae-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2020
  • According to Article 77 of the Ship Safety Act and Article 97(2) of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Ministry, the Recognized Organization (RO) personnel (ship surveyors) responsible for statutory survey shall have educational qualifications and experience in a specific field or obtain a license under the National Technical Qualifications Act. However, graduates from maritime high schools and those who completed the short-term course of the Ocean Polytec did not satisfy the qualification standards for the RO personnel since they did not graduate from the departments of maritime/fisheries or shipbuilding. Major shipping countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada use the IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) regulations, and the Ship Safety Act in Japan has eliminated the qualification requirements for ship surveyors. In particular, under the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and IACS regulations, the RO personnel shall have as a minimum the following formal educational background: a degree or equivalent qualification from a tertiary institution recognized within a relevant field of engineering or physical science (minimum two years' program); or a relevant qualification from a marine or nautical institution and relevant sea-going experience as a certified ship officer; and competency in the English language commensurate with their future work. Considering that Article 17 of the Enforcement Decree on Public Officials Appointment Examinations prohibits educational restrictions and there are no educational restrictions on the qualifications of British and Japanese surveyors, if the maritime high school graduates have sufficient sea-going experience, education, and training, they could be recognized as meeting the qualification requirements. Moreover, those who completed the short-term course of the Ocean Polytec could also be recognized as meeting the qualification requirements because they are required to have at least a professional bachelor's degree (in the case of a third-class CoC (Certificate of Competancy)) and some sea-going experience after completion.

Empirical Study for the Appraisal System of Execution Capacity using Correlation Analysis (상관관계분석을 이용한 시공능력평가 제도의 실증적 고찰)

  • Jeong, Keun Chae
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2018
  • The system to appraise the execution capabilities of construction companies had been began as the Construction Contract Restriction System in 1958, was changed as the Construction Subcontract Restriction System in 1961, and finally has been operated as the Appraisal and Public Announcement of Execution Capacity (APAEC) from 1996. The APAEC system has been utilized as a firm and unique tool for assessing the execution capacities of construction companies despite many problems and continuous system changes. In spite of numerous studies to improve the APAEC system, however, efforts to analyze the system from the empirical point of view were insufficient. In this study, we analyze the status of APAEC system through analyzing correlations among assessment results of the APAEC, earned values of construction works, construction management performance indexes, and macroeconomic indexes for the past 10 years from 2007 to 2016. As a result of the analysis, it was found that Appraisal Value of Execution Capacity (AVEC) is excessively inflated in engineering and landscaping areas compared to Earned Value of Construction Work (EVCW) and the correlations between the AVECs and EVECs are not high in the areas of engineering, industrial equipment, and landscaping. In addition, technical appraisal values are excessively inflated in engineering and landscaping areas and correlations between AVEC and its components are high in the areas of engineering & building, industrial equipment, and large companies, but low in the areas of engineering, building, landscaping, and small and medium companies. Finally, the concentration of the AVEC is intensifying more and more and the concentration deteriorates construction management performance indexes and macroeconomic indexes. If we continuously improve the APAEC system based on the implications derived in this study, the APAEC system will be able to maintain it's position of a firm and unique means to access the execution capacities of construction companies.