• Title/Summary/Keyword: TLD측정

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Comparison on the Dosimetry of TLD and PLD by Dose Area Product (DAP(Dose Area Product)를 이용한 TLD와 PLD의 선량 측정 비교)

  • Choi, Jae-Ho;Kang, Gu-Jun;Chang, Seo-Goo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2012
  • The results of analyzing the difference between performances of individual dosimeters on this research subjecting the PLD and TLD, which are the official personal dosimeters, through dosimetry are as follows. After scanning the integral dose using an automatic scanner, the values of two devices that went through dose adjustment process had a statistical difference in TLD and PLD measurements under each filming conditions which were 70kVp, 200mA, 0.012sec and 42kVp, 100mA, and 0.012sec (p<0.001 and p<0.001 respectively). As for the difference of measurement value between DAP and the two particles under 70kVp, 200mA, 0.012sec filming condition, TLD had a value lower than DAP average value by $44.2mGy{\cdot}cm^2$ and PLD had a value of $246.8mGy{\cdot}cm^2$ which was lower than DAP average value by $15.5mGy{\cdot}cm^2$, while under 42kVp, 100mA, 0.012sec filming condition, TLD had a value lower than DAP average value by $17.9mGy{\cdot}cm^2$ and PLD had a value of $82.6mGy{\cdot}cm^2$ which was lower than DAP average value by 7.6$mGy{\cdot}cm^2$. Also, compared to PLD, each of 10 devices measured dose value in TLD had a larger deviation between the particles, and for a reproducibility test which repeatedly measured one particle, PLD had ${\pm}1%$ which was lower than TLD's ${\pm}2%$. As such, PLD had a superior performance result in dose measurement capacities aspect compared to TLD, and therefore we could verify that PLD is more appropriate and advantageous in managing radiation-related task performing worker's personal radiation exposure management in the diagnostic radiation field.

Construction of the TLD Readout System Using the Personal Computer and Its Characteristics (PC를 이용한 TLD 판독장치의 제작과 특성조사)

  • U, Hong;Kang, Hee-Dong;Kim, Do-Sung
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 1998
  • A multipurpose TLD readout system for radiation dosimetry and thermoluminescence study is constructed and its characteristics are investigated. The thermoluminescent lights are measured by a PM tube and the current-to-frequency converter. TLDs are heated by platinum heater and the heating rate is linearly varied. Measurement of the glow curve and control of the whole system have been done by a personal computer equipped with an interface board. The automatic gain control can be done by the control software. The lower detection limit of the system is about $10\;{\mu}Gy$ and dose response is linear.

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The Effects of Metal Plate loaded on TLD chip in 6 MV Photon and 6 MeV Electron Beams (6 MV 광자선과 6 MeV 전자선 하에서 TLD 기판 위에 얹힌 금속 박막의 효과)

  • Kim, Sookil;Byungnim Min
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1999
  • There is necessity for making a smaller and more sensitive detector in small field sizes. This report assesses the suitability of metal-loaded thermoluminescent dosimeters for this purpose. Measurements were performed in the 6 MV photon and 6 MeV electron beams of a medical linear accelerator with LiF thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD-100) embedded in solid water phantom. TLD-100 chips(surface area 3.2 $\times$ 3.2 $\textrm{mm}^2$) loaded with a metal plate(Tin or gold respectively) were used to enhance dose readings to TLD-100. Surface dose was measured for field size 10 $\times$ 10 $\textrm{cm}^2$ and 100 em SSD. Measurements have been made of the enhanced signal intensity and good linearity for absorbed dose with each metal. Using a 1 mm each metal on TLD-l00 in the beam increased the surface dose to 14% and 56% respectively for 6MV photon. In the case of 6 MeV electron, gold plate enhanced the TL response to 13%, but there is no difference for tin plate. The specific dose response of TLD-100 with thin metal plate increases with electron concentration of metal film, this is most likely due to increased electron scattered from the additional material with electron density higher than TLD-100. This emphasizes the role of TL dosimeters with metal as amplified dosimeters for therapeutic high energy x-ray beams. Due to the enhanced dose reading of TLD-100 with metal plate, it could be possible to develop smaller TL dosimeter with high sensitivity.

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Relative ratio about dose value of thermoluminescence and optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter according to exposed condition in diagnostic radiation (진단방사선의 노출 조건에 따른 열형광선량계와 광자극형광 선량계의 선량값 상대비)

  • Kang, Yeonghan;Kwon, Soonmu;Kim, BooSoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.499-505
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the difference of radiation dose value through energy, exposure number, fluoroscopy time, the number of days of exposed scatter X-ray when TLD and OSLD is used in diagnostic radiology. The difference of value were measured by relative ratio and interval. Energy makes high relative ratio of TLD($1.81{\pm}0.41$) than OSLD($1.40{\pm}0.26$), exposure number makes high of OSLD($1.40{\pm}0.26$) than TLD($2.10{\pm}0.10$). There are no significant differences between relative ratio of TLD and OSLD in fluoroscopy time and the number of days of exposed scatter X-ray. But interval of relative ratio in the number of days of exposed scatter X-ray was narrowed in less 0.2. That means, the measurement of scatter X-ray could more confident in TLD and OSLD than the measurement of direct ray. In conclusion, we have to recognize the relative ratio of TLD and OSLD could be vary depending on exposed condition of radiation. And in some cases, double test of TLD and OSLD get more creditable results of dose value.

Photon Energy Dependence of the Sensitivity of LiF TLDs Loaded with Thin Material (얇은 박막을 얹은 TLD 반응감도의 광자 에너지에 대한 의존성)

  • Min Byongim J;Kim Sookil;Loh John J.K;Cho Young Kap
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.256-260
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : An investigation has been carried out on the factors which affect the response reading of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD-100) loaded with thin material in high energy Photon. The aim of the study was to assess the energy response of TLD-100 to the therapeutic ranges of photon beam. Materials and Methods : In this technique, TLD-100 (abbreviated as TLD) chips and three different thin material (Tin, Gold, and Tissue equivalent plastic plate) which mounted on the TLD chip were used in the clinical photon beam. The thickness of each metal plates was 0.1 mm and TE plastic plate was 1 mm thick. These compared with the photon energy dependence of the sensitivities of TLD (normal chip), TLD loaded with Tin or Gold plate, for the photon energy range 6 MV to 15 MV, which was of interest in radiotherapy. Results : The enhancement of surface dose in the TLD with metal plate was clearly detected. The TLD chips with a Gold plate was found to larger response by a factor of 1.83 in 10 MV photon beam with respect to normal chip. The sensitivity of TLD loaded with Tin was less than that for normal TLD and TLD loaded with Gold. The relative sensitivity of TLD loaded with metal has little energy dependence. Conclusion : The good stability and linearity with respect to monitor units of TLD loaded with metal were demonstrated by relative measurements in high energy Photon ($6\~15$ MV) beams. The TLD laminated with metals embedded system in solid water phantom is a suitable detector for relative dose measurements in a small beam size and surface dose.

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Evaluation of Ovary Dose of Childbearing age Woman with Breast cancer in Radiation therapy (가임기 여성의 방사선 치료 시 난소 선량 평가)

  • Park, Sung Jun;Lee, Yeong Cheol;Kim, Seon Myeong;Kim, Young Bum
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.33
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ovarian dose during radiation therapy for breast cancer in women of childbearing age through an experiment. The ovarian dose is evaluated by comparing and analyzing between the calculated dose in the treatment planning system according to the treatment technique and the measured dose using a thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD). The clinical usefulness of lead (Pb) apron is investigated through dose analysis according to whether or not it is used. Materials and Methods: Rando humanoid phantom was used for measurement, and wedge filter radiation therapy, 3D conformal radiation therapy, and intensity modulated radiation therapy were used as treatment techniques. A treatment plan was established so that 95% of the prescribed dose could be delivered to the right breast of the Rando humanoid phantom 3D image obtained using the CT simulator. TLD was inserted into the surface and depth of the virtual ovary of the Rando hunmanoid phantom and irradiated with radiation. The measurement location was the center of treatment and the point moved 2 cm to the opposite breast from the center of the Rando hunmanoid phantom, 5cm, 10cm, 12.5cm, 15cm, 17.5cm, 20cm from the boundary of the right breast to the center of treatment and downward, and the surface and depth of the right ovary. Measurements were made at a total of 9 central points. In the dose comparison of treatment planning systems, two wedge filter treatment techniques, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, and intensity-modulated radiation therapy were established and compared. Treatments were compared, and dose measurements according to the use of lead apron were compared and analyzed in intensity-modulated radiation therapy. The measured value was calculated by averaging three TLD values for each point and converting using the TLD calibration value, which was calculated as the point dose mean value. In order to compare the treatment plan value with the actual measured value, the absolute dose value was measured and compared at each point (%Diff). Results: At Point A, the center of treatment, a maximum of 201.7cGy was obtained in the treatment planning system, and a maximum of 200.6cGy was obtained in the TLD. In all treatment planning systems, 0cGy was calculated from Point G, which is a point 17.5cm downward from the breast interface. As a result of TLD, a maximum of 2.6cGy was obtained at Point G, and a maximum of 0.9cGy was obtained at Point J, which is the ovarian dose, and the absolute dose was 0.3%~1.3%. The difference in dose according to the use of lead aprons was from a maximum of 2.1cGy to a minimum of 0.1cGy, and the %Diff value was 0.1%~1.1%. Conclusion: In the treatment planning system, the difference in dose according to the three treatment plans did not show a significant difference from 0.85% to 2.45%. In the ovary, the difference between the Rando humanoid phantom's treatment planning system and the actual measured dose was within 0.9%, and the actual measured dose was slightly higher. This did not accurately reflect the effect of scattered radiation in the treatment planning system, and it is thought that the dose of scattered radiation and the dose taken by CBCT with TLD inserted were reflected in the actual measurement. In dosimetry according to the with or without a lead apron, when a lead apron was used, the closer the distance from the treatment range, the more effective the shielding was. Although it is not clinically appropriate for pregnancy or artificial insemination during radiotherapy, the dose irradiated to the ovaries during treatment is not expected to significantly affect the reproductive function of women of childbearing age after radiotherapy. However, since women of childbearing age have constant anxiety, it is thought that psychological stability can be promoted by presenting the data from this study.

A study on the effects of scattering dose on eyes and thyroid for panoramagraphy - Focus on TLD and PLD - (파노라마 촬영시 눈과 갑상선에 미치는 표면선량에 관한 연구 - TLD, PLD 중심으로 -)

  • Dong, Kyung-Rae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1118-1123
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    • 2009
  • Ten hospitals from the Gwangju area were used to examine shallow dose to eyes and thyroid from panoramagraphy. Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and Photoluminescent dosimeter (PLD) were used as measurement devices at each hospital. ICRP 60 and ICRP 73 set standards for acceptability for eyes at 15mSv and thyroid at 1mSv per year. Left eye measures with TLD and PLD resulted in 0.19mSv and 0.24mSv respectively. Right eye measures with TLD and PLD resulted in 0.23mSv and 0.25mSv respectively. Thyroid measures with TLD and PLD resulted in 0.08mSv and 0.25mSv respectively with both measures not exceeding standards for acceptance. There was a significant difference in comparing the left eye and thyroid for TLD and PLD (p<0.01). There was no significant difference with the right eye (p>0.05). The absorbed dose measurements for eyes and thyroid using TLD and PLD in regards to panorama devices at each hospital were within the ICRP 60 recommendations; however, with the possibility of stochastic effect, all dose levels were taken into consideration.

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Consideration of Surface Dose and Depth of Maximum Dose Using Various Detectors for High Energy X-rays (측정기에 따른 고에너지 X-선의 표면 선량 및 최대 선량 지점 고찰)

  • Lee Yong Ha;Park Kyung Ran;Lee Jong Young;Lee Ik Jae;Park Young Woo;Lee Kang Kyoo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.322-329
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: It is difficult to exactly determine the surface dose and the dose distribution In buildup region of high energy X-rays by using the conventional ion chamber. The aim of this study Is to evaluate the accuracy of widely used dosimetry systems to measure the surface dose and the depth of maximum dose (d$_{max}$). Materials and Methods: We measured the percent depth dose (PDD) from the surface to the d$_{max}$ in either a water phantom or in a solid water phantom using TLD-100 chips, thimble type ion chamber, diode detector, diamond detector and Markus parallel plate ion chamber for 6 MV and 15 MV X-rays, 10$\times$10 cm$^{2}$, at SSD=100cm. We analysed the surface dose and the d$_{max}$. In order to verify the accuracy of the TLD data, we executed the Monte Carlo simulation for 5 MV X-ray beams. Results: The surface doses In 6 MV and IS MV X-rays were 29.31% and 23.36% ior Markus parallel plate ion chamber, 37.17$\%$ and 24.01$\%$ for TLD, 34.87$\%$ and 24.06$\%$ for diamond detector, 38.13$\%$ and 27.8$\%$ for diode detector, and 47.92$\%$ and 35.01$\%$ for thimble type ion chamber, respectively. in Monte Carlo simulation for 6 MV X-rays, the surface dose was 36.22$\%$, which Is similar to the 37.17$\%$ of the TLD measurement data. The d$_{max}$ In 6 WV and 15 MV X-rays was 14$\~$16 mm and 27$\~$29 mm, respectively. There was no significant difference in the d$_{max}$ among the detectors. Conclusion: There was a remarkable difference in the surface dose among the detectors. The Markus parallel plate chamber showed the most accurate result. The surface dose of the thimble ion chamber was 10$\%$ higher than that of other detectors. We suggest that the correction should be made when the surface dose of the thimble ion chamber Is used for the treatment planning ion the supeficial tumors. All the detectors used In our study showed no difference in the d$_{max}$.

Evaluation of the Breast plan using the TLD and Mosfet for the skin dose (열형광선량계(TLD)와 MOSFET을 이용한 유방암 방사선치료계획에 대한 피부선량 평가)

  • Kim, seon myeong;Kim, young bum;Bak, sang yun;Lee, sang rok;Jeong, se young
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : The measurement of skin dose is very important that treatment of breast cancer. On account of the cold or hot dose as compared with prescription dose, it is necessary to analyse the skin dose occurring during the various plan of the breast cancer treatment. At our hospital, we want to apply various analyses using a diversity of dosimeters to the breast cancer treatment. Subjectss and Methods : In the study, the anthropomorphic phantom is used to find out the dose difference of the skin(draining site), scar and others occurring from the tangential treatment plan of breast cancer. We took computed tomography scan of the anthropomorphic phantom and made plans for the treatment planing using open and wedge, Field-in-Field, Dose fluence. Using these, we made a comparative analysis of the dose date points by using the Eclipse. For the dose comparison, we place the anthropomorphic phantom in the treatment room and compared the measurement results by using the TLD and MOSFET on the dose data points. Results : On the central point of treatment planing basis, the upward and downward skin dose measured by the MOSFET was the highest when the fluence was used. The skin dose of inner and outer was distinguished from the figure(5.7% ~ 10.3%) when the measurements were fulfilled by using TLD and MOSFET. The other side of breast dose was the lowest in the open beam, on the other hand, is highest in the Dose fluence plan. In the different kinds of treatment, the dose deviation of inner and outer was the highest, and so this was the same with the TLD and MOSFET measurement case. The outer deviation was highest in the TLD, and the Inner'was highest in the MOSFET. Conclusion : Skin dose in relation to the treatment plan was the highest in the planing using the fluence technique in general and it was supposed that the high dose had been caused by the movement of the MLC. There's some differences among the all the treatment planning, but the sites such as IM node occurring the lack of dose, scar, drain site are needed pay close attention. Using the treatment planning of dose fluence is good to compensate the lack of dose, but It increases the dose of the selective range rather than the overall dose. Therefore, choosing the radiotherapy technique is desirable in the lights of the age and performance of the patient.

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