• Title/Summary/Keyword: THIOBENCARB

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Effect of Mixed Herbicides on Phytotoxicity of Azimsulfuron in Rice and Barnyardgrass (벼와 피에 대한 Azimsulfuron의 작용성(作用性)에 미치는 혼합제초제(混合除草劑)의 영향(影響))

  • Chun, J.C.;Ma, S.Y.;Kim, S.E.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 1995
  • Effect of azimsulfuron {1-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-3-[1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl) pyrazol-5-ylsulfonl]urea} combined with eight annual herbicides on shoot and root growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.] was investigated. Annual herbicides used were four thiocarbamates (dimepiperate, molinate, esprocarb, and thiobencarb), two acetanilides (butachlor and pretilachlor), one urea (dymron), and one oxadiazole (oxadiazon) herbicide. Growth inhibition in rice shoot was greater with azimsulfuron mixed with the annual herbicides than with azimsulfuron only. The azimsulfuron mixtures did not bring about decrease in growth inhibition of rice shoot. However, safening effect in root growth of rice was obtained when dimepiperate, molinate and dymron were combined with greater than 10ppm of azimsulfuron. Greater inhibition in shoot and root growth of rice occurred with straight chain hydrocarbon substitute such as esprocarb and thiobencarb than with cyclohydrocarbon substitute such as dimepiperate and molinate. Application of the azimsulfuron mixtures resulted in increase. in growth inhibition of shoot and root growth of barnyardgrass as compared with when azimsulfuron only was applied.

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Eleocharis kuroguwai Control Systems and Their Effects on Tuber Formation in Directly Seeded Paddy Fields (벼 담수직파 논 잡초방제 체계에 따른 올방개 방제 특성)

  • Im, Il-Bin;Im, Bo-Hyeok;Park, Jea-Hyeon;Im, Min-Hyeok;Kim, Dea-Hyeon;Jang, Jeong-Han;Choi, Kyeong-Jin
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the ecology of weed occurrence and to establish an economical paddy field weed control system for direct-seeded rice on water. The main problem weed among annual and perennial weeds was Eleocharis kuroguwai. The control effect of E. kuroguwai was low by the application of azimsulfuron + carfentrazone-ethyl + pyriminobac-methyl at the early stages of rice in directly seeded paddy fields, but most annual weeds including Echinochloa crus-galli were controlled. Also, the additional application of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + thiobencarb GR at 20 days after first treatment or of bentazone SL at 43 days after the first treatment effectively controlled E. kuroguwai. Tuber formation of E. kuroguwai was inhibited by the additional application of pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + thiobencarb by 84%, but the dormancy rate of old tubers of E. kuroguwai under the soil was higher than that of E. kuroguwai tubers following single application of azimsulfuron + carfentrazone-ethyl + pyriminobac-methyl at the early stages of rice. Tuber formation was inhibited by the additional application of bentazone by approximately 87%, and the old tuber dormancy rate was low in the bentazone treatment. High amounts of old dormant tubers of E. kuroguwai were found in the weedy plots.

Effective Herbicides for Control of Sulfonylurea-Resistant Monochoria vaginalis in Paddy Field

  • Kuk, Yong-In;Kwon, Oh-Do
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 2003
  • Monochoria vaginalis is one of the most troublesome resistant weeds in Korean rice culture. Thus, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the response of M. vaginalis resistant to sulfonylurea(SU) herbicides and to determine alternative herbicides for the control of resistant M. vaginalis in direct seeded and transplanted rice culture in Korea. In greenhouse studies, the resistant biotype was 31-, 38-, 3172-, and 7-fold more resistant to ben-sulfuron-methyl, cyclosulfamuron, imazosulfuron, and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, respectively, than the susceptible biotype, indicating cross-resistance to the SU herbicides used in this study. Non-SU herbicides, butachlor, carfentrazone-ethyl, mefenacet, pretilachlor, pyrazolate, and thiobencarb, several SU herbicide-based mixtures, ethoxysulfuron plus fentrazamide, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl plus pyrazolate plus simetryn, and non-SU herbicide-based mixtures, pyrazolate plus butachlor, pyrazolate plus pretilachlor, simetryn plus molinate, carfentrazone-ethyl plus butachlor, and carfentrazone-ethyl plus thiobencarb can be used to control both the resistant and susceptible biotypes of M. vaginalis when applied before the second leaf stage. In the field experiment, the resistant biotype of M. vaginalis that survived from the paddy fields treated with a SU herbicide-based mixture could effectively be controlled by using mixtures of bentazone plus MCPA, bentazone plus mecoprop-P, and bentazone plus 2,4-D when applied at 2 or 4 main leaves. Our results suggest that the SU-resistant M. vaginalis had not developed multiple resistances to herbicides with different modes of action. In particular, bentazone plus MCPA and bentazone plus mecoprop-P were effective control measures after failure to control resistant M. vaginalis in Korean rice culture.

Specificity of Weed Competition and Herbicide Response in Barley under Foggy Condition (인공 안개처리에 따른 보리의 잡초경합양상 및 제초제반응 특이성)

  • 구자옥;이병열;국용인;한성욱
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.738-746
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    • 1995
  • Greenhouse studies were carried out to find the difference of growth, weed competition and herbicides response in barley(Hordeum vulgare L. emend Larnark) under foggy and non-foggy condition. Plant height, leaf stage, leaf width and shoot fresh weight of barley under foggy condition were greatly increased, while heading rate ripening rate and number of grains per panicle of barley were reduced. Weed emergence based on fresh weight was much greater under foggy than that under non-foggy condition. Plant height of barley under foggy condition was increased comparing with non-foggy condition and significantly reduced with increasing the duration of weed competition, while 1,000-grain weight of barley reduced by the early competition(0∼20 days). Among the herbicides treated, butachlor and thiobencarb inhibited growth of barley under foggy than non-foggy condition. Plant height of barley treated of herbicides under foggy condition was ever increased but 1,000-grain weight of barley was reduced. Weeding efficacy(75-90%) by shoot fresh weight of weeds under foggy condition at 25 days after application was lower 3 to 15% than that under non-foggy condition.

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Effective Weed Control in Direct Seeded Rice on Puddled Paddy Surface of Southern Region (남부지역 무논직파 재배 논에서 잡초 방제)

  • Park, Tae-Seon;Park, Hong-Kyu;Kang, Sin-Koo;Ku, Bon-Il;Choi, Min-Kyu;Lee, Keong-Bo;Ko, Jae-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to find the effective management of main weeds including herbicide-resistant Echinochloa oryzicola, Scirpus juncoides and Monochoria vaginalis in direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface. The dominant dominances in direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface were increased for three years between 2009-2011. In weed distribution in 2011, the occurrence density of S. juncoides decreased greatly, but it of E. oryzicola increased especially as compared with it of 2009. Benzobicyclon, mesotrione and pyrimisulfan were effective to sulfonylurea(SU)-resistant S. juncoides and M. vaginalis at 5 and 12 days after seeding, however, the efficacy of bromobutide to sulfonylurea-resistant M. vaginalis was decreased slightly at 12 days after seeding. And carfentrazon and pyrazolate were ineffective to S. juncoides. In direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface which ACCase and ALS inhibitor-resistant E. oryzicola was not occurred, benzobicyclon+penoxsulam+pyrazosulfuron-ethyl ET, bromobutide+imazosulfuron+metamifop GR, and flucetosulfuron+mesotrione+pretilachlor GR showed the control effect over 94% to main weeds included sulfonylurea-resistant S. juncoides and M. vaginalis. The E. oryzicola dominating in direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface were not any affected to the survival by treatment with recommended doses of cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam tested. The ACCase and ALS inhibitor-resistant E. oryzicola was effectively controlled by mefenacet and fentrazamide up to the 2nd leaf stage. In direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface domiating coincidentally by herbicide-resistant E. oryzicola, S. juncoides and M. vaginalis, "one-shot herbicide" included with mefenacet, fentrazamide, penoxsulam and metamifop could't be used because of low control effect or rice injury. The sequential treatment of benzobicyclon+thiobencarb SE and bensulfuron+mefenacet+thiobencarb GR controlled effectively the herbicide-resistant E. oryzicola, S. juncoides and M. vaginalis in direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface. The days required by the 3rd leaf stage of herbicide-resistant E. oryzicola, S. juncoides and M. vaginalis in direct seeded rice on puddled paddy surface seeded in May 20 shortened by 4 days as compared with it of June 10.

Effect of Seeding Depth on the Growth, Mesocotyl Elongation and Herbicidal Response of Rice and Barnyardgrass (파종심도(播種深度)에 따른 벼와 피의 생장(生長), 중경(中莖) 신장(伸長) 및 제초제반응(除草劑反應) 차이(差異))

  • Chon, Sang-Uk;Guh, Ja-Ock
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 1995
  • The effect of seeding depth on the growth, mesocotyl elongation and herbicidal response of rice(Oryza sativa L., Japonica type, cv. "Tongjin") and barnyardgrass(Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv. var orizicola Ohwi.) were studied in greenhouse experiments. Barnyardgrass growth as affected by different water depths was briefly tested. Rice and barnyardgrass were broadcast in soil into Oem, 1cm, 2cm and 3cm in seeding depth under dry direct-seeded condition. Butachlor(N-(buthoxymethyl)-2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl) acetamide) at dose rate of 1800g ai/ha and thiobencarb(S-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl] diethyl carbamothioate) at dose rate of 2100g and 4200g ai/ha were soil applied to them at 5 days after seeding. At 10 days after seeding, plants harvested to examine their growth as affected by seeding depth. Root length and shoot fresh weight of rice untreated was greatest in 1cm- and 3cm-seeding depth, respectively, however, mesocotyl did not elongate. While plant height of barnyardgrass grew regardless of seeding depth and water depth, but root length was greatest in 1cm-seeding depth of dry condition and reduced with increased water depth. And mesocotyl was elongated in only dry condition and its length increased with increased seeding depth. At 10 days after application thiobencarb applied pre-emergence inhibited plant height, and shoot fresh weight of rice in only 0cm-seeding depth under dry condition whereas was unaffected in above 1cm-seeding depth, similar to untreated control, and ever increased root length and root fresh weight of rice. On the other hand, shoot, root and leaf growth of barnyardgrass was, severely inhibited regardless of application rates and seeding depths. Reduction of shoot growth by treatment of herbicide was significantly greater than that of root growth. Consequently, reduction of barnyardgrass growth by treatment of thiobencarb did not be associated with seeding depth and mesocotyl elongation as affected by different seeding depth.

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Response of the Resistant Biotype of Echinochloa oryzoides to ACCase and ALS inhibitors, and Effect of Alternative Herbicides (ACCase 및 ALS 저해 제초제들에 대한 저항성 강피의 반응과 대체약제들의 효과)

  • Park, Tae-Seon;Ku, Bon-Il;Kang, Sin-Koo;Choi, Min-Kyu;Park, Hong-Kyu;Lee, Kyong-Bo;Ko, Jae-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2010
  • Cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam, known for respective acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) and acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor, have been widely using as a post-emergence foliar application for many years in wet-seeded rice field in Korea. Since 2009, control of Echinochloa oryzoides with cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam was no longer satisfactory. Greenhouse and experiment in rice field were conducted to confirm E. oryzoides resistance to ACCase and ALS inhibitors and to compare herbicide treatments for control of the resistant E. oryzoides to ACCase and ALS inhibitors. Three resistant E. oryzoides to ACCase and ALS inhibitors accessions were tested for levels of resistance to cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam, base on survival rate. Iksan and Kimje accessions were not any affected to the survival by treatment with recommended doses of two herbicides tested. Buan accession displayed an intermediate response of 62 and 72% survival at recommended doses of cyhalofop-butyl and penoxsulam, respectively. Survival rates to herbicides mixed with ACCase and ALS inhibitors at 3.5 leaf stage of E. oryzoides was over 80%. Benzobicyclon+fentrazamide+bensulfuron SC, benzobicyclon+mefenacet+bensulfuron SC, benzobicyclone +cafenstrole+pyrazosulfuron-ethyl GR controlled effectively by 2 leaf stage of resistant E. oryzoides to ACCase and ALS inhibitors. In the field experiment, single treatment of benzobicyclon+ fentrazamide+bensulfuron SC and benzobicyclon+mefenacet+bensulfuron SC failed to control E. oryzoides, but squential treatment of benzobicyclon+thiobencarb SE and benzobicyclon+ mefenacet+ bensulfuron SC controlled effectively it in rice infant seedling culture with machine. Our results suggest that resistant E. oryzoides to ACCase and ALS inhibitors had not developed multiple resistance to herbicides with different modes of action. In particular, cafenstrole, fentrazamide, mefenacet were effective control measures.

Effective Herbicide Application on Dry Seeded Paddy Rice (벼 건답휴립직파재배(乾畓畦立直播栽培)에서 효과적(效果的)인 제초제(除草劑) 사용법(使用法))

  • Lee, Suk-Soon;Kim, Soon-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 1991
  • Several rice herbicides were evaluated to determine the herbicidal efficacy on dry seeded paddy rice. The time of herbicide application was within 1 day after seeding(DAS), 18 DAS, and 40 DAS. Under the upland conditions 30 DAS(before permanent flooding) dominant weed species were Echinochloa sp., Digitaria sp., Leptochla sp., weedy rice and other several annual broadleaved weeds belonging to Cruciferae, but after flooding Echinochloa sp., Aeschynomene sp., Eleocharis kuroguwai, Cyperus sorotinus, Ludwigia prostrata, Aneilema japonica were dominat. Early application (1 DAS) of thiobencarb, pyrazolate/butachlor, or chlomethoxyfen/butachlor resulted in very good herbicidal efficacy only during the first 30 days, but not thereafter. Application of propanil+butachlor on 18 DAS did not control the late occurring weeds effectively. Application of bentazone/quinchlorac on 40 DAS successfully suppressed weed growth throughout the remaining rice growing season and showed similar grain yield as hand weeded plot. Weed growth reduced the plant height, panicle number, 1000-grain weight, percent ripened grains, and grain yield of rice by 7, 82, 19, 55 and 87% respectively. There was a positive linear relationship between weed weight and lodging index of rice.

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An Approach for Increasing Herbicidal Efficacy by Adding Plant Growth Regulator "Chlorflurenol" (식물생장조절제(植物生長調節劑) "Chlorflurenol"을 이용(利用)한 제초제(除草劑) 살초력(殺草力) 증대(增大) 및 사용량(使用量) 절감방법(節減方法) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, D.S.;Kim, S.C.;Kim, K.U.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 1984
  • This experiment was conducted to find out the possibility for reducing herbicidal dose of the recommended herbicides in combining with the plant growth regulator "chlorflurenol" at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station, from 1981 to 1982. Chlorflurenol itself exhibited weed suppression effect against Monochoria raginalis Presl., Rotala indica Koehne, Cyperus difformis L., Lindernia procrembens Philcox, etc. and its effect increased as the concentrations of chlorflurenol increased from 100 to 1,000 ㎖/㏊. Combination of chlorflurenol with butachlor or thiobencarb, showing synergistic effect, reduced their recommended herbicidal rates by 50 to 75%, showing 90% of weed control rate, stic but combined treatment between chlorflurenol and bentazon showed an antagonistic effect since bentazon had poor control ability to Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. An application of chlorflurenol showed no significant effect on rice growth, in terms of dry weight, but it resulted in the decrease in the ratio of leaf blade to other non-photosynthetic organ.

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Distribution of Pesticide Applied with Different Formulations and Rice Growing Stages in Paddy Fields (벼 재배환경에서 생육단계에 따른 제형별 살포농약의 분포특성)

  • Park, Byung-Jun;Park, Sang-Won;Kim, Jin-Kyoung;Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Won-Il;Kwon, Oh-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.74-81
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    • 2008
  • To elucidate the exposure of pesticide in agricultural environment and to investigate distribution of pesticide in paddy fields. This experiment was carried out to clarify pesticide distribution in paddy fields applied with different formulations and growing stages. Initial dissipation rate of applied butachlor EW and oxadiazon EC before rice planting were more than 90% within 3 days in paddy fields. The distribution of a.i. in the pesticide formulations tested depended upon the elapsed time at each growing stage of rice plant after application. Most of pesticides applied within 15 days after transplanting of rice seedlings, more than 95%, were located in the surface water and soil regardless of pesticides; butachlor, thiobencarb and molinate GR. The distribution of iprobenfos GR, tricyclazole WP and phenthoate EC, after application 2 hours in middle growing stage (46 days after rice planting) were shown as 16.1, 48.9 and 38.9% in surface water, 83.6, 15.4 and 10.7% in soil, and 0.3, 35.7 and 50.4% in rice plants of paddy fields, respectively. Also tricyclazole WP and phenthoate EC, after application 2 hours in the late rice growing stage (90 days after rice planting) were distributed to 7.8 and 9.8% in surface water, and 21.7 and 5.1% in soil, and 70.5 and 85.1% in rice plants of paddy fields, respectively.