• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sustainable

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Analysis of Polar Region-Related Topics in Domestic and Foreign Textbooks (국내외 교과서에 수록된 극지 관련 내용 분석)

  • Chung, Sueim;Choi, Haneul;Choi, Youngjin;Kang, Hyeonji;Jeon, Jooyoung;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.201-220
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this study is to increase awareness and interest regarding polar science and thereby aid in establishing the concept and future direction of polar literacy. To analyze the current status, textbooks based on the common school curriculum pertaining to polar topics were reviewed. Six countries that actively conduct polar science, namely Korea, France, Japan, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom, were chosen. Subsequently, 402 cases in 110 science and social studies (geography) textbooks of these countries were analyzed through both quantitative and qualitative methods. Based on the obtained results, the importance of polar research in geoscience education and the need for spreading awareness regarding polar research as an indicator of global environmental changes were examined. It was found that the primary polar topics described in the textbooks are polar glaciers, polar volcanism, solid geophysics, polar infrastructure, and preservation of geological resources and heritage. This demonstrates that the polar region is a field of research with important clues to Earth's past, present, and future environments and is also a good teaching subject for geological education. However, an educational approach is needed for systematically laying emphasis on polar research. The implications of this study are manifold, such as the establishment of a cooperative system between polar scientists and educators, extraction of core concepts for polar literacy and content reconstruction, discovery of new polar topics associated with the curriculum, diversification of forms of presentation in textbooks, and development of an affective image that is based on correct cognitive understanding. Furthermore, through the continuance of polar topics in textbooks, students can improve their awareness regarding polar literacy and polar science culture, which in turn will serve as the driving force for sustainable polar research in the future.

Study of major issues and trends facing ports, using big data news: From 1991 to 2020 (뉴스 빅데이터를 활용한 항만이슈 변화연구 : 1991~2020)

  • Yoon, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.159-178
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed issues and trends related to ports with 86,611 news articles for the 30 years from 1991 to 2020, using BIGKinds, a big data news analysis service. The analysis was based on keyword analysis, word cloud, relationship diagram analysis offered by BIG Kinds. Analysis results of issues and trends on ports for the last 30 years are summarized as follows. First, during Phase 1 (1991-2000), individual ports such as Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang ports tried to strengthen their own competitiveness. During Phase 2 (2001-2010), efforts were made on gaining more professional and specialized port management abilities by establishing the Busan Port Authority in 2004, the Incheon Port Authority in 2005, and the Ulsan Port Authority in 2007. During Phase 3 (2011-2020), the promotion of future-oriented, eco-friendly, and smart ports was major issues. Efforts to reduce particulate matters and pollutants produced from ports were accelerated, and an attempt to build a smart port driven by port automation and digitalization was also intensified. Lastly, in 2020, when the maritime sector was severely hit by the unexpected shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, a microscopic analysis of trends and issues in 2019 and 2020 was made to look into the impact the pandemic on the maritime industry. It was found that shipping and port industries experienced more drastic changes than ever while trying to prepare for a post-pandemic era as well as promoting future-oriented ports. This study made policy suggestions by analyzing port-related news articles and trends, and it is expected that based on the findings of this research, further studies on enhancing the competitiveness of ports and devising a sustainable development strategy will follow through a comparative analysis of port issues of different countries, thereby making further progress toward academic research on ports.

A Study on Priority Analysis of Improvements for Success Factors in Steps of Formation Process of Cooperation Network (산학협력 네트워크 형성 과정의 단계별 성공 요인에 대한 실행 개선 요구 분석 연구)

  • Ahn, Jae-Yeong;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.77-103
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    • 2017
  • The purposes of this study are 1) to analyse the importance and performance of the success factors in steps of Formation process Of Cooperation NetWork(FoCNW) of educational institutions and businesses, and 2) to draw the success factors that need improvement. To achieve these purposes a survey research was conducted with a group of 1,098 (professors, teachers and workers in charge of cooperation at universities, technical colleges, vocational high schools and businesses which are equipped with a cooperation system), and 339 questionnaires were analyzed. The major results of the study are as follows. Firstly, while cooperation workers showed high recognition on the importance of success factors in steps of FoCNW, their performance of those factors was relatively low. Secondly, both the recognition of importance and performance of success factors in steps of FoCNW was higher in educational institutions than in businesses. Thirdly, the success factors in need of improvements from both educational institutions and businesses are 'collecting outer information and consulting' and 'publicizing cooperation competency', 'setting cooperative activities (programs) and contents of agreements', 'managing cooperation quality formally', 'drawing plans for sustainable cooperation improvement' and 'diffusing cooperation network'. The success factors in need of improvements from educational institutions are 'perceiving necessity of and forming consensus on cooperation' and 'deciding and supporting the worker in charge of cooperation', and 'participating and sharing of organization members'. The success factors in need of improvements from businesses are 'deciding goals and performance strategies', 'developing mutual understanding and checking possibility of cooperation with potential partners', and 'evaluating cooperation activities and their outcomes and providing feedback' and 'adjusting contents of agreements and deciding whether to maintain cooperation'. Therefore, efforts from each partner to improve those factors and support from related organizations are necessary.

A Study on the Reconfiguration Effect of Busan Port Operator in Logistics Environment (물류환경변화에 따른 부산항 운영사 재구성효과에 관한 실증연구)

  • Park, Ho-Chul;Lee, Sung-Yhun;Ahn, Ki-Myung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.507-517
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    • 2018
  • The probability of T/S cargo volume to decrease is the most notable problem associated with inappropriate mix of terminal operators in Busan port. Other problems include, the deterioration of the national carriers' competitiveness from non-operation of own terminal, excessively high proportion of financial operators in the engagement of operation which may result in their passiveness in timely investment, additional cost burden to carriers' in the handling inter-terminal T/S cargo transportation and inefficiency in terminal operation by the multiplicity of operators proved to be same recognized as so through the analysis. Therefore, in order to provide solutions for the problems and to strengthen Busan port's competitiveness, this research suggests the restructuring of operators mix as follows. To achieve sustainable growth of T/S cargo, global carriers' participation in terminal operation should be of utmost priority. To enhance the operational efficiency, the operators should be integrated. Similarly, the integration of operators will play a key role in verifying that national carriers' own terminal operation is an important factor in raising its competence. Finally, BPA's active engagement in the entire operation of port is also critical in public-oriented operation of the port. Whereas in the interactive analysis by taking the merits of Busan port into consideraion, global carrier's participation in operation, integration of operators and BPA's engagement in operation proved to contribute to the increase of T/S cargo and strengthening of operational efficiencies of Busan port.

The Tool to Design Sustainable Business Models: A Case Study for the Social Ventures (지속가능한 비즈니스모델 설계 도구: 소셜벤처 사례를 중심으로)

  • Park, JaeWhan;Jeon, Hyejin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to seek ways of utilizing TLBMC by understanding business model of social ventures that are accompanied by social and environmental as well as economic missions. In order to achieve this, business models from economic, environmental and social perspectives will be analyzed, and we seek to enhance sustainability of social venture entrepreneurs. As the analysis tool, TLBMC(Triple Layered Business Model Canvas) expands upon the business model canvas that is widely utilized and recognizes economical terms. The TLBMC is proposed by Joyce, A., & Paquin, R. L.(2016) to help achieve a holistic view with horizontal and vertical associations. The study tries to overcome limitations of previous studies and observe a variety of economic, environmental, and social perspectives that social ventures should have with the TLBMC. As a result, it has the following implications; Firstly, creating separate social, environmental and economic business model canvas helps a business to have a holistic approach. Secondly, it was found that social venture characteristics of environmental and social perspectives were applied in practice. Lastly, we have established experience data on social venture business model. This study focuses on the opinions, the meanings and the subjective views of the participants. As a result, conclusions are drawn by the researchers ' assertions and has limitations as a research on case studies. However, this study will help people who are preparing or studying social ventures to have economic, environmental, and social perspectives. Also, redefinition of the direction and value of entrepreneurs operating social ventures, such as vision and mission, will help clarify the roles and responsibility of organizations. As a fundamental step for future empirical studies, this study could be the base for social venture business model studies.

Composting Method and Physicochemical Characteristics of By-products from Home Garden Plants and Small Herbivore Feces (옥수수 부산물과 토끼 분변의 이화학적 성분특성 및 퇴비 제조조건)

  • Kim, Dae-Gyun;Kim, Jin-Young;Lee, Won-Suk;Kim, Hye-Hyeong;Seo, Myung-Whoon;Park, In-Tae;Hyun, Junge;Yoo, Gayoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.695-703
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to suggest a sustainable farming practice forresource recycling in vegetable gardens of North Korea. In North Korea, farmers are allowed to own private vegetable gardens less than $100m^2$. However, usage of fertilizers in private vegetable gardens is very limited due to economic sanctions by UN security council. If North and South Korea initiated the cooperative action in the near future, agricultural sector would be the highest priority cooperation area. Considering the current North Korean situation in agriculture, we would like to suggest a method for producing organic fertilizer manure. For raw materials for producing manure, we selected corn byproduct, which is the most abundant material, and rabbits' feces, which are easily obtained from individual private farms in North Korea. As we cannot get corn byproducts and rabbits' feces from North Korea, we prepared samples of corn byproducts and rabbits; feces from many places in South Korea. After statistical analysis of variance, there was no significant difference in the T-N contents of corn byproducts from Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungnam, Chungbuk, Jeollabuk and Gyeongsangnam-dos, which indicates that the fertilizing quality of corn byproducts does not vary significantly in the spatial scale of South. Korea. In this sense, if we use corn samples from Gyeonggi province, they would not be very different from those of North Korean regions. Physicochemical properties of rabbits' feces were different between those eating feed grains and those eating plants only. Hence, we used rabbits' feces of the rabbits from Yeonchun area, which were fed by plants only. Using three different mixing ratios of corn byproducts and rabbits' feces, composting was conducted for 60 days. The mixing ratio of 1:1 produced the manure with % T-N of 1.98% and OM/N ratio of 31.7 after 30 days of composting, which is comparable to the quality of commercial manure.

A Preliminary Study on Domestic Embracement and Development Plan Regarding UNESCO World Heritage Programme (유네스코 세계유산 제도의 우리나라 문화재 정책에의 수용과 발전방안에 대한 시론적 연구)

  • Kang, Kyung Hwan;Kim, Chung Dong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.56-85
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    • 2010
  • UNESCO World Heritage Programme was introduced following the adoption of Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972 in order to protect cultural and natural heritage with superb value for all mankind. Despite its short history of less than 40 years, it has been evaluated as one of the most successful of the cultural area projects of UNESCO with 890 world heritage registered worldwide. For systematic protection management of World Heritage, UNESCO, through systemization of registration, emphasis on the importance of preservation management plan, institutionalization of monitoring, and operation of World Heritage Fund, has utilized World Heritage Programme not just as a means of listing excellent cultural properties, but as a preservation planning tool, and accordingly, such policies have had a significant influence on the cultural heritage protection legislations of numerous nations. Korea has ratified World Heritage Convention in 1988, and with the registration of the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty in 2009, it has 9 World Heritage Sites. Twenty years have passed since Korea joined the World Heritage Programme. While World Heritage registration contributed to publicity of the uniqueness and excellence of Korean cultural properties and improvement of Korea's national culture status, it is now time to devise various legislative/systematic improvement means to reconsider the World Heritage registration strategy and establish a systematic preservation management system. While up until now, the Cultural Properties Protection Law has been amended to arrange for basic rules regarding registration and protection of World Heritage Sites, and some local governments have founded bodies exclusive for World Heritage Site management, a more fundamental and macroscopic plan for World Heritage policy improvement must be sought. Projects and programs in each area for reinforcement of World Heritage policy capacity such as: 1) Enactment of a special law for World Heritage Site preservation management; 2) enactment of ordinances for protection of World Heritage Sites per each local government; 3) reinforcement of policies and management functionality of Cultural Heritage Administration and local governments; 4) dramatic increase in the finances of World Heritage Site protection; 5) requirement to establish plan for World Heritage Site preservation protection; 6) increased support for utilization of World Heritage Sites; 7) substantiation and diversification of World Heritage registration; 8) sharing of information and experiences of World Heritage Sites management among local governments; 9) installation of World Heritage Sites integral archive; 10) revitalization of citizen cooperation and resident participation; 11) training specialized resources for World Heritage Sites protection; 12) revitalization of sustainable World Heritage Sites tourism, must be selected and promoted systematically. Regarding how World Heritage Programme should be domestically accepted and developed, the methods for systemization, scientific approach, and specialization of World Heritage policies were suggested per type. In the future, in-depth and specialized researches and studies should follow.

Seasonal phytoplankton dynamics in oligotriphic offshore water of Dokdo, 2018 (2018년 독도 주변 빈영양 수괴에서 계절별 식물플랑크톤 동태)

  • Lee, Minji;Kim, Yun-Bae;Kang, Jung Hoon;Park, Chan Hong;Baek, Seung Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2019
  • To investigate the characteristics of seasonal environment and phytoplankton community structure in the coastal area of Dokdo, a survey of Dokdo around waters was conducted during the four seasons. Phytoplankton of 4 phylum 72 species in four seasons were collected in Dokdo around water. The seasonal mean abundance of phytoplankton were $3.32{\times}10^4cells\;L^{-1}$ in winter, $1.04{\times}10^4cells\;L^{-1}$ in spring, $0.28{\times}10^4cells\;L^{-1}$ in summer, and $4.86{\times}10^4cells\;L^{-1}$ in autumn in Dokdo around water. During winter, the diatoms Chaetoceros spp. had dominated. During spring, when the nutrients in the euphotic layer were depleted, the nano-flagellates and Cryptomonas appeared at surface layer. In summer, the abundance of phytoplankton was relatively low, which lead to occurrence of diatoms such as genus of Chaetoceros, Rhizosolenia, and Skeletonema. In autumn, Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was the most dominant species and tropical species such as Amphisolenia sp. and Ornithocercus magnificus were observed, implying that they may have introduced within warm water current such as Kurosiwo Current. Therefore, although natural phytoplankton communities in the vicinity water of Dokdo are mainly influenced by Tsushima Warm Current branched Kurosiwo Current, their population dynamics was affected on the spatio-temporal change of physicochemical factors by short-term wind events, namely "island effect". Long-term survey research is needed to facilitate food-web response in marine ecosystem associated with phytoplankton biomass and physicochemical factors including the warm water current in oligotrophic offshore water of Dokdo, which may have significant role for sustainable use of Dokdo.

Floristic Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of Koelreuteria paniculata Communities in Daegu City (대구시 자생 모감주나무군락의 종조성, 구조 및 동태)

  • Kim, Jun-Soo;Cho, Joon-Hee;Kim, Hak-Yun;Cho, Hyun-Je
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.2
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2019
  • To understand the floristic composition, vegetation structure, and population dynamics of Koelreuteria paniculata communities, which are native to Daegu, South Korea, a field survey was conducted in July 2018 using phytosociological and complete enumeration methods. Based on information on vegetation and trees of >5 cm diameter at breast height collected during the field survey, we classified the community types by species composition and analyzed their vegetation strata, relative importance value (MIV), life forms, species diversity, and population structure. The community was divided into the following three types: Ulmus parvifolia-Vitex negundo var. incisa subcommunity, Securinega suffruticosa subcommunity, and Clematis apiifolia community. The vegetation unit system was organized into one community group, two communities, and two subcommunities. Vegetation coverage of the tree layer was >85%, while the herbaceous layer was <10%. MIV of K. paniculata appeared to be extremely high within all vegetation strata, with 94.3 of the tree layer, 81.6 of the subtree layer, 75.5 of the shrub layer, and 60.0 of the herbaceous layer. The species diversity (H') was significantly different among the community types, and the C. apiifolia community (2.062) was approximately four times higher than the S. suffruticosa subcommunity (0.547). The overall representative life form types were "$MM-R_5-D_4{\cdot}D_2-e$,", but there were some differences in the disseminule form among the community types. The population structure of K. paniculata showed the reverse J-shaped distribution with a high density of young individuals and low density of larger individuals among all three community types, and because no plant species within the lower vegetation could replace K. paniculata, it was considered to be a sustainable population.

A Study on Improving Operating System of an Intangible Cultural Heritage by an Ecological Perspective (생태계적 방식에 의한 무형문화유산 체계 연구 - 자생력 강화방안을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Jung-Shim
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that transmissions of an intangible cultural heritage in Korea may be cut off because it is separated from human and social environment and protected and managed under the national system. In addition, another purpose is to criticize concept and method dichotomy in the current institution from an ecological perspective and consider the problem that the intangible cultural heritages are transmitted mainly by holders having skills and accomplishments by distinguishing them from others. Furthermore, the last purpose is to suggest a direction of policy emphasizing an importance of establishment of environment which allows nurture, change and development of local people, which may ensure continuous transmission in order to solve the problem and a transmission system of the intangible cultural heritage by using a principle in which the system is operated by self-recovery and natural rule of the ecology. The findings of this study show that seven problems can be analyzed by reviewing concept establishment and protection and transmission measure of intangible cultural heritages according to the Cultural Properties Protection Law, based on the ecological perspective. The protection and transmission methods of the intangible cultural heritage through the cultural heritage ecology are suggested by applying ecological theory to it. The intangible cultural heritage ecology defined in this paper means 'a sustainable community consisting of intangible cultural heritage, subject of activity and physical environment.' Since it is operated according to the principle reflecting the rules and features of natural ecology, it can keep system through self-recovery without an external intervention, as the case of natural ecology.