• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subjectivity study

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Web-Based Information Security Leveling Tool (웹 기반 정보보안 수준 측정 도구 설계)

  • Sung, Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.4 s.36
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2005
  • As the development of information communication technology and thus the growth of security incidents, there has been increasing demand on developing methodologies and tools for measuring the information security level of organizations for the efficient security management. However, most works from foreign countries are not realistic in constructing the checklists, moreover their tools provide neither the ease of use nor the inexpensiveness, and most domestic works are not properly considering the characteristics of the organizations when measuring the information security level. In this study, an efficient information security levelling tool is suggested, which applies the multiple variable weights for security levelling according to the characteristics of organizations and the fuzzy technique to reduce the user's subjectivity and the genetic algorithm to establish the security countermeasure.

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Guarantee of Safety for the Patient: Subjectivity of unsafe clinical practice in Nursing Students (임상실습 안전에 대한 간호대학생의 주관성)

  • PARK, Euna
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.343-353
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    • 2017
  • Nursing students who are in clinical practices under the complicated medical environment to become competent practitioners can be exposed to a variety of dangerous situations. In particular, nursing students can experience stress and compromised safety because they have difficulty in prioritizing their tasks and lack confidence in clinical and interpersonal skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate the types and characteristics of nursing students' attitudes toward the safety of clinical practices, and improve their safety related to clinical practices. A total of 40 statements about the safety of clinical practices were applied to 37 nursing students. Collected data were analyzed with the PC QUANL program. The Perception of nursing students to the safety of clinical practices was categorized into three types: 'Pursuit of perfection in overwhelming state type', 'Perseverance Patience type' and 'Cover up-meeting expectation type'. The subjects related to the safety of clinical practices need to be developed within the curriculum of nursing departments by examining the Perception of nursing students to the safety of clinical practices. In addition, a sense of responsibility shared by nursing students, educators and practitioners needs to be enhanced to improve the safety of clinical practices.

Expressive Characteristics of Exhibition Image in 'The Korean peninsula' at the Venice Biennale Architecture 2014 - Focused on the Montage of Collision and Interval - (2014 베니스 비엔날레 건축전 한국관의 전시이미지 표현특성 - 충돌 몽타주와 간격을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Young-Tae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2017
  • This study is for the characteristic of expression of exhibition presentation in 'The Korean peninsula' which is the Golden Lion Winner at the Venice Biennale in 2014. The Korean peninsula provides two opposite political and economic systems and adaptations of modernism through various multi media images. The curator, Minsuk Cho, presented cinema montage image of Collision for analyzing dynamic exhibition organization and provides the foundation of his theory from Bergson's image and duration to Deleuze's movement-image and time-image which is mentioned from Deleuze's book "cinema 1" and "cinema 2". Furthermore, the Korean peninsula has showed perception-image and affection-image from Eisenstein & Vertov's cinemathology and systemized exhibition presentation. The montage of Collision has maximized the movement from the variety and complexity in a collision and it made difference between information images which are space, time, emotion, intelligence, the tumult between subjectivity and objectivity, fragments from reorganizing itself, and distribution and art images. The limit of montage of Collision's dialectic is not only visual but also space from organic organization but the Korean peninsula overcomes its limit and shows leap of tactile perception and time-reflection from the montage of Collision's dialectic. Therefore, the exhibition of the Korean peninsula presents the conviction of adaptations of modernism.

Public perception of ambulances (일반인의 구급차 이미지에 대한 인식 유형)

  • Kim, Jun-Hyeong;Mun, Jun-Young;Cho, Eun-Sook;Woo, Il-Woong;Sim, Kyong-Yul
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to obtain, categorize, and analyze baseline data regarding the subjective perception of ambulances from the consumers' perspective, which can be utilized for improving emergency medical service systems. Methods: Fifty people aged 20 to 40 years old were selected as P samples. Data from 35 statements of Q-cards and Q-sample distribution plots were gathered using Q-sort and analyzed using the PC-QUANL program for major factor analysis. Results: We found four unique characteristics which accounted for 57.57% of the total variation: "Considerate of emergency situations," "Identifying emergency patients," "Trusting emergency vehicles," and "Sympathizing with emergency patients." Conclusion: Organizations that provide emergency medical services using ambulances should plan and render patient care according to the four types of public perception of ambulances.

A Study on the Subjectivity of Semi-Professional Athletes on Talent Donation Activities

  • Young-Seol Yu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning of talent donations by semi-professional Athlete using Q methodology. This Q factor analysis finally identified 3 factors: The first factor, The type of donation cautious, They represent an understanding the need for donation, needing to prepare for donation, information about donation targets, careful attitude toward talent donation. The second factor, The type of donation authenticity, They represent departure from good mind, premise of authenticity to donation, necessity of program for donation activities. The final factor, The type of trust for endowment institution, They represent trust in the target organization to donate, interest in donation-related incidents, necessity of various donation methods in sports field.

Let's Think about 'POVERTY' in the 21st Century : Using the Q methodology of Subjective Study (21세기, '빈곤'을 생각해보다: 주관성연구, Q방법론을 활용하여)

  • Lee, Doh-Hee;Kim, Gi-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2019
  • In this study, 'poverty', which we think in our daily life, started from something. In particular, this study typified the perception of poverty by using the 'Q methodology', a subjective research method, to examine individual subjective opinions. The results of the analysis are as follows. is a "Retraction type", and poverty is a problem of 'Retention', 'Individual Effort Problem', 'Social Structure Problem', 'Low Status' and 'Laziness'. is a "Individual Problem type", and emphasizes 'Individual Effort Problem', 'Laziness', 'Incompetence', 'Starvation' and so on. is a "Basic Problem type", and emphasizes the basic element of life such as 'The Food and Shelter problem', 'Starvation', 'Laziness', and 'No Money'. is a "Resource Distribution Problem Type" that emphasizes the problem of resource allocation according to social structural problems. This study typifies the perception of poverty using subjectivity research method on 21st century and expects converging extension study to empirical studies for generalization.

Nursing Studets's Attitude of Induced Abortion (인공유산에 대한 간호학생의 태도)

  • Chon Mi-Young;Mun Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.264-279
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    • 1998
  • This study researches the attitudes of nursing students toward induced abortion. It aims to Identify the structure of subjectivity of nursing students toward induced abortion. As the research method, Q-statements were collected preliminary to the study through in-depth group talking, case study and literature review. For the study, 28 Q-statements were selected. There were 40 students as subjects for the research. The 40 students sorted the 28 statements using the principle of Forced Normal Distribution. The results of the study were as follows : Three attitude types toward induced abortion were derived from Q-Factor analysis by using PC Quanal Program. The first type is called qualified deontology type. The second type is called rational utility type. The third type is called self-centered utility type. 1) Qualified deontology type emphasizes the importance of respect for life. Induced abortion is acceptable within just limit circumstances. 2) Rational utility type has more tolerance limits. There are rationale for induced abortion. Thls type hates becoming the target of criticism because they are single mothers, were rape or had a deformed baby. 3) Self-centered utility type believe that the most important in the world is one's self. This type emphasizes the importance of women's autonomy. And then the woman should be able to decide about abortion, because it is her body, it is her choice. The result of the study suggests that nursing education need more ethical teaching of the importance of human life. Be cause the fundmental concept of nursing is in the preservation of human life and in the respect for life, dignity and the rights of man. Nursing ethics is a essential for nurses.

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Subjectivity study on the perception types of body shape in the pregnant women

  • Cha, Su-Joung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the subjective evaluation and the characteristics of each type of maternal self-awareness. It was to provide the basic data necessary for the development of clothing that can improve the satisfaction of the body shape of pregnant women. This study was conducted with Q methodology, and was performed for pregnant women over 6 months. Analysis was done with QUANL program. The recognition types of body shape of pregnant women was analyzed as three types: thin limbs and central hemispherical abdominal body shape, under abdomen protruding body shape, and thick upper arm and central abdomen protruding body shape. The thin limbs and central hemispherical abdominal body shape were considered to be normal, with the lowest BMI index before pregnancy. And the limbs were thin and the other parts were not overweight, but recognized that only the belly came out. The under abdomen protruding body shape was overweight with the highest BMI index before pregnancy. In addition to the circumference of the chest and hips, the body was gaining weight and was perceived to have a belly drooping down. The thick upper arm and central abdomen protruding body shape recognized that the middle part of the abdomen protruded like the first type, but it was different from the first type because the upper arm was thickened. In the future study, it would be a meaningful study to compare and analyze the difference with the recognition body of this study through analyzing the actual body shape of pregnant women.

The Subjectivity Study on the 'Real Beauty' ('진정한 아름다움'에 대한 주관성 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Jung;Kim, Ju-Hee;Lee, Doh-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.590-597
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    • 2020
  • The human desire for 'beauty' is with the long history of mankind. This study started with how people of the 21st century would think about such beauty. Using the Q methodology, which is a qualitative research method, the Q-statements for the people's real thoughts and perceptions are secured and typified. The survey was conducted on July 8 to July 31, 2019, and was classified into three types of survey analysis results. The results of the analysis are as follows. showed high standard scores of statements such as 'self-development effort', 'good human relations', and 'learning to learn', and named as 「Self-Development Type」. has a high distribution of statements such as 'Passion', 'Young energy' and 'Healthy flesh', and named as 「Passion Type」. showed high statements such as 'I', 'good human relationship', 'self-development effort', and named 「I'm Type」. In addition, this study emphasizes the usefulness of qualitative research as an exploratory study for understanding and future empirical studies.

A Study on the Relationship between Makeup Behavior, Psychological Traits and Preference for the Makeup Images of Funeral portrait in Elderly Women (노년여성의 화장행동, 심리적 특성과 영정사진 화장이미지 선호의 관계연구)

  • Choi, Jung-Soon;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of elderly women's makeup behavior, psychological traits and demographic variables on their preference for makeup images in daily life(hereinafter called general makeup image) and for the makeup images of their own future funeral portraits. As for the method of research, a research study was implemented by using the questionnaire method. Seven factors were selected for makeup behavior: fashionability, conformity, subjectivity, instrumentality, interpersonal orientation and conspicuousness. The selected psychological traits were personality, death attitude and depression. Preference for general makeup image and for the makeup image of funeral portrait were investigated in terms of four: agreeableness, refinement, individuality and dignity. The subjects in this study were 651 female elderly residents in and around Seoul who were in their 60s to 80s. Concerning data analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach alpha coefficient, Pearson productmoment correlation coefficient, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test and multiple regression analysis were utilized. Concerning the influence of the elderly women's makeup behavior, personality, death attitude, depression and demographic variables on preference for the makeup image of funeral portrait, their preference for an agreeable makeup image was analyzed. Thus, makeup behavior, personality, death attitude and depression were identified as the variables to exert a significant influence on preference for the makeup images of funeral portrait. The findings of the study are expected to help make makeup for funeral portrait entrenched as a part of the beauty industry and to make a contribution to the development of the beauty industry.

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