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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Subjectivity study

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Mystery Shopping and Well-Being of Service Workers in South Korea

  • Shin, Heeju
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.476-481
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    • 2019
  • Background: Mystery shopping is a method in which a company monitors quality of service and employee conduct and compliance with regulations using an evaluator posing as a customer. It is a typical tool of customer-centered bureaucratic control insofar as it provides overall and standardized evaluation of intangible elements of customer service as well as physical elements of service environments. The purpose of this study is to examine how mystery shopping is related to the health status of service workers in South Korea. Methods: Data from semistructured interviews with 15 workers were collected from January to April 2019 to obtain information on service worker experiences with mystery shopping. Data were analyzed using the constant comparison method. Results: Mystery shopping limits worker autonomy and stiffens the workplace environment by standardizing and monitoring labor processes for service workers. In addition, mystery shopping heightens work stress through increased labor intensity. Five mechanisms by which mystery shopping affects service worker health are identified and comprise (1) multifaceted and multilayered surveillance, (2) evaluator subjectivity and irrational requirements, (3) standardized rules combined with high pressure to achieve sales, (4) self-esteem degradation because of evaluator results, and (5) musculoskeletal disorders because of strict adherence to labor processes based on evaluator results. Conclusion: Mystery shopping as an evaluation method should be reconsidered not only in terms of health problems but also in terms of organizational efficiency and issues of human rights.

A New Similarity Measure using Fuzzy Logic for User-based Collaborative Filtering (사용자 기반의 협력필터링을 위한 퍼지 논리를 이용한 새로운 유사도 척도)

  • Lee, Soojung
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2018
  • Collaborative filtering is a fundamental technique implemented in many commercial recommender systems and provides a successful service to online users. This technique recommends items by referring to other users who have similar rating records to the current user. Hence, similarity measures critically affect the system performance. This study addresses problems of previous similarity measures and suggests a new similarity measure. The proposed measure reflects the subjectivity or vagueness of user ratings and the users' rating behavior by using fuzzy logic. We conduct experimental studies for performance evaluation, whose results show that the proposed measure demonstrates outstanding performance improvements in terms of prediction accuracy and recommendation accuracy.

The Effect of Collage Fashion Illustration Program on Improving Self-image (콜라주 패션일러스트레이션 프로그램이 자아상 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Jung-Hee;Lee, Kyoung-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.218-227
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we ran a collage fashion illustration program. We used in depth personal interviews to find if there are any change in self-image by psychologically analyzing the features of self-images expressed in the pieces of fashion illustration. The total number of objects were five females students majoring in fashion design in Busan. They were hoping to have a psychology consultation to resolve their concerns about the future, family affairs, appearance, and careers. Collage fashion illustration program was used as a experimental tool to find the psychological features shown in the formats and content of collage fashion illustration. We then figure out how pre and post diagnosis were different from each other in terms of ego-identity and DAP. As a result, the formats in collage fashion illustration are related to the self images such as psychological energy, incompetency, suppression, and tendency of self-centered. Also, the contents of the fashion expression are related to the self-images such as dependency, avoidance, wariness, and self-regard. All of the participants have improved self-regard and active action due to improvements in subjectivity, initiative, and goal orientation. Therefore, they could change from pessimistic self-images to optimistic ones.

Subjectivity on Coping with Fatigue among Middle-aged Men (중년기 남성의 피로대처에 관한 주관성)

  • Yeun, Eun-Ja;Ryu, Eun-Jung;Chon, Mi-Young;Hwang, Yun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.625-634
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect coping with fatigue in middle-aged men according to Q-methodology and to provide basic strategies for health promotion. Method: 25 subjects in Seoul, Incheon, Chung-buk classified 24 selected Q-statements in to 9 points standard. The collected data were analyzed by using a QUNAL pc program. Result: Principal component analysis identified 3 types of coping with fatigue among middle-aged Korean men. 1st Type : Coping with fatigue through various kinds of game, using alcohol, smoking cigarette other than rest and sleep. 2nd Type : Coping with fatigue through rest and sleep, taking medicine or food which helps relieving fatigue. 3rd Type : Coping with fatigue through acitivities such as sports or trip other than sleep. Conclusion: We have found how Korean middle-aged men cope against fatigue through this research. To setup and apply different nursing intervention on each type based on this result is needed.

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A Study on the Improvement of Assessment Criteria through Green Building Certification Cases for Apartment Houses (공동주택 친환경건축물인증 사례를 통한 평가항목 개선안 연구)

  • Kim, Myoung-Shin;Hwang, Jae-Woo;Park, Kyung-Soon;Son, Won-Tug
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.563-568
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    • 2008
  • The Green Building Certification is issued through self-assessment of applicant, assessment of assessment members and deliberation committee members. These assessments are carried out based on a standard provided Ministry of land transport and maritime affairs and environment. However, opinion difference of assessment standards could be occurred due to diversity of understanding for a standard or subjectivity of committee member. In this paper, We discussed the primary cause of score difference after analyzed assessment standard for the site, transportation, energy and resources, ecological environment, indoor environment in five different Apartment Houses located in Seoul. At a result, score difference was at least 3 points in each section except indoor environment and total score difference of housing complex is by 10 points. To improve these problems, educational program should be activated and guide for assessment standard should be published.

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Development a draft of the Inclusive Needs Child (IN-Child) record

  • OTA, Mamiko;KIM, Haena;HAN, Changwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.391-392
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    • 2016
  • In Japan, the children with problem behavior have been called the difficult children. However, the definitions of the difficult children in the medical, health, childcare and education are different. As a result, it is difficult to support for the needs of children. In addition, the difficult children have been influenced by the subjectivity of the teachers. IN-Child (Inclusive Needs Child) is defined by the result of this study. IN-Child means "Child in need of inclusive education by a team, including experts. It does not depend on intellectual and developmental delays due to physical, mental, home environment." We developed the IN-Child record that enables the educational diagnosis of IN-Child. IN-Child record was made to organize and analyze of the items by experts including 3 researchers and 2 teachers. As a result, it was classified into two domains of "cause" and "effect". The domain of "cause" is classified by two domains of "physical" and "mental". The domain of effect is classified by two domains of "daily living" and "learning".

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A Study on Will as Modal or Non-modal

  • Lee, Young Mi;Kang, Mun Koo
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.175-190
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this article is to explain the meanings and uses of the English auxiliaries will morpho-syntactically, and answer the question of whether will is a tense auxiliary or a modal one. Some writers even exclude will completely from the semantics of the modal auxiliaries. They argue that the semantics of will is fundamentally non-modal and has only a few modal-like uses. There are some people who treat will to be semantically separate from the other modal auxiliaries. In the light of modal will, the semantics of will basically remains anchored in volition because the lack of required speaker subjectivity, but has undergone so much semantic bleaching that it may also express future time without volition. On the other hand, the semantics of will in the exclusionist view is erroneous and that its semantics is in fact closely related to the semantics of the other modals. This view reinforces the argument that the morpho-syntactic kinship of will, can, may and must also reflects semantic kinship. It is suggested that all the modal auxiliaries show that the correspondence relation is non-verified but potential. And the specific place that will holds is that the correspondence is unverified at the time of utterance but will turn out to become verified. The overall conclusion is that idiosyncratic morpho-syntax shared by the modals reflects the semantics and pragmatics of the English modal auxiliaries and is forced also to include will.

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Spirituality of Student Nurses (일 지역 간호대학생의 영성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Myung-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study was to identify the level of spirituality in student nurses and to provide baseline data to develop a spirituality development education program. Method: The participants were 499 students in departments of nursing in 5 universities in Busan. The data were collected between June 7 and July 18, 2002. The instrument was used Howden's spirituality assessment scale. Collected data were analyzed with frequencies, percentages, Means±SD, t-test F-test, Scheffe test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The SPSS program was used. Results: 1) The mean score for spirituality was 101.14±8.70 (range 26-130). 2) The mean score for perceived health state was 3.42±0.80. 3) Spirituality according to general characteristics showed significant differences for sex, religion, practice experience, smoking, drinking, and climate of home. 4) Spirituality according to religious characteristics showed significant differences for influence of religion, necessity of religion, help from religion, subjectivity of God in life, reading religious books, participation in religion ceremonies. 5) There was a significant positive correlation between perceived health state and spirituality. Conclusion: The spirituality of the student nurses was high and differed according to sex, religion, practice experience, smoking, drinking, and climate of home, religious characteristics, spirituality, and perceived health status.

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The Reactions of Emergency Department Nurses to Violence: Q-Methodological Approach (폭력에 대한 응급실 간호사의 반응 유형: Q-방법론적 접근)

  • Park, Eun-Young;Seo, Ji-Min;Ju, Hyeon-Ok;Lee, Eun-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.762-771
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the reactions of emergency department nurses to violence. Methods: Q-methodology which provides a method of analyzing the subjectivity of each item was used. Thirty emergency department nurses classified 33 selected Q-statements into a normal distribution using a 9 point scale. The collected data was analyzed using the Quanl PC Program. Results: Three types of reactions to violence were identified. The first type(emotional and physical reactions) showed a sense of regret on the selection of an occupation and emotional and physical reactions such as anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, heart palpitations and trembling hands due to the violence. The second type(problem solving) actively coped to prevent the occurrence of violence, grasped the causes of violence and sought out a problem solving plan. The third type(anger reactions) felt a lot of anger against violence, and resented their reality of working under conditions of inadequately secured facilities and systems. Conclusion: The emotional and physical reactions type and the anger reactions type should be required to attend educational programs to improve attitudes and abilities to solve the problems in a more active and positive manner.

Seismic induced damageability evaluation of steel buildings: a Fuzzy-TOPSIS method

  • Shahriar, Anjuman;Modirzadeh, Mehdi;Sadiq, Rehan;Tesfamariam, Solomon
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.3 no.5
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    • pp.695-717
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    • 2012
  • Seismic resiliency of new buildings has improved over the years due to better seismic codes and design practices. However, there is still large number of vulnerable and seismically deficient buildings. It is not economically feasible to retrofit and upgrade all vulnerable buildings, thus there is a need for rapid screening tool. Many factors contribute to the damageability of buildings; this makes seismic evaluation a complex multi-criteria decision making problem. Many of these factors are noncommensurable and involve subjectivity in evaluation that highlights the use of fuzzy-based method. In this paper, a risk-based framework earlier proposed by Tesfamariam and Saatcioglu (2008a) is extended using Fuzzy-TOPSIS method and applied to develop an evaluation and ranking scheme for steel buildings. The ranking is based on damageability that can help decision makers interpret the results and take appropriate decision actions. Finally, the application of conceptual model is demonstrated through a case study of 1994 Northridge earthquake data on seismic damage of steel buildings.