• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sub-Elements

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    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.34 no.5_6
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2016
  • In this work, a method is given to construct quantum codes from cyclic codes over F4 + vF4 which will be denoted as R throughout the paper, where v2 = v and a Gray map is defined between R and where F4 is the field with 4 elements. Some optimal quantum code parameters and others will be presented at the end of the paper.


    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1999
  • Let K be a algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 and G be abelian group $Z_2{\times}Z_2{\times}Z_2$ or $Z_2{\times}Z_4$. We find the conditions which the elements of the group ring KG are unit and idempotent respecting using the basic table matrix of G. We can see that if ${\alpha}={\sum}r(g)g$ is an idempotent element of KG, then $r(1)=0,\;\frac{1}{{\mid}G{\mid}},\;\frac{2}{{\mid}G{\mid}},\;{\cdots},\frac{{\mid}G{\mid}-1}{{\mid}G{\mid}},\;1$.

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  • Koh, Doowon
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2022
  • Let 𝔽q be a finite field with odd q elements. In this article, we prove that if E ⊆ 𝔽dq, d ≥ 2, and |E| ≥ q, then there exists a set Y ⊆ 𝔽dq with |Y| ~ qd such that for all y ∈ Y, the number of distances between the point y and the set E is ~ q. As a corollary, we obtain that for each set E ⊆ 𝔽dq with |E| ≥ q, there exists a set Y ⊆ 𝔽dq with |Y| ~ qd so that any set E ∪ {y} with y ∈ Y determines a positive proportion of all possible distances. The averaging argument and the pigeonhole principle play a crucial role in proving our results.


  • Anjan Kumar Bhuniya;Manas Kumbhakar
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • An le-module M over a commutative ring R is a complete lattice ordered additive monoid (M, ⩽, +) having the greatest element e together with a module like action of R. This article characterizes the le-modules RM such that the pseudo-prime spectrum XM endowed with the Zariski topology is a Noetherian topological space. If the ring R is Noetherian and the pseudo-prime radical of every submodule elements of RM coincides with its Zariski radical, then XM is a Noetherian topological space. Also we prove that if R is Noetherian and for every submodule element n of M there is an ideal I of R such that V (n) = V (Ie), then the topological space XM is spectral.

A Novel Process for Recovery of Key Elements from Commercial Cathode Material of End-of-Life Lithium-Ion Battery

  • Jei-Pil Wang
    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.745-750
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    • 2021
  • A novel process to recover lithium and manganese oxides from a cathode material (LiMn2O4) of spent lithium-ion battery was attempted using thermal reaction with hydrogen gas at elevated temperatures. A hydrogen gas as a reducing agent was used with LiMn2O4 powder and it was found that separation of Li2O and MnO was taken place at 1050℃. The powder after thermal process was washed away with distilled water and only lithium was dissolved in the water and manganese oxide powder left behind. It was noted that manganese oxide powder was found to be 98.20 wt.% and the lithium content in the solution was 1,928 ppm, respectively.

Occurrence and Chemical Composition of Dolomite from Komdok Pb-Zn Deposit (검덕 연-아연 광상의 돌로마이트 산상과 화학조성)

  • Yoo, Bong Chul
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2021
  • The Komdok Pb-Zn deposit, which is the largest Pb-Zn deposit in Korea, is located at the Hyesan-Riwon metallogenic zone in Jiao Liao Ji belt included Paleoproterozoic Macheolryeong group. The geology of this deposit consists of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks, Jurassic Mantapsan intrusive rocks and Cenozoic basalt. The Komdok deposit which is a SEDEX type deposit occurs as layer ore and vein ore in the Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks. Based on mineral petrography and paragenesis, dolomites from this deposit are classified four types (1. dolomite (D0) as hostrock, 2. early dolomite (D1) associated with tremolite, actinolite, diopside, sphalerite and galena from amphibolite facies, 3. late dolomite (D2) associated with talc, calcite, quartz, sphalerite and galena from amphibolite facies, 4. dolomite (D3) associated with white mica, chlorite, sphalerite and galena from quartz vein). The structural formulars of dolomites are determined to be Ca1.00-1.20Mg0.80-0.99Fe0.00-0.01Zn0.00-0.02(CO3)2(D0), Ca1.00-1.02M0.97-0.99Fe0.00-0.01Zn0.00-0.02(CO3)2(D1), Ca0.99-1.03Mg0.93-0.98Fe0.01-0.05Mn0.00-0.01As0.00-0.01(CO3)2(D2) and Ca0.95-1.04Mg0.59-0.68Fe0.30-0.36Mn0.00-0.01 (CO3)2(D3), respectively. It means that dolomites from Komdok deposit have higher content of trace elements (FeO, MnO, HfO2, ZnO, PbO, Sb2O5 and As2O5) compared to the theoretical composition of dolomite. These trace elements (FeO, MnO, ZnO, Sb2O5 and As2O5) show increase and decrease trend according to paragenetic sequence, but HfO2 and PbO elements no show increase and decrease trend according to paragenetic sequence. Dolomites correspond to Ferroan dolomite (D0, D1 and D2), and Ferroan dolomite and ankerite (D3), respectively. Therefore, 1) dolomite (D0) as hostrock was formed by subsequent diagenesis after sedimentation of Paleoproterozoic (2012~1700 Ma) silica-bearing dolomite in the marine evaporative environment. 2) Early dolomite (D1) was formed by hydrothermal metasomatism origined metamorphism (amphibolite facies) associated with intrusion (1890~1680 Ma) of Paleoproterozoic Riwon complex. 3) Late dolomte (D2) was formed from residual fluid by a decrease of temperature and pressure. and dolomite (D3) in quartz vein was formed by intrusion (213~181 Ma) of Jurassic Mantapsan intrusive rocks.

Evaluation of accumulated particulate matter on roadside tree leaves and its metal content (가로수 수종별 잎의 미세먼지 축적량 및 금속 원소 함량 평가)

  • Kwon, Seon-Ju;Cha, Seung-Ju;Lee, Joo-Kyung;Park, Jin Hee
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2020
  • It is known that different plant species have ability to deposit different amounts of particulate matter (PM) on their leaves and plants can absorb heavy metals in PM through their leaves. Heavy metals in PM can have toxic effect on human body and plants. Therefore, PM on different roadside trees at Chungbuk national University including box tree (Buxus koreana), yew (Taxus cuspidate), royal azalea (Rhododendron yedoense), and retusa fringetree (Chionanthus retusa) was quantified based on particle size (PM>10 and PM2.5-10). The metal concentration in PM accumulated on leaves was analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy. In this study, the mass of PM>10 deposited on the surface of the tree leaves ranged from 6.11 to 32.7 ㎍/㎠, while the mass of PM2.5-10 ranged from 0 to 14.8 ㎍/㎠. The royal azaleas with grooves and hair on the leaf surface retained PM particles for longer time, while the yews and box trees with wax on leaf surfaces accumulated more PM. The PM contained elements in crustal material such as Al, Ca, Mg, and Fe and heavy metals including Cu, Pb and Zn. The concentration of elements in crustal material was higher in the coarser size, while heavy metal concentration was relatively higher in the finer size fraction. The Mn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations of leaves and PM2.5-10 were significantly correlated indicating that PM was taken up through tree leaves.

Characteristics of Metallic and Ionic Concentrations in PM10 and PM2.5 in Busan (부산지역 PM10과 PM2.5 중의 금속 농도와 이온농도 특성)

  • Jeon, Byung-Il;Hwang, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.819-827
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzes the chemical composition of metallic elements and water-soluble ions in $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$. $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations in Busan during 2010-2012 were $97.2{\pm}67.5$ and $67.5{\pm}32.8{\mu}g/m^3$, respectively, and the mean $PM_{2.5}/PM_{10}$ concentration ratio was 0.73. The contribution rate of water-soluble ions to $PM_{10}$ ranged from 29.0% to 58.6%(a mean of 38.6%) and that to $PM_{2.5}$ ranged from 33.9% to 58.4%(a mean of 43.1%). The contribution rate of sea salt to $PM_{10}$ was 13.9% for 2011 and 9.7% for 2012, while that to $PM_{2.5}$ was 17.4% for 2011 and 10.1% for 2012. $PM_{10}$ concentration during Asian dust events was $334.3{\mu}g/m^3$ and $113.3{\mu}g/m^3$ during non-Asian dust events, and the $PM_{10}$ concentration ratio of Asian Dust/Non Asian dust was 2.95. On the other hand, the $PM_{2.5}$ concentration in Asian dust was $157.4{\mu}g/m^3$ and $83.2{\mu}g/m^3$ in Non Asian dust, and the $PM_{2.5}$ concentration ratio of Asian Dust/Non Asian dust was 1.89, which was lower than that of $PM_{10}$.

Effect of Alloying Element Addition on the Microstructure, Tensile and Impact Toughness of the Modified Al-6.5Si Alloy (개량 Al-6.5Si 합금의 미세조직, 인장 및 충격 인성에 미치는 합금 원소 첨가의 영향)

  • Park, T.H.;Baek, M.S.;Yoon, S.I.;Kim, J.P.;Lee, K.A.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2020
  • Low-cost alloying elements were added to a modified Al-6.5Si alloy and its microstructure, tensile and impact toughness properties were investigated. The alloying elements added were Mg, Zn, and Cu, and two kinds of alloy A (Mg:0.5, Zn:1, Cu:1.5 wt.%) and alloy B (Mg:2, Zn:1.5, Cu:2 wt.%) were prepared. In the as-cast Al-6.5Si alloys, Si phases were distributed at the dendrite interfaces, and Al2Cu, Mg2Si, Al6 (Fe,Mn) and Al5 (Fe,Mn)Si precipitates were also observed. The size and fraction of casting defects were measured to be higher for alloy A than for alloy B. The secondary dendrite arm spacing of alloy B was finer than that of alloy A. It was confirmed by the JMatPro S/W that the cooling rate of alloy B could be more rapid than alloy A. The alloy B had higher hardness and strength compared to the values of alloy A. However, the alloy A showed better impact toughness than alloy B. Based on the above results, the deformation mechanism of Al-6.5Si alloy and the improving method for mechanical properties were also discussed.