• 제목/요약/키워드: Student at University

검색결과 2,423건 처리시간 0.028초

Factors Affecting Job Motivation among Faculty Members: Evidence from Vietnamese Public Universities

  • TRAN, The Tuan;DO, Quang Hung
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제7권9호
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    • pp.603-611
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    • 2020
  • Higher education has long been considered as a means of human resource development in a nation. The faculty member plays a significant role in improving the quality of higher education. It is clear that job satisfaction and motivation have effect on the faculty member's performance. The objective of this study is to investigate the levels and factors affecting lecturers' motivation in Vietnamese public universities. In this study, ordinary least squares (OLS) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) have been utilized to identify the factors affecting work motivation of lecturers at Vietnamese universities. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 189 lecturers at different public universities in Vietnam. The finding indicates that seven factors including Work characteristics (WC), Wage and welfare (WW), Social recognition (SR), Peer relationships (PR), Training and promotion opportunities (PO), Leader caring (LC) and Teacher-student interaction and student's attitude (IA) have positive effect on lecturers' work motivation. Among these factors, Teacher-student interaction and student's attitude (IA) has the strongest impact with the coefficient of 0.631 and Peer relationships (PR) has the least impact on work motivation with the coefficient of 0.020. The study findings can facilitate the understanding of how to increase work satisfaction at the universities in Vietnam.

Can the Skewed Student-t Distribution Assumption Provide Accurate Estimates of Value-at-Risk?

  • Kang, Sang-Hoon;Yoon, Seong-Min
    • 재무관리연구
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.153-186
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    • 2007
  • It is well known that the distributional properties of financial asset returns exhibit fatter-tails and skewer-mean than the assumption of normal distribution. The correct assumption of return distribution might improve the estimated performance of the Value-at-Risk(VaR) models in financial markets. In this paper, we estimate and compare the VaR performance using the RiskMetrics, GARCH and FIGARCH models based on the normal and skewed-Student-t distributions in two daily returns of the Korean Composite Stock Index(KOSPI) and Korean Won-US Dollar(KRW-USD) exchange rate. We also perform the expected shortfall to assess the size of expected loss in terms of the estimation of the empirical failure rate. From the results of empirical VaR analysis, it is found that the presence of long memory in the volatility of sample returns is not an important in estimating an accurate VaR performance. However, it is more important to consider a model with skewed-Student-t distribution innovation in determining better VaR. In short, the appropriate assumption of return distribution provides more accurate VaR models for the portfolio managers and investors.

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레고하우스 : 멀티 인터렉션 공간에서의 협업 (LEGO House Multi Interaction Space Collaboration)

  • ;안상철;안종길;김진욱;고희동
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국HCI학회 2008년도 학술대회 1부
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    • pp.481-486
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    • 2008
  • Recent advanced interlace technologies allow the user to interact with different spaces such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Ubiquitous Computing (UC) spaces. Here, we present a LEGO House application, a collaborative application which involves multi interaction spaces -VR, AR and UC spaces. The LEGO House application is built based on the VARU framework which is designed for enabling the prototyping of a tangible space application. The application is about an interior design. One user is located in the combined AR and UC space and interacts with the AR LEGO house and the physical smart devices. The other users interact with the virtual LEGO house but they share the same environment, the LEGO house. Therefore, they can collaborate together as they are co-located.

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영수보법(迎隨補法)과 염전보법(捻轉補法)이 체열변화(體熱變化)에 미치는 상대적 효과 비교 (A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Directional Supplementation and Twirling Supplementation on Thermographic Change)

  • 이봉효;김재순;박재현;박종혁;윤용식;이경석;이은정;박지하;이경민
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The directional supplementation and draining and twirling supplementation and draining have been used widely in oriental medical clinic. The aim of this study is to compare the effects between directional supplementation and draining method and twirling supplementation and draining. Methods : Clinical experiment was performed with 21 students of oriental medical college of Daegu Haany university. Acupuncture was applied at left Hapgok (LI4) with directional supplementation and twirling supplementation respectively, and the thermographic change was checked using DITI (Digital Infrared Thermographic Image). Results and Conclusion : A significant thermographic change was observed at bilateral Igan (LI2), Yanggye (LI5), Gokji (LI11), and Yeonghyang (LI20) in directional supplementation. A significant thermographic change was observed at bilateral Igan (LI2), Yanggye (LI5), and Yeonghyang (LI20) in twirling supplementation. Based on the thermographic change, it could be demonstrated that directional supplementation is more effective that twirling supplementation.

대학도서관 시설기준에 관한 연구 (A study on standards for college and university library building areas)

  • 손정표
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제23권
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    • pp.363-404
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    • 1995
  • This study is to set up a model of minimum and optimum standards for college and university library building areas in Korea. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. minimum standards(proposal) At first, Areas needed by factors of space component are as follows: User space --- 0.45 $m^{2}$ per student. Collection space --- 0.0107 $m^{2}$ per volume Staff space --- 10.1 $m^{2}$ per person Space attached to user, collection and staff space --- 5% of the sum of user, collection and staff areas(0.041 $m^{2}$ per student). Nonassignable space --- 25% of the sum of user, collection and staff areas (0.21 $m^{2}$ per student). Next, the formula to calculate the total area of the college and university library building is as follows: N = 0.45T $m^{2}$(a) + 0.0107V $m^{2}$(b) + 10.1S $m^{2}$(c) + 0.05(a+b+c) $m^{2}$, NS = 0.25N $m^{2}$. 2. Optimum standards(proposal) At first, Areas needed by factors of space component are as follows: User spae --- 0.64 $m^{2}$) per student. Collection space --- 0.01 $m^{2}$ per volume Staff space --- 9.7 $m^{2}$ per person Space attached to user, collection and staff space --- 5% of the sum of user, collection and staff areas(0.073 $m^{2}$ per student). Nonassignable space --- 25% of the sum of user, collection and staff areas(0.38 $m^{2}$ per student). Next, the formula to calculate the total area of the college and university library building is as follows: N = 0.64T $m^{2}$(a) + 0.01V $m^{2}$(b) + 9.7S $m^{2}$(c) + 0.05(a+b+c) $m^{2}$, NS = 0.25N $m^{2}$.

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학생들의 과학긍정경험에 영향을 주는 과학교육 선도학교 특성에 대한 질적 탐구 (Qualitative Inquiry of Features of Science Education Leading Schools on Students' Positive Experiences about Science)

  • 곽영순;이성희;강훈식;신영준;이수영
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.317-330
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of science leading schools on primary and middle school students' positive experiences about science (PES) through in-depth interviews with teachers in charge of science leading schools. Science leading schools at the primary and middle school level such as Creative Convergent Science Labs and Student Participatory Science Classes were investigated and 11 teachers were participated in focus group interviews. Teacher in-depth interviews were conducted to explore the factors that led to the effectiveness of science leading schools in improving the student's PES in light of operational characteristics of science leading schools, characteristic factors of science leading schools on students PES, and improvement plans and requirements of science leading schools, as well as implications for general high schools. Science leading schools including Creative Convergent Science Labs and Student Participatory Science Classes applied for the leading school funding to secure supplies, equipments, and lab improvement for authentic science classes. In addition, reconstructed the curriculum more broadly than before, and emphasized and expanded student participatory classes and process-centered assessment at the teacher learning community level. Through student-participatory classes, the science leading schools stimulate students' interest in science, provide students with PES) through various instructions including projects, engage students in interesting science experiences in Creative Convergent Science Labs, and enhance inquiry skills and PES as well as science content knowledge. Based on the results, ways to spread the characteristics of science leading schools to general schools are suggested including expanding budget support, securing the space of science labs and improving spatial composition, providing diverse teaching and learning materials, diversifying assessment subjects and methods, and the necessity of teachers' continuous professional development, etc.

간호학생을 위한 활력징후 전자교과서 개발과 평가 (Development and Evaluation of a Vital Signs E-book for Undergraduate Student Nurses)

  • 고일선;강규숙;심정언;박진희;육신영;윤소영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.1036-1043
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a vital signs e-book for undergraduate student nurses and evaluate the content, system and student satisfaction. Method: This study was done in three stages, the development of a vital signs e-book, implementation and evaluation. The subjects were 73 undergraduate student nurses in Y university. Result: Thirty one learning objectives were used to create the contents. A set of 5 chapters and 18 subsections were defined after validation from nurse educators. The e-book is available at Analysis of the questionnaires showed a mean score for content, system and students satisfaction of $3.17\pm73,\;3.11\pm79,\;and\;2.96\pm.74$ respectively out of a possible 4 points. Conclusion: Nurse educators should provide quality and effective web-based courses that meet undergraduate student nurses' learning needs and they should incorporate web-based learning into traditional teaching to meet the demands of nursing education.

의료봉사에 대한 노인과 한의대생의 만족도 및 노인의 의료복지서비스에 대한 인식 조사 (The Study on Senior Citizens and Korean Medicine University Students' Satisfaction about Medical Service and Senior Citizens' Perception of Medical Welfare Service)

  • 안재학;채우정;조수경;조충식
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to examine senior citizens' perception of medical welfare service in Daejeon, and to investigate the level of Korean Medicine University students' satisfaction about medical services that they have done. Methods : We visited Daejeon city hall and Dae jeon Seo-gu community health center, and interviewed them. After that we select two population and did two different surveys. First, to investigate the current state of medical services and medical welfare in Daejeon, we select neglected class senior citizens who were serviced at social welfare center. Second, we select Daejeon Korean Medicine University student to investigate the level of satisfaction about medical services and pre-education. In first population, we random select 25 of 34 senior citizen who visits mere social welfare center. In second population, we random select 78 of 115 Korean Medicine University student who belongs to medical welfare club. Results : We found some advantages and problems in medical services. A lot of senior citizen who were serviced at social welfare center showed high level of satisfaction about medical service. But there were few citizens who knows about health & medical welfare. And most Korean Medicine University student who services medical service to neglected class senior citizens showed high level of satisfaction. Conclusion : We concluded that medical welfare for senior citizen needs more publicizing. Because result of our survey, many senior citizens showed not only low level of recognition in medical welfare service, also showed low utilization rate in public health center. And most Korean Medicine University students were satisfied with themselves about medical service that they have done, it seemed medical service gives beneficial influence to not only senior citizen but also Korean Medicine University student.

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Factors Affecting Student Performance in E-Learning: A Case Study of Higher Educational Institutions in Indonesia

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.993-1001
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to determine the factors influencing student performance using the teaching and learning process through e-learning based on the unified theory of acceptance and use technology (UTAUT). This study also sets out to propose additional variables to expand the UTAUT model to be more suitable to use in higher education. This research conducted a literature review, expert interviews, and a self-administered survey involving 200 students at tertiary institutions in Riau province, Indonesia. The questionnaire data were analyzed using SmartPLS 2. This study shows that UTAUT constructs, namely, social influence, facility conditions, and effort expectancy have a significant influence on student behavior and performance, while the performance expectancy variable shows no significant effect. The additional variables, including lecturer characteristics, external motivation, and organizational structure, directly affect student performance. However, concerning student behavior, motivation and environment are the only variables with a significant effect. The results of this study suggest the behavior deteminant such as lecturer characteristics, motivation and environment, and organizational structure improve student performance. This study investigates factors affecting the performance of university students through the learning employing e-learning by developing the UTAUT constructs to include the lecturer characteristics, motivation and environment, and organizational structure in improving student performance.

Effects of a GAISE-based teaching method on students' learning in introductory statistics

  • Erhardt, Erik Barry;Lim, Woong
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.269-284
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    • 2020
  • This study compares two teaching methods in an introductory statistics course at a large state university. The first method is the traditional lecture-based approach. The second method implements a flipped classroom that incorporates the recommendations of the American Statistical Association's Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report. We compare these two methods, based on student performance, illustrate the procedures of the flipped pedagogy, and discuss the impact of aligning our course to current guidelines for teaching statistics at the college level. Results show that students in the flipped class performed better than students in traditional delivery. Student questionnaire responses also indicate that students in flipped delivery aligned with the GAISE recommendations have built a productive mindset in statistics.