• Title/Summary/Keyword: Structure Parameter

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Determination of acoustic emission signal attenuation coefficient of concrete according to dry, saturation, and temperature condition (포화유무 및 온도조건에 따른 콘크리트 음향방출 신호 감쇠계수 결정)

  • Lee, Hang-Lo;Hong, Chang-Ho;Kim, Jin-Seop;Kim, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2022
  • This study carried out the laboratory tests for AE signal attenuation to determine the attenuation coefficient (α) of silo concrete in Gyeongju low and intermediate-level disposal environments. The concrete samples were prepared by satisfying the concrete mixing ratio used in the Gyeongju disposal silo, and these samples were additionally exposed depending on the temperature conditions and saturation and, dry condition. As a result of attenuation tests according to the transmission distance on three concrete specimens for each disposal condition, the AE amplitude and absolute energy measured on the saturated concrete were higher than that of the dry concrete in the initial range of the signal transmission distance, but the α of the saturated concrete was higher than that of the dry concrete. Regardless of the saturation and dry conditions, the α tended to decrease as the temperature increases. The α had a more major influence on the saturation and dry condition than the temperature condition, which means that the saturation and dry condition is the main consideration in measuring the signal attenuation of a concrete disposal structure. The α of concrete in the disposal environment expect to be used to predict the integrity of silos concrete in Gyeongju low and intermediate-level disposal environments by estimating the actual AE parameter values at the location of cracks and to determine the optimum location of sensors.

Calculation of optimal design flood using cost-benefit analysis with uncertainty (불확실성이 고려된 비용-편익분석 기법을 도입한 최적설계홍수량 산정)

  • Kim, Sang Ug;Choi, Kwang Bae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.405-419
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    • 2022
  • Flood frequency analysis commonly used to design the hydraulic structures to minimize flood damage includes uncertainty. Therefore, the most appropriate design flood within a uncertainty should be selected in the final stage of a hydraulic structure, but related studies were rarely carried out. The total expected cost function introduced into the flood frequency analysis is a new approach for determining the optimal design flood. This procedure has been used as UNCODE (UNcertainty COmpliant DEsign), but the application has not yet been introduced in South Korea. This study introduced the mathematical procedure of UNCODE and calculated the optimal design flood using the annual maximum inflow of hydroelectric dams located in the Bukhan River system and results were compared with that of the existing flood frequency. The parameter uncertainty was considered in the total expected cost function using the Gumbel and the GEV distribution, and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm was used to sample the parameters. In this study, cost function and damage function were assumed to be a first-order linear function. It was found that the medians of the optimal design flood for 4 Hydroelectric dams, 2 probability distributions, and 2 return periods were calculated to be somewhat larger than the design flood by the existing flood frequency analysis. In the future, it is needed to develop the practical approximated procedure to UNCODE.

A Methodology for Quality Control of Railroad Trackbed Fills Using Compressional Wave Velocities : I. Preliminary Investigation (압축파 속도를 이용한 철도 토공노반의 품질관리 방안 : I. 예비연구)

  • Park, Chul-Soo;Mok, Young-Jin;Choi, Chan-Yong;Lee, Tai-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2009
  • The quality of railroad trackbed fills has been controlled by field measurements of density and bearing resistance of plate-load tests. The control measures are compatible with the design procedures whose design parameter is $k_{30}$ for both ordinary-speed railways and high-speed railways. However, one of fatal flaws of the design procedures is that there are no simple laboratory measurement procedures for the design parameters ($k_{30}$ or, $E_{v2}$ and $E_{v2}/E_{v1}$) in design stage. To overcome the defect, the compressional wave velocity was adopted as a control measure, in parallel with the advent of the new design procedure, and its measurement technique was proposed in the preliminary investigation. The key concept of the quality control procedure is that the target value for field compaction control is the compressional wave velocity determined at optimum moisture content using modified compaction test, and direct-arrival method is used for the field measurements during construction, which is simple and reliable enough for practice engineers to access. This direct-arrival method is well-suited for such a shallow and homogeneous fill lift in terms of applicability and cost effectiveness. The sensitivity of direct-arrival test results according to the compaction quality was demonstrated at a test site, and it was concluded that compressional wave velocity can be effectively used as quality control measure. The experimental background far the companion study (Park et al., 2009) was established through field and laboratory measurements of the compressional wave velocity.

Evaluation of the Nonlinearity Parameter in Unbound Material for Asphalt Concrete Pavement using Field-NDT Equipment (현장 도로평가장비를 이용한 입상재료층의 비선형 재료상수 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Joo Won;Choi, Jun Seong;Kim, Soo Il
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.2D
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2008
  • This study examines which models are more suitable for representing mechanical property of unbound materials to analyze behavior of asphalt pavement structure. Results from FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer) test were used to apply to nonlinear elastic model. The new method which can deduct material constants of nonlinear elastic model is suggested from FWD test data rather than laboratory resilient modulus ($M_R$) test. It is confirmed that the material constants are within the common range in subbase. Test output from FWD and MDD (Multi-Depth Deflectometer) was used to verify reliability of the model. From the results of verification, this study shows that a non-linear elastic model agrees to MDD test data more than a linear elastic model does.

Numerical Simulations of Cellular Secondary Currents in Open-Channel Flows using Non-linear k-ε Model (비선형 k-ε 모형을 이용한 개수로 흐름에서의 격자형 이차흐름 구조 수치모의)

  • Kang, Hyeongsik;Choi, Sung-Uk;Park, Moonhyeong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6B
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    • pp.643-651
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    • 2008
  • In the present paper, turbulent open-channel flows over longitudinal bedforms are numerically simulated. The Reynolds- averaged Navier-Stokes equations in curvilinear coordinates are solved with the non-linear $k-{\varepsilon}$ model by Speziale( 1987). First, the developed model is applied to rectangular open channel flows for purposes of model validation and parameter sensitivity studies. It is found that the parameters $C_D$ and $C_E$ are important to the intensity of secondary currents and the level of turbulent anisotropy, respectively. It is found that the non-linear $k-{\varepsilon}$ model can hardly reproduce the turbulence anisotropy near the free surface. However, the overall pattern of the secondary currents by the present model is seen to coincide with measured data. Then, numerical simulations of turbulent flows over longitudinal bedforms are performed, and the simulated results are compared with the experimental data in the literature. The simulated secondary currents clearly show upflows and downflows over the ridges and troughs, respectively. The numerical results of secondary currents, streamwise mean velocity, and turbulence structures compare favorably with the measured data. However, it is observed that the secondary currents towards the troughs were significantly weak compared with the measured data.

Development of an SDOF Model for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Low to Mid-Rise Reinforced Concrete Residential Buildings (중저층 철근콘크리트 주거형 건축물의 내진성능평가를 위한 단자유도 모델 구축)

  • Minseok Park;Seoyoun Lee;Insub Choi
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2024
  • During earthquakes, buildings can suffer damage ranging from minor to severe, potentially leading to collapses and resulting in loss of life and property. To mitigate these risks, it is essential to evaluate the seismic performance of buildings. Current seismic performance evaluation techniques require significant time as they focus on individual buildings. Therefore, there is a need to develop evaluation techniques that can be applied on a regional scale. This study proposes a single-degree-of-freedom model with a nonlinear shear spring to assess the seismic performance and plan the reinforcement of reinforced concrete residential buildings. The nonlinear shear spring, defined by the T-SR-μ parameter, is used to simulate the nonlinear response of the structure. By applying 100-PEER ground motions to this model, the seismic performance of the buildings was evaluated based on the maximum inter-story drift ratio response. The applicability of the proposed technique was confirmed by comparing it with detailed models, where both models assessed the seismic performance of the buildings at similar levels. This results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately predict the seismic performance of actual buildings.

An Estimation of Price Elasticities of Import Demand and Export Supply Functions Derived from an Integrated Production Model (생산모형(生産模型)을 이용(利用)한 수출(輸出)·수입함수(輸入函數)의 가격탄성치(價格彈性値) 추정(推定))

  • Lee, Hong-gue
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 1990
  • Using an aggregator model, we look into the possibilities for substitution between Korea's exports, imports, domestic sales and domestic inputs (particularly labor), and substitution between disaggregated export and import components. Our approach heavily draws on an economy-wide GNP function that is similar to Samuelson's, modeling trade functions as derived from an integrated production system. Under the condition of homotheticity and weak separability, the GNP function would facilitate consistent aggregation that retains certain properties of the production structure. It would also be useful for a two-stage optimization process that enables us to obtain not only the net output price elasticities of the first-level aggregator functions, but also those of the second-level individual components of exports and imports. For the implementation of the model, we apply the Symmetric Generalized McFadden (SGM) function developed by Diewert and Wales to both stages of estimation. The first stage of the estimation procedure is to estimate the unit quantity equations of the second-level exports and imports that comprise four components each. The parameter estimates obtained in the first stage are utilized in the derivation of instrumental variables for the aggregate export and import prices being employed in the upper model. In the second stage, the net output supply equations derived from the GNP function are used in the estimation of the price elasticities of the first-level variables: exports, imports, domestic sales and labor. With these estimates in hand, we can come up with various elasticities of both the net output supply functions and the individual components of exports and imports. At the aggregate level (first-level), exports appear to be substitutable with domestic sales, while labor is complementary with imports. An increase in the price of exports would reduce the amount of the domestic sales supply, and a decrease in the wage rate would boost the demand for imports. On the other hand, labor and imports are complementary with exports and domestic sales in the input-output structure. At the disaggregate level (second-level), the price elasticities of the export and import components obtained indicate that both substitution and complement possibilities exist between them. Although these elasticities are interesting in their own right, they would be more usefully applied as inputs to the computational general equilibrium model.

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Population Structure and Fine-scale Habitat Affinity of Cymbidium kanran Protected Area as a Natural Monument (천연기념물 한란 보호구역의 개체군 구조 및 미세 서식처 선호성)

  • Shin, Jae-Kwon;Koo, Bon-Youl;Kim, Han-Gyeoul;Kwon, He-Jin;Son, Sung-Won;Lee, Jong-Seok;Cho, Hyun-Je;Bae, Kwan-Ho;Cho, Young-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.176-185
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    • 2014
  • There are no population ecological research on the natural monument (No. 191) Jeju Cymbidium kanran in South Korea. In this study, we analyzed the population structure and fine-scale habitat affinity of C. kanran in Sanghyo-dong, Jejudo Island from Oct. 2013 to Feb. 2014. We observed total of 1,237 individuals (4,341 pseudobulbs) of C. kanran (989.6 population $ha^{-1}$) within (1.25 ha) and only 17 (1.4%) individuals were inflorescent. In 60.9% of the entire populations, disease symptoms such as spots and blight leaves were observed. C. kanran populaton exhibited reverse-J shaped size distribution based on leaf area classes as individual size parameter. The three size related attributes of C. kanran (no. of pseudobulb $r_s$=-0.159, no. of leaves $r_s$=-0.148 and leaf arera $r_s$=-0.114) and soil temperature revealed a negative relationship (p<0.0001). Most of C. kanran (95.4%) were grown under Castamopsis cuspidata and spatially, C. kanran were strongly clumped at all distances. Population characteristics of C. kanran in the study area were likely originated from species habitat affinity and successional environment. Through this study, base line data for C. kanran's habitat monitoring was established and conservation measures based on population characteristics were discussed.

Analysis of Micro-Sedimentary Structure Characteristics Using Ultra-High Resolution UAV Imagery: Hwangdo Tidal Flat, South Korea (초고해상도 무인항공기 영상을 이용한 한국 황도 갯벌의 미세 퇴적 구조 특성 분석)

  • Minju Kim;Won-Kyung Baek;Hoi Soo Jung;Joo-Hyung Ryu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the micro-sedimentary structures of the Hwangdo tidal flats using ultra-high resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data. Tidal flats, located in the transitional area between land and sea, constantly change due to tidal activities and provide a unique environment important for understanding sedimentary processes and environmental conditions. Traditional field observation methods are limited in spatial and temporal coverage, and existing satellite imagery does not provide sufficient resolution to study micro-sedimentary structures. To overcome these limitations, high-resolution images of the Hwangdo tidal flats in Chungcheongnam-do were acquired using UAVs. This area has experienced significant changes in its sedimentary environment due to coastal development projects such as sea wall construction. From May 17 to 18, 2022, sediment samples were collected from 91 points during field surveys and 25 in-situ points were intensively analyzed. UAV data with a spatial resolution of approximately 0.9 mm allowed identifying and extracting parameters related to micro-sedimentary structures. For mud cracks, the length of the major axis of the polygons was extracted, and the wavelength and ripple symmetry index were extracted for ripple marks. The results of the study showed that in areas with mud content above 80%, mud cracks formed at an average major axis length of 37.3 cm. In regions with sand content above 60%, ripples with an average wavelength of 8 cm and a ripple symmetry index of 2.0 were formed. This study demonstrated that micro-sedimentary structures of tidal flats can be effectively analyzed using ultra-high resolution UAV data without field surveys. This highlights the potential of UAV technology as an important tool in environmental monitoring and coastal management and shows its usefulness in the study of sedimentary structures. In addition, the results of this study are expected to serve as baseline data for more accurate sedimentary facies classification.

A Study on Interactions of Competitive Promotions Between the New and Used Cars (신차와 중고차간 프로모션의 상호작용에 대한 연구)

  • Chang, Kwangpil
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 2012
  • In a market where new and used cars are competing with each other, we would run the risk of obtaining biased estimates of cross elasticity between them if we focus on only new cars or on only used cars. Unfortunately, most of previous studies on the automobile industry have focused on only new car models without taking into account the effect of used cars' pricing policy on new cars' market shares and vice versa, resulting in inadequate prediction of reactive pricing in response to competitors' rebate or price discount. However, there are some exceptions. Purohit (1992) and Sullivan (1990) looked into both new and used car markets at the same time to examine the effect of new car model launching on the used car prices. But their studies have some limitations in that they employed the average used car prices reported in NADA Used Car Guide instead of actual transaction prices. Some of the conflicting results may be due to this problem in the data. Park (1998) recognized this problem and used the actual prices in his study. His work is notable in that he investigated the qualitative effect of new car model launching on the pricing policy of the used car in terms of reinforcement of brand equity. The current work also used the actual price like Park (1998) but the quantitative aspect of competitive price promotion between new and used cars of the same model was explored. In this study, I develop a model that assumes that the cross elasticity between new and used cars of the same model is higher than those amongst new cars and used cars of the different model. Specifically, I apply the nested logit model that assumes the car model choice at the first stage and the choice between new and used cars at the second stage. This proposed model is compared to the IIA (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives) model that assumes that there is no decision hierarchy but that new and used cars of the different model are all substitutable at the first stage. The data for this study are drawn from Power Information Network (PIN), an affiliate of J.D. Power and Associates. PIN collects sales transaction data from a sample of dealerships in the major metropolitan areas in the U.S. These are retail transactions, i.e., sales or leases to final consumers, excluding fleet sales and including both new car and used car sales. Each observation in the PIN database contains the transaction date, the manufacturer, model year, make, model, trim and other car information, the transaction price, consumer rebates, the interest rate, term, amount financed (when the vehicle is financed or leased), etc. I used data for the compact cars sold during the period January 2009- June 2009. The new and used cars of the top nine selling models are included in the study: Mazda 3, Honda Civic, Chevrolet Cobalt, Toyota Corolla, Hyundai Elantra, Ford Focus, Volkswagen Jetta, Nissan Sentra, and Kia Spectra. These models in the study accounted for 87% of category unit sales. Empirical application of the nested logit model showed that the proposed model outperformed the IIA (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives) model in both calibration and holdout samples. The other comparison model that assumes choice between new and used cars at the first stage and car model choice at the second stage turned out to be mis-specfied since the dissimilarity parameter (i.e., inclusive or categroy value parameter) was estimated to be greater than 1. Post hoc analysis based on estimated parameters was conducted employing the modified Lanczo's iterative method. This method is intuitively appealing. For example, suppose a new car offers a certain amount of rebate and gains market share at first. In response to this rebate, a used car of the same model keeps decreasing price until it regains the lost market share to maintain the status quo. The new car settle down to a lowered market share due to the used car's reaction. The method enables us to find the amount of price discount to main the status quo and equilibrium market shares of the new and used cars. In the first simulation, I used Jetta as a focal brand to see how its new and used cars set prices, rebates or APR interactively assuming that reactive cars respond to price promotion to maintain the status quo. The simulation results showed that the IIA model underestimates cross elasticities, resulting in suggesting less aggressive used car price discount in response to new cars' rebate than the proposed nested logit model. In the second simulation, I used Elantra to reconfirm the result for Jetta and came to the same conclusion. In the third simulation, I had Corolla offer $1,000 rebate to see what could be the best response for Elantra's new and used cars. Interestingly, Elantra's used car could maintain the status quo by offering lower price discount ($160) than the new car ($205). In the future research, we might want to explore the plausibility of the alternative nested logit model. For example, the NUB model that assumes choice between new and used cars at the first stage and brand choice at the second stage could be a possibility even though it was rejected in the current study because of mis-specification (A dissimilarity parameter turned out to be higher than 1). The NUB model may have been rejected due to true mis-specification or data structure transmitted from a typical car dealership. In a typical car dealership, both new and used cars of the same model are displayed. Because of this fact, the BNU model that assumes brand choice at the first stage and choice between new and used cars at the second stage may have been favored in the current study since customers first choose a dealership (brand) then choose between new and used cars given this market environment. However, suppose there are dealerships that carry both new and used cars of various models, then the NUB model might fit the data as well as the BNU model. Which model is a better description of the data is an empirical question. In addition, it would be interesting to test a probabilistic mixture model of the BNU and NUB on a new data set.

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