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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Structural Flexibility

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Influence of end fixity on post-yield behaviors of a tubular member

  • Cho, Kyu Nam
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.557-568
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    • 2002
  • For the evaluation of the capability of a tubular member of an offshore structure to absorb the collision energy, a simple method can be employed for the collision analysis without performing the detailed analysis. The most common simple method is the rigid-plastic method. However, in this method any characteristics for horizontal movement and rotation at the ends of the corresponding tubular member are not included. In a real structural system of an offshore structure, tubular members sustain a certain degree of elastic support from the adjacent structure. End fixity has influences in the behaviors of a tubular member. Three-dimensional FEM analysis can include the effect of end fixity fully, however in viewpoints of the inherent computational complexities of the 3-D approach, this is not the recommendable analysis at the initial design stage. In this paper, influence of end fixity on the behaviors of a tubular member is investigated, through a new approach and other approaches. A new analysis approach that includes the flexibility of the boundary points of the member is developed here. The flexibility at the ends of a tubular element is extracted using the rational reduction of the modeling characteristics. The property reduction is based on the static condensation of the related global stiffness matrix of a model to end nodal points of the tubular element. The load-displacement relation at the collision point of the tubular member with and without the end flexibility is obtained and compared. The new method lies between the rigid-plastic method and the 3-demensional analysis. It is self-evident that the rigid-plastic method gives high strengthening membrane effect of the member during global deformation, resulting in a steeper slope than the present method. On the while, full 3-D analysis gives less strengthening membrane effect on the member, resulting in a slow going load-displacement curve. Comparison of the load-displacement curves by the new approach with those by conventional methods gives the figures of the influence of end fixity on post-yielding behaviors of the relevant tubular member. One of the main contributions of this investigation is the development of an analytical rational procedure to figure out the post-yielding behaviors of a tubular member in offshore structures.

A direct damage detection method using Multiple Damage Localization Index Based on Mode Shapes criterion

  • Homaei, F.;Shojaee, S.;Amiri, G. Ghodrati
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.183-202
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    • 2014
  • A new method of multiple damage detection in beam like structures is introduced. The mode shapes of both healthy and damaged structures are used in damage detection process (DDP). Multiple Damage Localization Index Based on Mode Shapes (MDLIBMS) is presented as a criterion in detecting damaged elements. A finite element modeling of structures is used to calculate the mode shapes parameters. The main advantages of the proposed method are its simplicity, flexibility on the number of elements and so the accuracy of the damage(s) position(s), sensitivity to small damage extend, capability in prediction of required number of mode shapes and low sensitivity to noisy data. In fact, because of differential and comparative form of MDLIBMS, using noise polluted data doesn't have major effect on the results. This makes the proposed method a powerful one in damage detection according to measured mode shape data. Because of its flexibility, damage detection process in multi span bridge girders with non-prismatic sections can be done by this method. Numerical simulations used to demonstrate these advantages.

A Shape Finding of the Cable Structures by Flexibility Iteration Procedure and Nonlinear FEM (유연성 반복과정과 비선형유한요소법에 의한 케이블 구조물의 형태탐색)

  • 황보석;서삼열;진권태
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 1990
  • Analysis of cable structures is complex because their force - displacement relationships are highly nonlinear and also because large deformations introduce geometric nonlinearity. Therefore, we must take account their geometric nonlinearity in the analysis and find the equilibrated shape of cable structures. In this paper, to slove these problems, numerical procedures involving geometrical nonlinearity are introduced. They are applicable to general cable net, flexible transmission lines and suspended cable roof. These procedures are divided into two parts; one is to obtain the equilibrated shapes and stresses of the cable structures with uniform load by flexibility iteration method, the other is to analyse the equilibrated structures subjected to nodal external forces by nonlinear finite element method.

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A Study on the Design Development Methods and the Characteristics of Zero Waste Fashion Design (최소폐기물 패션디자인의 디자인 개발방식 및 특성 연구)

  • Han, Seung Soo;Suh, Seung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2016
  • The importance of environment has come into focus recently, and this has led to increased attention on zero waste fashion design as a method to minimize waste from the production stage of fashion goods. The purpose of this study was to analyze the development method types and the characteristics of zero waste fashion design in order to study the eco-friendly meanings of zero waste fashion design, as well as its meaning as creative design development methods. Through the case analysis of recent designs, the design types of zero waste fashion design were largely classified into cut and sew, folding, draping, and non-woven types, and they were classified again according to the characteristics of production process. According to the result of analyzing fashion design development methods of zero waste fashion designs based on the process of completing design, they were classified into pattern making, computer programming, draping, assembling of the unit, and non-woven moulding methods, and the aspect of combined use rather than utilization of one method appeared. Formative characteristics of zero waste fashion design included decorative beauty, formative beauty, and transformable beauty and its design characteristics were fortuity and unexpected properties, breaking stereotypes, structural flexibility and futuristic innovation.

A Study on the Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Shell Structures Using the Flexible Joints of Beam Structures (보구조물의 유연이음을 이용한 쉘구조물의 기하학적 비선형해석에 관한 연구)

  • 김성익;이창훈;민옥기
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 1997
  • In the analysis of the behavior of a complex structure, it requires much time and cost to analyze its behavior by using shell elements at the early design concept. For the purpose of the decrease of time and cost, many researches have been performed with the intention to analyze its behavior through replacing a shell model by a simple beam model. In the present study, a method is proposed for determining a bending spring stiffness which means the flexibility for applying into the joints of the simple beam model. Geometrically nonlinear analysis is performed through the application of the determined flexibility into joints of the simple beam model. The nonlinear behavior of thin-walled tube shell structure can be described within a little error through the simple beam model with flexible joints.

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Dynamic Profile of the Copper Chaperone CopP from Helicobacter Pylori Depending on the Bound Metals

  • Hyun, Ja-shil;Park, Sung Jean
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2016
  • Copper is an elemental ion in living organisms. CopP from Helicobacter Pylori (HpCopP) is a copper(I)-binding protein and was suggested as regulator of copper metabolism in vivo. Previously, the metal binding property of HpCopP for Ag(I), Cu(I), and Cu(II) as well as the tertiary structure of HpCopP was shown. In this study, the dynamic profiles of HpCopP depending on metal binding were studied using 1H15N steady-state NOE analysis. The heteroNOE experiment was performed for apo-CopP or metal-bound CopP. The obtained NOE values were analyzed and compared to figure out the effect of metals on the structural flexibility of HpCopP. As a result, Ag(I) and Cu(I) ions improved the rigidity of the structure while Cu(II) ion increased the flexibility of the structure, suggesting the oxidation of the CXXC motif decreases the structural stability of HpCopP.

A versatile small-scale structural laboratory for novel experimental earthquake engineering

  • Chen, Pei-Ching;Ting, Guan-Chung;Li, Chao-Hsien
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 2020
  • Experimental testing has been considered as one of the most straightforward approaches to realize the structural behavior for earthquake engineering studies. Recently, novel and advanced experimental techniques, which combine numerical simulation with experimental testing, have been developed and applied to structural testing practically. However, researchers have to take the risk of damaging specimens or facilities during the process of developing and validating new experimental methods. In view of this, a small-scale structural laboratory has been designed and constructed in order to verify the effectiveness of newly developed experimental technique before it is applied to large-scale testing for safety concerns in this paper. Two orthogonal steel reaction walls and one steel T-slotted reaction floor are designed and analyzed. Accordingly, a large variety of experimental setups can be completed by installing servo-hydraulic actuators and fixtures depending on different research purposes. Meanwhile, a state-of-the-art digital controller and multiple real-time computation machines are allocated. The integration of hardware and software interfaces provides the feasibility and flexibility of developing novel experimental methods that used to be difficult to complete in conventional structural laboratories. A simple experimental demonstration is presented which utilizes part of the hardware and software in the small-scale structural laboratory. Finally, experimental layouts of future potential development and application are addressed and discussed, providing the practitioners with valuable reference for experimental earthquake engineering.

Hydro-structural issues in the design of ultra large container ships

  • Malenica, Sime;Derbanne, Quentin
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.983-999
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    • 2014
  • The structural design of the ships includes two main issues which should be checked carefully, namely the extreme structural response (yielding & buckling) and the fatigue structural response. Even if the corresponding failure modes are fundamentally different, the overall methodologies for their evaluation have many common points. Both issues require application of two main steps: deterministic calculations of hydro-structure interactions for given operating conditions on one side and the statistical post-processing in order to take into account the lifetime operational profile, on the other side. In the case of ultra large ships such as the container ships and in addition to the classical quasi-static type of structural responses the hydroelastic structural response becomes important. This is due to several reasons among which the following are the most important: the increase of the flexibility due to their large dimensions (Lpp close to 400 m) which leads to the lower structural natural frequencies, very large operational speed (> 20 knots) and large bow flare (increased slamming loads). The correct modeling of the hydroelastic ship structural response, and its inclusion into the overall design procedure, is significantly more complex than the evaluation of the quasi static structural response. The present paper gives an overview of the different tools and methods which are used in nowadays practice.

Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Suspension Bridges Considering Construction Sequences (현수교의 기하학적 비선형을 고려한 동적 밀 시공단계별 해석)

  • 방명석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.148-157
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    • 1999
  • Dynamic structural behavior in long span bridges, especially cable structures, is very sophisticated due to their flexibility and structural members are sequentially erected in each construction step. In this study, the consistent mass matrix for dynamic analysis is formulated and computational program considering construction sequences is developed where structural members can be builded or removed by command language and automatically reanalyzed in the moment when structural system is changed. The dynamic analysis, i.e. eigenvalue and time series analysis and the geometrically nonlinear analysis considering construction sequence are conducted to the Namhae Bridge. The analytical results are satisfactory compared with measuring values and the developed computational program can successfully be applied to design and safety check.

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Structural damage detection using a damage probability index based on frequency response function and strain energy concept

  • Bagherahmadi, Seyed Ahdiye;Seyedpoor, Seyed Mohammad
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2018
  • In this study, an efficient damage index is proposed to identify multiple damage cases in structural systems using the concepts of frequency response function (FRF) matrix and strain energy of a structure. The index is defined based on the change of strain energy of an element due to damage. For obtaining the strain energy stored in elements, the columnar coefficients of the FRF matrix is used. The new indicator is named here as frequency response function strain energy based index (FRFSEBI). In order to assess the performance of the proposed index for structural damage detection, some benchmark structures having a number of damage scenarios are considered. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed index even with considering noise can accurately identify the actual location and approximate severity of the damage. In order to demonstrate the high efficiency of the proposed damage index, its performance is also compared with that of the flexibility strain energy based index (FSEBI) provided in the literature.