• Title/Summary/Keyword: Strategic plan evaluation

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A Reanalysis and Evaluation of the Chuncheon District Battle In the Early Part of the Korean War (6·25전쟁 초기 춘천지구 전투의 재분석과 평가)

    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to reevaluate the success factors and significance of the battle through the analysis of the only successful Chuncheon district battle during the defense combat in the early part of the Korean War on June 25, 1950. The research results are the matters that are analyzed from the viewpoint of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea, focusing intensively on the successful aspect of the early defense combat against North Korean army's surprise invasion of the South and on the battle that thwarted the North Korean army's intensive surprise attack intention. This research attempts to reanalyze the Chuncheon District Battle in connection with the Kim Il-sung's strategic course of action in consideration of the operation plan of North Korean invasion of the South. In other words, it is to reanalyze the enemy tactics in connection with North Korean army's plan of invasion of the South. The fact that the 6th Division of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea destroyed the North Korean army's operations plans that were in accordance with Kim Il-sung's strategic plans has more significance than a simple tactical success. The Chuncheon District Battle should be reevaluated as the "decisive battle" which went beyond a successful early defense combat in a Chuncheon region, and which fundamentally defeated North Korean army's war plan itself by thwarting the Kim Il-sung's strategic plan.

A Study on the Evaluation Model of Strategic Information Systems Planning (정보시스템 전략계획 평가모형에 관한 연구)

  • 김동태;문용은;이재범
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.149-178
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    • 1998
  • Strategic Information Systems Planning(SISP) has gained considerable interest among researchers and practitioners in recent years Which has instigated various related research. Neverthless, only 24 percent of the projects recommended as a result of SISP are ultimately performed. This statistics raise the questions for the need of SISP. This study provides the framework that may enable SISP to be more effectively utilized by studying factors for consideration from the review of pertinent literature. These factors will then be validated by case studies of domestic companies and by simultaneously inducing key characteristics and solutions of SISP. The result of the study indicate some inconsistency between literal factors and the case study. The factors added through case study were considered to be actual factors of SISP. This study emphasized the role of the senior manager, the quality of the implementation of the state plan, change management and the capability of the planning team. As a key characteristics of domestic companies considered was the general lack of ability to collect and analyze data. In addition, the domestic companies have little consideration of the organizational contingency factors.

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A strategic framework for green remodeling based on children's health and energy efficiency in South Korea (한국의 어린이 건강과 에너지 효율성을 기반으로 한 친환경 리모델링을 위한 우선순위 전략 프레임워크)

  • Nguyen, Thi Vi-Anh;Ahn, Yong-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.61-62
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    • 2023
  • Promoting energy-efficient retrofit of existing buildings to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 is critically vital and challenging. The bulk of outdated educational buildings in particular are of grave concern since they are not only have a significant negative impact on the environment but also dangerous to inhabitants'health. This study laid the groundwork for understanding the connection between occupant health and energy efficiency. This study proposes a prioritized strategic GR framework in South Korea's aging preschools. The possible prospects and levels of development in the GR plan are identified by this evaluation. Policy markers, educators, and other key stakeholders may help to create a more sustainable and healthy environment by putting the recommended framework into practice.

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A Plan of Efficiency of Human Resource Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises in Regional Strategic Industry (지역전략산업 연계 중소기업지원 인력양성정책의 효율화 방안)

  • Kyung, Jong-Soo;Lee, Sang-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.3779-3788
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    • 2010
  • In this study, We found approach to improve the efficiency of human resource policies for small-medium enterprises(SMEs) in the regional strategic industries. Especially, we intended to identify practical and policy implications, through analyzing to the supply and demand side of human resource at the same time. In the supply side, we analyzed workers, supply, and support policy in regional strategic industry. In the demand side, we analyzed the demands from 201 SMEs in regional strategic industry. We found the demand differences in strategic industries. we found the efficiency improvement and directions of human resource policies. Thus, these results imply the necessity of creating a customizing policy for SMEs. In conclusion, the human resource policy should be reflected the central government's policy direction and the demands of SMEs.

Utilization of Noise Map in the Stage of Environmental Assessment on Development Project (개발계획 환경평가 단계에서의 소음지도 활용방안)

  • Sun, Hyo-Sung
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.29-46
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    • 2010
  • This study presents plans to prevent environmental noise by using noise maps when establishing development projects and targets strategic environment assessments for urban master plans and environmental impact assessment for urban development projects. Strategic environment assessments for urban master plans include the examination of plan validity and location appropriateness in consideration of the effect of environmental noise by comparing development plans with noise maps, and the establishment of long-term measures through comprehensive assessment of present noise conditions and noise effects from development plans. Environmental impact assessments for urban development projects propose enforcement plans, including analysis of present noise conditions around development areas, overall evaluation of present noise conditions and the noise effect from development projects, and selection of optimal measures by comparing noise maps with various alternatives.

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Organizational Plan of The CobiT-Based University IT Framework (CobiT 기반 대학정보화 프레임워크의 조직적 계획)

  • Choi, Jae-jun;Kim, Chi-su
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2019
  • We can implement IT governance in university IT project by applying framework based on CobiT to university information system. In this paper, the organizational planning process is presented as a procedure to use it strategically at the university organizational level. This is the basic plan to be pursued by the university organization and is the first to be implemented in the Univ IT strategy. Organizational plan carry out the process gradually at the organizational level and 11 items of 4 groups are presented. The result of this organizational plan is to lead the strategic process at the university headquarters. In addition, big picture strategy can be established from Univ IT planning, budget, coordination and evaluation, and it can lead to systematic preparation and management for integrated implementation of IT system.

Air-Borne Selection in Micro-Genetic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization

  • Kim, Yunyoung;Masahiro Toyosada;Koji Gotoh;Park, Jewoong
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.106.4-106
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    • 2001
  • The current research field to find near-optimum solutions explores in a small population, which is coined as Micro-Genetic Algorithms (${\mu}$GAs), with some genetic operators. Just as in the Simple-Genetic Algorithms (SGAs), the ${\mu}$GAs work with encoding population and are implemented serially. The major difference between SGAs and ${\mu}$GAs is how to make reproductive plan for more better searching strategy due to the population choice. This paper is conducted to implement ${\mu}$GAs in order to achieve fast searching for more better evolution and associated cost evaluation in global solution space. To achieve this implementation, the Air-Borne Selection (ABS) for a new reproductive plan is developed as new strategic conception for ${\mu}$GAs. In this paper, it is shown that the ${\mu}$GAs implementation reaches a near-optimal region much earlier than the SGAs implementation. The superior ...

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Evaluation of Water Productivity of Thailand and Improvement Measure Proposals

  • Suthidhummajit, Chokchai;Koontanakulvong, Sucharit
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.176-176
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    • 2019
  • Thailand had issued a national strategic development master plan with issues related to water resources and water security in the entire water management. Water resources are an important factor of living and development of the country's socio-economy to be stable, prosperous and sustainable. Therefore, water management in both multidimensional and multi-sectoral systems is important and will supports socio-economic and environmental development. The direction of national development in accordance with the national strategic framework for 20 years that requires the country to level up security level in terms of water, energy and food. To response to the proposed goals, there is a subplan to increase water productivity of the entire water system for economical development use by evaluating use value and to create more value added from water use to meet international standard level. This study aims to evaluate the water productivity of Thailand in each basin and all sectors such as agricultural sector, service and industrial sectors by using the water use data from water account analysis and GDP data from NESDB during the past 10 years (1996-2015). The comparison of water productivity with other countries will also be conducted and in addition, the measures to improve water productivity in next 20 years will be explored to response to the National Strategic Master Plan goals. Water productivity is defined as output per unit of water depleted. The simplest way to compare water productivity across different enterprises is in monetary terms. World Bank presents water productivity as an indication of the efficiency by which each country uses its water resources. There are two data sets used for water productivity analyses, i.e., the first is water use data at end users and the second is Gross Domestic Product. The water use at end users are estimated by water account method based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (SEEA-Water) concept of United Nations. The water account shows the analyses of the water balance between the use and supply of each water resource in physical terms. The water supply and use linkage in the water account analyses separated into each phases, i.e., water sources, water managers, water service providers, water user at end user under water regulators of all kinds of water use activities such as household, industrial, agricultural, tourism, hydropower, and ecological conservation uses. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a well- known measuring method of the national economic growth is not actually a comprehensive approach to describe all aspects of national economic status, since GDP does not take into account the costs of the negative impacts to natural resources that result from the overexploitation of development projects, however, at present, integrating the environment with the economy of a country to measure its economic growth with GDP is acceptable worldwide. The study results will show the water use at each basin, use types at end users, water productivity in each sector from 1996-2015 compared with other countries, Besides the productivity improvement measures will be explored and proposed for the National Strategic Master Plan.

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A Study on Evaluation of an RN-BSN Program in a Nursing School (일 대학의 RN-BSN 교육과정 평가)

  • Oh, Ka-Sil;Lee, Kyung-Ja;Kim, In-Sook;Kim, Hee-Soon;Oh, Eui-Geum;Lee, Ju Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the overall RN-BSN program, current curriculum, and student outcomes in one nursing college. Method: A cross- sectional survey was used for current students (n=152) and graduates (n=54). Three different instruments were used in this study; K-Regis University RN-BSN Program Evaluation Tool, Curriculum Evaluation Tool, and Outcome Evaluation Tool. Result: Results showed that overall the program was satisfying to current students and graduates. However, curriculum evaluation showed that clinical practicum and nursing skill courses were generally unsatisfying, indicating further changes in these areas. Graduates showed higher leadership and professionalism than current students in the outcome evaluation. Conclusion: The current study indicates a need for further studies such as review of the RN-BSN program philosophy and education method, or program evaluation by periods. Additionally, there is a need for a strategic plan to develop the RN-BSN program in the future.

Review on the Protected Areas Issues within Mid-Long Term National Plans for Territory and Environment of Korea; Focus on the "Biodiversity 2011-2020 Strategic Targets" and "Protected Areas Decision" (우리나라 국토 및 환경 분야 중장기 국가계획의 보호지역 관련 내용 고찰 - "생물다양성협약 2011~2020 전략목표" 및 "보호지역 결정문" 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Heo, Hag Young
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.3-37
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    • 2012
  • In perspective of biodiversity conservation and protected areas (PAs), the aims of the study are to review the mid-long term national plans, which deal with national territory and environment in Korea, and to find out the way to improve this issue. Key issues were drawn by referring "Biodiversity 2011-2020 Strategic Targets" and "Protected Area Decision" in CBD CoP-10 and 7 National comprehensive or basic Plans were reviewed. Quoting Biodiversity 2011-2020 Strategic Target 5, "By 2020, the rate of loss of all natural habitats, including forests, is at least halved and where feasible brought close to zero, and degradation and fragmentation is significantly reduced", most of national plans included various methods such as "No Net Loss of Green", "No Net Loss of Wetlands", and so on. Regarding the target 11, "By 2020, at least 17% of terrestrial and inland water, and 10% of coastal and marine areas, ecologically representative and well connected systems of PAs and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscape and seascapes", 15% by 2015 was set up as a target of total PAs in Korea and 13% by 2015 or 2020 was set up as a target of coastal and marine PAs. CBD CoP-10 Decision X/31 (Protected Areas) invites parties to develop a national long-term action plan for the implementation of PoWPA and describes 10 issues that need greater attention. National action plan for the implementation of PoWPA doesn't be mentioned at any national plans even PoWPA. Regarding the 10 issues, most of issues were well reflected within various national plans, however there is still a need to improve the details and corelation between plans. Particularly, in terms of management effectiveness evaluation (MEE), there was no national plan to directly deal with MEE even though CBD invites parties to work towards assessing 60% of the total PAs by 2015. Based on the review results, below 4 items were suggested; (1)"The Comprehensive Plan of the National Territory" needs more attention on the Biodiversity Conservation and PAs, (2)Consider to establish "National PA System Plan" embedded into "the Comprehensive Plan of National Environment", (3)Establish a "National Action Plan for the implementation of PoWPA", (4)Improve the National Plans through linking with Biodiversity 2011-2020 Strategic Targets and relevant PA key issues.

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