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A Reanalysis and Evaluation of the Chuncheon District Battle In the Early Part of the Korean War  

LEE, SUNG CHOON (송원대학교 국방공무원학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this research is to reevaluate the success factors and significance of the battle through the analysis of the only successful Chuncheon district battle during the defense combat in the early part of the Korean War on June 25, 1950. The research results are the matters that are analyzed from the viewpoint of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea, focusing intensively on the successful aspect of the early defense combat against North Korean army's surprise invasion of the South and on the battle that thwarted the North Korean army's intensive surprise attack intention. This research attempts to reanalyze the Chuncheon District Battle in connection with the Kim Il-sung's strategic course of action in consideration of the operation plan of North Korean invasion of the South. In other words, it is to reanalyze the enemy tactics in connection with North Korean army's plan of invasion of the South. The fact that the 6th Division of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea destroyed the North Korean army's operations plans that were in accordance with Kim Il-sung's strategic plans has more significance than a simple tactical success. The Chuncheon District Battle should be reevaluated as the "decisive battle" which went beyond a successful early defense combat in a Chuncheon region, and which fundamentally defeated North Korean army's war plan itself by thwarting the Kim Il-sung's strategic plan.
Chuncheon District Battle; Kim Il-sung's strategic; decisive battle;
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  • Reference
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