• Title/Summary/Keyword: Storyboard

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University's the UCC Project Teaching and Learning Model Development and its Application (대학의 UCC 프로젝트 교수·학습 모형 개발 및 적용)

  • Kwon, Myung-Soon;Kan, Jin-Sook
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.937-957
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted for the purpose of developing the UCC project teaching and learning model based on the rationale which are applicable effectively in the field of university education. Firstly, we have designed the rationale based on the research of documents and preceding researches about teaching method models. Secondly, we have developed the UCC project teaching and learning model. the UCC project teaching and learning model based on the rationale was assessed by the professional formative evaluation group and tested in the field of university education in advance and thereafter. It was finally rectified and supplemented. Particularly, any corrections were to be made repeatedly in the stage of developing of the UCC project. And also, during the assessment and arrangement process, it was designed for the study participants to feel a sense of achievement as learners who combine knowledge and attitudes toward participants'subjects of the curriculum and professional vocational skills by performing the nursing science training scene which could happen in the field. Thirdly, the final version of the UCC project teaching and learning model was verified in its effectiveness by being applied in the field of the nursing science education in the $2^{nd}$ step. As a result, we noticed that learners diverse abilities were improved through systemic process and performing elements such as teaching plan which was needed for designing the UCC project in the field, making storyboard and skills for making video contents. We hope that the UCC project teaching and learning model in this study will be used by the students for designing, developing and utilizing educational UCCs which are necessary in industrial fields and it will contribute for training university students as professionals having the practical skills in the field.

Research on the Animation Storyboard Production Based on Storytelling (스토리텔링을 기반으로 한 애니메이션 스토리보드 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 2006
  • The weight of the story in the field of animation that is developed in digital and network is increasing gradually. It occurs not only in animation but several related fields. It shows the potential and needs of animation education based on the story. In this research several literary studies were conducted to identify essential factors of the story-telling in the animation story board production. To visualize the contents in details for the first time, we tried to find the intention of the producer of the animation story board and the work's depth by researching the role and production process in animation story board which applies all of the productions. The important visual factors in producing the animation will be the subjects of the research in near future, and the studies as the important communication art will be carried out by developing the visual and creativeness of the expressions.

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A Study on Method to Develop Mobile Contents for G-learning Using the Presidential Archives Based on Digital Storytelling Method (디지털 스토리텔링 기반 대통령기록물을 활용한 G-learning 모바일 콘텐츠 개발방법론에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Min Hui;Choi, Jung Won;Han, Hye Won;Kim, Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.261-284
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    • 2016
  • Presidential archives have higher historical value than other public documentaries. It is a reliable documentary reflecting aspects of contemporary life and has high value and availability in the education field. This study suggests how to intensify the role as an intelligence service of presidential archives and how to develop the utilized-Presidential Archives mobile education contents in G-learning environments to lead the positive awareness on Presidential archives. After suggesting the 7 levels methods about the development of mobile education contents using presidential archives in G-learning environments, This study shows the case of the applied educational contents on the subject of $5^{th}$ grade at the elementary school. 7 levels methods include pre-planning, pre-design, selecting presidential records, presidential records story-telling, making the storyboard, implementing a game, sharing and assess.

A Study on Space in the Moveis of Hirokazu Koreeda (고레에다 히로카즈 감독 영화의 공간 연구)

  • Hwang, Woo-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.343-363
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    • 2018
  • Classical film narrative fails to reflect the increasing complexity of modern society. In this era of film narrative crisis Hirokazu Koreeda presents a new solution. The director puts an emphasis on neutral valuation over subject matter rather than empathy of audiences which leads to a biased point of view. Thus Hirokazu Koreeda choose space over story as a critical narrative enabler. Two qualitatively opposite spaces are presented and the boundary space of the two are set as a main background where the valuation over the spaces waves up and down. Audiences who get accustomed to a one-sided value judgement led by storytelling can be neutralized by pendulum movement of valuation. The specific methods of using space as a main tool of value neutralization have changed through the director's filmography. Space had been thoroughly designed through the storyboard in early works. Later the director let audiences experience the spaces to evoke a sense of place.

Design of the Interactive Educational Game using the Digital Game-based Learning Methodology (디지털 게임 기반 학습 방법을 이용한 대화형 교육 게임의 설계)

  • Wahyutama, Aria Bisma;Agustin, Ririn Dwi;Hwang, Mintae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1337-1344
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents an interactive educational game design procedure using the DGBL (Digital Game-based Learning) methodology that will help developers to design a multipurpose educational game. The DGBL consists of five stages, which are Analysis, Design, Development, Quality Assurance, and Implementation & Evaluation. This paper is focusing only on the specific technologies included in the Analysis and Design stages based on the DGBL. The first Analysis stage consists of gathering requirements, determining game ideation and learning objectives, and the second Design stage consists of defining the game architecture and database scheme. In this paper, we have designed a lecturers introduction game for a new student or freshmen as a case study to apply the Analysis and Design stages based on DGBL, as well as showing the prototype result in the form of a storyboard.

Development of Nursing Students' Volunteer Activity for Goryeo-in Immigrants Based on Service Design (서비스디자인 기반의 고려인 이주민을 위한 간호대학생 봉사활동 개발)

  • Kim, Heeyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2020
  • The number of Goryeo-in immigrants has been increasing recently. National attention and active interactions are required for them to settle down with the identity of Koreans. The purpose of this study was to develop volunteer activity for Goryeo-in immigrants based on service design. The study was performed in G metropolitan city from October to November 2019. The participants were 33 Goryeo-in immigrants and 3 stakeholders. Data was collected through a survey and interviews of Goryeo-in immigrants and stakeholder interviews. In the field surveys and interviews, it was found out that the main problems faced by Goryeo-in immigrants were communication difficulties, maladjustment, job insecurity and smoking. The core issue was defined as 'How Goryeo-in immigrant women can improve their communicate ability in Korean'. In order to solve this problem we developed a program called 'Goryeo-in Han-gul ssugssug' for volunteer activities, and the program delivered through a storyboard and a role play. Using the service design process, a meaningful volunteer activity was designed considering lots of situation of Goryeo-in immigrants and nursing students in various ways. This study shows that the service design methodology is a useful way to reflect the needs of consumers and volunteers in developing volunteer work.

Designing and Developing ICT Contents of Mathematics and Science in Agricultural, Mountain and Fishing Villages (농산어촌 수학·과학 ICT 콘텐츠 설계 및 개발)

  • Park, Sunju;Han, Kwanglae;Lee, Daehyun;Shin, Bomi;Lee, Joonki
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2015
  • For this, 410 development topics and contents were selected based on the analysis of contents related to mathematics and science, the pre-investigation and analysis of mathematics and science teachers in agricultural, mountain and fishing villages and the analysis of the 2009 revised curriculum. The validity verification of the selected subject list and implementation plan was implemented through the reviews by experts in each subject and the storyboard was designed by reflecting the examination opinion after the final revision. Development directions of the contents were set after analyzing the application result of contents from classroom for creativity and science and selected schools in agricultural, mountain and fishing villages for demonstration, and opened the platform after the revision and supplement of the expert. It is expected to elevate students' self-directed learning abilities in agricultural, mountain and fishing villages by developing and extending smart learning contents to use ICT in Mathematics and science education, which are high in urbanrural academic disparity.

User Centered Design and Development Strategies for Participatory Learning Media (사용자중심의 참여 미디어 교육시스템 프로토타입 개발 전략)

  • Ahn, Mi-Lee;Cho, Y.C.;Hwang, Y.J.;Cha, H.J.;Kim, H.J.
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.926-932
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    • 2009
  • Recently many research reports on effective use of mobile devices for museums to provide information on displayed artifacts providing individualized learning space, collaborative learning, and discovery learning, Such devices have many possibilities to support learning as a participatory media and social network. Mobile devices are used, however, limited for its usability and lack in providing expected learning experiences. It offers one-way interaction and they are often limited in providing customized services for different patrons to experience learning and entertainment. In this research, we have adopted user centered design approach to identify the needs and possible usage of PDA system in the museum. Research methods include contextual observation and inquiry with symbolic interactionism for qualitative research and its epistemology. We have developed conceptual model with scenario and storyboard method, and developed vertical prototype with Flash.

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Development of a Tailored Mobile Application to Improve Elementary School Students' Competencies of Emotional Awareness and Empathy (초등학생들의 감정인식과 공감능력 향상을 위한 맞춤형 모바일 앱 개발)

  • Kim, EunJung;Lee, Yuna;Lee, Sangsoo
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2014
  • Recently youth problems such as school violence and bullying are becoming increasingly lower age. In order to overcome this situation highlights the importance of education and the emotions, which in analyzing the existing mobile app, only the most fun-oriented approach has been made and the information presented. It focuses on the emotion awareness and empathy abilities of learners diagnosis, training, application can be made at the level of educational mobile app prototype was developed. First, self-understanding, self-expression, others-understanding, and empathy of emotional competency derived from review of emotional awareness skills training programs. Second, by analyzing the existing emotion recognition app macro-principles and micro-strategy of mobile app's designs were derived. Third, accordi was conducted on prototype of storyboard and app the completed prototype was completed. The proposed app is a fun and learning by doing, also Depending on students' level of performance can be customized. The proposed mobile app is efficient and effective, engaging learning space as a systematic training in the diagnosis and the emotions through the elementary students will be able to improve emotional awaeness competency.

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A Study on the Location and Landscaping Characteristics of Yonghogugok of Jiri Mountain Illuminated by Old Literatures and Letters Carved on the Rocks (고문헌과 바위글씨로 조명한 지리산 용호구곡(龍湖九曲)의 입지 및 경관특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kahng, Byung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.154-167
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    • 2014
  • The results of this study conducted to identify the substance, regional characteristics or landscaping of Namwon Yonghogugok, which is the only valley of Jiri Mountain, based on Kim Samun's 'Yonghokugok-Gyeongseungannae(龍湖九曲景勝案內)', 'Yongseongji(龍城誌)' and position, meaning of letters carved and projection technique by ArcGIS10.0 on the rocks are as below. The feature landscapes of the canyon of Yonghogugok, which is an incised meander and one of the Eight beautiful scenery of Namwon, ponds, cliffs and rocks generated with metamorphic rocks and granites weathered by rapids torrents. As a result of measuring the GPS coordinates of the letters carved on the rocks, excluding the 3 Gok Hakseoam and the distances based on the origin and destination of the letters carved on the rocks using the API(Application Programming Interface) function of Daum map, the total distance of Yonghogugok was 3.5km and the average distance between the each Gok was 436.5m. It is assumed that Yonghogugok was designated by Sarim(士林) of the Kiho School(畿湖學派) related to Wondong Hyangyak(元洞鄕約) which is the main agent of Yonghojeongsa(龍湖精舍), the forerunner of Yonghoseowon(龍湖書院), between the late Joseon Dynasty and the early Japanese colonial era, in 1927. Its grounds are the existence of Yonghoyeongdang mentioned on 'Yonghojeongsilgi'(龍湖亭實記), records of 'Haeunyugo(荷隱遺稿)', 'Yonghopumje(龍湖品題)' of Bulshindang(佛神堂), 'Yonghojeongsadonggu Gapjachun(龍湖精舍洞口 甲子春)' letters carved on the rocks and 'Yonghogugok-Shipyeong(龍湖九曲十詠)' posted on Mokgandang of Yonghoseowon. Comprehensively considering the numerous poetry society lists carved on the stone wall of Punghodae(風乎臺), the Sixth Gok Yuseondae, its stone mortar, 'Bangjangjeildongcheon(方丈第一洞天)' of Bulshindang and Gyoryongdam(交龍潭), the Yonghoseokmun(龍湖石門) letters carved on the rocks, Yeogungseok adjacent to the First Gok and Fengshui facilities, centered on Yonghoseowon and Yonghojeong, Yonghogugok can be understood as a unique valley culture formed with the thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Fengshui. 'Yonghogugok-Gyeongseungannae' provides very useful information to understand the place name, called by locals and landscaping aspects of Yonghogugok in the late Joseon Dynasty. In addition, the meaning of "Nine dragons" and even though 12 chu(湫: pond) of Yonghogugok Yongchudong including Bulyeongchu, Guryongchu, Isuchu, Goieumchu and Daeyachu are mentioned on Yongseongji, a part of them cannot be confirmed now. Various place names and facilities relevant to Guryong adjacent to Yonghogugok are the core of the place identity. In addition, the accurate location identification and the delivery of the landscaping significance of the 12 ponds is expected to provide landscaping attractiveness of Yonghogugok and become very useful contents for landscaping storytelling and a keyword of storyboard.