• 제목/요약/키워드: Stone Column

검색결과 98건 처리시간 0.021초

연약 암염층(Sabkha)에 보강된 스톤컬럼의 침하거동에 관한 해석방법 비교연구 (A Comparison of Analysis Methods on Mechanical Behavior of Stone Column Reinforced in the Soft Sabkha Deposit)

  • 김세원;이철호;김기호;최항석
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 일련의 현장시험과 수치해석을 통해 연약 암염층(Sabkha)에 보강된 스톤컬럼의 침하거동 특성을 평가하였다. 스톤컬럼으로 보강된 복합지반의 침하거동특성을 평가하기 위해 Saudi의 Kayan 지역에 시공된 스톤컬럼에 대한 현장 재하시험을 수행하였다. 스톤컬럼의 보강효과를 평가하기 위해 현장시험결과와 Pribe의 간편법, 그리고 수치해석 결과를 상호 비교 분석 하였다. 수행된 연구결과, Priebe 제안식으로 산정한 침하량은 스톤컬럼이 시공된 실제 현장의 침하량보다 과다하게 평가함을 확인하였다. 또한, 수치해석을 통해 스톤컬럼이 보강된 복합지반의 거동을 예측할 때, 주변에 시공된 스톤컬럼들의 구속에 의한 지지력이 향상되는 효과를 적절히 고려해야 함을 알 수 있었다.

연약지반에 시공되는 지오그리드 감쌈 스톤컬럼의 하중지지 특성 (Load Carrying Capacity of Geogrid-Encased Stone Columns in Soft Ground)

  • 유충식;김선빈
    • 한국지반신소재학회논문집
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 수치해석적 접근을 통해 연약지반에 시공되는 지오그리드 감쌈 스톤컬럼의 하중지지 특성을 고찰한 내용을 다루었다. 지오그리드로 감싼 스톤컬럼의 보강효과에 대해 검증된 유한요소모델을 이용하여 축대칭 및 3차원 응력-간극수압연계해석을 토대로 매개변수 연구를 수행하였다. 해석결과를 종합한 결과 지오그리드로 감싼 스톤컬럼의 하중지지 특성이 향상되는 경향을 나타내었다. 아울러 보강재의 감쌈길이와 축강성이 지오그리드 감쌈 스톤컬럼의 주된 설계변수가 되며, 지오그리드 보강효과를 극대화 할 수 있는 지오그리드의 임계감쌈길이 및 임계강성이 존재하는 것으로 나타났다.

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Influence of inclusion of geosynthetic layer on response of combined footings on stone column reinforced earth beds

  • Maheshwari, Priti;Khatri, Shubha
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.263-279
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    • 2012
  • The present paper deals with the analysis of combined footings resting on geosynthetic reinforced granular fill overlying stone column improved poor soil. An attempt has been made to study the influence of inclusion of geosynthetic layer on the deflection of the footing. The footing has been idealized as a beam having finite flexural rigidity. Granular fill layer has been represented by Pasternak shear layer and stone columns and poor soil have been represented by nonlinear Winkler springs. Nonlinear behavior of granular fill layer, stone columns and the poor soil has been considered by means of hyperbolic stress strain relationships. Governing differential equations for the soil-foundation system have been derived and solution has been obtained employing finite difference scheme by means of iterative Gauss Elimination method. Results of a detailed parametric study have been presented, for a footing supporting typically five columns, in non-dimensional form in respect of deflection with and without geosynthetic inclusion. Geosynthetic layer has been found to significantly reduce the deflection of the footing which has been quantified by means of parametric study.

현장시험과 수치해석을 통한 암염층(Sabkha)에 보강된 스톤컬럼의 침하거동에 관한 연구 (Study on settlement characteristics of stone column reinforced in Sabkha through in-site loading test and numerical analysis)

  • 김세원;양정훈;김기호;최항석
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2009년도 세계 도시지반공학 심포지엄
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    • pp.1214-1223
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    • 2009
  • In this study, a composite behavior of stone columns reinforced in soft ground, Sabkha, have been evaluated by a series of field measurements and numerical analysis. Field loading tests were performed to verify the effect of the composite ground reinforced by stone columns in Kayan, Saudi. The settlement measured in the field test was compared with the settlement calculated by the Priebe method and the numerical analysis using ABAQUS. It is found that the settlement estimated using the Priebe method significantly overestimated the settlement measured in the field test. In addition, it is confirmed that consideration of confinement effect exerted by surrounding stone columns in a numerical simulation is indispensable to estimate the settlement of composite ground.

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석조유구(石造遺構)를 통한 한국(韓國) 고대건축(古代建築)에 관한 연구(硏究) -삼국시대와 통일신라시대를 중심으로- (A Study on the Ancient Architecture in view of the Stone Remains (focused on the 3 Kingdom Period and Unificated Shilla Period))

  • 천득염;박지민
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analogize the appearance of Korean Ancient Architecture in view of the Stone Remains from 3 Kingdom Period to Unificated Shilla Period. But in these period, there is no building remains but some stupas and fine arts. Especially, there are many architectural appearance and revealing signature in these Historical Stone remains. Architectural elements which are analogized by stone remains what has value as historical materials by preservation of original form from 3 Kingdom Preiod to Unificated Shilla Period are as follows : 1) Platform, the representative characteristic of Korean traditional architecture, was frame structure and accumulate structure. And circular or square footing stood a same shape column on it is put on the platform. 2) In the case of column, there used entasis column and inclined column and circular chamfer technique was applied on the top side of it. Upper side of column, capital and head pentrating tie that small bearing block was put on the center of it was joined. And longitu야nal rest(長舌) supported a cross beam. Capital and small bearing block had no bottom heel, and heel side was curved and straight. Centered bracket structure was often used, and multi bracket structure is not used yet. Inward incline technique was used. 3) Inward opening pair door which had lintel, threshold, doorjamb was usually used, Fixing stone was used for structural safety, and circular handle and lock was used for decoration. Handrail was used on the edge of wooden floor for decorative effect and safety. 4) Square rafter and circular rafter were used in the same period and so did flying rafter. Double eaves and single eave were used in the same period but, single eave was usually used. In this period, square rafter was usually used. This would be studied more by comparing with Japanese wooden architecture. 5) Hipped roof was used and half-hipped roof was not used yet. In front of th hip, there are small sculpture called Jap-Sang(雜像), and windbell was hang on the end of the hip rafter. Concave roof tile, convex roof tile, round eaver tile, decorative tile at end of roof ridge were used. Lotus style was well used on the face of roof tile for decoration. From the results of this study, wooden architecture of Unificated Shilla period was simple compare to Koryo dynasty and Chosun dynasty but, it had some brilliant character. It was hard work that analogized the form of non-existent wood architecture of Ancient Korean period by restricted stone remains. But, in addition to the results of this study and research of old documentations, more study should be go on.

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지하수로 포화된 채굴공동 보강을 위한 골재 그라우트 기둥공법의 그라우트 재료에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Grouting materials of Grout Column Method for Reinforcement Technology in Groundwater-saturated Mined Cavity)

  • 최우석;강병천;신동춘;김수로;김은섭
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.418-430
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 지하수로 포화된 채굴공동에 골재 그라우트 기둥 공법의 적용을 위하여 그라우트재에 수중불분리제와 급결재를 혼합한 그라우트 재료에 대한 실험적 연구를 실시하였다. 기둥형성실험을 실시한 결과 혼합골재에는 시멘트밀크와 수중불분리제를 혼합한 그라우트재가 기둥형성에 적합한 것으로 나타났으며, 쇄석골재에는 시멘트몰탈과 수중불분리제를 혼합한 그라우트재와 시멘트밀크와 급결재를 혼합한 그라우트재가 기둥형성에 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 특히 쇄석골재에 시멘트밀크와 급결재를 혼합한 경우는 기둥의 직경이 가장 크고 주입이 밀실하게 되는 것으로 나타나 기둥형성에 가장 적합한 그라우트재와 골재로 판단된다.

경량기포 콘크리트를 이용한 석재패널 부착 고강도 RC 기둥의 내화 및 폭렬특성 (Properties of the Spalling and Fire Resistance on the High Strength RC Column attached with the Stone Panel Using Lightweight Foamed Concrete)

  • 이동규;백대현;김원기;조용백;한민철;한천구
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2007년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2007
  • This study discussed the prevention of the spalling and improvement of the fire resistance performance how to fill up lightweight foamed concrete on high strength RC column attached with the stone panel. The destructive spalling extremely occur caused by sudden high temperature and increased vapor pressure corresponding to falling the ston panel at all RC column, and the steel bar is exposed. The stone panel fall off about 30 minutes and spalling occur about 70 minutes on Plan RC column, fire endurance paint, and fire endurance mortar, so it can be confirmed that fire endurance paint and mortar, which is used as fire endurance material, are not effective. In the other side, it can be protected from fire about $120{\sim}140$ minutes when the lightweight foamed concrete is used as fire endurance material. For the weight loss after the fire test, plain is 33, fire endurance paint is 37%, and fire endurance mortar s 40.7%. And W/B 60%-3 is 53.4%, 60%-1.5 is 40.1%,65%-3 is 39.4%, and 65%-1.5% is 47.1. Overall, the weight loss of the plain is lower than that of the lightweight foamed concrete.

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제방 추가성토에 따른 사면안정 (Slope Stability due to Additional Embankment)

  • 이승현;장인성
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제13권7호
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    • pp.3232-3236
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    • 2012
  • 하부지반이 점토인 기존 제방 상단의 확폭을 위해 추가성토를 하는 경우에 대하여 추가성토에 의한 압밀과 사면안정 대책공법에 대해 검토하였다. 압밀량평가에 대해서는 추가성토에 의해 하부지반으로 전달되는 응력전달량을 탄성론에 근거하여 유도한 식을 적용하였다. 사면안정대책공법으로는 현장여건을 고려하여 JSP 공법과 쇄석기둥 공법 그리고 EPS공법을 고려하였는데 EPS공법을 적용한 해석결과에 따르면 안정조건을 만족하지 못했다. JSP 공법 적용시 약 $2{\times}10^7$ kPa의 고압을 사용하므로 시공시 인접지반의 압출에 대한 고려가 선행되어야 한다. 쇄석기둥공법의 경우 국내에서 시공실적이 적고 시공중 소음이 큰 단점이 있으므로 이러한 점들을 고려하여 현장여건에 적합한 공법의 선정이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

철도노반 침하저감을 위한 토목섬유 감쌈 쇄석말뚝 설계방안 고찰 (A Study on Design Method of Geogrid Encased Stone Colum for Settlement Reduction in Railroad)

  • 이대영
    • 한국지반신소재학회논문집
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2014
  • 지오그리드 감쌈 쇄석말뚝 공법은 지오그리드의 인장구속효과로 인해 연약지반에 시공된 쇄석말뚝의 지지력을 증가시켜주는 공법이다. 본 연구에서는 토목섬유 감쌈 쇄석말뚝(GESC)공법의 설계에 적용할 수 있는 토목섬유 인장저항력과 극한지지력을 산정할 수 있는 합리적인 설계법을 제안하였다. 제안된 설계방법의 적적성을 평가하기 위해 부산 경전선 연약지반 시험시공 결과로부터 산출된 GESC의 극한지지력과 설계법에의해 산정된 극한지지력을 비교 검증하였다. 연구결과 GESC 설계법에 의해 산정된 지지력이 현장시험의 지지력 보다 크게 나타나는 것으로 검토되었다.

Assessment of creep improvement of organic soil improved by stone columns

  • Kumail R. Al-Khafaji;Mohammed Y. Fattah;Makki K. Al-Recaby
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.191-203
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    • 2024
  • One of the issues with clayey soils, particularly those with significant quantities of organic matter, is the creep settling problem. Clay soils can be strengthened using a variety of techniques, one of which is the use of stone columns. Prior research involved foundation loading when the soil beds were ready and confined in one-dimensional consolidation chambers. In this study, a particular methodology is used to get around the model's frictional resistance issue. Initially, specimens were prepared via static compaction, and they were then re-consolidated inside a sizable triaxial cell while under isotropic pressure. With this configuration, the confining pressure can be adjusted, the pore water pressure beneath the foundation can be measured, and the spacemen's lateral border may be freely moved. This paper's important conclusions include the observation that secondary settlement declines with area replacement ratio. Because of the composite ground's increasing stiffness, the length to diameter ratio (l/d) and the stone column to sample height ratio (Hc/Hs) both increase. The degree of improvement varies from 12.4 to 55% according to area replacement ratio and (l/d) ratio.