• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stars

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Study on Determinants of Intention to Watch Movie Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior: Focused on Role of Presentation Format of Movie Poster (계획행동 이론을 적용한 영화관람 의도의 결정요인에 관한 연구: 영화포스터 표현형식의 조절역할을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Sung geun;Kim, Jong Geun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2015
  • This study is related to determination of the intention to watch a movie, which is affected by various emotional, environmental, and behavioral factors. In case of personal factors, personal taste formed on the basis of previously experienced movie related information affects selection of movies, while environmental factors are affected mostly by residental community experience, cognitive attitude, subjective norms, as well as the view of values. In this study, the determinants on decision to watch movie have been analyzed applying the theory of planned behavior. Taking into consideration that the determination, based on either personal factors or environmental factors, of consuming movie products stars from reasonable information collecting and that movie poster has been the primary source of information on movie products since the inception of the movie industry, this study analyzed tastes of movie watchers and many variables of movie poster format on determination of intention to watch movie. The results from this empirical study indicate that movie poster is effective means of low cost marketing inducing movie watching in terms of consuming minimum time and space with high speed of delivery while satisfying primary interest on the movie product. It is suggested movie posters should be prepared to make appeal to each generation of target consumers and be put on the market as a product of artistic work.

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A Study on the Nordic Sweaters (노르딕 스웨터에 관한 연구)

  • 이선명
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.139-161
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    • 2002
  • This study investigates the characteristics of Nordic sweaters works from a historical perspective. Specifically, this study deals with the following research topics: 1) development of Nordic sweaters, 2) the characteristics of Nordic sweaters industry according to the change of times, 3) the comparison of local knitting patterns, 4) the symbolic meaning of the designs in the Nordic sweaters and patterns. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. Knitted work developed mostly in Northern Europe, a cold area, and the barren, mountainous coastal areas where people frequently used woolen materials for clothes. It was also developed in Scandinavian regions which lead the fashion in modern days. Scandinavian knitting techniques have been diffused into the east coast of England and Northern Europe by Vikings. 2. Scandinavian countries are distinguished from other countries by their conservative but creative cultural tradition. Their knitting patterns are characterized by small geometric figures such as dots, triangles, squares, rhombuses, and crosses used often with stars and roses. Scandinavian knitting is also salient for its vertical stripes and simple motifs repeating at short intervals. 1) Norway ; Simple and geometric Norwegian patterns are classified into three groups of motifs: (a) the motifs of cross, diamond, X, and swastika (equation omitted). (b) the motifs of human figures, animals and birds, (c) floral motifs (especially eight-petal roses). Their use of color is also simple, and is limited to more than two colors. (2) Sweden ; Swedish patterns are colorful and geometric. They are characterized by features such as brocade, complex embroidery, and contrast of red and black colors. They also show Guernsey patterns. Initials and production years were knitted in sweaters which have different patterns in their trunks and sleeves. 3) Denmark ; The Danish pattern is the purl stitch knitted against the stockinette stitch. The technique is used to copy woven damask motifs. The patterns are seen most clearly when they are knit with smooth yarn. The Faeroe sweaters are the representative work of Danish knitting. Faeroe knitting, incorporates stranded pattern and is knit in the round, either with circular needles. 4) Finland ; Finnish patterns are similar to Norwegian patterns. Finnish knitted work show very colorful, variety and free-flowing geometric patterns. 5) Iceland ; Icelandic knitting shows original ribbon pattern. Lope sweater is the representative work. 3. The traditional knitting patterns not only carried symbolic meanings but also served as means of communication. First of all, patterns had incantatory meanings. Patterns were symbolic of one's social standing, too. The colors, motifs and their arrangements were very important features symbolizing one's social position or family line. People often communicated by certain pieces of knitted work or patterns. In short, the knitted work in the Nordic sweaters served the function of admiring the beauty of nature and symbolizing various meanings. The unique designs and colors of the knitted work reflected the characteristics of the culture those works belonged to. This study also turns our attention to the issue of how the traditional colors and designs of the knitted work can contribute to the development of modern designs, and by doing so, if makes us realize the importance of knitted works in modern society.

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  • Kim, Dae-Won;Byun, Yong-Ik;Kim, Su-Yong;Kang, Yong-Woo;Han, Won-Yong;Moon, Hong-Kyu;Yim, Hong-Suh
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2005
  • We developed an algorithm to efficiently detect streaks in survey images and made a performance test with YSTAR-NEOPAT images obtained by the 0.5m telescope stationed in South Africa. Fast moving objects whose apparent speeds exceed 10 arcsec/min are the main target of our algorithm; these include artificial satellites, space debris, and very fast Near-Earth Objects. Our algorithm, based on the outline shape of elongated sources employs a step of image subtraction in order to reduce the confusion caused by dense distribution of faint stars. It takes less than a second to find and characterize streaks present in normal astronomical images of 2K format. Comparison with visual inspection proves the efficiency and completeness of our automated detection algorithm. When applied to about 7,000 time-series images from YSTAR telescope, nearly 700 incidents of streaks are detected. Fast moving objects are identified by the presence of matching streaks in adjoining frames. Nearly all of confirmed fast moving objects turn out to be artificial satellites or space debris. Majority of streaks are however meteors and cosmic ray hits, whose identity is often difficult to classify.

Effect of women consumers purchase by an attribute of cosmetic Advertising Model (화장품 광고 모델의 속성이 여성 소비자의 구매욕구에 미치는 영향)

  • 강인숙
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2001
  • This paper is a study on how women consumers purchase are affected by models who appear in advertisements for cosmetics, focusing especially on studies concerning the impact that models have on advertisement strategies of the cosmetic industry in korea. In surveys conducted, consumers responded that cosmetic advertisement models should examplify a expertness and trustworthiness attitude more than just display their own physical attractiveness. The consumers who bought cosmetic products based on its endorsement from particular models responded that they had a positive reaction to the models physical attractiveness and likability while experiencing a negative reaction to the model's expertness and trustworthiness attitude. Women consumers are interested in cosmetic advertisement models, but do not necessarily trust them. Hence, the use of a Particular model does not directly affect the consumers Purchasing decision. Famous stars often appear in cosmetic advertisements in korea, and targeted consumers have a very positive response to their physical attractiveness, familiarity and perceived likability. However, the consumers have a completely negative response to the models in regards to their expertness, trustworthiness, and their sense of similarity with the model. The models, then, should be used in these advertisements to try and uphold the fellowing qualities. expertness in regards to having some knowledge of, experience with, and expertness in using the cosmetic produces, trustworthiness when expressing their own opinion of the product, matching image of products and targeted consumers.

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Development and Evaluation of Global Fringe Search Software for the Preprocess of Daejoen Correlator (대전 상관기의 전처리를 위한 광역 프린지 탐색 소프트웨어 개발 및 시험)

  • Oh, Se-Jin;Roh, Duk-Gyoo;Yun, Young-Joo;Yeom, Jae-Hwan;Oh, Chung-Sik;Kurayama, Tomoharu;Chung, Dong-Kyu;Jung, Jin-Seung
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.176-182
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    • 2014
  • This paper introduces the development of global fringe search (GFS) software for preprocessing of Daejeon Correlator. In case of the VLBI observation, a observer conducts the observation for the reference sources with strong and point-like radio stars on schedule in order to confirm the well-observedness of the radio source by the radio telescope. The correlator performs the correlation for the reference sources to detect the fringe completely. We developed the GFS software by calculating the precise delay time between each observatory based on specific observatory. Then, this software calculates the precise delay time by using the delay model (correlator model) of reference source and information of time offset between the Hydrogen Maser frequency standard and GPS (Global Positioning System) clock located in each observatory through the correlation preprocessing. In order to confirm the performance of the developed software, experiments were carried out for the reference sources and target sources observed by the KaVA (KVN and VERA Array). Experimental results show that the GFS software has effectively good performance by finding the precise delay time offset according to the comparison between the compensated delay time offset and one without compensation.


  • Kim, Kwang-Tae
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2013
  • Chumsungdae is an ancient astronomical observatory whose main role was doing 'chunmoon'. It was administrate by a royal advisory agency on state affairs. The observers observed the heaven on the observatory platform, recorded peculiar events, and watched and interpreted the signs displayed in the heaven. Chumsungdae is an stonemasonry which represents almanac principles with its peculiar shapes and the numbers of strata and stones. The numbers were thoroughly invented to match exactly the almanac constants. Chumsungdae is comprised largely of three main parts, namely the square base, the stratified cylindrical body, and the top #-shaped stonework, and the total number of stones is 404. The number of the strata (27) and the height of the cylindrical body (27 尺) stand for the days in a sidereal month (27.3 days), which implies that the motion of the Moon with respect to the stars was given more priority than to the Sun at that time of geocentricism. And the cylindrical body was thoroughly designed to consist of 365 stones, which is of course the number of days in a solar year. In addition, there are 12 strata each under and above the south entrance and this in sum makes the 24 divisions of the year. Also there is 182 stones below the 13th stratum and this represents the number of days in the winter ~ summer solstice period, and the rest 183 stones the vice versa. The #-shaped top stonework was aligned in such a way that one of the diagonals points the direction of sunrise on the winter solstice. The square base also layed with the same manner. The south entrance was built 16 degrees SE, and the upright direction of the right pillar stone coincides with the meridian circle. This was a kind of built-in standard meridian circle facilitating the observations. In a symbolic sense, Chumsungdae was thought as the tunnel reaching the heaven, where the observers wished to be enlightened with the signs and inspirations in need. With the craftsmanship and skill, the builder reinforced the stratified cylindrical body with two sets of #-shaped beam stones, piercing at a right angle at 19th ~ 20th and 25th ~ 26th strata. Likewise, by placing the double #-shaped stonework with 8 beam stones on the platform of the observatory, both the stability of the stonemasonry and a guard rail for the nightly observers were securely provided.

the Diaspora Aspects of Some Comments on Sijo Reflected in the Sijo-Anthologies of Korean-American Authors (미주 시조 선집에 나타난 디아스포라 시조론)

  • Park, Mi-Young
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.30
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    • pp.53-90
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    • 2009
  • This study discusses the aspects of Korean-American Sjjo writers' consciousness of sijo and its significance, focusing primarily on the Sijo-Anthologies of Korean-American authors, "The Moon of the Desert" (1989), "The Dandelion of the Desert" (1994), and The Stars of the Desert" (1996) published by the Sijo Society of America. For this purpose, I thoroughly examined "Notes of Writing Sijo' attached to the authors' works and some other sijos added at the end of the paper. They started writing sijos quite early. Sijo has been recognized as a typical traditional genre of literature, and even foreigners came to write them in English. The following is the summary of the view on sijo propounded by Korean-American authors. Firstly, they follow traditional view on the theory of sijo in terms of its nature and utility, and at the same time they emphasize the utility of katharsis through self expressions. Secondly, their recognition of the value of sijo boils down to its formal patterns. Lastly, they develop the idea of national literature through their significance of writing sijos. They think that they can contribute to the development of national literature as well as the expression of patriotism through writing sijos. Therefore, they recognize themselves as spreaders of Korean culture to the local residents, and as the main stream enhancing the status of Korean culture through the competition with other nations.

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Factors Affecting the Popularity of Video Clip: The Case of Naver TV (영상클립의 인기요인에 대한 실증 연구: 네이버 TV를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Gimun;Chung, Sun Hyung;Lee, Sang Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.706-718
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed Naver TV users' pattern of video clip watching, and analyzed the factors affecting the popularity of Naver TV's video clip. We selected 572 individual video clips that were ranked 50th in Naver TV rankings from September 10th to September 24th in 2017. We classified video clip's characteristics into several factors, including the number of likes, the number of subscriber, genre, video clip's types, and star appearances. We indexed the popularity of video clip, which implies the degree of popularity for each video clip. The results showed that the number of likes for video clips and the number of subscribers for each video clip were positively related to the popularity of video clip. Video clip's genre, video clip's type and star power positively affected the popularity of video clip. The effect of extras genre on the popularity of video clip was the lowest, followed by entertainment, music, and drama genre. but the difference among entertainment, music and drama genre was not statistically significant. Web-only video and non-broadcast video positively affected the popularity of video clip. Finally, the popularity of video clip was higher when stars appeared in the video clip.

V700 Cygni: A Dynamically Active W UMa-type Binary Star II

  • Kim, Chun-Hwey;Jeong, Jang-Hae
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2012
  • An intensive analysis of 148 timings of V700 Cyg was performed, including our new timings and 59 timings calculated from the super wide angle search for planets (SWASP) observations, and the dynamical evidence of the W UMa W subtype binary was examined. It was found that the orbital period of the system has varied over approximately $66^y$ in two complicated cyclical components superposed on a weak upward parabolic path. The orbital period secularly increased at a rate of $+8.7({\pm}3.4){\times}10^{-9}$ day/year, which is one order of magnitude lower than those obtained by previous investigators. The small secular period increase is interpreted as a combination of both angular momentum loss (due to magnetic braking) and mass-transfer from the less massive component to the more massive component. One cyclical component had a $20.^y3$ period with an amplitude of $0.^d0037$, and the other had a $62.^y8$ period with an amplitude of $0.^d0258$. The components had an approximate 1:3 relation between their periods and a 1:7 ratio between their amplitudes. Two plausible mechanisms (i.e., the light-time effects [LTEs] caused by the presence of additional bodies and the Applegate model) were considered as possible explanations for the cyclical components. Based on the LTE interpretation, the minimum masses of 0.29 $M_{\odot}$ for the shorter period and 0.50 $M_{\odot}$ for the longer one were calculated. The total light contributions were within 5%, which was in agreement with the 3% third-light obtained from the light curve synthesis performed by Yang & Dai (2009). The Applegate model parameters show that the root mean square luminosity variations (relative to the luminosities of the eclipsing components) are 3 times smaller than the nominal value (${\Delta}L/L_{p,s}{\approx}0.1$), indicating that the variations are hardly detectable from the light curves. Presently, the LTE interpretation (due to the third and fourth stars) is preferred as the possible cause of the two cycling period changes. A possible evolutionary implication for the V700 Cyg system is discussed.

A Research on the Methods of Forming the Fandoms of the Theatre - Centered on the Comparisons between K-POP and the Theatre (연극의 팬덤 형성 방법 연구 K-POP과 연극의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Lee-Kyung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.379-405
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this thesis is to seek the methodologies for forming the fandoms of the Theatre. For the research, I explain by giving the example of the K-POP, of which the fandom has already been spread. Afterwards, I describe about the items which can substitute the plays and about the limits. By escaping from the passive consumptions, the fandoms have been expanded to the domain in which the culture is reborn. The cultural activities of the fandoms have come out of simply liking the fans, and the domain has been widened to the social activities. In the case of the K-POP, it has gone beyond Korea and has the fandoms in the whole world. Regarding the reasons why the fandoms could be formed in relation to the K-POP, firstly, it is because the project-type stars made by the large-scale agency had existed. Secondly, it is because the methods of accessing the contents had become simple through the online proliferation, such as the YouTube and the SNS's. Lastly, it is because the cultural activities of the fandoms give the joys, thereby continually maintaining the fandoms. If this is substituted for the Theatre, in the case of the Theatre, in order for the large-scale agencies to make the plans for and train the actors and the actresses, there are, somewhat, the excesses. However, if a PR method suitable for the online environment is developed and if the common joy is given to the audience of the Theatre, there is the possibility that the fandoms can be invigorated regarding the Theatre. Although, with regard to the K-POP and the Theatre, there exist the differences between the contents, if the methodologies of the K-POP fandoms, which have invigorated the fandoms and have been managing stably, are substituted for the plays, the invigoration of the fandoms is possible regarding the Theatre, too.