• Title/Summary/Keyword: Standing surface

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Zundel- and Eigen-like Surface Hydrated Protons on Pt(111)

  • Kim, Youngsoon;Park, Youngwook;Shin, Sunghwan;Kang, Heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.167.1-167.1
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    • 2016
  • The interaction between adsorbed water and hydrogen on metallic surfaces is important for fundamental understanding of heterogeneous catalysis and electrode surface reactions in acidic environment. Here, we explore a long-standing question of whether hydronium ion can exist or not on a Pt surface coadsorbed with atomic hydrogen and water. Studies based on mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy show clear evidence that hydrogen atoms are converted into hydrated protons on a Pt(111) surface. The preferential structures of hydrated protons are identified as multiply hydrated $H_5O_2{^+}$ and $H_7O_3{^+}$ species rather than as hydronium ions. The multiply hydrated protons may be regarded as two dimensional zundel ($H_5O_2{^+}$) and Eigen cation ($H_7O_3{^+}$) in water-metal interface. These surface-bound hydrated protons may be key surface intermediates of the electrochemical interconversion between adsorbed hydrogen atoms and solvated protons.

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Preparation and Characterization of Flexible Optical Composite Films Based on Bragg-Structured Interferometer

  • Um, Sungyong;Sohn, Honglae
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2013
  • Three types of functionalized flexible optical composite films based on Bragg structure porous silicon interferometer have been successfully fabricated by casting a toluene solution of polystyrene onto the free-standing porous silicon. The optical properties of composite films are measured. Surface functionalization of porous silicon is determined by FT-IR measurement. Reflectance and transparence properties of composite films are measured for the possible application of tunable optical filter and indicate that the transmission peak occurred at the identical location where the reflection peak appeared.

Environmental Studies on Masan Bay 2. Annual Cycle of Phytoplankton (마산항의 환경학적 연구 2. 식물플랑크톤의 년변화)

  • Yoo, Kwang Il;Lee, Jong Wha
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 1976
  • Monthly observation of phytoplankton were made from September, 1974 to June 1975 at three stations in the Masan Bay. Sixty three species of phytoplankton (diatoms), representing 25 genera were taken in this study. Of these Skeletonema costatum, Eucampis zoodiacus, Ditylum brightwellii, Chaetoceros debilis, Coscinosira polychorda, and Leptocylindrus danicus were the dominant species in this area. By the ecological division the neritic species occupied 85.71% of total diatom diversity and it showed the characteristics of emayment. Diversity index(H) were the lowest in January and May in surface, while the highest in October. Phytoplankton standing crop varied extensively by months; ranging from 3,780 to 7,642,798 cells/l. total phytoplankton standing crop showed three major peaks in September, December and May. After bloom diatom standing crop were decreased gradually and showed minimum in November and February.

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Simulation of Standing Wave using Boundary Element Method (경계요소법(境界要素法)을 이용한 중복파(重複波)의 재현(再現))

  • Oh, Young Min;Lee, Kil Seong;Chun, In Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1445-1451
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    • 1994
  • To calculate the wave pressure acting on coastal structures under the design wave condition, it is often necessary to numerically reproduce the big standing wave profiles close to wave breaking condition. For this, the governing equation and all nonlinear terms occurring in boundary conditions should be effectively considered in the numerical wave profile. In particular, the velocity square term in the free surface boundary condition is very important. A boundary element method is applied here to calculate the standing wave profile with the velocity square term fully treated by Newton iterative method. In order to check the validity of the method, the numerical wave profiles are compared to ones calculated by the perturbation method, the Fourier approximation method and the hydraulic experiment.

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The Summer Phytoplankton Community Structure in Lake Imha (하계 임하호에서 식물플랑크톤 군집의 구조)

  • 박정원;신종학;이갑숙
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.95-115
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    • 1999
  • The dynamics of phytoplankton community in Lake Imha and its tributaries was investigated at nineteen stations in August and September 1996. A total of 171 taxa [171 species (including 1 forms and 27 varieties),66 genus, 25 families, 6 suborders, 13 orders and 6 class] were identified. The standing crops of phytoplankton ranged from $47.35{\times}10^3 to 184.65{\times}10^3 individuals/ml in surface layer, 1.08{\times}10^3~54.33{\times}10^3 individuals/ml in middle layer and 0.69{\times}10^3~115.85{\times}10^3individuals/ml$ in low layer. Dominant species determined by standing crops of each species were Oocystis lacustris, Elakatothrix gelatinosa, Aulacoseira ambigua, and Synedra acus, however, the most species dominated from 1992 to 1994 disappeared.

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FSI Simulation of the Sail Performance considering Standing Rig Deformation (리그변형을 고려한 세일 성능의 유체-구조 연성해석)

  • Bak, Sera;Yoo, Jaehoon
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.421-430
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    • 2018
  • The shape of a yacht sail made of thin fabric materials is easily deformed by wind speed and direction and it is affected by the deformation of the standing rig such as mast, boom, shrouds, stays and spreaders. This deformed sail shape changes the air flow over the sail, it makes the deformation of the sail and the rig again. To get a sail performance accurately these interactive behavior of sail system should be studied in aspects of the aerodynamics and the fluid-structure interaction. In this study aerodynamic analysis for the sail system of a 30 feet sloop is carried out and the obtained dynamic pressure on the sail surface is applied as the loading condition of the calculation to get the deformations of the sail shape and the rig. Supporting forces by rig are applied as boundary condition of the structure deformation calculations. And the characteristics of the air flow and the dynamic pressure over the deformed sail shape is investigated repeatedly including the lift force and the location of CE.

Conservation Treatment of Janghang-ri Stone Standing Buddha (장항리 석조불입상 보존처리)

  • Kim, Jongwoo;Lee, Seungryul
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.14
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2013
  • Disassembly and restoration work of Janghang-ri Stone Standing Buddha in the outdoor exhibition hall of Gyeongju National Museum were conducted for safe management of the collection due to problems like weathering of bonding materials by the outer environment, fixation of pollutants on the surface, and cracks by unidirectional load of rocks. A drawing was made through three-dimensional precise actual measurement, basic material research was conducted, and cement mortar and resin of the weathered part were removed. The restored part was bonded and restored by new stones using the same kind of rock. In addition, in order to prevent damages from microorganisms, fumigation treatment was made. It is under continuous observation.

A Human Enginnering Study on an Original Pattern of Clothing for an Abnormal Type of Figure - with special reference to the of kyphosis - (이상체형의 의복원형의 인간공학적연구 - 척추만곡체형을 중심으로 -)

  • 박정순
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 1982
  • In this study, we attempted to make an original pattern of clothing for an abnormal type of figure, especially for the type of kyphosis. We measured the curvature of the spine of a woman with kyphosis with a Martin measuring instrument and a silhouetter in the following ways. First, we counted the rate of shrinkage of the standard lines drawn on the surface of the body according as the body moved. Secondly, placing the front and back darts, the front and back shoulder darts and the side darts according to“Munhwa”pattern, we made cubic cuttings of four moving postures as well as the standing one. Thirdly, we superposed the developed patterns of the standing and the moving postures, measuring the position change and the amount of the chaange of the darts, and compared them. The results are as follows: 1) In the developed pattern of a cubic cutting of the basic pattern and the standing posture, the neckhole became larger than that of the basic pattern, and the waist line was lowered than that of the basic pattern because the center back line was shortened due to the curved backbone. 2) As for the change of the standard line according to the movement, we found that the waist line, the center front line, the center back line, the bust width line, the upper back width line and the back width line became longer. Special consideration must be given to the function of the clothing for an abnormal type of figure. 3) The difference of the measurements between the cubic cutting and the body measurement regardless of the body movement is due to a gap by an acute angle at the jutted place between the developed pattern and the body surface. We found that the body measurement of the upper back width line, the back width line and the bust line became larger. Consequently, in making an original clothing pattern, it is desirable that we must not place the front and the back waist darts at the jutted place on the back from the functional and the aesthetic viewpoint of clothing. It is also desirable that we must widen the neckhole because the shoulder angle is close to a straight line due to a jut of the upper back width line.

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Analysis of Particle Deposition onto a Heated or Cooled, Horizontal Free-Standing Wafer Surface (가열 또는 냉각되는 수평웨이퍼 표면으로의 입자침착에 관한 해석)

  • 유경훈;오명도;명현국
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1319-1332
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    • 1995
  • Numerical analysis was performed to characterize the particle deposition behavior on a horizontal free-standing wafer with thermophoretic effect under the turbulent flow field. A low Reynolds number k-.epsilon. turbulence model was used to analyze the turbulent flow field around the wafer, and the temperature field for the calculation of the thermophoretic effect was predicted from the energy equation introducing the eddy diffusivity concept. The deposition mechanisms considered were convection, diffusion, sedimentation, turbulence and thermophoresis. For both the upper and lower surfaces of the wafer, the averaged particle deposition velocities and their radial distributions were calculated and compared with the laminar flow results and available experimental data. It was shown by the calculated averaged particle deposition velocities on the upper surface of the wafer that the deposition-free zone, where the deposition velocite is lower than 10$^{-5}$ cm/s, exists between 0.096 .mu.m and 1.6 .mu.m through the influence of thermophoresis with positive temperature difference of 10 K between the wafer and the ambient air. As for the calsulated local deposition velocities, for small particle sizes d$_{p}$<0.05 .mu.m, the deposition velocity is higher at the center of the wafer than at the wafer edge, whereas for particle size of d$_{p}$ = 2.0 .mu.m the deposition takes place mainly on the inside area of the wafer. Finally, an approximate model for calculating the deposition velocities was recommended and the calculated deposition velocity results were compared with the present numerical solutions, those of Schmidt et al.'s model and the experimental data of Opiolka et al.. It is shown by the comparison that the results of the recommended model agree better with the numerical solutions and Opiolka et al.'s data than those of Schmidt's simple model.