• Title/Summary/Keyword: Standing surface

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Effects of 12-week Wearing of the Unstable Shoes on the Standing Posture and Gait Mechanics (12주간의 불안정성 신발 착용이 직립 자세 및 보행역학에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ki-Ran;An, Song-Yi;Lee, Ki-Kwang
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to determine effects of 12-week wearing of unstable shoe on the standing posture and gait mechanics. Nine healthy men were asked to wear the unstable shoes for 12-week and walk for 30 minute everyday. Their standing posture and gait mechanics were measured before and after treatment. Standing posture was measured for each side(anterior, posterior, lateral) for standing position. And gait analysis was measured joint angle of a right lower limb between first right heel contact and second right heel contact. Kinematic data were collected using video camera at 30 frame per seconds. Statistical analysis was paired t-test(p<.05) to compare before training with after that. A head tilt angle was significantly decreased for posterior side(p<.05). The angle of between center of line and surface was significantly decreased at midstance and take off during walking(p<.05). Ankle dorsiflexion significantly increased at heel contact2(p<.05) and ankle plantarflexion significantly increased at midstance and midswing(p<.05). The increase of ankle dorsiflexion showed that our results consisted with previous study. In conclusion, there was not large significant difference in static standing posture but joint angle of lower limb represented many changes with increasing of ankle motion during walking. These were of benefit to body by increasing leg muscle activity but it was necessary for man having a ankle problem to consider. Further studies concerning optimum outsole angle of unstable shoes are necessary.

Water Quality and Phytoplankton Standing Crops in the Daechung Reservoir (대청호의 수질과 식물플랑크톤 현존량)

  • 이진환;오희목;맹주선
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2000
  • In order to study the relationship between water quality and phytoplankton standing crops, the authors investigated the physicochemical factors, phytoplankton standing crops and chlorophyll-a at two stations in the Daechung Reservoir during the period from May to November 1998. Nutrients (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia and phosphate) have gradually increased more than those of the previous reports. Concentrations of the total nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll -a and transparency exceeded the standard value of eutrophication. It could be assumed that the eutrophication of the Daechung reservoir was caused by various pollutants. Chlorophyll-a concentration was under the influence of phytoplankton standing crops, but very tiny cell-sized blue-green algae were less important in regards to the chlorophyll-a. Except at station 1 from July to August, phytoplankton standing crops bloomed during the time of the survey. Spring phytoplankton blooms caused by nitrate and phosphate in the surface layer. High concentrations of the suspended solids in July and August were caused by an inflow of them due to heavy rains. Density of heterotrophic bacteria was high in August owing to the high water temperatures and the organic nutrients which were from the nearby reservoir.

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Effect of the Arch Support on the Strength of the Abductor Hallucis During the Toe Spread Out Exercise in Standing Position in Individuals With Pes Planus

  • Jeon, In-cheol;Kim, Ki-song
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.206-211
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    • 2020
  • Background: The longitudinal arch is important for individuals with pes planus. The toe spread out exercise (TSO) has been widely used to continuously support the longitudinal arch by increasing the abductor hallucis (AbdH) muscle activation. However, the AbdH muscle is commonly lack of the sufficient activation during the TSO especially in individuals with pes planus. Objects: This study was performed to investigate the effect of arch support on the muscle activity and strength of the AbdH during TSO in standing position in individuals with pes planus. Methods: Twenty subjects with pes planus between 20 and 30 years of age participated in this study. The muscle activity and strength of the AbdH were measured using surface EMG system and the Smart KEMA tensiometer system. The AbdH muscle was evaluated during TSO between individuals with and without longitudinal arch support in standing position. The longitudinal arch was supported by using the insole. The paired t-test was used. The level of statistical significance was set at α = 0.05. Results: The muscle activity and strength of the AbdH during TSO with arch support in standing position was significantly greater than that without arch support. Conclusion: The muscle activity and strength of the AbdH during TSO in standing position can be influenced by the longitudinal arch support in individuals with pes planus. The AbdH strengthening during TSO in standing with arch support can be recommended especially in individuals with pes planus in the clinical settings.

Effect of Unstable Surface Exercise on Trunk Posture and Balance Ability in Patients With Scoliosis: After six months follow-up (불안정한 표면 운동이 척추측만증 환자의 체간자세와 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Woo Jin;Kong, Young Soo;Ko, Yu Min;Park, Ji Won
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.232-238
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of lumbar stabilization exercise on an unstable surface on trunk posture and static standing balance ability in patients with scoliosis. Methods: Subjects included 18 patients who showed symptom of scoliosis. Patients were divided into two experimental groups, one using an unstable surface and one using a fixed surface, and the patients were required to perform a lumbar stabilization exercise a total of 12 times for 60 minutes per session, three times per week for a period of four weeks, with a six-months follow-up period. Results: A significant reduction was observed in the group that performed the lumbar stabilization exercise on an unstable surface (p<0.05). A significant decrease in both the condition of closed eyes or open eyes in the left and right directions was observed in the group that performed the lumbar stabilization exercise on an unstable surface (p<0.05). After six months, results of comparison of the length of both sides of the trunk showed a significantl decrease in the group performing lumbar stabilization exercises on an unstable surface. Conclusion: Lumbar stabilization exercise on an unstable surface improved the trunk posture of patients with scoliosis symmetrically, and static balance ability in a standing posture showed improvement. In the future, lumbar stabilization exercise on an unstable surface may be used as an exercise for posture correction and balance increase for patients with scoliosis.

Effects of strengthening and stretching exercises on the forward head posture

  • Lee, Song Hee;Lee, Joon Hee
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1046-1050
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of strengthening and stretching exercises on forward head angle and static dynamic balance ability. 21 adults with the forward head posture were participated in this study. Subjects were randomly assigned to strengthening exercise group I(n=11) and stretching exercise group II (n=10) respectively. Each group were underwent six intervention over the period of 2 weeks, each session lasting 30 minutes. During a preliminary examination, forward head angle and static dynamic balance were measured, and a post examination was conducted that involved same procedure as preliminary examination. There were significant differences in forward head angle after exercise in both groups. In the strengthening group, center of gravity total sway distances was significantly changed under all conditions. In the stretching group, center of gravity total sway distances was significantly changed when subjects had their eyes open while standing on an foam surface. There were significant changes in center of gravity sway velocities in the strengthening group under all conditions, and the same was true in the stretching group only when the subjects had their eyes open while standing on an foam surface. In the comparison between groups, eyes closed while standing on a firm surface was significantly different. There was a significant difference in dynamic balance of the stretching group when the subjects tilted their bodies forward, and there was a statistically significant difference between groups under the same condition. The results of this study suggest that forward head posture can be corrected through therapeutic exercise, and muscle strengthening exercise more effective in improving static balance of forward head posture more than stretching exercise.

Field observation of sediment suspension in the surf zone (쇄파대의 저질부유에 관한 현지관측)

  • 신승호;율산서소
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 2003
  • Time seres of suspended sediment concentration, surface elevation and velocity were measured and analysed to investigate the role of waves and the predominance of infra-gravity wave component for sediment suspension phenomena in the surf zone. For the investigation in detail, we adopted the cross spectral analysis method between sediment concentration and the characteristic values of wave, and ensemble average analysis method about long-period wave component, which is dominant to sediment suspension in the measurement point. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1) The relationship between sediment concentration and the characteristic values of wave is stronger for the long-period standing wave components(about 60s and 30s) than the long wave components(about 100s), which have the most energetic power, 2) and also, it is cleared that sediment concentration is increased in the case of the phase, the velocity components of the first mode long-period standing wave(60sec) were accelerated toward on-shore direction, that is, the water surface in offshore side is higher than on-shore side.

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The Effects of Transverse Abdominis Ratio and Balance Ability during Bridge Exercises on Different Support Surface (지지면 변화에 따른 교각운동이 복횡근 두께와 균형능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ann, Jun-il;Kim, Yoon-hwan;Park, Jong-hang;Ann, Mi-rae;Jung, Yeon-woo;Kim, Tae-won
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of transverse abdominis ratio and balance ability during bridge exercises on different support surface. Methods: The subjects were 20 students at G University. Ultrasound equipment was used to measure the transverse abdominisratio and the computerized balance measurement equipment was used to measure the balance ability before and after bridge exercises on different support surface. Results: Transverse abdominis ratio change between the groups was a significant difference only in the unstable support surface training group (p<.05). Normal standing eye close balance ability change between the groups was significantly different only in the unstable support surface training group (p<.05). The changes in the transverse abdominis ratio after 7 days of exercise and 14 days after exercise were significantly different between the groups (p<.05). Normal standing eye close balance ability showed a significant difference at 7 days after exercise and 14 days after exercise (p<.05). Conclusions: It is more effective to balance ability and ratio of the transverse abdominis when bridge exercises on an unstable support surface than to perform bridge exercises on a stable support surface. Therefore, we propose an effective program for patients with instability of the lumbar in clinical practice. bridge exercises on different support surface.

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Material Analysis and Surface Condition Monitoring of Standing Buddha Statue in the Gwanchoksa Temple, Nonsan, Korea (논산 관촉사 석조미륵보살입상의 재질분석과 표면상태 변화 모니터링)

  • Lee, Myeong Seong;Choie, Myoungju;Yoo, Ji Hyun;Ahn, Yu Bin
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2019
  • Medium to coarse-grained biotite granodiorite was used to build the Standing Buddha Statue in the Gwanchoksa temple. An ancient document revealed the period and place of constructing the statue: it was made in the northwest of Mt. Banyasan and then moved eastward. Also, the comparison of standing Buddha statue and basement rock in terms of texture, magnetic susceptibility, and gamma spectrometer shows that they have similar characteristics, which is considered to be the same provenance rock. The damage caused by surface contaminants observed in the statue seems to be a combined effect of environmental factors and aging of the epoxy resin. After removal of the contaminants in 2007, the contamination has resumed, and continuous monitoring is necessary. Algal engraftment becomes faster when biological contamination occurs on the surface of stone cultural heritage. Since the secondary lichen growth forms a symbiosis with mold, it is necessary to observe the spatial and distributional changes. Also, the aging epoxy resin may cause secondary damage due to contaminants generated due to the determination of salts, and deterioration of bonding strength due to breaking out. Thus it is desirable to secure stability through proper conservation management.

Radiation From a Current Filament Located inside a Cylindrical Frequency Selective Surface

  • Uzer, Ali;Ege, Tuncay
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.481-485
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    • 2004
  • We consider electromagnetic field radiation properties of a current filament placed at the origin of a cylindrical frequency selective surface (CFSS). The CFSS consists of free standing metal strips with two-dimensional periodicity. The analysis is based on a cylindrical Floquet mode wave expansion technique. We observed that near the half wavelength resonance frequencies, there exist some specific frequencies at which the surface becomes totally transparent.

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The effect of posture on the human thermoregulatory response (인체의 자세가 체온조절에 미치는 영향)

  • Shim, Hyun Sup;Choi, Jeong Wha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thermoregulatory responses to postures under different environmental conditions and to obtain the basal information for standard clothing weight, indoor climates, and working condition. Two adult female (22.5yrs, 46kg) were participated in this study. The experimental conditions were divided into three groups ; 1) comfort($27{\pm}1^{\circ}C$, $60{\pm}10%$), 2) hot($34{\pm}1^{\circ}C$, $60{\pm}10%$), and 3) cold($21{\pm}1^{\circ}C$, $50{\pm}10%$) condition. The postures performed were as follows; standing, sitting on the chair, sitting on the floor, and supine on the floor. At each condition, subjective sensations, 12 points skin temperature, rectal temperature, total and local sweat rate, pulse rates, blood pressure, skin blood flow rate were measured. The results were as follows : 1. Rectal temperature was high significant among groups in order of supine, sitting on the floor, sitting on the chair, standing posture(p<0.01). 2. Skin temperature was high in part of contact with the surface of the floor or wall and the effect of posture was greater in peripheral temperature than torso temperature. Sitting on the chair and sitting on the floor posture showed higher peripheral temperature than standing and supine posture. And peripheral temperature was lower in supine posture than any other postures. 3. Total and local sweat rate were decreased in order of standing, sitting on the chair, sitting on the floor, supine posture. 4. Pulse rate and disastolic blood pressure were higher in standing posture than supine posture, and there was significant difference between two postures(p<0.001). 5. Blood flow rate of thigh was high in sitting on the chair and sitting on the floor posture and low in standing posture. Blood flow rate of leg was low in standing posture significantly(p<0.01). 6. In comfort and hot condition, temperature sensation and comfort sensation were higher in standing posture and lower in supine posture than any other postures. In cold condition, temperature sensation was lower and comfort sensation was higher in standing and supine posture than any other postures. And supine posture was appeared positive in hot condition and negative in cold condition. From this study, we confirmed the effects of posture on human thermoregulatory responses. Results indicate that even under same conditions and clothing weight, the insulation of clothing will be different to postures.

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