• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spouse Satisfaction

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The Influence of Married Couples' Argument-Communication Behaviors on Marital Satisfaction - Analyses at the Dyadic Level - (부부싸움에서 사용하는 의사소통 행동이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 - 부부를 분석단위로 하여 -)

  • Kwon, Yoon-A;Kim, Deuk-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.10
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2008
  • Using a sample of 107 married couples, this study investigated the influence of self-reported argument-communication behaviors on marital satisfaction. The results were as follows. (a) Wives used more criticism, contempt, and self-assertion during marital arguments than husbands. There were no significant gender differences in the levels of defensiveness, stonewalling, and active listening. (b) Multilevel analyses indicated that marital satisfaction was predicted by the person's own level of self-assertion and stonewalling(i.e., actor effects) and by his or her spouse's level of stonewalling(i.e., partner effect). No other significant actor and partner effects were found. Also, there were no significant gender differences in the sizes of effects. (c) A cluster analysis of both spouses' communication behaviors during marital arguments identified four distinct groups of married couples. : mutual constructive, husband constructive-wife destructive, husband destructive-wife constructive, and mutual destructive. Mutual constructive couples reported the best marital satisfaction.

The A Study on the Relationship between Menopause Symptoms, Life Stress, and Life Satisfaction in Middle-Aged Women (중년여성의 갱년기증상과 생활스트레스 생활만족도 관련성)

  • BO-Gyeon Seo;Su-Jin Park
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1752-1758
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    • 2024
  • Purpose. The aim of this study was to relationship between menopause symptoms, life stress, and life satisfaction of middle-aged women. Methods. The subjects were 226 middle-aged women. Data were collected from 1st to August 30th, 2023 by using a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed by applying frequency analysis, analysis of variance, t-test, and correlation analysis, using SPSS 23.0. Results. the quality of life of middle-aged women showed significant differences in spouse(t=3.02, p=.003), education leve(F=3.01, p=.031), economic level(F=4.481, p=.013), and leisure activities(F=3,20 p=.024). The life satisfaction were significantly being correlated with the menopause symptoms(r=-.340, p<.001), life stress(r=-.188, p=.005), Conclusions. Our results indicate that middle-aged women experiencing menopause symptoms, and life stress have a lower life satisfaction. Hence, it is necessary to develop a health promotion program for middle-aged women.

The Association between Social Support and the Change in Depressive Symptoms among Baby Boomer (베이비부머의 사회적 지지가 우울감 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Si Young;Jun, Hey Jung;Joo, Susanna
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.347-362
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the association between social support and the change of depressive symptoms and its difference by gender among Korean Baby Boomer. We used the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA) 5th (in 2014) and 6th waves (in 2016). Samples were Korean Baby Boomer (born 1955 to 1963) who have spouse and children(N = 1,210). Dependent variable was depressive symptoms and independent variables were four social support variables (spousal relationship satisfaction, parent-child relationship satisfaction, frequency of social contact, and number of participation groups). Interaction variables between social support and gender were also included in the model. Hierarchical regression analysis with the lagged dependent variable was performed. Results showed that the higher the satisfaction of spousal relationship and the satisfaction of parent-child relationship, the less the depressive symptoms increased. All interaction variables were not significant. These findings mean that the support from the spouse and the child is helpful in lowering depressive symptoms, and the associations between social support and depressive symptoms are not different by gender among Baby Boomer. It implies that interventions for enhancing family relationships, especially spousal relationship and parent-child relationship, may be useful to reduce depressive symptoms among Korean Baby Boomer.

The associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction among retirees in later life: a longitudinal comparison (은퇴 노인의 부부관계 만족도와 삶 만족도의 관계에 대한 종단적 비교)

  • Choi, Bomi;Jun, Hey Jung;Joo, Susanna
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The aims of this study are to examine the associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction among Korean retirees in later life and to test whether the degrees of associations increased over time. Method: Nationally representative Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing data from wave 1 (in 2006) to wave 4 (in 2012) was utilized and retirees in later life (65-89 years old, N=402) were analyzed. Latent growth modeling (LGM) and model constraint were applied using Mplus 7.3. Age, sex, household income, subjective health, depressive symptoms and elapsed time after retirement were included as control variables. Results: Linear unconditional LGM fitted the data well and showed gradual decrease in life satisfaction. Conditional LGM revealed significant associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction from time 1 to time 4. According to model constraint test, the size of associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction did not change with time. Conclusions: To sum up these results, the associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction were significant and relatively stable over time among retirees in later life. This study suggests one's spouse is a fundamental component of social convoy among Korean retirees in later life. Therefore, intervention programs targeted toward enhancing marital relationships among retirees' couples will help them to live a better life.

The Mediating Effect of the Satisfaction with Life in the Influence of the Perception of Physical Environment Characteristics on the Settlement Consciousness of the Elderly (거주지역의 물리적 환경특성에 대한 인식이 고령자의 정주의식에 미치는 영향에서의 삶의 만족도의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Soo-Young;Oh, Chan-Ohk;Moon, Kyung-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2017
  • This study purposes to examine direct effects of the physical environments and indirect effects of the satisfaction with life on the settlement consciousness of the aged, using the raw data of 2015 Busan Social Survey. The 5,324 cases were selected from the raw data of those more than 65 years old. The results were as following: (1) When age, spouse with/without, diseases with/without, length of residence, and number of communicating persons were controlled, the satisfaction with housing, the number of cultural facilities, and public transportation availability affected directly on the settlement consciousness of the aged, but the levels of the satisfaction with the number of parks were not directly correlated with it. (2) The satisfaction with housing and public transportation affected indirectly on the settlement consciousness through the satisfaction with life. That is, the satisfaction with life had mediating effects on the two variables. (3) The satisfaction with parks did not affect directly on the settlement consciousness, but it affected on the settlement consciousness through the satisfaction with life. That is, the satisfaction with life shows the complete mediating effects on the settlement consciousness. These results imply that the physical environments such as housing, cultural facilities, public transportation affect on the aged's settlement consciousness so that they should be age-friendly.

The Changes of the Elderly's Residential Environment and Life Satisfaction in Rural Area (농촌노인의 주거환경과 생활만족도 변화추이)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2015
  • This study is designed to identify the changes of the elderly's residential environment and life satisfaction in rural area during the past 20 years. Data from the survey of Ministry of Health and Welfare conducted in 1994, 1998, 2004, 2008, and 2014 were used for the analysis. The subjects of the study included a sample of 11,019 respondents who represent aged 65 and older in Korea rural area. The result of analysis indicated that; First, the average age of the rural elderly continuously increased and the rural elderly that hope to live with their grown-up children gradually declined. It means that the social responsibility of supporting the elderly is steadily expanding. Second, the ratio of rural elderly living with their children is decreased from 43% in 1994 to 11% in 2014, whereas the single elderly household who are living alone or living with spouse increased. And more elderly live with married children in order to help their children rather than receiving help from them. Third, the frequency of intercourse with their children tended to decline gradually, in contrast with communication frequency with them mounted steadily during the past few decades. Finally, the factors influencing the life satisfaction of rural elderly was health status, economic level, child relationship with them, and residential environment.

A Study on the relevant Variables of Middle-aged Women's Depression (중년여성의 우울 관련변인에 관한 연구)

  • Byeon, Wei-Jin;Kim, Choon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.7 s.221
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse the factor of the Variables that contributed to the depression of middle-aged women. The subjects were 751 Middle-aged women whose age was from 41 to 60. The instruments used in the study were the assessment of depression, the assessment of climacteric symptoms, the assessment of marital satisfaction, the assessment of marital stability, the assessment of ego identity and the questionnaire of demographic variables. The data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Duncan, pearson correlation, hierarchical multiple regression. The findings were as follows; (1) According to the job, the level of education, the state of marriage, the subjective level of health, the subjective level of economy, household income, present problem, the level of family-of-original relationship, the age of last child, religion and spouse's occupation there were differences of depression; (2) In the result of the analysis of relationships of depression, the depression was correlated with Climacteric Symptoms positively and with Marital Satisfaction, Marital Stability, and Ego Identity negatively; (3) Predictors of depression of the Middle-aged women ordered climacteric physical, climacteric psychological, marital satisfaction, marital stability, identity moratorium, goal oriented, identity diffusion, initiative. Based on these results, the recommendations for the future research in this area were discussed.

Process of Cross-border Marriage and Marital Satisfaction: Cases of Korean Men and Foreign Wives

  • Jee, Yean-Ju;Seol, Dong-Hoon
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2008
  • The advancement of information and transportation technologies in the context of economic and cultural globalization facilitates international marriages. However, it is ironic that image and fantasies play a significant role in the actual process of these marriages. Using data from a national survey conducted in 2006 (Survey for the Conjugal Life of the International Marriage Families) this study examines the experiences of Korean men and foreign wives. The findings confirm the negative impacts on marital satisfaction of the spousal image of hypergamy (i.e., imaginings of a high-earning husband and a submissive wife) and abbreviated marriage processes (i.e., broker-mediated marriage and incorrect information about a future spouse), but the detailed patterns differ by gender and by the ethnic origin of the wife. Korean Chinese (and to a lesser extent Han Chinese) wives are more negatively affected by the marriage process and spousal imaginings than are Southeast Asians and 'other' wives. While Southeast Asian wives are more likely to have received incorrect information about their husbands, they show significantly more flexible attitudes toward the marriage and spouses. Unification Church members are excluded from the analysis because their marital lives are distinctive enough to warrant separate research. As previous qualitative findings suggested, some Korean Chinese wives seem to perceive that returnees to the home country deserve an improvement in economic status as opposed to the disappointing reality. Imagining a submissive wife hurts the marital satisfaction of husbands regardless of the ethnic origin of the wife.

Length of Stay, Health Care Cost, Postpartum Discomfort, and Satisfaction with Medical Service in Puerperas Giving Birth in Midwifery Clinic and Hospitals (조산원과 병원 분만 산모의 재원일 수, 의료비용, 산후불편감과 의료서비스 만족도 비교)

  • Park, Mi-Ran;Lee, Ju-Young
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To determine traits related to pregnancy and delivery, length of stay, health care cost, postpartum discomfort, and satisfaction with medical service of puerperas giving birth in midwifery clinic and hospitals. Methods: This study used a comparative survey design. Data were collected from a total of 140 postpartum mothers composed of 70 mothers who gave births in two hospitals and another 70 mothers who delivered in one midwifery clinic. Results: Delivery in midwifery clinic had higher Apgar score at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth than hospital. Those who delivered in midwifery clinic had shorter stay in the clinic, fewer health care cost, less postpartum discomfort in physical, environmental, social, and cultural areas, higher satisfaction with medical services than those who delivered in hospitals. Conclusion: Results of this study can be used as a basis for studies on giving birth in midwifery clinic and hospitals. They might increase the autonomy of women in giving birth with positive effect on the delivery experience of the mother and her spouse.

Sexual Life and Life Satisfaction of Elderly in the Rural Community (농촌지역 노인의 성생활과 삶의 만족도)

  • Lee Inn-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the sexual life and life satisfaction of elderly in the rural community. For this study, questionnaires were given to 421 elderly enrolled to 16 community health post in Chungcheongbuk-do during a period from November 10, 2003 to January 20, 2004. The results of these analysis are as follows 1. In related to elderly's sexual life, $34.5\%$ of the respondents answered 'very important' or 'important'. $60.2\%$ of the respondents answered they had sexual intercourse. In related to frequency of sexual intercourse, $27.0\%$ of respondents answered they had sexual intercourse over once a month. In related to satisfaction of sexual life, $29\%$ of respondents answered they were satisfied with their sexual life. In related to the sexual life of early age, $66\%$ of respondents answered they had harmonious sexual lives. 2. The mean score of life satisfaction was 2.09 points out of a possible 3 points. Of the field of questionnaire on life satisfaction, the self actualization field showed the highest score. 3. Of the scores related to life satisfaction according to general characteristics, there were statistically significant differences in presence of spouse(p=.001), family pattern(p=.031). personal expenses a month(p=.001), family supporter(p=.013), and health status(p=.000). 4. Of the scores related to life satisfaction according to sexual life, there were statistically significant differences in importance on sexual life(p=.000), performance of sexual life(p=.0011), frequency of sexual life(p=.000), satisfaction of sexual life(p=.000), sexual life of early age(p=.000).

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