• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sports convergence technology

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Interactive Broadcasting Service Using Mobile Messenger (모바일 메신저를 이용한 양방향 방송서비스)

  • KIM, Joon-Won;Lee, Jung-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2013
  • The development of the latest media technology has changed the traditional broadcasting system. The traditional broadcasting system, which was operated by the mass media and the terrestrial broadcasters, is now transformed to the viewer-centered and bidirectional media through the convergence of internet and mobile. In terms of broadcasting environment, the function of the traditional TVs has been changed to the Smart TVs combined with an open platform which not only deliver visual contents, but also supply various applications and additional information linking the content providers and viewers. This ongoing broadcasting environmental change has made it possible for viewers to participate in the programs such as reality shows or sports events through SNS, texting or phone calls. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment is to present the ways to promote easier and more convenient viewer-participation in the programs by applying mobile messenger to existing broadcasting system in order to enhance the involvement of broadcasters and viewers of the programs and to diversify the roles of content providers and viewers in broadcasting.

A Study on the Measurement of Respiratory Rate Using Image Alignment and Statistical Pattern Classification (영상 정합 및 통계학적 패턴 분류를 이용한 호흡률 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Sujin;Lee, Eui Chul
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2018
  • Biomedical signal measurement technology using images has been developed, and researches on respiration signal measurement technology for maintaining life have been continuously carried out. The existing technology measured respiratory signals through a thermal imaging camera that measures heat emitted from a person's body. In addition, research was conducted to measure respiration rate by analyzing human chest movement in real time. However, the image processing using the infrared thermal image may be difficult to detect the respiratory organ due to the external environmental factors (temperature change, noise, etc.), and thus the accuracy of the measurement of the respiration rate is low.In this study, the images were acquired using visible light and infrared thermal camera to enhance the area of the respiratory tract. Then, based on the two images, features of the respiratory tract region are extracted through processes such as face recognition and image matching. The pattern of the respiratory signal is classified through the k-nearest neighbor classifier, which is one of the statistical classification methods. The respiration rate was calculated according to the characteristics of the classified patterns and the possibility of breathing rate measurement was verified by analyzing the measured respiration rate with the actual respiration rate.

Effects of Combined Exercise and Acaiberry Ingestion on Insulin and Glycated Hemoglobin in Middle-aged Women (복합운동과 아사이베리 섭취가 중년여성의 인슐린 및 당화혈색소에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Do-Jin;Kim, Jong-Hyuck;Kwon, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how combined exercise and acaiberry intake make effects on insulin and glycated hemoglobin of middle-aged women. The middle-aged women in their 40s and 50s were classified into three groups - group A which only had acaiberry intake, group B which both had acaiberry intake and combined exercise, and group C which only underwent the combined exercise. The combined exercise was held three times a week for 8 weeks, each for 60 minutes including warming up and cooling down. The aerobic exercise was carried out for 20 minutes with a treadmill walk with HRmax 50-60% and the resistance movement was carried out for 20 minutes with a strength of 50-60% based on 1RM. The participants were told to have the acaiberry drink before breakfast and dinner, by melting 5g of acaiberry powder to water. 2-way RGRM ANOVA was carried out to process the data for comparing each groups. In conclusion, the 8-weeks of combined exercise and acaiberry ingestion therapy did not improve the insulin and glycated hemoglobin. It is more likely to show clear changes in both elements with longer treatments and controlling the amount of ingestion and exercise intensity.

A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Friction with/without shoes by Analyzing Bio-signals during walking (보행 시 생체신호분석을 통한 신발 착용 유무에 따른 마찰 특성 비교)

  • Oh, Seong-geun;Kim, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2018
  • The utilized coefficient of friction (UCOF) as a ratio of the shear force to the normal force on the ground during walking is used to identify the point at which slip is likely to occur. Shoe walking will change the utilized coefficient of friction by shoe design such as sole thickness and hardness, heel shape, and outsole pattern. In this study, subjects are 21 adults (10 female, 11 male, age: $25.2{\pm}2.3yrs$, height: $165.6{\pm}7.2cm$), analysis variables were walking speed, GRF, when the UCOF is maximal, and Tangent of CoP-CoM angle, and correlation analysis with the utilized friction coefficient (UCOF). As a result, First, for the shod walking the time point which UCOF is maximum about heel strike was faster and the magnitude was larger than for barefoot walking. Second, the correlation between the tangent of CoP-CoM and UCOF of right foot was higher at the left heel striking point (UCOF2_h) which occurred in the post propulsion phase than at the right heel striking point (UCOF1_h). This suggests that the right foot UCOF is related to the braking phase of left foot( which is the propulsion phase of right foot) rather than the braking phase of right foot.

A Biomechanics-Based Ergonomic Analysis for Footware Development (풋웨어 개발을 위한 생체역학 기반 인간공학적 분석 : B-boy 신발 개발을 중심으로)

  • Hah, Chong-Ku;Jang, Young-Kwan;Kim, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to find biomechanical parameters for optimal shoes production through an ergonomic usability assessment of five existing types of shoes preferred by B-BOY. Ten experts and ten non-experts participated in the experiment, and 12 infrared cameras (Qualis, Oqus), force plate (Kistler, 9286AA) and foot pressure plate (Zebris Gmbh, Zebris PDM-System) were used to obtain the data. The results of the study are as follows. First, P shoes with a friction coefficient of 0.38 and a free moment of 0.32 N/m/kg are desirable in terms of traction capability and safety. Second, on the cushion, it was found that the N shoes 2.51 N, sec/kg and non-expert, and 2.86 N and sec/kg were suitable. Third, it is deemed appropriate for C shoes with a forefoot average pressure of 10.11 KPa (right), 10.05 KPa (left), and V shoes with a rearfoot average pressure of 8.4 KPa (right) and 8.36 KPa (left). In conclusion, the combination of the structure and material of V shoes should be developed for traction and stability, N shoes for cushion, and walking balance for C and V shoes.

Analysis on the Changes in Muscle Function of the Leg Joint in Athletics Athletes Through by Whole Body Vibration Exercise Training (전신진동(Whole body vibration)운동훈련을 통한 육상 투척선수의 하지관절 근육 기능변화에 관한 분석)

  • Lee, Youngsun;Yoon, Changsun;Han, KiHoon;Kim, Jinhyun;Hah, Chongku;Park, Joonsung;Kim, Jongbin
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.250-260
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate muscle function and symmetry index during whole body vibration exercise using lower extremity training posture for throwing athletes. For throwing athletes in their 20s(6 males, 4 females, age: 24.60±0.92years, height: 177.90±7.40cm, weight: 92.90±22.97kg), lower extremity training postures with squat, carphrase, and lunge movements. Whole body vibration exercise training was performed using. Tensiomyography(TMG) variables Time Delay(Td), Time Contraction(Tc), Time Sustain(Ts) Time Relaxation(Tr), and Displacement Maximumal(Dm) in the lower extremity joint muscles(biceps femoris(BF), gastrocnemius lateral(GL), gastrocnemius medial(GM), rectus femoris(RF), tibialis anterior(TA), lateral vastus(LV), medial latissimus(ML)), were measured to compare and analyze muscle activity, muscle fatigue, and left-right symmetry. The results of the study are left RF, VL, right VM (p<.05) in Td, VM (p<.05) in Tc, GM in Ts (p<.05), left RF in Tr, and right TA (p<. 05) showed a change. Therefore, it has been proven that various whole-body vibration training is an effective exercise with changes in muscle contraction, and stability of the core is secured by symmetry of the left and right muscles. For this reason, the whole body vibration exercise will have a positive effect on rehabilitation training, and it is believed that it will be able to improve performance.

Psychological Injury Factors of Excellent Alpine Snowboard Athlete (우수 알파인스노보드 선수의 심리적 부상요인)

  • Yoo, Ha-Na;Choi, Jae-Won;Kang, Sung-Goo;Lee, Kyung-Ha
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to adopt qualitative research methods for alpine snowboard athlete to analyze their injury factors in depth from a psychological perspective. Therefore, in-depth interviews were conducted on four outstanding Alpine Snowboard athlete, and the results were as follows. Among the factors of the injury of Alpine snowboard athlete, the psychological point of view was derived from five factors: 'Trait Anxiety', 'Personality Characteristic', 'Expectancies of Significant Others, 'Discrepancy between ability and expectation' and 'Trauma Injuries'. The five psychological injury factors have expressed the raw data of the subject in a case-oriented manner, and empirical and field-oriented interview data will enable in-depth analysis of psychological factors related to injury to future Alpine snowboard athlete and coaches. It is expected to be used as a basis for injury prevention and countermeasures. All data can be used as a basis for positive effects on the quality of life of athletes and athletes in winter sports.

The Effects of 12-Week of Proprioceptive Exercise Programs on Chronic Low Back Pain and Sensorimotor Control in Middle-Aged Females in Rural Areasa (12주간의 고유감각자극운동이 농촌지역 중년여성의 만성요통과 감각운동 조절능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Eun-Joo Kim
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2024
  • This study applied a props-based exercise program for 12 weeks to women in their mid-50s in rural areas who complained of back pain, and applied VAS (visual analogue scale), static balance ability left and right, front and back, and sensory movement. Ability Physical stability The left and right, before and after physical changes were investigated. The study subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) of 24 people and a control group (CG) of 20 people. For the homogeneity test between the experimental group and the control group, an independent t-test was conducted to analyze the significant difference in average. When homogeneity was secured, two-way ANOVA repeated measures ANOVA was performed. As a result, there was an interaction effect between the group and the 12 weeks period. However, the VAS between periods within the group, static balance ability left and right, before and after, and sensorimotor ability and body stability left and right, before and after showed improved results with significant average differences. After 12 weeks between groups, the experimental group showed significant improvement effects in all variables.

Effects of Aromatherapy on the Archer's Anxiety Responses and Performance (아로마테라피가 양궁 선수의 불안반응과 수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Sun-Young Yoon;In-Sil Kwak;Jong-Hyuck Kim
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to confirm the effects of inhaling aroma on anxiety responses and performance in high school girl archers. Specifically, the study aimed to identify the changes in anxiety responses such as brainwaves, competitive state anxiety, and heart rate, as well as performance during the inhalation of oil and aroma, including conducting no intervention. The subjects were currently active high school girl archers, and 21 participants who understood and agreed to the research purpose after the researcher directly introduced the study and the inhalation of aroma were selected. The data obtained in this study were processed using the SPSS program for Windows, and all measurements were calculated as mean and standard deviation (mean ± SD). To confirm the effects of aroma, the differences in measurements between no intervention, after inhaling oil, and after inhaling aroma were identified through the Friedman rank test. Post-hoc comparisons between no intervention and oil, and between no intervention and aroma, were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The analysis results are as follows. In summary, the aroma of neroli and lemon appears to increase psychological stability and reduce tension, potentially improving archery performance.

Comparative Study on Public Health Facility Color Image Vocabulary among Countries -Focusing on korea and Romania- (공공보건시설 색채이미지에 대한 국가간 인식 비교 -한국과 루마니아 중심으로-)

  • Park, Heykyung;Adelean, Ioana;Kim, Hyeyeong;Oh, Jiyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to understand the differences in cultural and emotional perceptions about the color image of public healthcare facilities in Romania, an Eastern European country that is relatively lacking in recognition but is gradually expanding trade. For this, color images were selected through a review of previous studies, and a questionnaire survey was constructed based on the colorimetric data by visiting 8 public healthcare facilities such as medical facilities, 4 social sports facilities, and 8 nursing facilities. An online survey was conducted on the color image of public facilities with 89 Koreans and 86 Romanians, and frequency and cross-analysis was conducted using the SPSS statistical analysis program to examine the color images of public healthcare facilities of Koreans and Romanians. The difference in perception was identified. As a result, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference in the perception of color images of public healthcare facilities between countries in vocabulary evaluation and image evaluation, and this was interpreted as different meanings for groups residing in different cultures. Therefore, it implies that cultural differences in perception should be considered when establishing an environment related to this in the future.