• 제목/요약/키워드: Spermatogenic cell

검색결과 54건 처리시간 0.024초

Association of the ubiquitin specific peptidase 9X -linked and Afadin expression patterns with sexual maturation in boar testis

  • Baek, Sun-Young;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Youngshin;Hong, Joon-Ki;Cho, Eunseok;Ha, Seungmin;Kim, Kyungwoon;Sa, Soojin;Chung, Hakjae
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제63권5호
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    • pp.977-983
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    • 2021
  • Closely correlated expression patterns between ubiquitin specific peptidase 9X-linked (USP9X) and adherens junction formation factor (Afadin) in mouse testis development suggests that Usp9x regulates the deubiquitination of Af-6 (also known as Afadin, AFDN), and subsequently, the cell adhesion dynamics during gametogenesis. However, this relationship has not yet been tested in other domestic animals. The study was examined the temporal and spatial expression patterns of porcine USP9X and AFDN from the pre-pubertal to adult stages using real time-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, we detected the transcripts of USP9X and AFDN in the testis of 1-, 6- and 12-months old boar, respectively. USP9X and AFDN were found to have similar expressions patterns, with basal expression after 1 month followed by a significant up-regulation from 6 months (puberty) onwards. In addition, neither the AFDN or USP9X proteins were detected in spermatogenic cells but they were expressed in the leydig cells and sertoli cells. USP9X was detected around the basal lamina during pre-puberty, and predominantly expressed in the leydig cells at puberty. Finally, in adult testis, USP9X was increased at the sertoli cell-cell interface and the sertoli cell-spermatid interface. In summary, closely correlated expression patterns between USP9X and AFDN in boar testis supports the previous findings in mice. Furthermore, the junction connections between the sertoli cells may be regulated by the ubiquitination process mediated via USP9X.

Expression of TASK-1 channel in mouse Leydig cells

  • Min Seok Woo;Eun-Jin Kim;Anjas Happy Prayoga;Yangmi Kim;Dawon Kang
    • 한국동물생명공학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2023
  • Background: Leydig cells, crucial for testosterone production, express ion channels like ANO1 that influence hormone secretion. This study investigates the expression and role of the Tandem of P domains in a weak inward rectifying K+ channel-related Acid-Sensitive K+-1 (TASK-1) channel in these cells, exploring its impact on testicular function and steroidogenesis. Methods: TASK-1 expression in Leydig cells was confirmed using immunostaining, while RT-PCR and Western Blot (WB) validated its expression in the TM3 Leydig cell line. The effect of a TASK-1 channel blocker on cell viability was assessed through live/dead staining and MTT assays. Additionally, the blocker's effect on testosterone secretion was evaluated by measuring testosterone levels. Results: Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a predominant presence of TASK-1, along with c-Kit and ANO-1, in Leydig cells adjacent to seminiferous tubules and also in Sertoli and spermatogenic cells. Expression levels of TASK-1 mRNA and protein were significantly higher in TM3 Leydig cells compared to TM4 Sertoli cells. In addition, blocking TASK-1 in TM3 cells with ML365 induced cell death but did not affect LH-induced testosterone secretion. Conclusions: These findings suggest that TASK-1 in Leydig cells is crucial for their viability and proliferation, highlighting its potential importance in testicular physiology.

한국산 관박쥐 (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai)에 있어서의 정자변태 (Spermiogenesis in the Korean Greater Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai)

  • 이정훈;최병진;손성원
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 1992
  • In order to study process of spermiogenesis of the Korean greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai, the cycle of seminiferous epithelium was examined by the light and electron microscope and the following results were obtained based on the epithelial cell differentiation. 1. Spermiogenesis occurred from early July to mid-Octber, and spermatogenic activity was vigorous from mid-August to late September. Spermatocytes including spermatogonia were found to be degenerated in only July. It is deduced that the degeneration serves as the mechanism to regulate effective use of energy to prepare for mating and hibernating periods, and regulation of breeding cycle. 2. Spermiogenesis of the Korean greater horseshoe bat was divided according to differentiation of the cell structure, into Golgi, cap, acrosome, maturation and spermiation phases; Golgi, cap and spermiation phases were further divided into two steps of early and late phase respectively, and acrosome phase into three steps of early, mid and late phases, and maturation phase has only one step. Hence, the spermiogenesis consists of ten phases. The first research was done in this article on the changes of chromatin with nucleus, the time of appearance and disappearance of chromatin granules, in case of Korean greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai). Chromatin granule began to be condensed in late Golgi and the condensation proceeded to form an irregular mass of a electron-dense chromatin in a form of circular cylinder in the center of nucleus at the phase of maturation. Finally, the chromatin condensation proceeded and perfect nucleus of sperm with homogeneous density was formed when the sperm was separated from Sertoli cell. Therefore, appearance and disappearance of chromatin granules occurred in the period of time between late Golgi and maturation phase, The tail of sperm began to develop in early cap phase, Numerous lipid droplets were obseved in the cytoplasm of spermatids during the maturation phase, which seemed to be used as energy source necessary to make mature sperm during spermiogenesis.

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정자생성 주기법을 이용한 고환독성 평가 필요성과 정량적인 고환독성 평가방법에 대한 고찰 (The Recommended Approaches for the Evaluation of Testicular Toxicity with Awareness of the Spermatogenic Cycle and Quantitative Testicular Toxicity Evaluation Methods)

  • 손우찬;김종춘;유일재
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2003
  • Since histopathological examination was known to be the most sensitive evaluation for testicular toxicity, regulatory authorities have been published the guidelines on practical testicular assay approach. Those guidelines specified details of evaluation including fixation, embedding, stain-ing, histological examination and also seminiferous tubular staging methods. However, there have been confusing understanding among toxicologists and even pathologists on staging theory and its application on industrial testicular toxicity. Guidelines did not intend to conduct quantitative assay with staging but recommended the use of knowledge of staging. To count each tubular stage with statistical analysis is known to be time consuming and labor burdening work but the significance of toxicity has little value. It also has been pointed out that the application of staging theory for longer-term toxicity considered to be lacking of rationale. It could be recommended that qualitative assay with aware-ness of germ cell loss is more efficient method rather than quantitative counting of each tubular stage. Therefore it would be required that comprehensive understanding of testicular toxicity evaluation and the use of testicular staging method.

Cytochemical Localization of Nuclear Actin of Sperm and Spermatids in Urechis unicinctus

  • Shin, Kil-Sang;Kim, Ho-Jin;Kwon, Hyuk-Jae;Kim, Wan-Jong
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we found that sperm ball of Urechis unicinctus consisted of a somatic cell and spermatogenic cells. After separation from the sperm ball, individual spermatid floated freely in the coelomic fluid and differentiated into a mature sperm. Because of many nuclear vacuoles, spermatid nucleus was observed to be heterogeneous. Later, the spermatid nucleus condensed into the homogeneous round nucleus of the mature sperm. Perinuclear microtubules could be seen but did not seem to be organized into manchette microtubules. To understand the nature of nuclear condensation during spermiogenesis, the sperm and spermatids (spermiogenic cells) were treated with FITC-phalloidin, or anti-actin-FITC, or labeled with antiactin immunogold particles (AAIP; 10 nm) followed by transmission electron microscopy or confocal laser scanning microscopy. The anti-actin-FITC and FITC-phalloidin reactions occurred distinctly in the nuclei of both spermiogenic cells. FITC-phalloidin reacted more intensely with acrosomes. The AAIP were incorporated mainly into nuclei of both cells sometimes showing local distribution in the nucleus. Nuclear vacuoles of spermatids disappeared progressively with condensation of the nucleus, as the number of incorporated $AAIP/{\mu}m^2$ increased. These results suggest that nuclear actin microfilaments might be closely related to nuclear condensation.

랫드에 있어서 2-bromopropane에 의해 유발된 정소독성의 평가 (Evaluation of the testicular toxicity caused by 2-bromopropane in rats)

  • 김종춘;이현숙;윤효인;정문구
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.361-371
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    • 2000
  • 최근 2-bromopropane(2-BP)이 사람과 실험동물에서 정소독성을 유발한다고 보고된 바 있다. 그러나 수컷 생식기계에 있어서 2-BP의 지연효과에 대해서는 세부적으로 조사된 바가 없다. 본 연구는 Sprague-Dawley 랫드에서 2-BP의 정소독성과 정자발생의 회복을 조사하기 위하여 수행하였다. 5주령의 수컷 랫드에게 2-BP를 1,000mg/kg 용량으로 4주간 반복투여하였고, 투여시작후 1, 2, 3, 4 및 12주째에 부검하였다. 정소독성의 평가는 병리조직학적인 질적평가와 생식기관 중량, 정자두부수 및 재생지수 등의 양적평가로 수행하였다. 시험결과 2-BP를 투여한 랫드에서는 체중과 정소 및 정소상체 중량이 대조군에 비해 시간의존적인 방식으로 억제 또는 감소하였다. 병리조직검사에서는 투여 1주째에 stage I~IV에서 정조세포와 stage VII~IX에서 세사전기 및 세사기의 정모세포가 현저하게 소실되었다. 정조세포는 투여 2주째에 모든 stage에서 광범위하게 소실되었으며, 정자발생주기가 진행됨에 따라 2, 3 및 4주째에는 접합기 정모세포, 비후기 정모세포 및 원형 정자세포가 전구세포의 결손에 의해 점진적으로 소실되었다. 지지세포의 기능적 이상을 암시하는 지지세포의 공포화와 정자세포 저류는 상기한 모든 시기에서 관찰되었다. 8주 회복후인 12주째에는 대부분의 곡세정관이 심하게 위축되어 지지세포만 관찰되었으며, 간질조직에서는 간질세포의 과형성이 인정되었다. 또한 2-BP에 의해 유발된 정소의 손상이 비가역적임을 암시해주는 정자두부와 재생지수의 현저한 감소가 관찰되었다. 상기결과는 랫드의 2-BP를 1,000mg/kg의 용량으로 4주간 반복투여하면 정조세포의 결손에 의해 점진적으로 생식세포가 감소하고 이로 인하여 장기적인 정소위축이 유발된다는 것을 암시해준다.

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한국 남성 불임환자에서 Y 염색체상의 AZF Gene에 대한 분석 및 DAZ Gene의 발현 양상 (Analysis of the Azoospermia Factor (AZF) Gene on Y Chromosome and Expression Pattern of DAZ Gene in Korean Infertile Men)

  • 이호준;이형송;송견지;변혜경;서주태;김종현;이유식
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 1997
  • Cytogenetic observations of loss of the distal portion of the Y chromosome long arm were found to be associated with disrupted spermatogenesis. The existence of a gene involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis, the azoospermia factor (AZF), was postulated. In this study, we screened the AZF region including DAZ and DAZH genes and observed the expression pattern of DAZ and DAZH transcript in infertile men with azoospermia and oligospermia by using a sequence-tagged site (STS)-based PCR method. PCR primers were synthesized for 11 STSs that span Yq interval 6, SRY, DAZ, and DAZH, functional DAZ homologue on chromosome 3. Microdeletions were detected in 4/32 (12.5%) azoospermic men and 1/11 (9%) severe oligospermic men. Only 2 of 5 patients had microdeletions of Yq that contained the DAZ gene, whereas the other 3 patients had deletions extending from intervals 5L-6F proximal to the DAZ gene on Yq. Testis biopsies of the azoospermic patients revealed a variety from Sertoli cell-only syndrome to testicular maturation arrest. Of 4 men with clinical data available, average testis size was R: 13.8 cc, L: 13.8 cc, serum T was $4.0{\pm}1.25$ ng/ml, LH was $3.63{\pm}1.90$ mIU/ml, and FSH was $8.85{\pm}5.13$ mIU/ml. These values did not differ significantly from the remainder of the patients tested. We could not observed the DAZ transcript in 2 patients, who have no mature spermatozoa. In 11.6% of patients microdeletions of the AZF could be detected. These deletions in the AZF region seem to be involved causing spermatogenic failure. But the frequency of microdeletions proximal to DAZ suggests that DAZ is not the only gene associated with spermatogenic failure.

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Pectinase-treated Panax ginseng ameliorates hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in GC-2 sperm cells and modulates testicular gene expression in aged rats

  • Kopalli, Spandana Rajendra;Cha, Kyu-Min;Jeong, Min-Sik;Lee, Sang-Ho;Sung, Jong-Hwan;Seo, Seok-Kyo;Kim, Si-Kwan
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2016
  • Background: To investigate the effect of pectinase-treated Panax ginseng (GINST) in cellular and male subfertility animal models. Methods: Hydrogen peroxide ($H_2O_2$)-induced mouse spermatocyte GC-2spd cells were used as an in vitro model. Cell viability was measured using MTT assay. For the in vivo study, GINST (200 mg/kg) mixed with a regular pellet diet was administered orally for 4 mo, and the changes in the mRNA and protein expression level of antioxidative and spermatogenic genes in young and aged control rats were compared using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and western blotting. Results: GINST treatment ($50{\mu}g/mL$, $100{\mu}g/mL$, and $200{\mu}g/mL$) significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited the $H_2O_2$-induced ($200{\mu}M$) cytotoxicity in GC-2spd cells. Furthermore, GINST ($50{\mu}g/mL$ and $100{\mu}g/mL$) significantly (p < 0.05) ameliorated the $H_2O_2$-induced decrease in the expression level of antioxidant enzymes (peroxiredoxin 3 and 4, glutathione S-transferase m5, and glutathione peroxidase 4), spermatogenesis-related protein such as inhibin-${\alpha}$, and specific sex hormone receptors (androgen receptor, luteinizing hormone receptor, and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor) in GC-2spd cells. Similarly, the altered expression level of the above mentioned genes and of spermatogenesis-related nectin-2 and cAMP response element-binding protein in aged rat testes was ameliorated with GINST (200 mg/kg) treatment. Taken together, GINST attenuated $H_2O_2$-induced oxidative stress in GC-2 cells and modulated the expression of antioxidant-related genes and of spermatogenic-related proteins and sex hormone receptors in aged rats. Conclusion: GINST may be a potential natural agent for the protection against or treatment of oxidative stress-induced male subfertility and aging-induced male subfertility.

Evaluating the effect of conditioned medium from mesenchymal stem cells on differentiation of rat spermatogonial stem cells

  • Hoda Fazaeli;Mohsen Sheykhhasan;Naser Kalhor;Faezeh Davoodi Asl;Mojdeh Hosseinpoor Kashani;Azar Sheikholeslami
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.508-517
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    • 2023
  • In cancer patients, chemo/radio therapy may cause infertility by damaging the spermatogenesis affecting the self-renewal and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). In vitro differentiation of stem cells especially mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into germ cells has recently been proposed as a new strategy for infertility treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the proliferation and differentiation of SSCs using their co-culture with Sertoli cells and conditioned medium (CM) from adipose tissue-derived MSCs (AD-MSCs). Testicular tissues were separated from 2-7 days old neonate Wistar Rats and after mechanical and enzymatic digestion, the SSCs and Sertoli cells were isolated and cultured in Dulbecco's modified eagle medium with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1X antibiotic, basic fibroblast growth factor, and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor. The cells were treated with the CM from AD-MSCs for 12 days and then the expression level of differentiation-related genes were measured. Also, the expression level of two major spermatogenic markers of DAZL and DDX4 was calculated. Scp3, Dazl, and Prm1 were significantly increased after treatment compared to the control group, whereas no significant difference was observed in Stra8 expression. The immunocytochemistry images showed that DAZL and DDX4 were positive in experimental group comparing with control. Also, western blotting revealed that both DAZL and DDX4 had higher expression in the treated group than the control group, however, no significant difference was observed. In this study, we concluded that the CM obtained from AD-MSCs can be considered as a suitable biological material to induce the differentiation in SSCs.