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A Study on the Traffic Stream and Navigational Characteristics at the Adjacent Sea Area of Busan Central Wharf (부산 중앙부두 주변 해역의 교통 흐름 및 통항 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Se-Won;Lee Yun-Sok;Park Young-Soo;Kim Jong-Sung;Yun Gwi-Ho;Kim Dae-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2005
  • At the adjacent sea area of Busan Central Wharf, a variety of vessels, such as middle-large passenger ships, small fast sailing ships, container ships, cargo ships and working ships as well as small miscellaneous vessels are freely sailing comparatively without special steering and sailing Rules and marine traffic control because exclusive wharfs in accord with their purpose and use have been arranged in each wharf. In this research, we analyzed traffic stream and navigational characteristics of main traffic route based on statistics and distribution of tracks by ship's type and tonnage of the passing vessels after conducting marine traffic survey twice using exclusive software by targeting the sea area during the period of time. We examined the traffic safety of the passing vessels by classifying the sea area by each function based on the analysis about this traffic situation, and analyzing the effect by designating 'Buknea passage'. We also studied the plan for the effective rearrangement of Central Wharf considering basically the traffic safety oif arrival and departure in a point if view of navigators.

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A Study on the Mongolia's Ger and Food in Pastoral Nomadic Way of Life (몽골 유목민의 겔(gel)과 음식문화에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Bo-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 1997
  • The Mongolian ger is ideally suited to the mongol's steppe climate and the nomadic way of life. This is a multipurpose dwelling which can be easily collapsed, transported to another place and put up again fully preserving its original shape. The pastoral nomadic ger has two key components: the wooden framework and the felt cover. The wooden parts are the walls(khana), the long poles(un), the smoke escape(toono) and its supports(bagana). One wall consists of 10-15 branches of willow tree. each about 1.5m high bound together in a way making it possible to fold it for transportation and then unfold it like an accordion. The unfolded walls are connected to form a circle. The long poles(un) are fastened to the upper part of the walls, with the other end passed through the toono hole, the only sky window and smoke escape through it from the ger. The toono is propped up by two posts, called bagana. All this forms the wooden framework of the ger, which is covered with felt. When the herders fire up their metal stoves, the temperature inside the ger becomes quite comfortable. Because the nomads live in a climate where there is only one growing season in a year, they do not make long migrations to new pastures. Livestock subsist on standing vegetation for eight months of the year. The basic pasture migration strategy is to leave enough standing vegetation at the end of the growing season in September to suffice until the new growth appears the following May. Mongolians use a type of compressed tea leaf that is called "brick" tea in English because it is rock solid and roughly the shape of a brick. And they consume a larger percent(88%) of fat from animal products such as meat, milk, butter, and cheese than any other people in the world. Milk products made from the milk of sheep, yak, and goats are major foods in the nomad's diet, but they are produced mainly in summer when all the animals are lactating. Mongolians made their special nomadic food culture on the steppe.

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The Production-And-Marketing System and the Regional Division in a Traditional Industrial District: Hemp Fabric Handicrafts in Andong (안동 삼베 수공업산지의 생산유통체제와 지역분화)

  • Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.135-154
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the reason of the change of production-and-marketing system and of the regional division. The data for this study were collected by administering interviews with people engaging in hemp fabric industry: namely, craftsmen and managers in the production and marketing of "hemp fabric" handcraft. The summary of this study is as follows: First, the hemp fabric industry is a main subsidiary business of agriculture in Andong. The process of making hemp fabric heavily depends on manual labor. The process is divided into five stages: namely, cultivating hemp, pre-reeling, reeling, weaving, and colouring. Second, Andong "hemp fabric" handicrafts industry had been continuously growth until the late 1960s. During the period of Japan colonization, it was under boom condition: while the other traditional fabric industries were declined. In the 1970s, the decrease of the demand of hemp fabric was the result of mass production of substitute goods on factory system: while, in the 1980s, the growth of per capital income play an important role in bringing about the increased demand of hemp fabric. Third, in the 1980s. production-and-marketing system was changed as the result of the effort to improve the quality and the process, the advanced age of craftsmen, and the weak function of existing marketing systems. The social division of labor within the district is well developed between cultivating hemp, reeling and weaving. The social division of labor is also found in the partly process of handcratfs, and between the production and marketing. The social division of labor between production and marketing is not strongly developed to establish a reliable enterprise that develops a new product and opens a new market. Fourth, the spatial boundary of the production of hemp fabric handcrafts becomes limited into a special region based on the regional specialization of hemp cultivating and the differentiation of utilization of labor.

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The Changes of Timespace and Locality in the Yoseba, Kotobuki (요세바 고도부키에서의 시공간과 로컬리티의 변화)

  • Jo, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.383-396
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    • 2016
  • The most direct influence on the development of Yoseba Kotobuki was the end of World War II. As city rebuilding projects began vibrantly overlapping, the vitalization in Kotobuki was adopted by the laborers coming in from various parts throughout of the country. Just as the period of economic revival from the special demand created by the Korean War got underway, the aftermath of the worldwide economic recession due to the oil crisis had a direct effect on even the labor market. Moreover, as the vitality of the labor market gradually fizzled out from the long-term economic recession caused by the burst of the economic bubble, the labor base that had once been the pillar of the Japanese economy began to age and could no longer perform this role. As these aging laborers came to receive public assistance, the doya managers began repairing the doya and Kotobuki began to change again. The historical times which affected the changes in Yoseba Kotobuki's locality are in the lives of its members--the laborers--and the times themselves, which operate on the micro level; however, in those times, the national and the global time of the nation-state interact and are linked in multiple layers.

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A Study on the Relationship of Stereotypical Attitudes of Middle School Students toward Saeteomins (North Korean Refugees) to Knowledge of North Korea (중학생의 북한에 대한 지식과 새터민에 대한 고정관념의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Ok-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.820-833
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    • 2009
  • Multiculturalism in education are different from each countries, It is needed to practice multicultural education in many fields facing changes to multicultural society in Korea. This study demonstrates on the relationship of social friendliness and stereotypical attitudes toward Saeteomins (North Korean refugees) to the knowledge of North Korea. Saeteomins are special in the respect of linguistic and ethnic homogeneity of Korea. They have to adapt themselves to new circumstances like other immigrants from abroad. At the same time they have cultural senses of difference to live in a divided country in spite of ethnic homogeneity. It is important to get openminded attitudes to be receptive to cultural diversity in the respect of getting multicultural sensitivity. On account of a growing migration of Saeteomins family, Saeteomin students have difficulties in adapting to Korean society. This study focuses on the point of middle school (general) students' view to Saeteomin students, who have experiences to meet each other. There are three categories of contents knowledge, common sense of North Korea and social issues related to North Korea in this paper. All of them are significant to social friendliness and stereotypical attitudes toward Saeteomins to the knowledge of North Korea. That is important point to contents construction in curriculum about North Korea. This study is meaningful to find the potential to link contents knowledge of subject to multicultural education practice in the process of curriculum change especially in relation to the knowledge of North Korea in 2007.

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Climate Change Impact on the Flowering Season of Japanese Cherry (Prunus serrulata var. spontanea) in Korea during 1941-2100 (기후변화에 따른 벚꽃 개화일의 시공간 변이)

  • Yun Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2006
  • A thermal time-based two-step phenological model was used to project flowering dates of Japanese cherry in South Korea from 1941 to 2100. The model consists of two sequential periods: the rest period described by chilling requirement and the forcing period described by heating requirement. Daily maximum and minimum temperature are used to calculate daily chill units until a pre-determined chilling requirement for rest release is met. After the projected rest release date, daily heat units (growing degree days) are accumulated until a pre-determined heating requirement for flowering is achieved. Model calculations using daily temperature data at 18 synoptic stations during 1955-2004 were compared with the observed blooming dates and resulted in 3.9 days mean absolute error, 5.1 days root mean squared error, and a correlation coefficient of 0.86. Considering that the phonology observation has never been fully standardized in Korea, this result seems reasonable. Gridded data sets of daily maximum and minimum temperature with a 270 m grid spacing were prepared for the climatological years 1941-1970 and 1971-2000 from observations at 56 synoptic stations by using a spatial interpolation scheme for correcting urban heat island effect as well as elevation effect. A 25km-resolution temperature data set covering the Korean Peninsula, prepared by the Meteorological Research Institute of Korea Meteorological Administration under the condition of Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change-Special Report on Emission Scenarios A2, was converted to 270 m gridded data for the climatological years 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The model was run by the gridded daily maximum and minimum temperature data sets, each representing a climatological normal year for 1941-1970, 1971-2000, 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100. According to the model calculation, the spatially averaged flowering date for the 1971-2000 normal is shorter than that for 1941-1970 by 5.2 days. Compared with the current normal (1971-2000), flowering of Japanese cherry is expected to be earlier by 9, 21, and 29 days in the future normal years 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100, respectively. Southern coastal areas might experience springs with incomplete or even no Japanese cherry flowering caused by insufficient chilling for breaking bud dormancy.

An Empirical Review of Korean Perception for Technological Risks (한국인의 위험인지에 대한 경험적 분석)

  • Chung, Ik-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2007
  • A survey of risk perception in Korea was conducted in 2001 with a special emphasis on industrial and technological risks. This article summarizes the characteristics of risk perception in consideration of socio-demographic background of respondents. The survey with sample size of 1,870 evaluates the perceived level of 25 risk items in the areas of transportation, chemicals, environment, industry, and nuclear power generation. Risks are categorized by using factor analysis to clarify attitudinal or behavioral properties of risk perception. Research findings show that the level of perceived risk does not correspond to the statistical level. Socio-demographic variables are significant predictors in explaining risk perception, or the discrepancies between "subjective" and "objective" risks. Effective risk communication can reduce the perceptional discrepancies, improve the awareness of technological risks, and ultimately facilitate the process of making and implementing policies for risk management and safety regulation. This article tries to provides policy guidelines for "Who is the target for risk communication" and "Which risk has the policy priority for safety improvement." Married females at the age of 30s and 40s with lower education and lower income in small cities are more vulnerable to risk misperception than other groups. More information and knowledge regarding unfamiliar, intangible, new technological risks should be delivered to the vulnerable groups for reducing perceptional bias. Society-wide safety can be improved by integrating policy, human, and social factors as well as techno-engineering advances.

The study for the Epidemiologic Characteristics of Cancer Patients in Jeju Special Self-governing Province (제주특별자치도 암 환자의 역학적인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Weon-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1292-1303
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    • 2015
  • Jeju province is the highest area about obesity(1st), alcohol consumption(2nd) and male smoking(2nd) among sixteen Korean provinces by the report of Statistics Korea: 2013 community health survey. Therefore, it is assumed that the incidence rate of colon, liver, lung and breast cancer can be high. The purpose of this study is to test these cancer's incidence and mortality trends and compare comparability with national average. The Joinpoint regression model and permutation tests for identifying changes and parallelism in trend were used to test registered data at Jeju Regional Cancer Registry from 1999 to 2012. In male colorectal cancer, Average Age Percent Change(AAPC) of Age-Standardized incidence Rate(ASR) was 8.4% per year(p-value<.000) and the hypothesis of parallelism with Korean male average was rejected because of steep increasing of Jeju male patients' AAPC(p-value=.047). In male liver cancer, AAPC of ASR was -2.98 % per year(p-value<.000) and parallelism with Korean male average was rejected because of sluggish decreasing of Jeju(p-value=.026). In male lung cancer, the ASR parallelism with Korean male average was rejected(p-value=.009) because Jeju patients APC(4.37% per year) was increased during 2006~2012. This study demonstrates that AAPC and Trends of male colon, male lung and male liver were difference from national average. Further studies are needed to understand its causes.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy on the Emotional Stability of Children From Broken Homes (원예심리치료가 결손가정아동의 정서적 안정에 미치는 효과성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jong-Gu;Lee, Nam-Sug
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1628-1636
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of horticultural therapy on children from broken homes: this treatment program, implemented in the social welfare field, targets the children's depression, self-esteem, and social and emotional stress. Its object was composed of 13 lower grade students enrolled in special facilities according to the life-cycle method, and its data were collected as making use of the structured questionnaire. The horticultural Therapy Program was practiced 14 sessions in total from September 2nd to December 16th, 2010, and its results in summary are as follows; The sociality in horticultural therapy was higher by .53 point in 2.76 after practice than in 2.23 before practice, and its value of the ability to cope with stress was higher by 0.52 point in 2.82 after coping with stress than in 2.30 before that. That was meaningful (t=-1.4398, p<.05). The value of anxiety was lower by .15 in 1.45 post-anxiety than in 1.60 pre-anxiety, and that was meaningful (t=-2.3842, p<.05). The value of self-esteem is higher by .42 in 2.92 post-self-esteem than in 2.50 pre-self-esteem, and that was strategically meaningful (t=-1.1871, p<.05). The value of emotional assessment was higher by 2.05 in 5.25 post-emotional assessment than in 3.20 pre-emotional assessment, and that was strategically meaningful (t=-2.4599, p<.05). Based on these results, this study suggests that this horticultural therapy program should apply to the issues of children in social welfare field as one of various approaches.

A Study on Isolation Performance of High Damping Rubber Bearing Through Shaking Table Test and Analysis (진동대 실험 및 해석을 통한 고감쇠 고무받침의 면진성능 연구)

  • Kim, Hu-Seung;Oh, Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.601-611
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    • 2016
  • The research, development and use of seismic isolation systems have been increasing with the gradual development of structure safety assurance methods for earthquakes. The High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDRB), one type of seismic isolation system, is a Laminated Rubber Bearing using special High Damping Rubber. However, as its damping function is slightly lower than that of the Lead Rubber Bearing, a similar seismic isolation system, its utilization has not been high. However, the HDRB has a superior damping force to the Natural Rubber Bearing, which has similar materials and shapes, and the existing Lead Rubber Bearing has a maleficence problem in that it contains lead. Thus, studies on HDRBs that do not use lead have increased. In this study, a test targeting the HDRB was done to examine its various dependence properties, such as its compressive stress, frequency and repeated loading. To evaluate the HDRB's seismic performance in response to several earthquake waves, the shaking table test was performed and the results analyzed. The test used the downscaled bridge model and the HDRB was divided into seismic and non-seismic isolation. Consequently, when the HDRB was applied, the damping effect was higher in the non-seismic case. However, its responses on weak foundations, such as in Mexico City, represented increased shapes. Thus, its seismic isolator.