• 제목/요약/키워드: Spatial Structure Satisfaction

검색결과 29건 처리시간 0.027초

Case Study on the Characteristics of Hanok Hotel (한옥호텔의 배치 및 공간특성에 관한 사례조사)

  • Kim, Sunyoung;Hwang, Yeon-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the design characteristics of Hanok hotel. This study was approached by using theoretical investigation and a field survey. The field survey analyzed the current situations by conducting the master plan layout, architecture and interior design of the Hanok hotel. The field survey was tested by examining four different Hanok hotels from February 2014 to July 2014. After all, the results were analyzed based on given categories. The results of this research can be summarized as following. First, the characteristic of the master plan layout in Hanok hotel was appeared as "ㄷ" and "ㅡ" shapes. Those layouts were based on the spatial and the functional aspects of Hanok hotel facilities. Second, three different structural methods such as the korean traditional wooden structure, concrete, and masonry method were used in Hanok hotel construction to deliver the traditional architecture aspects while considering the functionality and convenience of the building. Third, most of Hanok hotels had the limited furniture range. The consideration of using several types of traditional furniture in different rates of the guest rooms help to increase the service quality and customer's satisfaction. Fourth, there were no diversity of using materials and colors in Hanok hotels that only few of them were used to express the traditional look. Fifth, the local characteristics were found in several Hanok hotels. To reflect the local characteristics in Hanok hotel is to construct a suitable environment to fit in nature and also it is easily to convey the local culture to others.

A Study on the Spatial Organization Methods of O.P.D & the Construction of Healing Environment on O.P.D Waiting Area in Children's Hospital in Seoul Metropolis (서울시 어린이 전문병원 외래진료부의 공간구성방식과 대기공간의 치유환경 구축방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Keun-Hyung;Park, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzes the present condition of the elements of a healing environment of the waiting rooms in outpatient clinics of children' hospitals (3 hospitals in Seoul) so as to propose a design to build a healing environment within the children' hospital. And analyzing the importance, satisfaction and preference of the healing environment in the waiting rooms, this paper has come to the following conclusions: 1)The study shows that the space structure of outpatient clinics in children' hospitals are composed of 1 story or 2 stories and designed in a duplication design or a dispersed alcove design. 2)The waiting room of the SC Hospital, with an area of 66.56$m^2$, and the waiting room of the SU Hospital, with an area of 38.78$m^2$ received the highest score for its space. 3)As most patients visit the hospital with their guardian, the waiting room should also be someplace families can rest and share information with others. 4)It is essential to build an environment that eliminates stress elements that patients may come to face by minimizing noise and elements that obstruct the view for mental stability. 5)The results show that those who took part in the survey preferred the following, respectively, healing environment design for the waiting room in the outpatient clinic at children' hospital: Pleasantness>Easiness in finding one' destination>Artificial materials>Natural materials>Environment like that at home>Co-promotion spaces>Space that supports the patients'activities>Openness>Sociality>Safety/Security>Approachability and Privacy. The results also show that healing conditions respect these preferences.

A Study on the Spatial Structure Change of Elderly Care Facility according to Introduction of Long-Term Care Insurance (장기요양보험제도의 도입에 따른 노인요양시설의 공간구조 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sohee;Kim, Suktae
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : Long-term Care Insurance sets up facility standard and installation standard of aged care facilities and decides the presence of minimum number of rooms and its size in care facilities by using systematic instruments. Therefore, most aged care facilities had renovation in expansion and reconstruction following the revised regulations and even facility space structure and space composition are continuously improving. The study is to determine the purpose and trend by comparing before and after space composition of facilities which followed the implementation of Long-term Care Insurance and also to suggest hierarchical space composition suitable for aged care facilities through derived problems and to provide basic materials to plan the most appropriate facility for the aged. Methods : J-graph based on Space Syntax Theory will be schematized through in-site facility survey and before and after facility floor plan. Space composition trend will be analyzed by comparing indexes through S3 program. Results : As a result of 5 cases analysis, the following results were found; the average of whole space depth is increasing due to the Extension, the number of volunteers is decreasing and rooms for geriatric care helpers are being created due to the geriatric care helper introduction duty. Also, there are solariums being created to improve the health of the aged and dispensaries are being placed on every floor with the increase of documentary work for geriatric care helpers. With the policy implementation, care facility space composition and structure are changing with facility standard and it was analyzed that facilities were mostly put under the control of limited number of people in care room and total ground area per person. It was also found that there is increase in care space integration through before and after comparison of whole integration value. This is considered as the important result not only in facility standard satisfaction, but also in care support of geriatric care helpers and the aged, its main users. Implication : In order for elderly care facilities to have quality improvement and to develop as suitable facilities for characteristics of the aged, independent environmental facility standard preparation of elderly care facilities is needed through mutual cooperation of construction fields with regulation and policy related researches.

Resident관 Cognitions and Attitudes about Urban Development Policy: A Case of Sunchon City (지방도시의 발전정책에 관한 주민의 인식과 태도: 전남 순천시를 사례로)

  • 이정록
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2001
  • Resident's attitude and evaluation about local or urban development policies is a major factor in the process of the regional and urban 1)tanning and its practices. Therefore there are numerous studies pointing to analysis about the evaluation of the urban development policies. The purpose of this paper is concerned on the residents'cognitions, attitudes and evaluation about of urban development policy of Sunchon City in South Korea. Research area, Suncgon city, has been served as a central place of eastern Chollanamdo since 1920 and now functions as economic and commercial leading city of Kwangyang-bay area. In addition, Sunchon city is fastly growned with the influence of national development policy including the establishment of major industrial estates and the construction of container port in Kwangyang-bay area. In the overall cognition and evaluation about the quality of life of Sunchon city, most people are satisfied with the quality of life of urban living comparing with near cities such as Kwangyang and Yosu city. In particular, the level of satisfaction about education, transportation, natural environment are relatively higher than economic condition and living facilities. Most of residents have positive attitude and evaluation about the image of future urban development, and prefer to culture and education city in urban function of Sunchon city. Therefore, in order to function as a central city of Kwangyang-bay area. Sunchon city have to adopt new urban development policy including such as reconstruction of urban spatial structure, strengthening of culture and education functions, and the related facilities, restructuring of regional industrial structure. and expansion of commercial and shopping facilities.

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A Study of the Fengshui Marketing Model in the Housing Industry (주택산업의 풍수마케팅 모형 정립에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Seop
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to establish a Fengshui-based marketing model that companies engaged in selling dwelling spaces can utilize to increase their sales. The study is based on an investigation of appraisal statements and analysis techniques used in Fengshui. The Fengshui marketing model can be used for corporate advertising, sales promotions, public relations events, and for framing an overall marketing strategy according to changing consumer demand. As a sales promotion strategy, it can be used to influence consumer psychology and behavior. Although this study is limited to the all-pervasive advertising and marketing of houses by construction companies under installment plans, the Fengshui marketing method can also be used for the sale of store locations, space for product display, and so on. Initially, I analyze living spaces according to traditional Fengshui theory, and subsequently apply the modern method to study topographical space structures and geomagnetism disturbances. I present a standard form for writing the Fengshui appraisal statement based on the objective analytical method of Fengshui. With its shortcomings remedied, the appraisal statement can lead to high-quality advertising and increased valuations because it is based on objective data analysis and systematic evaluation of houses. In brief, I have designed the Fengshui marketing model as a sales promotion technique for the housing industry. I believe this study will contribute to the application of Fengshui in the housing industry's sales promotion efforts through high-quality advertising. Future research should evaluate Fengshui marketing in the housing industry based on case studies. Research questions to be addressed could include how Fengshui marketing has affected installment sales of houses and how Fengshui architectural practices affect general well-being. These studies would help propagate Fengshui marketing by validating its effectiveness. In addition, case studies should be undertaken to consider the practical applications of Fengshui marketing, how it can contribute to maximizing a company's image and profits, and how it can promote customer satisfaction.

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Determinants of Residence Intention and Its Policy Implications in Urban-Rural Complex Area : Focusing on the Endogeneity Between Regional Identity and Residence Intention (도농복합시 거주민의 거주의향 결정요인과 그 시사점 : 지역정체성과 거주의향 간의 내생성을 중심으로)

  • Yi, Hyang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제20권8호
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    • pp.610-617
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    • 2019
  • The urban-rural complex area in Korea has a distinctive spatial structure where the urban area and rural area coexist. Therefore, in order to cope with the over-depopulation in the rural region of the urban-rural complex area, it is necessary to explore various policies that can prevent the existing residents from leaving, and in fact support them to remain where they currently reside. In this context, this current study analyzed the factors affecting the existing residents' continuous intention to remain by employing the '2017 Chuncheon City Social Survey' as a countermeasure for the over-depopulation of the rural region in the urban-rural complex area. Especially, since a regional identity is determined endogenously, this study used a simultaneous bivariate ordered probit model with giving consideration to the endogenous relationship between a regional identity and a regional residents' intentions. As a result, it was found on analysis that the regional residential intention was higher as the regional identity was stronger. Furthermore, the regional identity was stronger as a householders' age and residence period were longer, and also as the residents were satisfied with their work leisure and life residence balance. It was also found that the residents' intention was higher as the residents' satisfaction with the local medical service and their work was increased. Thus, supporting policy is needed that can provide appropriate quality-of-life services in a timely manner, but only after identifying the demand for these services by the rural residents in the urban-rural complex area.


  • Kyoon-Tai Kim;Jae-Goo Han;Chang-Han Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • The 3th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1352-1358
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    • 2009
  • As the demand for a convergence between construction technologies and IT is on the rise, as seen in the visualization of U-City construction, studies on the ways in which IT in should be utilized in the building and construction field have been continuously and actively performed. However, there has been almost no development of standardized technology criteria relating to the life cycle of a building (planning, design, construction, and maintenance). That is, there are almost no examples of efforts made to combine construction technology and IT in a fundamental way, considering the environment, the facility, its spatial characteristics, engineering, materials, and structure, aspects that are commonly required not only for interior spaces but also for exterior construction of U-City. Despite the fact that a state-of-the-art infrastructure has been built, and the competency of users with the cutting-edge technology, composite studies on technologies, facilities, services and spaces are still lacking, and basic research on the composite operation method including compatibility and linkage between facilities and services within a U-City has been insufficient as well. It is generally known that by fusing IT with construction technologies, the total period of construction taken can be reduced and construction expenses can be curtailed, while construction quality can be improved. For this reason, it is vital to prepare a standardized base to connect cutting-edge IT with the construction technologies. In preparing such a base, the most urgent issue is to develop standardized technology criteria. The ultimate objective of this research is to establish the technological criteria system required to apply construction-IT fused technologies to U-Cities, and to develop the technological criteria for the design, construction and maintenance of the U-Cities. This paper, whose objective is to establish development strategies for construction-IT fused technologies by way of analyzing the criteria for conventional construction projects, the necessity of criteria for construction-IT fused technologies, and the current status of U-Cities' development, is the underlying research for this purpose. The strategies established are expected to be utilized in establishing the system of criteria for construction-IT fused technologies, and to contribute to a knowledge base in the construction-IT field. In addition, based on the strategies established, criteria for construction-IT fused technologies, such as design criteria and construction standards, will be developed, and by applying these criteria and standards, the ultimate objectives of U-Cities, which are the enhancement of urban competitiveness and the satisfaction of residents, will be attained

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Foundational Research on the Market Strategies and Current Status of Children's Indoor Theme Parks with Korean Characters as Their Theme (국산 캐릭터를 테마로 한 어린이 실내 테마파크의 현황 및 시장전략에 관한 기초연구)

  • Park, Seong-Sik
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • 통권28호
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    • pp.235-263
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    • 2012
  • Regarding the theme park business as an area of cultural content business, this study focuses on the trend of pursuing indoor theme parks as a small-scale small capital strategy escaped from the existing approach oriented to large-scale outdoor complex theme parks. It is because although existing large-scale outdoor complex theme parks require the capital with the scale of hundreds of billion won and also high-level technique and the latest operational know-how that they have a great barrier for new entry as well as enormous risk, the rent indoor theme parks succeed in market entry with efficient risk management and flexible market strategies. Thereupon, this study examines the current status of the children's indoor theme park market with Korean characters as their theme as a new market among the indoor theme parks and also investigates the market strategies of this market in the two aspects of expansion: the expansion of Korean characters' property value and the expansion of the local theme park market. For that, this article reviewed the advanced researches on theme parks and divided the types of theme parks existing in Korea with the criteria of classification by space and theme or classification by main users. Also, among the children's indoor theme parks with Korean characters as their theme, this study visited five ones located in the capital area to examine the current status. And about two located in the capital area and also four in the local area, the current data were received from the persons in charge of the companies for analysis. Also, with the subjects of spectators visiting the 'DIBO VILLAGE, Cheonggye-cheon' newly opened on April 25th, 2012, the research on satisfaction was conducted for analysis. Through that, this study analyzed the structure of the existing children's indoor theme park business with Korean characters as their theme and suggested the ground to analyze the effectiveness of market strategies being implemented. It is expected that this study will establish the clues of systematic and profound discussion for the indoor theme park business that can be said to be the niche market of the theme park business and allow the small-scale areal indoor theme parks to be examined as a significant business model for the local theme park industry. In the aspect of character business as well, it is expected that this will give a chance to establish a new model of spatial storytelling expansion in terms of the property value of Korean animation characters.

A Study on Proposal of Landscape Management Improvement on the Quantitative Analysis of National Parks (국립공원(國立公園) 자연경관(自然景觀)의 계량적(計量的) 분석(分析)을 통(通)한 경관관리(景觀管理) 개선방안(改善方案)에 관(關)한 연구)

  • Kim, Sei Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제80권1호
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 1991
  • This study is focusted to the national park of Korean typical mountain Chi-ri, its visual resources of forests, and practiced inspectind course by way of hypothesis and tests, to show visual resource management objectively, and that of quantitative basic data. spatial image structure measured by Semantic Differential(S.D.) Scale was shown through factor analysis algorithm for the analyzing psychological amount and examined the flowing out of decisive factor and the objective importance related mutual factors by appling the measurement of visual quality. Also, it has been investigated the differences between the degrees of expectation which is used before and of satisfaction which is used, by appling instrumental expectation theory. And showed patterns of investigation area through factor analyzing algorithm. As a national Park, visual factors that have natural landscape harmonized forest, sky, surface of the water, curious stones and rocks, temples should be escalate their values affirmatively so as to be the scenery of pointed direction and enjoyable, and it is needs the techniques visual resource management and its controlling technique to make artificial structures more intentional planning and systemical setting. Manmade distinctive quality in the spatials that affect complementally or harmonizingly, should be received considering relations between the distifution and joining which in line with various visual presenting massive factors. More than that, it is needed united basic standard to the beauty of arrangements which contain visual continuity considered balance between nature and human work, simplicity of structural types, assimilation, emphasis, unification of different factors and pro rata.

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