A Study on the Spatial Organization Methods of O.P.D & the Construction of Healing Environment on O.P.D Waiting Area in Children's Hospital in Seoul Metropolis

서울시 어린이 전문병원 외래진료부의 공간구성방식과 대기공간의 치유환경 구축방안에 관한 연구

  • 김건형 (한양대학교 대학원 건축학과) ;
  • 박재승 (한양대학교 건축학과, 한양대학교 고령화 사회연구원)
  • Received : 2010.06.29
  • Accepted : 2010.08.13
  • Published : 2010.08.01


This study analyzes the present condition of the elements of a healing environment of the waiting rooms in outpatient clinics of children' hospitals (3 hospitals in Seoul) so as to propose a design to build a healing environment within the children' hospital. And analyzing the importance, satisfaction and preference of the healing environment in the waiting rooms, this paper has come to the following conclusions: 1)The study shows that the space structure of outpatient clinics in children' hospitals are composed of 1 story or 2 stories and designed in a duplication design or a dispersed alcove design. 2)The waiting room of the SC Hospital, with an area of 66.56$m^2$, and the waiting room of the SU Hospital, with an area of 38.78$m^2$ received the highest score for its space. 3)As most patients visit the hospital with their guardian, the waiting room should also be someplace families can rest and share information with others. 4)It is essential to build an environment that eliminates stress elements that patients may come to face by minimizing noise and elements that obstruct the view for mental stability. 5)The results show that those who took part in the survey preferred the following, respectively, healing environment design for the waiting room in the outpatient clinic at children' hospital: Pleasantness>Easiness in finding one' destination>Artificial materials>Natural materials>Environment like that at home>Co-promotion spaces>Space that supports the patients'activities>Openness>Sociality>Safety/Security>Approachability and Privacy. The results also show that healing conditions respect these preferences.



Supported by : 한양대학교


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