• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Properties

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An Analysis of TYLCV Damages under Regional Climate Changes (지역별 기후변화에 따른 토마토 황화잎말림병 피해 분석)

  • Yoon, Jiyoon;Kim, Soyoon;Kim, Kwansoo;Kim, Brian H.S.;An, Donghwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the research is to analyze damages of TYLCV (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus) in the context of climate changes and to find the spatial distribution of the damages and characteristics of regions. A TYLCV is generally known for a plant disease related to temperature. Its occurrence rate increases when temperature rises. This disease first occurred in 2008 and rapidly spread nationwide. Due to the spread of a TYLCV, a number of Tomato farms in Korea were damaged severely. To analyze damages of the pest in the context of climate changes, this research estimated production loss under the current situation and RCP scenarios. Additionally, Hot Spot Analysis, LISA, and Cluster analysis were conducted to find spatial distribution and properties of largely damaged regions under RCP scenarios. The results explained that additional production loss was estimated differently by regions with the same temperature rising scenario. Also, largely damaged regions are spatially clustered and factors causing large damages were different across regional cluster groups. It means that certain regions can be damaged more than others by diseases and pests. Furthermore, pest management policy should reflect the properties of each region such as climate conditions, cultivate environment and production technologies. The findings from this research can be utilized for developing rural management plans and pest protection policies.

Rigorous Analysis of Periodic Blazed 2D Diffraction Grating using Eigenvalue Problem of Modal Transmission-Line Theory (모드 전송선로 이론의 고유치 문제를 사용한 주기적인 blazed 2D 회절격자의 정확한 분석)

  • Ho, Kwang-Chun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2019
  • To analyze the diffraction properties of optical signals by periodic blazed 2D diffraction gratings, Toeplitz dielectric tensor is first defined and formulated by 2D spatial Fourier expansions associated with asymmetric blazed grating profile. The characteristic modes in each layer is then based on eigenvalue problem, and the complete solution is found rigorously in terms of modal transmission-line theory (MTLT) to address the pertinent boundary-value problems. Toeplitz matrix of symmetric and sawtooth profiles is derived from that of asymmetric blazed grating profile, and the diffraction properties for each profile are numerically simulated. The numerical results reveal that the asymmetric and symmetric profiles behave as anti-reflection GMR filter while the sawtooth profile works better as anti-transmission one rather than anti-reflection filter.

Locational Characteristics of Survived and Closed Coffee Shops by Spatial Cluster Type (커피전문점 생존 및 폐업 분포의 군집 유형별 생멸 특성)

  • Park, Sohyun;Eo, Jeongmin;Lee, Keumsook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.408-424
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    • 2020
  • This study attempts to analyze the spatial clustering of survived and closed coffee shops based on the land price and land use for each coffee shop location. The locational characteristics of survived and closed coffee shops for each cluster type are identified through various locational properties such as transport factors (physical accessibility), shop properties (franchise information, newly open/closed business experience), and spatial density (kernel density estimation). To this end, we categorize the clusters of survived and closed coffee shops into three types (general locational distribution type, commercialization type of residential area and location type of commercial center), and then analyze their locational characteristics. As the result, we found that the locations of newly open and closed coffee shops show different distribution characteristics, even though they are classified into the same type due to the double sidedness of new open and closed locations. The results of this study can be provided as basic data for planning the location of coffee shop as well as regional commercial district.

A Study on the Probabilistic Stability Analysis of Slopes (확률론적 사면안정 해석기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Young;Cho, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2006
  • Slope stability analysis is a geotechnical engineering problem characterized by many sources of uncertainty. Some of them are connected to the variability of soil properties involved in the analysis. In this paper, a numerical procedure of probabilistic analysis of slope stability is presented based on Spencer's method of slices. The deterministic analysis is extended to a probabilistic approach that accounts fur the uncertainties and spatial variation of the soil parameters. The procedure is based on the first-order reliability method to compute the Hasofer-Lind reliability index and Monte-Carlo Simulation. A probabilistic stability assessment was performed to obtain the variation of failure probability with the variation of soil parameters in homogeneous and layered slopes as an example. The examples give insight into the application of uncertainty treatment to the slope stability and show the impact of the spatial variability of soil properties on the outcome of a probabilistic assessment.

Evaluation of Spatial Distribution of Consolidation Settlement of Songdo Marine Clay by Probabilistic Method (확률론적 방법에 의한 인천송도지반 압밀침하량의 공간적 분포 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Hee;Choi, Young-Min;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2010
  • Because the thickness and depth of consolidation layer vary at every location, the consolidation settlement and time have to be evaluated spatially. Also, for a rational evaluation of the uncertainty of the spatial distribution of consolidation settlement and time, it is necessary to adopt a probabilistic method. In this study, mean and standard deviation of consolidation settlement and time of whole analysis region are evaluated by using the spatial distribution of consolidation layer which is estimated from ordinary kriging and statistics of soil properties. Using these results and probabilistic method, the area that needs adopting the prefabricated vertical drain as well as raising the ground level for balancing the final design ground level is determined. It is observed that such areas are influenced by the variability of soil properties. The design procedure and method presented in this paper can be used in the decision making process for a geotechnical engineering design.

Efficient Publishing Spatial Information as GML for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Spatial Database Systems (이질적인 공간정보시스템의 상호 운용성을 위한 효과적인 지리데이터의 GML 사상)

  • 정원일;배해영
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.12-26
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    • 2004
  • In the past, geographic data is constructed and serviced through independent formats of its own according to each GIS(Geographic Information System). Recently the provision of interoperability in GIS is important to efficiently apply the various geographic data between conventional GIS's. Whereupon OGC(Open GIS Consortium) proposed GML(Geography Markup Language) to offer the interoperability between heterogeneous GISs in distributed environments. The GML is an XML encoding for the transport and storage of geographic information, including both the spatial and non-spatial properties of geographic features. Also, the GML includes Web Map Server Implementation Specification to service the GML documents. Accordingly the prototype to provide the reciprocal interchange of geographic information between conventional GIS's and GML documents is widely studied. In this paper, we propose a mapping method of geographic in formation between spatial database and GML for the prototype to support the interoperability between heterogeneous geographic information. For this method, firstly the scheme of converting geographic in Formation of the conventional spatial database into the GML document according to the GML specification is explained, and secondly the scheme to transform geographic information of GML documents to geographic data of spatial database is showed. Consequently, the proposed method is applicable to the framework for integrated geographic information services based on Web by making an offer the interoperability between already built geographic information of conventional GIS's using a mapping method of geographic information between spatial database and GML.

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A Study on a Recombination Method for the Bottom-up Construction of Spatial Information Products (재조합을 위한 Bottom-up 공간정보제품 제작 방법)

  • Choi, Jae-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.185-199
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    • 2017
  • This study is on a recombination method for the construction of spatial information products which demands are unpredictably various. The present production method of digital maps is not flexible enough for their reusability because it is not object-oriented but top-down. Each spatial object needs to have particular attributes to be recombined. The demand changes the production method through the reclassification of data and changing the properties. In a user perspective, the bottom-up method can produce on-demand spatial information products including existing digital maps. The method is derived from case studies and theoretical reviews and compared with the existing production method. In the method spatial information products are reclassified by their geometry objects such as point, line, and polygon, with basic attributes, and other related domain attributes. The geometry objects and domain attributes are connected by adding new attributes for their later relationship and management, which make the recombination possible. To prove its usability of the method it is tested for current and future user demands including the national base map, thematic maps and the future spatial information products.

A Comparison of Spatial Variation on Anthropogenic Soils (적토형 인위토양의 공간변이 비교 연구)

  • Sonn, Yeon Kyu;Zhang, Yong Seon;Park, Chan Won;Moon, Yong Hee;Hyun, Byung Keun;Song, Kwan Cheol;Chun, Hyen Chung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.897-899
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    • 2012
  • In this study, spatial analyses of chemical properties were studied to find inter-relation among these properties from 5 year old general paddy field after arable land rearrangement and remodeled paddy field near 4 river project. In addition, comparison of spatial variations between two paddy fields was performed to characterize paddy fields by different formation and provide interpretation of these variations and parameters (Semivariogram and Kriging) from spatial analyses. Total of 400 ($20{\times}20$) soil samples were taken at 5 m interval from 1 ha of 5 year old general paddy field and analyzed. Total number of 54 ($6{\times}9$) soil samples were taken from remodeled paddy fields at 10m interval for the analyses. The results of pH, available Phosphate and organic matter among the analyzed results were used for interpretation. The pH values were relatively high from Gumi region. The values of available Phosphate and organic matter showed greater variant coefficients and this represented that there were greater heterogeneity in available phosphate and organic matter distributions across one paddy field. The values of skewness and kurtosis as absolute values, showed almost normal distributions. The paddy field in Ansung had available Phosphate (72.8) ${\fallingdotseq}$ pH (73.8) and greater values of organic matter (159.3), while upland in Gumi had the range value of organic (6.5) < available Phosphate (33.5) < pH (46.6). Based on these results, younger soils (0 year old) require more sampling to characterize the whole field than 5 year old soils.

Role and its Spatial utilization as a Government office of the Nambyeol-gung(南別宮) after the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 (임진왜란(壬辰倭亂) 이후 남별궁(南別宮)의 공해적(公廨的) 역할과 그 공간 활용) - 장서각 소장 "소공동홍고양가도형"."사대부가배치도형"의 분석을 통하여 -)

  • Chung, Jung-Nam
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.43-62
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    • 2009
  • No.87 Sogong-dong where is the Chosun hotel stand. There was the Nambeol-gung(south ern royal villa) which had been a reception hall for enboys of the toadied country before Hwangudan圜丘壇 being set up in the year 1897. The site of the Nambeol-gung was Gyeongjeong慶貞 princess's a lot for house in the early 15th century. But after princess's death, it occurred property dispute between her son and four daughters. As a result of the dispute, a lot and a house of all the princess's properties reverted to the government. At reverted this lot was established a big royal villa in the year 1583 and that royal villa was granted to Uian prince. The villa reverted to the government again when the Uian義安 prince was dead in 12 years old by an epidemic. After the Imjin Invasion壬辰倭亂, another houses and buildings got to be role as a palace because of all the palace in the capital was burnt down to ashes. Among others Nambeol-gung was brought into play as the royal audience chamber. As well as, the villa became brought out role as a reception hall for enboys of the toadied country instead of a damaged reception hall the Taepyong-gwan太平館. In period when the envoy didn't come, the Nambeol-gung was used to extraordinary office of government like Dogam都監. This situation is to mean that the Nambeol-gung is not the royal villa any more. Because of the Nambeol-gung was built as a royal villa, that spaces were composited like space of house and palace. But this spatial composition and spatial name were not fit to hold a ceremony of government office. After all, Nambeol-gung was used change only the spatial name conform to ceremony of office keep up the spatial composition.

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Location Generalization of Moving Objects for the Extraction of Significant Patterns (의미 패턴 추출을 위한 이동 객체의 위치 일반화)

  • Lee, Yon-Sik;Ko, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.451-458
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    • 2011
  • In order to provide the optimal location based services such as the optimal moving path search or the scheduling pattern prediction, the extraction of significant moving pattern which is considered the temporal and spatial properties of the location-based historical data of the moving objects is essential. In this paper, for the extraction of significant moving pattern we propose the location generalization method which translates the location attributes of moving object into the spatial scope information based on $R^*$-tree for more efficient patterning the continuous changes of the location of moving objects and for indexing to the 2-dimensional spatial scope. The proposed method generates the moving sequences which is satisfied the constraints of the time interval between the spatial scopes using the generalized spatial data, and extracts the significant moving patterns using them. And it can be an efficient method for the temporal pattern mining or the analysis of moving transition of the moving objects to provide the optimal location based services.