• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Effects

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Non-linear effects of demand-supply based metro accessibility on land prices in Seoul, Republic of Korea: Using G2SFCA Approach (서울시 수요-공급 기반 지하철 접근성이 토지가격에 미치는 비선형적 영향: G2SFCA 적용을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Chang-Deok
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.189-210
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    • 2022
  • Cities around the world have paid attention to public transportation as an alternative to reducing traffic congestion caused by automobile usage, excessive energy consumption, and environmental pollution. This study measures accessibility to subway stations in Seoul using a supply-demand-based accessibility technique. Then, the impacts were analyzed through land prices by use and segment. As a result of analysis using the multilevel hedonic price models, accessibility considering both supply and demand for the subway had a positive effect on both residential and non-residential land prices. The effect was stronger for residential than for non-residential. Further, among the accessibility measured by the three functions, the accessibility by the Exponential function was most suitable for the residential land price, and the accessibility measured by the Power function for the non-residential land price had the highest explanatory power. Also, looking at the impacts by land price segments, it was found that higher access to metro stations had the greatest positive impacts on the most expensive segment of residential and non-residential land prices. The results of this study can be applied not only to identify the impacts of public investment on neighborhoods, but also to support real estate valuation.

The Effects of Complex Commercial Facility on the Prices of Nearby Apartments (복합상업시설이 인근 아파트 가격에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yen-Uk;Chun, Hae-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2022
  • This study empirically analyzed the effect of complex commercial facilities on the price of nearby apartments in a Hedonic price model. The spatial range of this study was the walking area of H Department Store located in Pangyo among the second new towns suburb of Seoul, and the time range was 2020. The dependent variable was the real transaction price of the apartment, and independent variable were the characteristics of the housing, the characteristics of the complex, and the characteristics of the region. As a result of the analysis, the area of exclusive use space, the transaction floor, and the highway accessibility had a positive effect on the price of the apartment, and the elapsed year had a negative effect on the price of the apartment. However, the size of the apartment had little effect on apartment prices, and the distance from the complex commercial facilities was shown to be related to apartment prices, indicating that apartment prices declined as it moved away from the complex commercial facilities. Therefore, this is much more influential than the influence of distance from subway stations on apartment price. This confirms that the effect factors of apartment prices and the size of their influence appear differently in the new town area and the existing metropolitan area.

An Analysis of the Traffic Noise Measurement Plans of 'Apartment Complexes' - A Case on the North Riverside Expressway in Seoul - ('아파트단지' 교통소음측정방안에 관한 연구 - 강북 강변도로 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Jun Mo;Lee, Sung Kyung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1D
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This study conducts a theoretical research on road traffic noise. Also, the domestic road noise forecast models were compared each other and analyzed with advanced countries' models to indicate the application possibility and problems. For the establishment of a general formula, we compared the forecasted value with the actual value applied in the formula proposed by the National Environment Institute, and examined the necessary improvement of the domestic road traffic noise forecast model. Also, a regression model was built to examine the relationship between traffic factors and noise. The traffic volume and speed are the main traffic factors used in this formula to affect the noise. From the results, it was found that the speed had a closer relationship with the noise rather than the traffic volume. Therefore, to decrease road noise, it is more important to control traffic speed. The spatial effect of road traffic noise within the apartment complexes was used in the case study to derive location-specific adjustment values. We surveyed the road traffic noise of three apartment complexes, and found that the road traffic noise within each complex was affected at plane level as well as at three-dimensionally. In other words, as the distance from the sound origin grows farther, noise level decreases. Also, it was found that noise increases as heigt goes up, but drops when the height goes beyond a certain level, and that the effect of noise decreases if there are obstacles along the path of the noise direction. Therefore, apartment site design should be done with consideration of the effects of noise in the future.

A Study on the Influence Factors of the Ratio of Assessment Value to Sale Price of Forest Land - Focused on the Sales Case of Forest Land in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do - (임야가격의 현실화율 영향요인 연구 - 경기 광주의 임야 거래사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyu-Tai
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2023
  • This study empirically analyzed the determinants of the assessment ratio (hereinafter 'AR') based on a total of 2,129 sales cases of forests in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do. The main findings of this study through multiple regression analysis are summarized as follows. First, this study shows that regional characteristics have significantly different effects on the AR of forest land prices. Specifically, there was a significant difference in the AR depending on the location of the parcel by sub-region and the ratio of residential area, and the higher the number of development plans in progress, the more likely the officially assessed land price will be formed close to the sale price. Second, this study analyzed that location characteristics such as the proximity of the inner and outer center of the jurisdiction and traffic accessibility had a significant influence on the determination of the AR. Third, this study identified significant differences in AR depending on detailed factors such as planning management areas, production management areas, conservation areas for mountain, conservation areas for nature, and restricted development areas as land use and regulatory characteristics of forest lands. Fourth, this study found that land characteristics are a significant factor influencing the AR as an individual factor in forest land.

The Immunological Position of Fibroblastic Reticular Cells Derived From Lymph Node Stroma (림프절 스트로마 유래 Fibroblastic Reticular Cell의 면역학적 위치)

  • Jong-Hwan Lee
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.356-364
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    • 2024
  • Lymph nodes (LNs) are crucial sites where immune responses are initiated to combat invading pathogens in the body. LNs are organized into distinctive compartments by stromal cells. Stromal cell subsets constitute special niches supporting the trafficking, activation, differentiation, and crosstalk of immune cells in LNs. Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) are a type of stromal cell that form the three-dimensional structure networks of the T cell-rich zones in LNs, providing guidance paths for immigrating T lymphocytes. FRCs imprint immune responses by supporting LN architecture, recruiting immune cells, coordinating immune cell crosstalk, and presenting antigens. During inflammation, FRCs exert both spatial and molecular regulation on immune cells through their topological and secretory responses, thereby steering immune responses. Here, we propose a model in which FRCs regulate immune responses through a three-part scheme: setting up, supporting, or suppressing immune responses. FRCs engage in bidirectional interactions that enhance T cell biological efficiency. In addition, FRCs have profound effects on the innate immune response through phagocytosis. Thus, FRCs in LNs act as gatekeepers of immune responses. Overall, this study aims to highlight the emerging roles of FRCs in controlling both innate and adaptive immunity. This collaborative feedback loop mediated by FRCs may help maintain tissue function during inflammatory responses.

Transformation of Strategies for Chinese Regional Development in the Post-Mao Era: From Regional Uneven To Regionally Coordinated Development In China (마오쩌둥 이후 중국 지역 발전 전략의 전환: 불균등 발전에서 권역 협업 기반의 조화로운 발전으로의 진화)

  • Lina Zhang;Sung-Cheol Lee
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.359-374
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    • 2023
  • The main purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the transformation of Chinese regional development policy and trends in spatial inequality in mainland China. More specifically, it has attempted to identify the effects of Chinese regional development policies on regional economic inequality by investigating the coefficient of variation and Gini coefficient with GRDP in the province level. Regional inequality in China had increased from 1979 economic reform, but has eased since the 10th Five Year Plan(2001~2005) due to large-scale state investments in the western, central and northeastern regions. However, the analysis is likely to be resulted from the national level. Trends in regional inequality are differentiated in accordance with the eastern, central, northeastern and western regions. For example, regional inequality in the central region has increased, whereas other three regions has decreased since the 10th Five Year Plan. It has played a role in cutting down regional inequality in the national level. In particular, the central region has kept inequality since the 12th Five Year Guideline. It has led to the convergence of the regional economies in the national level. It has stemmed from some limits to greater regional policies in the Central region enforced in the 11th Five Year Guideline(2005~2010).

Possibilities for Improvement in Long-term Predictions of the Operational Climate Prediction System (GloSea6) for Spring by including Atmospheric Chemistry-Aerosol Interactions over East Asia (대기화학-에어로졸 연동에 따른 기후예측시스템(GloSea6)의 동아시아 봄철 예측 성능 향상 가능성)

  • Hyunggyu Song;Daeok Youn;Johan Lee;Beomcheol Shin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2024
  • The global seasonal forecasting system version 6 (GloSea6) operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration for 1- and 3-month prediction products does not include complex atmospheric chemistry-aerosol physical processes (UKCA). In this study, low-resolution GloSea6 and GloSea6 coupled with UKCA (GloSea6-UKCA) were installed in a CentOS-based Linux cluster system, and preliminary prediction results for the spring of 2000 were examined. Low-resolution versions of GloSea6 and GloSea6-UKCA are highly needed to examine the effects of atmospheric chemistry-aerosol owing to the huge computational demand of the current high resolution GloSea6. The spatial distributions of the surface temperature and daily precipitation for April 2000 (obtained from the two model runs for the next 75 days, starting from March 1, 2000, 00Z) were compared with the ERA5 reanalysis data. The GloSea6-UKCA results were more similar to the ERA5 reanalysis data than the GloSea6 results. The surface air temperature and daily precipitation prediction results of GloSea6-UKCA for spring, particularly over East Asia, were improved by the inclusion of UKCA. Furthermore, compared with GloSea6, GloSea6-UKCA simulated improved temporal variations in the temperature and precipitation intensity during the model integration period that were more similar to the reanalysis data. This indicates that the coupling of atmospheric chemistry-aerosol processes in GloSea6 is crucial for improving the spring predictions over East Asia.

Spatial Distribution Pattern of Cladoceran Community in Accordance with Microhabitat Types (미소서식처 유형별 지각류 (Cladocerans)의 분포 특성)

  • Jong-Yun Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.324-337
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    • 2024
  • Aquatic macrophytes are important factors in determining species diversity and abundance of cladocerans, but the effects of cladocerans on plant species composition or structure have not been fully considered. In South Korea, wetlands and reservoirs that are prone to covering aquatic macrophytes are scattered across the country, so it is necessary to consider on aquatic macrophytes study, when aquatic animals including cladoceran were studied. in this study, the species and abundance of cladocerans community in six microhabitat types are investigated, and based on these results, habitat conservation and efficient management are suggested. The high species numbers and abundance of cladocerans communities were found in mixed plant communities consisting of free-floating, floating-leaved, and submerged plants. The inclusion of submerged plants in plant communities contributes significantly to the complexity of habitat structures, and may increase species and abundance of cladocenran communities. This can be compared to a plant community consisting only of free-floating and floating-leaved plants in the absence of submerged plants, thereby identifying the efficiency of submerged plants. In the mixed plant communities, species diversity was the highest due to the emergence of cladoceran species (Graptoleveris testudinaria, Ilyocryptus spinifer, and Leydigia acanthococcides) absent from other plant communities. The gradual increase in the biomass (g) of submerged plants in the mixed plant communities significantly increased the species numbers and abundance of cladoceran communities (p<0.05). This is strong evidence that the increase of submerged plants in mixed plant communities has a positive effect on efficiency as a habitat for cladocerans. Although submeged plants do not contribute significantly to their landscape/aesthetic value because they are submerged in water, they have the effect of increasing species diversity in terms of biology, so they should be considered important when creating/restoring wetlands.

A Study on the Variation of CT Number and Noise according to Geometric Center Alignment (기하학적 중심 정렬에 따른 CT 감약계수와 잡음 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Jin Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.871-879
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the effects of computed tomography (CT) number and noise on the changes in quantitative diagnostic information and image quality according to the alignment status between the center of the subject and the center of the gantry in CT examination. Using two multi-detector CT (MDCT) equipment (16 channels and 256 channels) and a self-made phantom, images were acquired by shifting the phantom's three-dimensional spatial center in the X-axis (left-right direction) in 10 mm increments up to 140 mm and in the Y-axis (up-down direction) in 10 mm increments up to 50 mm from the center of the CT equipment. The CT number and noise of water in the region of interest were measured from the acquired phantom images, and the changes in the measured values due to phantom positional shifts were compared. The CT number of water measured from all images did not exceed ±7 HU, meeting the allowable quality control criteria for standard phantoms, even when the phantom was shifted to its maximum X or Y-axis position. However, measured noise exceeded the allowable 5 HU threshold at points where the phantom moved 30 mm from the iso-center along the X-axis, 20 mm upward, and 30 mm downward along the Y-axis. These results showed that aligning the geometric center of the CT gantry with the subject's center is critical for obtaining accurate diagnostic information through quantitative image analysis, and it is considered that it can be used as important reference information for interpreting CT images produced under the various clinical examination conditions.