• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Design

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A Way for Creating Human Bioclimatic Maps using Human Thermal Sensation (Comfort) and Applying the Maps to Urban and Landscape Planning and Design (인간 열환경 지수를 이용한 생기후지도 작성 및 도시·조경계획 및 디자인에의 적용방안)

  • Park, Soo-Kuk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to find applicabilities of human bioclimatic maps, using human thermal sensation(comfort) in summer, with microclimatic in situ data and computer simulation results at the study site of downtown Daegu. This includes the central business district(CBD) area and two urban parks, the Debt Redemption Movement Memorial Park and the 2.28 Park, for urban and landscape planning and design. Climatic data and urban setting information for the analysis of human thermal sensation were obtained from in situ measurement and the geographic information system data. As a result, the CBD had higher air temperature than the parks when the wind speed was low. Relative humidities were opposite to the air temperature. Especially, same directional streets with local wind direction had lower air temperature than streets perpendicular to the wind direction. The most important climatic variable of human thermal sensation in summer was direct beam solar radiation. Also, creating shadow areas would be the most relevant method for modifying hot thermal environments in urban areas. The most effective method of creating shadow patterns was making a tree shadow over a pergola, and the second best one was making a tree shadow on the front of north directional building walls. Moreover, how to plant trees for creating shadow patterns was important as well as what kind of trees should be planted. The results of human thermal sensation were warm to very hot at sunny areas and neutral to warm at shaded ones. At the sunny areas, wide, squared shape areas had a little bit higher thermal sensation than those of narrow streets. The albedo change of building walls 0.15 and ground surface 0.1 could change 1/6 of a sensation level at the shaded areas and 1/3 at the sunny ones. These microclimatic approaches will be useful to find appropriate methods for modifying thermal environments in urban areas.

The Characteristics and Landscape Meanings of Letters Carved on the Rocks of Mt. Sangdu (상두선(象頭山) 바위글씨의 특징과 경관의미)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Han;Huh, Joon;Kim, Jeong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at learning the values and meanings of the letters carved on the rocks all over Mt. Sangdu located at the boundary between Kimje-si and Jeongeup-si of Jeollabuk-do by grasping the current state of them, investigating the patterns and contents of them, and understanding the spatial and landscape properties of the region where the rocks are scattered. The results of this study are as follows; The name of Mt. Sangdu came from the mountain with the same name located in India where Buddha were seeking the truth, and means auspicious. With the recognition of ancient maps and books, various propitious spots also made the landscape symbols of Mt. Sangdu solidify. Whoam, Chaangsuk-Kim, Weolgye Young-Cho Song and the members of Cheonggye Society like Dongcho Seok-Gon Kim led the creation of the rocks, and the 41 letter-carved rocks all over four water systems were found out and all of them were carved with Chinese characters. The letters were usually carved on flat and broad rocks, and they mainly had the shape of a small waterfall and a wide waterfall of under 1 meter height. 25(60.9%) of the carved letters were about moral training, and it seemed that they wanted to protect their pride under the shackle of the Japanese colonization over Korea. The styles of handwriting are Hangseo and Jeonseo except for names, and show various and complex styles. The mix composition of the carved letters of 'Yusubulbu(流水不腐)' of Choseo and the rocks of Takjok(濯足) is extraordinary, and the letters carved as the shape of Nakkwan(落款) have artistic value and degree of finishing. It seemed that intellectuals during the Japanese colonization over Korea in the 1930s considered Mt. Sangduasa highly valuable region because they expressed their hope and wish for the new world on the rocks. The letters on the rocks of Mt. Sangdu are invaluable cultural landscaping elements for the improvement of landscaping symbolism of Mt. Sangdu because of colliding values and spirits of the time of 'the anguish and pain of intellectuals' and 'the status of living joyfully outside of the mundane world.'

A Study on the Cubism - In it's relation to Bergsonian Philosophy and Simultaneity - (큐비즘에 관한 연구 - 베르그송 철학과 동시성 개념을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Ji-Seok;Oh, Chan-Ohk
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2005
  • The French Belle Epoque is a period where the literary and artistic movement was very activated. The birth of the cubism reflects this atmosphere of the times and the change of paradigm in all fields. The Bergsonism is often designated as one of the important backgrounds of cubism. The problem consists in knowing if Bergsonian ideas gave real influence on the cubist movement and up to what point. Our analysis will show that it is not homogenous and very variable according to painters. In the case of Picasso and Braques it seems be a simple inspiration of Zeitgeist. But the influence upon Metzinger and Gleizes is explicit. The text of 1912, Du cubism, prove their attachment to his thought. The key concept of cubist theory, influenced by Bergsonian philosophy, is the concept of simultaneity. Cubist simultaneity is in one hand a reflection of an artist's psychological experience and the other hand a synthesis of multiple views for grasping the object in itself by the way of conceptual representation. The temporal simultaneity could be identified with the notion of memory, which is a temporal continuity connecting the past to dynamic present. The spatial simultaneity is a juxtaposition of multiple views obtained by the movement around the object. But the dose reading of Bergson's text shows that there is a divergence between the notion of cubist simultaneity and his ideas. The biased interpretation is often, as well as the strict understanding, like the history shows us well, a great source of inspiration and creativity. The cubist mouvement is not far from this case.

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The Interpretation of Korean Traditional Garden in the View of Complexity Theory - Focusing on Soswaewon Garden - ('복잡성(Complexity) 이론'에 의한 한국 전통정원의 해석 - 한국의 명원 소쇄원을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Il-Young;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to attempt new analysis on Soswaewon Garden(瀟灑園) where is Korea's traditional garden, focusing on which the tendency of its change is a relational-formation tool similar to the Eastern Mode of Thought, with paying attention to conversion as the new view of world. Accordingly, the aim is to reanalyze by connecting with Soswaewon Garden based on the theory of complexity, which tries to look at the whole through relationship rather than characteristics in individual components. Given summarizing findings, those are as follows. First, it was found that complexity shown in space and open system of physical dimension was characterized by 'event(situation)', 'non-determination' and 'homogeneous relationships between part and whole', and a variety of techniques introduced the nature positively. In particular, it was found that there were many cases of topographic usage, since the Soswaewon Garden selected its construction site proactively and was a product from architectural works in compliance with a given flow of natural topography. This has a nature of open text in the situation of emergent behaviors. Second, it was found that complexity shown in experiences and open system on the invisible dimension was characterized primarily by 'event(situation)' and 'relationships of interactive response between actors and environment', and various techniques appeared as a space for interactive combination of nature and daily experiences. This is typical of bilateral harmony based on interactions between subject and object, and between mankind and nature, and becomes also a space to accommodate temporary emergent behaviors in our life. Third, the compositional elements are reconstituted as space of organic property with dismantling steady relations. Especially, 'Soswaewon Garden's 48 poems(瀟灑園四十八詠)' will be the origin of the emotionally spatial experience to the current performers. Ultimately, the performer in the space of Soswaewon Garden simultaneously becomes a creator of space, and will generate new space with intertextuality with environment. Therefore, Soswaewon Garden becomes a place of binding me and the other together while maintaining mutual relationship based on organic thinking between a human being and nature and between the whole and a part.

Toesikje Garden and Landscape Culture in the Middle Goryeo Dynasty as Viewed through 'Dongkukesangkukjip' ('동국이상국집(東國李相國集)'을 통해 본 고려중기 퇴식재(退食齋) 원유와 조경문화)

  • Shin, Sang-Sup;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2010
  • In reviewing 'Dongkukesangkukjip(東國李相國集)' a selection of prose and poetry describing Toesikje, the house of Kee Heung-soo, a military official in the middle Goryeo Dynasty, the outcome of the study intended to infer garden scenery and landscape culture managed and possessed by high society at that time is outlined as follows. First, Kee Heung-soo, the owner of the house and Lee Kyu-bo, the author of Toesikje Palryeng(退食齋八詠) are thought to be those who first designated the 8 scenic points and recreated the concept of public enjoyment of into the concept of personal enjoyment in Korea. Second, the spatial configuration of the Toesikje garden is presumed to be in the Gee-Seung-Jeon-Gyul(introduction-development-turn-conclusion) style in which a fairyland is built to enjoy a free and peaceful life, while anticipating coming days and pursuing creation-prosperity-transcendence-return. Third, the viewpoint structure of the scenery Wongyeong(Toesikje), Donggyeong(Youngcheondong), Cheonggyeong(Cheokseojung), Myunggyeong(Dokrakwon), Jingyeong(Yeonmukdang), Sigyeong(Yeoneuiji), Yunggyeong(Nokgunheon), and Hyungyeong(Daehoseok) contains a symbolic universal vision of Palchejigyeongsek(the 8 scenic points) which incorporates Samwon(heaven, earth and water) and Obangwi(orientations), and the harmonization principle of the scenic points where the building and garden are harmonized. Fourth, Je, Dang, and Heon, Jeong(齋, 堂, 軒, 亭) are introduced to the garden, and Geehwayeecho, Jingeumgeesoo, Gasan and Goeseok(stone) were used in a variety of ways. Fifth, it was found that the management of Shinseongyeong and enjoyment of Yoosanggoksu events, with the study and seeking of perfect knowledge and discipline, wandering and rest led to a sublime appreciation of aesthetic beauty and divine glory. Sixth, a miniature garden was built to enjoy the view from above, together with the view in the distance, and a culture of secluded living, along with scenery expressing the heart's desire for Utopia was induced.

Storyboard of Immortal Land in Gugok-Wonlim - A Special Reference to Goisan - (구곡원림(九曲園林)에서 찾는 신선경(神仙境)의 경관 스토리보드 - 괴산 갈은구곡(葛隱九曲)을 대상으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Joo-Sung;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2011
  • This study identified the scenic characteristics in Gugok and symbolism reflected in titles of the scenery of the season in Gugok from a perspective of Sundoism concentrated on Galeun Gugok in Goisan which is influenced most greatly by Sundoism hermit ideas in Korea, along with Seonyudong-Gugok. In addition, it suggested a measure for arrangement and narrative Storyboard of Galeun Gugok structure corresponding with promotion and propagation of Gugok cultural scenes and educational goals. According to analysis and interpretation of the various Gugoks forming Galeun Gugok in terms of their titles, names engraved in surrounding elements and the coherent symbolic meanings of its scenery and place through comparison with secenery of near Seonyudong-Gugok, the result shows that Galeun Gugok comprises wishes for eternal life in the forms of Taoist hermit-related scenery of the season within the range of stream and old stories based on environmental affordance. In figurative way, it ultimately presents the Wonyung(圓融) idea which seeks a harmonious combination of God and humankind. In particular, consciousness of longevity without problems is deeply inherent in the background of eternalness of plants, divinity of animals and natural homeostasis. Also, 9 Gok Seongukam set up at visual terminal reflect noticeably that a game Go is the amusement of the immortals, which describe 9 ranks of GO figuratively. Galeun Gugok is formed in a unity structure, which is hermit-oriented Sundoism and motif, such as longevity and immortality, divinity and enjoyment of Sundoism hermit rather than used as a method to achieve taste for the arts or ethics. Given the fact, it presents eternal longevity and atmosphere of seclusion in very strong way. Development of spatial Storyboard structure based on this is interpreted as 'Entering the world of hermits(Introduction)'-'Looking the world(Development)'-'Living with hermits(Turn)'-'Becoming hermit(Conclusion).' Finally, the scenery image of Galeun Gugok presented in surface structure is based on beauty of the immortal land scenery as well as beauty of pre-achieved space in Gugokdongcheon and arranged the vertical narrative structure as divine space of 9 ranks of GO. Taking those into account, scenery story board of Galeun Gugok was suggested in accordance with a theme of 6 cuts; Gnagsun(降仙)-Sungyeong(仙境)- Sunyak(仙藥)-Sunhak(仙鶴)-Sunyu(仙遊)-Eunsun(隱仙). It is obvious that hermit which live an eternal life as a representative of Sundoism, should be the main motif of scenery planning in a filed of modem landscaping. Therefore, the most valuable component in designing Korean landscape must be the homeostasis of surrounding landscape which supports the characteristics of invariability and divinity of nature.

A Study on the Awareness & Preferences about the Nursing Homes (노인요양시설에 대한 고령자 인식 및 시설 내부 색채선호 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Mu Lin;Park, Hey Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.29
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    • pp.319-331
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    • 2017
  • South Korea has entered the age of aging society since the elderly population over 65 reached 13.1% in 2015. This increase rate is the fastest in the OECD members. as a part of the precaution, the Korean government has enforced the long term care insurance from July 2008 and the increase of related nursing homes until 2015 was 220.2% which is rapid and quantitative. It was natural that quantitative expansion leads to qualitative improvement. With regard to service environment conditions, color environment draws attention as one of the most effective measures. color environment supports nursing home's spatial functions and the aged class is subject to the research as the potential customers. This study aims to understand color environment, conduct surveys for color preference and attitude toward color environment, and suggest directions for color environment plan. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of Korean nursing home environment. It studied definition, state, color environment and space functions of nursing homes as well as the preceding researches. With 100 people over 60s in Busan and Gyeongnam area (52 male and 48 female), the survey examined attitudes for color environment and color preference by space functions in nursing home. The research method is as follows. First, as a result of the consciousness survey on color environment in elderly nursing home, it considers service (37%), medical service (20%), and location (19%) heavily in order. color environment plan is not recognized significantly. However, the need of indoor color plan in the elderly nursing homes has "agree (32%) and "strongly agree (25%), which suggests that color introduction is required to the nursing homes. Second, the indoor coloration for the elderly nursing homes has various color preferences. The color preference order for bedroom was R, P, and G but this order changes in nursing space (program room) to G, R, and Y. The communal space such as lobby prefers R, G and Y in order. R color was preferred in general.

How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Mobility, Land Use, and Destination Selection? Lesson from Seoul, Korea

  • Lee, Jiwon;Gim, Tae-Hyoung Tommy;Park, Yunmi;Chung, Hyung-Chul;Handayani, Wiwandari;Lee, Hee-Chung;Yoon, Dong Keun;Pai, Jen Te
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2023
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant social changes through government prevention and control measures, changes in people's risk perceptions, and lifestyle changes. In response, urban inhabitants changed their behaviors significantly, including their preferences for transportation modes and urban spaces in response to government quarantine policies and concerns over the potential risk of infection in urban spaces. These changes may have long-lasting effects on urban spaces beyond the COVID-19 pandemic or they may evolve and develop new forms. Therefore, this study aims to explore the potential for urban spaces to adapt to the present and future pandemics by examining changes in urban residents' preferences in travel modes and urban space use due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study found that overall preferences for travel modes and urban spaces significantly differ between the pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic periods. During the pandemic, preferences for travel modes and urban spaces has decreased, except for privately owned vehicles and green spaces, which are perceived to be safe from transmission, show more favorable than others. Post-pandemic preferences for travel modes and urban spaces are less favorable than pre-pandemic with urban spaces being five times less favorable than transportation. Although green spaces and medical facilities that were positively perceived during the pandemic are expected to return to the pre-pandemic preference level, other factors of urban spaces are facing a new-normal. The findings suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on urban residents' preferences for travel modes and urban space use. Understanding these changes is crucial for developing strategies to adapt to present and future pandemics and improve urban resilience.

'Yongyudam of Hamyang', the Significance and Value as a Traditional Scenic Place ('함양 용유담(咸陽 龍遊潭)', 전래명승으로서의 의의와 가치 구명)

  • Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.82-101
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to survey and analyze the origin story and the legends associated with Yongyudam(龍遊潭, Dragon Creek), its scenic and spatial description in Climbing Writings(遊山記: Yusangi Notes), its geographical and geological features, its surrounding remains and letters chiseled on the rocks through the field study and the study on literatures associated with it so to identify its significance and value and then to ensure justification on preservation of Yongyudam scenic site. Conclusions of this study are as follow. As the traditional scenic place 'Geumdae-Jiri(金臺智異)' representing Hamyang-gun(咸陽郡) depicts Mount Cheonwangbong and 'Yongyudong Village(龍遊洞)', ancient maps and literatures have positioned Yongyudam as the center of Eomcheon-river Creek as well as the representing scenic site of Yongyudong Village. Core images in the spatial awareness of Yongyudam described in our ancestors' Climbing Writings Notes on Jirisan Mount are 'geographical and scenic peculiarity associated with swimming dragons', 'potholes in various shapes and sizes scattered on rocks', 'loud sound generated by swirling from shoals' and 'the scenic metaphor from the dragon legend', which have led scenic features of Yongyudam scenic site. In addition, significant scenic metaphors from legends such as 'Nine Dragons and Ascetic Majeog' and 'Kasaya Fish' as well as 'the Holy Place of Dragon God', the rain calling magic god have descended not only as the very nature of Yongyudam scenic site but also the catalyst deepening its mystic and place nature. On the other hand, Jangguso Place(杖?所, Place of Scholars) in the vicinity of Yongyudam was the place of resting and amusement for scholars from Yeongnam Province, to name a few, Kim Il-son, Cho Sik, Jung Yeo-chang and Kang Dae-su, where they experienced and recognized Jirisan Mount as the scenic living place. Letters Carved on the rocks at Jangguso Place are memorial tributes and monumental signs. Around Yongyudam, there are 3 stairs, letters chiseled on the rocks and the water rock artificially built to collect clean water, which are traditional scenic remains detectable of territoriality as the ritual place. In addition, The letters on the rock at Yongyudong-mun(龍遊洞門) discovered for the first time by this study are the sign promoting Yongyudam as the place of splendid landscape. The laconism, 'It is the Greatest Water in Jirisan Mount(方丈第一山水)' on a rock expresses the pride of Yongyudam as the representing scenic place of Mount Jirisan. Other than those, standing rocks such as Simjindae Rock, Yeong-gwidae Rock and Ganghwadae Rock show the sign that they are used as amusement and gathering places for ancestor scholars, which add significance to Yongyudam. By this study, it was possible to verify that Yongyudam in Mount Jirisan is not simply 'the scenic place in the tangible reality' but also has seamlessly inherited as the traditional scenic attraction spiritualized by overlapped historical and cultural values. Yongyudam, as the combined heritage by itself, shows that it is the product of the place nature as well as unique ensemble of cultural scenic attraction inherited through long history based on natural scenery. It is certain that not only the place value but also geographical, geological, historical and cultural values of Yongyudam are the essence of traditional scenic attraction, which should not be disparaged or damaged by whatever political or economic interests and logics.

Dispersion of Standing Stones at Noseongsan(Mt.Noseong) and Aspect of the Stone Decorated Garden(Soo-suk Jeongwon) at Chongsuk-Sa(Chongsuk Buddhist Temple) in Nonsan City (논산 노성산(魯城山)의 입석(立石) 분포와 총석사(叢石寺) 수석(樹石)의 정원적 면모)

  • Rho, Jae Hyun;Huh, Joon;Jang, Il Young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.160-189
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    • 2010
  • This study has been designed to grasp the present situation, shapes and meaning of the standing stones and rock pillars in the whole area of Noseong Mountain Fortress in Nonsan City which have never been academically reported yet. Accordingly, the research was carried out to grasp the spatial identity of Noseong Mt. and Noseong Mountain Fortress and the dispersion of standing stones scattered around inside and outside Noseong Mountain Fortress, while the shapes and structural characteristics of stones were investigated and analyzed focusing on Chongsuk Temple, which was considered to have the highest density of standing stones and greatest values for preservation as a cultural property. In consideration of the reference to the 'Top Sa' (tower temple) at the 'Bul Woo Jo' (Article about Buddhism Houses) of 'Shinjoong Dongguk Yeoji Seungram', theoretical existence of the temple according to surveying investigation, and the excavation records of roof tile pieces with the name of 'Gwan Eum Temple', it is presumed that there had been a Buddhist sanctum inside the fortress and it could be connected to the carved letters, 'Chongsuk Temple'. According the observation survey, the 6th place of standing stones among many other places inside the fortress shows that Chongsuk Temple appears to have the strong characteristics of artificially constructed space in consideration of the size of trees and stones, the composite trend of tree and stone composition, and trace of the adjacent well and strand and the construction of stairway leading to the stone gate. Along with the constellation of the Big Dipper carved on a rock at the same space, the stones, on which the letters of 'Shinseonam', 'Chilseongam' and 'Daejangam' were carved, including 'Chongsuksa', and the carved statue of Buddha, which was assumed to be Avalokitesvara Guan Yin, have offered clue which make it possible to infer that the space was a space for Chilseong and Mountain god(Folk Belief) that had originated from the combination of Buddhism, Taoism and folk religion. According to the actual measurement of standing stones at Chonsuk Temple, it was identified that there were big differences in height among 24 stones in total, ranging from 402~29cm and the averaged distance between each stone appeared to be 23.6cm. And the shape of stones appeared to be standing or flat, and various stones such as mountain-like stones and Buddha-like stones were placed in a special arrangement or assorted arrangement, but the direction of the stones had a consistency pointing to the west. And comparing to the trace of construction of ZEN Landscape Garden well known in the country, the three flat stones except for the standing and shaped stones appeared to have the shape of meditation statue, which is the typical formational factors of a ZEN Landscape Garden, on the basis of formational technique of stones. Among them, the flat stone facing the Buddhist saint statue, was formed by way of symbolization of three-mountain stone, which was assumed to be an offering stone for sacrificial food rather than carrying out ZEN Meditation. In consideration of the formation of standing stones at Chong-suk Temple, which was carried out in the composite stoning method based using the scalene triangle with ratio of 3:5:7 in order to seek the in-depth beauty based on the stone statues of three Buddhas where the three factors such as heaven, earth and humans are embodied in the elevated or flat formation, the stones at Chongsuk Temple and the space seemed to the trace of contracted garden construction that was formed with stones for a temple, so that could be used for ZEN meditation.