• Title/Summary/Keyword: South Korean firms

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The Preventive Measures On Terrorism Against Overseas Korean Businessmen(A view of recent ethnic minority separation movement) (해외근무(海外覲務) 기업체(企業體)에 대(對)한 테러 방지책(防止策) - 최근(最近) 소수민족분리주의운동지역(小數民族分離主義運動地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Choi, Yoon-Soo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.1
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    • pp.351-370
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    • 1997
  • This study concerns possible measures to prevent separatists' terrorist acts against overseas Korean businessmen. Of late, many Korean enterprises are helping a number of foreign countries develop their economy, by building factories and manning regional offices in those countries. But recent development of terrorism especially against Korean businessmen is alarming. This report discusses the need for Korean enterprises heading overseas to prepare themselves with awareness of terrorism and possible protective measures against it, besides their routine pursuance of profits; and for the government and prospective enterprises to refrain from investing in those countries having active separatist movements. If an investment has become inevitable, a careful survey of the region in conflict should be conducted and self-protective measures should be put in place through security information exchange, emergency coordination and training of personnel, etc. This study will first review the past terrorist incidents involving employees of overseas Korean enterprises, and then will focuss on seeking effective measures on the basis of the reported incidents. In carrying out the study, related literature from both home and abroad have been used along with the preliminary materials reported and known on the Internet from recent incidents. 1. The separatist movements of minority groups Lately, minority separatist groups are increasingly resorting to terrorism to draw international attention with the political aim of gaining extended self rule or independence. 2. The state of terrorism against overseas Korean enterprises and Koreans Korean enterprises are now operating businesses, and having their own personnel stationed, in 85 countries including those in South East Asia and Middle East regions. In Sri Lanka, where a Korean enterprise recently became a target of terrorist bombing, there are 75 business firms from Korea and some 700 Korean employees are stationed as of August 1996. A total of 19 different terrorist incidents have taken place against Koreans abroad since 1990. 3. Terrorism preventive measures Terrorism preventive measures are discussed in two ways: measures by the government and by the enterprises. ${\blacktriangleleft}$ Measures by the government - Possible measures at governmental level can include collection and dissemination of terrorist activity information. Emphasis should be given to the information on North Korean activities in particular. ${\blacktriangleleft}$ Measures by individual enterprises - Organizational security plan must be established by individual enterprises and there should also be an increase of security budget. A reason for reluctant effort toward positive security plan is the perception that the security budget is not immediately linked to an increment of profit gain. Ensuring safety for overseas personnel is a fundamental obligation of an enterprise. Consultation and information exchange on security plan, and an emergency support system at a threat to security must be sought after and implemented. 4. Conclusion Today's terrorism varies widely depending on reasons and causes, and its means has become increasingly informationalized and scientific as well while its method is becoming more clandestine and violent. Terrorist organizations are increasingly aiming at enterprises for acquisition of budgets needed for their activities. Korean enterprises have extended their business realm to foreign countries since 1970, exposing themselves to terrorism. Enterprises and their employees, therefore, should establish their own security measures on the one hand while the government must provide general measures, on the other, for the protection of the life and property of Korean residents abroad from terrorist attacks. In this regard, set-up of a counter terrorist organization that coordinates the efforts of government authorities in various levels in planning and executing counter terrorist measures is desired. Since 1965, when the hostile North Korea began to step up its terrorist activities against South Koreans, there have been 7 different occasions of assassination attempt on South Korean presidents and some 500 cases of various kidnappings and attempted kidnappings. North Korea, nervous over the continued economic growth and social stabilization of South Korea, is now concentrating its efforts in the destruction and deterioration of the national power of South Korea for its earlier realization of reunification by force. The possibility of North Korean terrorism can be divided into external terrorist acts and internal terrorist acts depending on the nationality of the terrorists it uses. The external terrorist acts include those committed directly by North Korean agents in South Korea and abroad and those committed by dissident Koreans, hired Korean residents, or international professionals or independent international terrorists bought or instigated by North Korea. To protect the life and property of Korean enterprises and their employees abroad from the threat of terrorism, the government's administrative support and the organizational efforts of enterprises should necessarily be directed toward the planning of proper security measures and training of employees. Also, proper actions should be taken against possible terrorist acts toward Korean business employees abroad as long as there are ongoing hostilities from minority groups against their governments.

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The Effect of Information Security Breach and Security Investment Announcement on the Market Value of Korean Firms (정보보안 사고와 사고방지 관련 투자가 기업가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Young-Ok;Kim, Byung-Do
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2007
  • With the fast development of the Internet and the increasing dependence on information infrastructures, companies are faced with various information security threats such as information leakages, modifications, and information breaches. South Korea is one of the leading countries in the Internet usage, but is ranked relatively low when it comes to information security. In fact, many Korean firms have suffered financial losses and damaged corporate images from the information security breaches. However, because of the difficulties in quantifying the costs of the information security breaches, Korean companies tend to delay their investment decisions on information security. The purpose of this study is to measure the cost of information security breach and the economic value of security investment using the event study methodology. Our results show that the announcement of an information security breach negatively influenced the market value of the corresponding company. The effect was statistically significant at the significance level of p=0.05. The breached companies lose, on average, 0.86% of their market values on the day of the announcement - an average loss in market capitalization of $55 million. On the other hand, the investment on information security had no effect on the stock price or the market value of the firm.

A Study on the Distribution of VOC Concentrations by Attachment Position of Air Samplers for Working Environment Measurement (작업환경측정 시료 채취기의 부착 위치에 따른 유기화합물의 농도 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yung-Gyu;Won, Jung Il;Jang, Hyung Seok;Sim, Sang-hyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.328-337
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate differences in concentration according to the position at the left or right shoulder within a 30 cm of radius of workers' respirators and provide basic data for the establishment of an industrial health policy. Methods: Personal samples were collected from a total of 65 workers from 27 manufacturing firms in South Gyeongsang-do Province from November 5, 2011 to December 30, 2012 after classifying the laborers into left- and right-side groups. The organic compound samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) 1501. Results: In terms of the concentration of organic compounds collected from both left and right shoulders at the position of workers' respirators, isobutyl acetate was the highest with 145 ppm at the left shoulder, followed by ethyl acetate (133.5 ppm) and toluene (38.13 ppm). At the right shoulder, on the contrary, ethyl acetate (149.3 ppm) was the highest, followed by toluene (46.26 ppm), xylene (29.63ppm) and isopropyl alcohol (28.06 ppm). Overall, the right shoulder was higher than the left shoulder in terms of concentrations. Conclusions: For the measurement of the working environment, workers' personal samples should be collected at the place closest to the respirator. In terms of the reduction of error, the attachment of two sample media is expected to reduce errors in exposure assessment.

A Study on Policies to Increase the Income of Fishing Villages Focused on Non-fishing Income (어촌 소득 증대 방안에 관한 연구 : 어업외 소득을 중심으로)

  • Kim Sung-Gwi;Hong Jang-Won
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.31-51
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    • 2004
  • The reduction of fishing grounds due to the establishment of EEZ system among China, Japan and Korea together with the depletion of fish resources by pollution of waters and successive reclamation projects along the east and the south coastal lines has made many problems in coastal communities including the decrease of population, the deepening aging phenomenon in the fishery society and the fall of relative income level compared with those of rural and urban residents. Especially, the income level of a fishing household is 90%. of a rural resident and 70% of a urban resident. The income of a fishing household consists of 55% of fishing income, 20% of a agricultural source, 20% of income from non-fishing areas, and 10% of transferred income. Compared with that of a Japanese fishing household which has more diverse income sources such as 62% of income coming from non-fishing areas through being hired in manufacturing firms, etc., that of Korean ones is highly dependent upon fishery and agriculture, so that the diversification of income sources is urgently needed, especially in non-fishing areas. This paper shows that as a model to upgrade fisherman's income level, firstly, it is necessary to enhance the value-added of fishing products through processing and new innovation of distribution process and, secondly, to promote tourism in fishing villages. To ascertain this model, a questionnaire survey to fishermen was carried out and showed that they expressed a strong support for the increase of income by the value-added process through processing and innovative distribution system and the active introduction of tourism in fishing villages. A case study on Gosan cooperative in Jeju was also introduced to identify the rationale of the suggested model and this study proved the validity of the model again. Conclusively speaking, to level up the fisherman's income requires the value- added activities through the introduction of product processing and new distribution system together with the introduction of marine tourism in fishing villages.

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A Study on the R&D Capabilities of ICT SMEs in Yangje District (양재지역 ICT 중소기업의 R&D 역량에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dongwook;Kim, Dae Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2017
  • The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning(MSIP) are promoting the creation of "R & CD clusters" in the Yangje area as a base for future growth engines that will lead the fourth industry. The Yangje area has many large enterprise research institutes and ICT SMEs, and is located in the south part of Seoul and has geographical advantages such as traffic, education, and leisure life. As an initial research for the successful cluster of the Yangje area, quantitative analysis was carried out to identify the status of ICT SMEs in Yangje area using the Korean company information DB and contents of "Korea SMTp 2017 DVD ROM". Qualitative analysis conducted a questionnaire from December 8, 2016 to January 7, 2017 to investigate the R & D activities of ICT companies. Finally, implications for strengthening the R & D capacity of ICT firms in Yangjae area were derived.

The Spatial Distribution and Linkage Characteristics of Warehousing Industry in Busan (부산시 물류창고업의 공간분포와 연계 특성)

  • Sung, Sin-Je;Lee, Hee-Yul
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.59-84
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution and the linkage characteristics of the warehousing industry in Busan and to provide the policy implications for the warehousing industry in Korean port hinterland. We surveyed the warehousing firms in Busan. Categorizing the warehousing industry into industry types, sizes, and organization types on the basis of the survey, we attempted the point pattern analysis and the proximity analysis using the GIS. The warehousing industry in Busan had changed from a small single-unit firm to a medium or a large firm with a head office or branches. These were distributed in hinterland of North Harbor, South Harbor & Gamcheon Harbor, and Sin-Pyoung & Jang-Rim industrial complex and Sasang Industrial Complex constituting the spatial agglomeration. The warehousing industry in Busan formed the linkages with other sectors of the same logistics to provide manufacturing industries with various other services as well as storage services. The linkages were largely formed in the local scope with spatial proximity, generating the economic gains of agglomeration, which were transformed into the efficiency of the warehousing industry in the local scope to gradually expand the spatial dimensions of the linkages.

Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises' Entrepreneurial Performance: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Knowledge Position (기업가지향성이 중소기업의 기업가적 성과에 미치는 영향: 기업가정신 지식역량의 매개효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jinyoung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2019
  • Responding to the prior studies' call for further investigating the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance, this study proposes a partially mediated model of entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial knowledge position, and firm performance. Survey responses from 3,324 small- and medium-enterprises in South Korea are analyzed to identify a partially mediating role of an organization's entrepreneurial knowledge position. A firm's innovativeness both directly affects its innovation performance and knowledge position in positive ways. On the other hand, risk-taking firms only positively affects knowledge position, whereas a firm's proactiveness positively affects its performance while negatively affecting its entrepreneurial knowledge position. Neither autonomy nor competitiveness show any statistically significant relationships to either entrepreneurial knowledge position or firm performance. A firm's knowledge position is strongly and positively related to its performance. The findings of this study contributes to the research stream of entrepreneurial orientation by delineating the partially mediating role of a firm's knowledge position.

The Impact of Information Security(IS) Organizational Justice on Employee IS Value Congruence and IS Voice Behavior: Exploring the Role of Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence (조직의 정보보안 공정성이 개인의 정보보안 관련 가치 일치 및 제언 행동에 미치는 영향: 대인 간 영향 민감성의 적용)

  • Hwang, Inho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2023
  • Purpose Recently, organizations have been allocating significant financial resources toward the implementation of new technologies and stringent information security (IS) policies in order to enhance IS. However, the potential for IS threats from internal sources within organizations remains high. This study proposes a mechanism whereby the organization's IS environment (organizational justice) enhances employees' perception of IS value congruence and encourages their voice behavior. Furthermore, this study validates that an individual's susceptibility to interpersonal influence can reinforce the relationship between the aforementioned factors and voice behavior. Design/methodology/approach We utilized AMOS 22.0 and Process 3.1 to validate the research model and hypotheses. The data was gathered from 435 employees employed in South Korean firms that implemented IS policies in their work. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine the relationship between organizational justice, value congruence, and voice behavior, and the interaction effect was confirmed by incorporating model 1 of Process 3.1 for the hypothesis pertaining to susceptibility to interpersonal influence. Findings The findings of this study indicate that organizational justice has a positive impact on voice behavior, which is further enhanced by value congruence. Furthermore, the influence of organizational justice and value congruence on voice behavior is moderated by susceptibility to information influence, while susceptibility to normative influence only moderates the effect of organizational justice. These results provide valuable insights for organizations in developing customized information systems strategies that effectively promote employees' voice behaviors.

Cloud Computing Adoption and Job Performance based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory (한국 중소기업의 클라우드 컴퓨팅 오피스환경 도입에 따른 확산요인이 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong Mok;Lee, Junkwan;Kim, Hyung Jae
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2017
  • This research highlights the process of adopting cloud computing technology from users' perspective. Concentrating on perceived mechanism from employees side that lead to job performance at work. Cloud computing, the new player in our modern business environment, authors employ diffusion of innovation theory to capture how this new technology affect employees in workplace in terms of job performance. Education for this new system and managerial support by firm were used as moderating variable to test dependent variable, job performance. Research was done through survey from total 284 people working in metropolitan area at South Korea. The result shows that cloud computing system affect positively on work efficiency, and the extent of diffusion factors that influence from the most to least are as follow: 1. Users' Skill, 2. System Quality, 3. Information Quality, 4. Group Awareness, 5. Attitude towards New System. To test diffusion factors of cloud computing and job performance, South Korean people actually felt that cloud computing help their job performance and the extent of diffusion factors that influence from the most to least are as follow: 1. Users' Skill, 2. System Quality, 3. Information Quality, 4. Attitude towards New System, 5. Group Awareness. As for diffusion factors of cloud computing and productivity, result proved that cloud computing really helps firms, and the extent of diffusion factors that influence from the most to least are as follow: 1. Information Quality, 2. Attitude towards New System, 3. Group Awareness, 4. System Quality, 5. Users' Skill. Two moderating variables, employee education and managerial support were tested to prove whether these two variables affect the job performance and the result displays positive affect for both two factors. To conclude, adopting cloud computing helps firms by increase employees' work efficiency and job performance. In order to accelerate the process employees education really matters because users' skill is the most crucial among diffusion factors.

Varieties of Community Unionism: A Comparison between the Youth Community Union and the Arbeit Workers' Union in South Korea (커뮤니티유니온의 다양성: 청년유니온과 아르바이트노동조합의 비교연구)

  • Yang, Kyunguk;Chae, Yeon Joo
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.95-136
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    • 2018
  • As the number of precariats grows, their poor labor rights and working conditions are becoming issues of major concern all over the world but how to represent their interests is still controversial. Basically, the union is the institutional mechanism for representing the labor rights. However, it is difficult for workplaceand enterprise-based unions to fully represent the labor rights of precarious workers. Recently, so-called community unions have emerged in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan as independent organizations representing the rights of non-standard workers. Community unions refer to labor unions which organize precarious workers across firms at the regional level. They are known to be suitable for covering the unemployed, job seekers, indirect employment workers, short-term contract workers, and small-firm workers. In South Korea, since the financial crisis in 1997, a dramatic increase in the number of precariats leads to emergence of new types of trade unions such as the Youth Community Union, the Arbeit Workers' Union, the Artist Social Union and the Korea Musician's Union. They have engaged in various activities to guarantee the labor rights of precariats. Recently, researchers have also tried to identify defining characteristics of these new forms of unionism. To expand research on trade unionism in South Korea, this study compares two different types of community unions: the Youth Community Union and the Arbeit Workers' Union. We believe that this attempt can contribute to the research on the alternative labor movement. For this purpose, this study starts with theoretical discussions on community unions, and compares the Youth Community Union with the Arbeit Workers' Union based on the five characteristics of community unionism: membership and organization structure, the recognition struggle, the type or scope of interest, solidarity with other civic organizations, and the repertoire of resistance strategies. Based on this comparative analysis, this study seeks to foresee the possibility of how community unionism will develop in South Korean in the future.