• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil water content

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Porewater Pressure Predictions on Hillside Slopes for Assessing Landslide Risks(I) -Comparative Study of Groundwater Recharge- (산사태 위험도 추정을 위한 간극수압 예측에 관한 연구(I) -지하수 유입량의 비교 연구-)

  • Lee, In-Mo;Park, Gyeong-Ho;Im, Chung-Mo
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.81-102
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    • 1992
  • Landslides on hillside slopes with shallow soil cover over a sloping bedrock are frequently caused by increases in porewater pressures following of heavy rainfall and it is one of the most important factors of assessing the risk of landslide to predict the groundwater level fluctuations in hillslopes. This paper presents the comparative study of three unsaturated flow models developed by Sloan et al., Reddi, L.N., and Thomas, H.A., Jr., respectively, which are used to predict the increase of groundwater levels in hillside slopes. The parametric study for each of models is also presented. The Kinematic Storage Model(KSM) developed by Sloan et at. is utilized to predict the saturated groundwater flow. They are applied to the two sites in Korea so as to examine the possibility of use in the groundwater flow model. The results show that two unsaturated models developed by Sloan et al. and Reddi, L. N. are largely affected by the uncertain parameters like saturated permeability and saturated water content : the abed model has the potential of use in unsaturated flow model with the optimal estimates of model parameters utilizing available optimization techniques. And it is also found that the KSM must be modified to account for the time delay effect in the saturated zone. The results of this paper are able to be utilized in developing the predictive model of groan dwater level fluctuations in a hillslope.

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Mix Design and Characteristics of Compressive Strengths for Foam Concrete Associated with the Application of Bottom Ash (Bottom Ash를 사용한 기포콘크리트의 배합 설계 및 압축강도 특성)

  • Kim, Sang-Chel;Ahn, Sang-Ku
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.283-290
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    • 2009
  • Differently from fly ash, the bottom ash produced from thermoelectric power plant has been treated as an industrial waste matter, and almost reclaimed a tract from the sea. If this waste material is applicable to foam concrete as an aggregate owing to its light-weight, however, it may be worthy of environmental preservation by recycling of waste material as well as reducing self-weight of high-rising structure and horizontal forces and deformations of retaining wall subject to soil pressure. This study has an objective of evaluating the effects of application of bottom ash on the mechanical properties of foam concrete. Thus, the ratio of bottom ash to cement was selected as a variable for experiment and the effect was measured in terms of unit weight of concrete, air content, water-cement ratio and compressive strength. It can be observed from experiments that the application ratios have different effects on the material parameters considered in this experiment, thus major relationships between application ratio and each material parameter were finally introduced. The result of this study can be applied to decide a mix design proportion of foam concrete while bottom ash is used as an aggregate of the concrete.

Fundamental Properties of Low Strength Concrete Mixture with Blast Furnace Slag and Sewage Sludge (고로슬래그미분말 및 하수슬러지를 활용한 저강도 콘크리트의 기초적 물성)

  • Kwon, Chil Woo;Lim, Nam Gi
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 2013
  • In this study, in order to establish a plan that will enable safe use of renewable resources such as diverse industrial by-products and urban recycled materials, we conducted experiments that focused on flow, bleeding, compressive strength and environmental pollution evaluation to evaluate the material properties of low strength concrete using BFS and SS. In the case of low strength concrete using BFS and SS, blending of at least BFS 6000 within a 30% range regardless of the type of sand used was found to be the most effective approach for improving the workability by securing the minimum unit quantity of water, restraining the bleeding ratio and establishing compressive strength by taking account of the applicability at the work site. In particular, in view of the efficient use of SS, the optimal mixing condition was found to be the mixing of BFS 8000 with in the 30% range, not only for improving the workability restraining the bleeding ratio and establishing the compressive strength but also for application to the work site. Further, the results of tests on hazardous substance content and those of elution tests conducted on soil cement using SS indicated that all values satisfied the environmental standards without any harmful effects on the surrounding environment.

Research of Non-integeral Spatial Interpolation for Precise Identifying Soybean Location under Plastic Mulching

  • Cho, Yongjin;Yun, Yeji;Lee, Kyou-seung;Oh, Jong-woo;Lee, DongHoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.156-156
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    • 2017
  • Most crop damages have been occurred by vermin(e.g., wild birds and herbivores) during the period between seeding and the cotyledon level. In this study, to minimize the damage by vermin and acquire the benefits such as protection against weeds and maintenance of water content in soil, immediately vinyl mulching after seeding was devised. Vinyl mulching has been generally covered with black color vinyl, that crop seeding locations cannot be detected by visible light range. Before punching vinyl, non-contact and non-destructive methods that can continuously determine the locations are necessary. In this study, a crop position detection method was studied that uses infrared thermal image sensor to determine the cotyledon position under vinyl mulch. The moving system for acquiring image arrays has been developed for continuously detecting crop locations under plastic mulching on the field. A sliding mechanical device was developed to move the sensor, which were arranged in the form of a linear array, perpendicular to the array using a micro-controller integrated with a stepping motor. The experiments were conducted while moving 4.00 cm/s speed of the IR sensor by the rotational speed of the stepping motor based on a digital pulse width modulation signal from the micro-controller. The acquired images were calibrated with the spatial image correlation. The collected data were processed using moving averaging on interpolation to determine the frame where the variance was the smallest in resolution units of 1.02 cm. For this study, the spline method was relatively faster than the other polynomial interpolation methods, because it has a lower maximum order of formulation when using a system such as the tridiagonal linear equation system which provided the capability of real-time processing. The temperature distribution corresponding to the distance between the crops was 10 cm, and the more clearly the leaf pattern of the crop was visually confirmed. The frequency difference was decreased, as the number of overlapped pixels was increased. Also the wave pattern of points where the crops were recognized were reduced.

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Biology and Health Aspects of Molds in Foods and the Environment

  • Bullerman, Lloyd-B.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 1993
  • Molds are eucaryotic, multicellular, multinucleate, filamentous organisms that reproduce by forming asexual and sexual spores. The spores are readily spread through the air and because they are very light-weight and tend to behave like dust particles, they are easily disseminated on air currents. Molds therefore are ubiquitous organisms that are found everywhere, throughout the environment. The natural habitat of most molds is the soil where they grow on and break down decaying vegetable matter. Thus, where there is decaying organic matter in an area, there are often high numbers of mold spores in the atmosphere of the environment. Molds are common contaminants of plant materials, including grains and seeds, and therefore readily contaminate human foods and animal feeds. Molds can tolerate relatively harsh environments and adapt to more severe stresses than most microorganisms. They require less available moisture for growth than bacteria and yeasts and can grow on substrates containing concentrations of sugar or salt that bacteria can not tolerate. Most molds are highly aerobic, requiring oxygen for growth. Molds grow over a wide temperature range, but few can grow at extremely high temperatures. Molds have simple nutritional requirements, requiring primarily a source of carbon and simple organic nitrogen. Because of this, molds can grow on many foods and feed materials and cause spoilage and deterioration. Some molds ran produce toxic substances known as mycotoxins, which are toxic to humans and animals. Mold growth in foods can be controlled by manipulating factors such as atmosphere, moisture content, water activity, relative humidity and temperature. The presence of other microorganisms tends to restrict mold growth, especially if conditions are favorable for growth of bacteria or yeasts. Certain chemicals in the substrate may also inhibit mold growth. These may be naturally occurring or added for the purpose of preservation. Only a relatively few of the approximately 100,000 different species of fungi are involved in the deterioration of food and agricultural commodities and production of mycotoxins. Deteriorative and toxic mold species are found primarily in the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Trichothecium, Trichoderma, Rhizopus, Mucor and Cladosporium. While many molds can be observed as surface growth on foods, they also often occur as internal contaminants of nuts, seeds and grains. Mold deterioration of foods and agricultural commodities is a serious problem world-wide. However, molds also pose hazards to human and animal health in the form of mycotoxins, as infectious agents and as respiratory irritants and allergens. Thus, molds are involved in a number of human and animal diseases with serious implication for health.

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A Study on the Prediction of Shear Strength and Determination of the Embarkation Time of Equipment in Dredged Clay Fills (준설점토지반의 전단강도 예측 및 장비투입시기 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong Taek;Kim, Seog Yol;Kang, In Kyu;Kim, Seung Wook
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2001
  • In the present study, mainly to determine the embarkation time of equipment in dredged clay fills, an analytical approach is performed to predict a variation of the undrained shear strength in the outermost layer. In this approach, Gibson's non-dimensional linear constant defining the relationship between the void ratio and the effective stress is employed. Also in this approach, void ratios and settlements associated with the volume change due to the self-consolidation and the desiccation shrinkage are evaluated at various elapsed times based on the finite difference solution technique proposed by the authors(1999) and the developed computer program named as DSCON. Predicted results(water content ratio, unit weight and undrained shear strength) are compared with those of laboratory model tests conducted with soil samples obtained from the Koheung site. Based on the predicted undrained shear strengths, possible embarkation time of a equipment is also evaluated. In addition, further analyses are made to indirectly verify the efficiency of the analytical approach proposed in the present study using the PSDDF computer program which can consider the drainage efficiency.

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Meat Quality of Mallard by Feeding of MS-Fermented Food Waste (MS 발효 잔반사료가 청둥오리의 육질에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Kye-Taek;Lee, Jeong-Chae;Cheong, Jin-Hyung;Jung, Woo-Jin;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.332-338
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding with MS (miraculous soil-bacteria)-fermented food waste on feeding efficiency and meat quality of mallard. Twenty one heads of 12 weeks-old mallards were fed with three different mixing rates of MS-fermented food waste (0, 20 and 50 %) with 7 replicates. After 6 weeks of feeding, weight gain and feed intake were measured to estimate feeding efficiency, moreover physico-chemical characteristics, amino acids and fatty acids of the fresh slaughtered mallards were analyzed to determine meat quality. The feeding efficiency of 0 % fermented food waste (control) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than other treatments. Water holding capacity and pH were not significantly differed. The color value in lightness of control meat was higher, while in redness was lower than that of the plots mixed with fermented food waste. Total content of amino acids in thigh meat was relatively lower in control, but that in breast meat showed a reverse trend. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids in both thigh and breast meat was the highest in the 50 % mixed plot. Considering economic and environmental aspects for mallard feeding, this results indicated that MS fermented food waste could be a useful resources for mallard feed.

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Integrated Eco-Engineering Design for Sustainable Management of Fecal Sludge and Domestic Wastewater

  • Koottatep, Thammarat;Polprasert, Chongrak;Laugesen, Carsten H.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2007
  • Constructed wetlands and other aquatic systems have been successfully used for waste and wastewater treatment in either temperate or tropical regions. To treat waste or wastewater in a sustainable manner, the integrated eco-engineering designs are explained in this paper with 2 case studies: (i) a combination of vertical-flow constructed wetland (CW) with plant irrigation systemfor fecal sludge management and (ii) integrated CW units with landscaping at full-scale application for domestic wastewater treatment. The pilot-scale study of fecal sludge management employed 3 vertical-flow CW units, each with a dimension of $5{\times}5{\times}0.65m$ (width ${\times}$ length ${\times}$ media depth) and planted with cattails (Typha augustifolia). At the solid loading rate of 250 kg total solids (TS)/$m^2.yr$ and a 6-day percolate impoundment, the CW system could achieve chemical oxygen demand (COD), TS and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) removal efficiencies in the range of 80 - 96%. The accumulated sludge layers of about 80 - 90 cm was found at the CW bed surface after operating the CW units for 7 years, but no clogging problem has been observed. The CW percolate was applied to 16 irrigation Sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus) plots, each with a dimension of $4.5{\times}4.5m$ ($width{\times}length$). In the study, the CW percolate were fed to the treatment plots at the application rate of 7.5 mm/day but the percolate was mixed with tap water at different ratio of 20%, 80% and 100%. Based on a 1-year data of 3-crop plantation were experimented, the contents of Zn, Mn and Cu in soil of the experimental plots were found to increase with increasing in CW percolate ratios. The highest plant biomass yield and oil content of 1,000 kg/ha and 35%, respectively, were obtained from the plots fed with 20% or 50% of the CW percolate, whereas no accumulation of heavy metals in the plant tissues (i.e. leaves, stems and flowers) of the sunflower is found. In addition to the pilot-scale and field experiments, a case study of the integrated CW systems for wastewater treatment at Phi Phi Island (a Tsunami-hit area), Krabi province, Thailand is illustrated. The $5,200-m^2$ CW systems on Phi Phi Island are not only for treatment of $400m^3/day$ wastewater from hotels, households or other domestic activities, but also incorporating public consultation in the design processes, resulting in introducing the aesthetic landscaping as well as reusing of the treated effluent for irrigating green areas on the Island.

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Geographical Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of Glehnia littoralis Fr. Schmidt in South Korea (갯방풍의 지리적 분포와 자생지 특성)

  • Kim, Seong-Min;Shin, Dong-Il;Song, Hong-Seon;Kim, Sun-Kyu;Yoon, Seong-Tak
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the distribution and habitat feature of Glehnia littoralis as a part of establishment of conservation plan for important natural agro-plant resources in South Korea. Habitat of Glehnia littoralis was generally found 28.2 m from high tide water line and 2.7 m above sea level at sand dunes near three seashore areas. Density and coverage of Glehnia littoralis were higher in east seashore among three seashore areas. The number of plant species growing with Glehnia littoralis in natural habitat was found 35 species. Among 35 species Ixeris repens Carex pumila, Carex kobomugi, Elymus mollis, Ischaemum anthephoroides, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii were shown higher density and coverage. Average yearly precipitation and temperature of habitat for Glehnia littoralis were 1250.3 mm and $12.5^{\circ}C$, respectively. Among three seashores, the precipitation and temperature of south seashore were much more and higher than those of other two seashores. Soil characteristics of habitat for Glehnia littoralis were that average pH was 7.9 and organic matter was 0.23%. Content $P_2O_5$ and Ca were relatively higher, but the level K and Na were very low.

Preparation and Physical Properties of Eco-Friendly Biodegradable PLA/PBAT/HCO Blended Films (친환경 생분해성 PLA/PBAT/HCO 블랜드 필름 제조 및 물리적 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Kim, Han-Seong;Yun, Yeon-Hum;Hyung, Tae-Gyung;Yoon, Soon-Do
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.416-422
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    • 2020
  • In this study, eco-friendly biodegradable materials were prepared using poly(lactic acid) (PLA), poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), and hydrogenated castor oil power (HCO) as an additive. The prepared PLA/PBAT/HCO blended films were characterized by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results of SEM analysis indicated that PLA/PBAT (8 : 2) blended films added HCO showed no rough area, crack, or large agglomeration when compared with those adding various additives (12-hydroxy stearic acid (12HSA) and cellulose). The FT-IR results indicated the presence of specific peak of HCO in the PLA/PBAT blended films, and its peak intensity increased with increasing HCO content (0~5.0 wt%). Tensile strength, elongation at break, and water barrier and thermal properties of the prepared PLA/PBAT/HCO blended films were also investigated, indicating that the physical and thermal properties was improved more than three times by the addition of HCO. The biodegradability test in soil revealed that the prepared biodegradable materials were degraded by about 6.0~20% after 90 days.