• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil input data

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Simulation of Soil Erosion due to Snow Melt at Alpine Agricultural Lands (고령지 농경지에서 융설에 의한 토양유실량 모의)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Kim, Ki-Sung;Myung, SaGong;An, Jae-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2005
  • Doam watershed is located at alpine areas in the Kangwon province. The annual average precipitation, including snow accumulation during the winter, at the Doam watershed is significantly higher than other areas. Thus, pollutant laden runoff and sediment discharge from the alpine agricultural fields are causing water quality degradation at the Doam watershed. To estimate soil erosion from the agricultural fields, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been widely used because of its simplicity to use. The USLE rainfall erosivity (R) factor is responsible for impacts of rainfall on soil erosion. Thus, use of constant R factor for the Doam watershed cannot reflect variations in precipitation patterns, consequently soil erosion estimation. In the early spring at the Doam watershed, the stream flow increases because of snow melt, which results in erosion of loosened soil experiencing freezing and thaw during the winter. However, the USLE model cannot consider the impacts on soil erosion of freezing and thaw of the soil. Also, it cannot simulate temporal changes in USLE input parameters. Thus, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was investigated for its applicability to estimate soil erosion at the Doam watershed, instead of the widely used USLE model. The SWAT hydrology and erosion/sediment components were validated after calibration of the hydrologic component. The $R^2$ and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient values are higher enough, thus it was found the SWAT model can be efficiently used to simulate hydrology and sediment yield at the Doam watershed. The effects of snow melt on SWAT estimated stream flow and sediment were investigated using long-term precipitation and temperature data at the Doam watershed. It was found significant amount of flow and sediment in the spring are contributed by melting snow accumulated during the winter. Thus, it is recommend that the SWAT model capable of simulating snow melt and long-term weather data needs to be used in estimating soil erosion at alpine agricultural land instead of the USLE model for successful soil erosion management at the Doam watershed.

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Region-Scaled Soil Erosion Assessment using USLE and WEPP in Korea

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Jung, Kang-Ho;Yun, Sun-Gang;Kim, Chul-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.314-320
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    • 2008
  • During the summer season, more than half of the annual precipitation in Korea occurs during the summer season due to the geographical location in the Asian monsoon belt. So, this causes severe soil erosion from croplands, which is directly linked to the deterioration of crop/land productivity and surface water quality. Therefore, much attention has been given to develop accurate estimation tools of soil erosion. The aim of this study is to assess the performance of using the empirical Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the physical-based model of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) to quantify eroded amount of soil from agricultural fields. Input data files, including climate, soil, slope, and cropping management, were modified to fit into Korean conditions. Chuncheon (forest) and Jeonju (level-plain) were selected as two Korean cities with different topographic characteristics for model analysis. The results of this current study indicated that better soil erosion prediction can be achieved using the WEPP model since it has better power to illustrate a higher degree of spatial variability than USLE in topography, precipitation, soils, and crop management practices. These present findings are expected to contribute to the development of the environmental assessment program as well as the conservation of the agricultural environment in Korea.

A Comparative Study of Various Approaches of Seismic Ground Response Analyses by Using a Round Robin Test Methodology (Round Robin Test 기법을 통한 다양한 지반응답해석 접근법 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Man;Park, Yo-Hwan;Kim, Ki-Seog;Park, Du-Hee;Sun, Chang-Guk;Kim, Sung-Ryul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2007.09a
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 2007
  • The technical committee of Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering of Korean Geotechnical Socity has conducted Round Robin Test(RRT) on seismic ground response analyses in 2007. Total 14 participating teams were given exact same soil information of three sites and three input ground motions including two recorded ground motions and one synthetic ground motion. Each team selected its own analysis method and approaches to perform ground response analyses. There were equivalent linear, nonlinear total stress, and nonlinear effective stress approaches, which could be selected. The results from RRT were systematically analyzed and dispersion and variation due to analysis methods, input ground motions, shear velocity profiles, shear modulus reduction curves, damping curves, and other input data are reported by the companion papers.

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Estimation of soil moisture based on Sentinel-1 SAR data: Assessment of soil moisture estimation in different vegetation condition (Sentinel-1 SAR 토양수분 산정 연구: 식생에 따른 토양수분 모의평가)

  • Cho, Seongkeun;Jeong, Jaehwan;Lee, Seulchan;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2021
  • Synthetic Apreture Radar (SAR) is attracting attentions with its possibility of producing high resolution data that can be used for soil moisture estimation. High resolution soil moisture data enables more specific observation of soil moisture than existing soil moisture products from other satellites. It can also be used for studies of wildfire, landslide, and flood. The SAR based soil moisture estimation should be conducted considering vegetation, which affects backscattering signals from the SAR sensor. In this study, a SAR based soil moisture estimation at regions covered with various vegetation types on the middle area of Korea (Cropland, Grassland, Forest) is conducted. The representative backscattering model, Water Cloud Model (WCM) is used for soil moisture estimation over vegetated areas. Radar Vegetation Index (RVI) and in-situ soil moisture data are used as input factors for the model. Total 6 study areas are selected for 3 vegetation types according to land cover classification with 2 sites per each vegetation type. Soil moisture evaluation result shows that the accuracy of each site stands out in the order of grassland, forest, and cropland. Forested area shows correlation coefficient value higher than 0.5 even with the most dense vegetation, while cropland shows correlation coefficient value lower than 0.3. The proper vegetation and soil moisture conditions for SAR based soil moisture estimation are suggested through the results of the study. Future study, which utilizes additional ancillary vegetation data (vegetation height, vegetation type) is thought to be necessary.

Soil Moisture Estimation Using KOMPSAT-3 and KOMPSAT-5 SAR Images and Its Validation: A Case Study of Western Area in Jeju Island (KOMPSAT-3와 KOMPSAT-5 SAR 영상을 이용한 토양수분 산정과 결과 검증: 제주 서부지역 사례 연구)

  • Jihyun Lee;Hayoung Lee;Kwangseob Kim;Kiwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1185-1193
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    • 2023
  • The increasing interest in soil moisture data from satellite imagery for applications in hydrology, meteorology, and agriculture has led to the development of methods to produce variable-resolution soil moisture maps. Research on accurate soil moisture estimation using satellite imagery is essential for remote sensing applications. The purpose of this study is to generate a soil moisture estimation map for a test area using KOMPSAT-3/3A and KOMPSAT-5 SAR imagery and to quantitatively compare the results with soil moisture data from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission provided by NASA, with a focus on accuracy validation. In addition, the Korean Environmental Geographic Information Service (EGIS) land cover map was used to determine soil moisture, especially in agricultural and forested regions. The selected test area for this study is the western part of Jeju, South Korea, where input data were available for the soil moisture estimation algorithm based on the Water Cloud Model (WCM). Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery from KOMPSAT-5 HV and Sentinel-1 VV were used for soil moisture estimation, while vegetation indices were calculated from the surface reflectance of KOMPSAT-3 imagery. Comparison of the derived soil moisture results with SMAP (L-3) and SMAP (L-4) data by differencing showed a mean difference of 4.13±3.60 p% and 14.24±2.10 p%, respectively, indicating a level of agreement. This research suggests the potential for producing highly accurate and precise soil moisture maps using future South Korean satellite imagery and publicly available data sources, as demonstrated in this study.

Rainfall-Runoff Analysis with Soil Moisture Accounting Model (토양습윤모형을 이용한 강우-유출분석)

  • Hwang Ma ha;Ko Ick Hwan;Jeong Woo Chang;Maeng Seung Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.605-609
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    • 2005
  • This study is to perform the rainfall-runoff analysis of the basin of Yongdam dam where is loacted in the Geumriver basin. The model used is the SAC-SMA model which was developed by U.S. National Weather Service. The Precipitation data used as the input data of the model are daily ones observed in 2002 and the mean of values recorded in 5 rainfall stations. The evaporation data are used observed in Daejeon meteorological station. The geographical data such as basin slope and stream gradient are elicited from the numerical map analysis. In the verification through the comparison of calculated daily inflow with observed one, parameters used in the model are estimated manually. As the result of verification, total annual calculated inflow is 13,547CMS and agree accurately with the observed one. During the period of one year of 2002, before 100 days and after 250 days, the soil moisture condition in the upper zone was significantly dry and in spite of the rainfall in this period, the runoff was not generated. Through this result, we can observe that the moisture condition in the soil affects strongly the runoff in a basin.

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Development of Prediction Techniques for Desalinization in Reclaimed Tidelands (간척지 토양의 제염예측 프로그램 개발)

  • Koo, Ja-Woong;Son, Jae-Gwon;Choi, Jin-Kyu;Lee, Dong-Wook;Song, Jae-Do
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.8 no.3 s.17
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2002
  • The PTDRT model as prediction techniques for desalinization in reclaimed tidelands was developed and verified whether it is applicable to reclaimed tidelands at the beginning stage. The changes of salt concentration during desalinization, the water requirements and period required for desalinization, were simulated according to soil properties and desalinization methods by repression analyses. The program was also designed to systematize input data and analysis data associated with desalinization, and to confirm the results by a graphic form. All input data and the results can be printed after the form of a typical report.

Development of Prediction Techniques of Desalinization in Reclaimed Tidelands (간척지 토양의 제염예측 프로그램 개발)

  • Koo, Ja-Woong;Choi, Jin-Kyu;Son, Jae-Gwon;Lee, Dong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2001
  • The PTDRT model as prediction techniques of desalinization in reclaimed tidelands was developed and verified in order to be applicable to reclaimed tidelands at the beginning stage. In this model, the changes of salt concentration during desalinization, the water requirements and period required for desalinization, were simulated according to soil properties and desalinization methods by regression analyses. This program was also designed to systematize input data and analysis data associated with desalinization, and to confirm the results by a graphic form. All input data and the results are able to be printed after the form of a typical report.

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Approaches for Developing a Korean Model Through Analysis of Overseas Forest Soil Carbon Models (해외 산림토양탄소모델 분석을 통한 한국형 모델 개발방안 연구)

  • Lee, Ah-Reum;Yi, Koong;Son, Yo-Whan;Kim, Rae-Hyun;Kim, Choon-Sig;Park, Gwan-Soo;Lee, Kyeong-Hak;Yi, Myong-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.6
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    • pp.791-801
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    • 2010
  • Forest soil carbon model is a useful tool for understanding complex soil carbon cycle in forests and estimating dynamics of soil carbon to climate change. However, studies on development and application of the model are insufficient in Korea. The need for development of Korean model is now growing, because there are notable problems and limitations for adapting overseas models in Korea to meet the requirements of the international organizations such as IPCC, which demands highly reliable data for national reports. Therefore, we have studied 7 overseas forest soil carbon models (CBM-CFS3, CENTURY, Forest-DNDC, ROMUL, RothC, Sim-CYCLE, YASSO), analyzed and compared their structure, decomposition mechanism, initializing process and, input and output data. Then we evaluated applicability of these models in Korea with three criteria; availability of input data, performance of model, and possibility of regional modification. Finally, a systematic process for applying a new model was suggested based on these analyses.

Forecasting solute breakthrough curves through the unsaturated zone using artificial neural network

  • Yoon Hee-Sung;Hyun Yun-Jung;Lee Kang-Kun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.348-351
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    • 2005
  • In this study, solute breakthrough curves through the unsaturated zone were predicted using artificial neural network (ANN) by numerical tests and laboratory experiments. In the numerical tests, applicability of ANN model to prediction of breakthrough curves was evaluated using synthetic data generated by HYDRUS-2D. An appropriate strategy of ANN application and input data form were recommended. The ANN model was validated by laboratory experiments comparing with HYDRUS-2D simulations. The results show that the ANN model can be an effective method for forecasting solute breakthrough curves through the unsaturated zone when hydraulic data are available.

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