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Development of Prediction Techniques for Desalinization in Reclaimed Tidelands  

Koo, Ja-Woong (College of Agriculture(Institute of Agri. Science & Tech.) Chonbuk National University)
Son, Jae-Gwon (College of Agriculture(Institute of Agri. Science & Tech.) Chonbuk National University)
Choi, Jin-Kyu (College of Agriculture(Institute of Agri. Science & Tech.) Chonbuk National University)
Lee, Dong-Wook (Jungup Agriculture Technology Center)
Song, Jae-Do (Graduate School, Chonbuk National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning / v.8, no.3, 2002 , pp. 33-40 More about this Journal
The PTDRT model as prediction techniques for desalinization in reclaimed tidelands was developed and verified whether it is applicable to reclaimed tidelands at the beginning stage. The changes of salt concentration during desalinization, the water requirements and period required for desalinization, were simulated according to soil properties and desalinization methods by repression analyses. The program was also designed to systematize input data and analysis data associated with desalinization, and to confirm the results by a graphic form. All input data and the results can be printed after the form of a typical report.
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