• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software maintenance system

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Development of Bridge Maintenance System (교량관리 전산화 시스템 개발)

  • 이장화;장종탁;김성욱;장인호;이성준
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1990.10a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 1990
  • Effective maintenance system for national highway bridges has been requested due to increasing numbers of bridges. In this study, bridge data base is established in accordance with rating criteria for the structural conditions and functions of bridges. Maintenance system using PC-80386 hardware and ORACLE software is developed to rank the priority of either reconstruction or repairing of bridges and to provide with those information to bridge maintenance staff in order to perform bridge maintenance effectively. With this pre-establised data base and computerized maintenance system, data and information for planning of bridge construction could be obtained in times.

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A Restructuring Technique of Legacy Software Systems for Unit Testing (단위테스트를 위한 레거시소프트웨어시스템의 재구성 기법)

  • Moon, Joong-Hee;Lee, Nam-Yong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.1
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2008
  • The maintenance of legacy software systems is very important in the field of a software engineering. In the maintenance, a regression test confirms the behavior preserving of the software which has been changed but most of regression tests are done in a system level and rarely done in a unit test level because there is no test case. This paper proposes how to modify legacy software systems and make unit test cases as an asset. It uses a technique with a specific module of a real software development project and analyzes test coverage results. After this, if a study about automatic restructuring techniques and a test case generation proceeds continuously, we can expect the big advance of legacy software systems maintenance.

A Research of Data Gathering Middleware and User Friendly Display for vessel PMS(Planned Maintenance System) (선박 PMS를 위한 데이터 수집 미들웨어와 사용자 편의적 디스플레이연구)

  • Lee, Seojeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.335-348
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    • 2013
  • Vessel PMS (Planned Maintenance System) is a paper and/or software based system to monitor vessel engine equipment including main propulsion, steering, auxiliary machinery and cargo handling information. This is one of mandatory survey for vessel introduced by IMO (International Maritime Organization). The planned maintenance as well as documentation must be performed according to a system to be approved by classification agencies. Recently, vessel owners have preferred software based systems to collect and preserve accurate data. However, not ship specific and not taking into account the user are said by end users as operational difficulties. To relieve these concerns, this research analyzes vessel PMS data, suggests a middleware to support automatic collection and design consideration of user interface.

Development of Software for the Preventive Maintenance (설비 예방보전을 위한 소프트웨어 개발)

  • 이장원;김원중
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.46
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 1998
  • In these days, we are facing the needs of the times that the product have to be converted from quantity to quality. Most companys now pay more attention to maximize efficiency of facilities with introducing high priced equipments, those equipments are too automated and electronic that partial failure or short time stop leads to the stop of producing process in the whole factory. Consequently, effective maintenance management of production equipment becomes a only solution against problems. This thesis develops a preventive maintenance software that grasp a failure sign through daily inspection with management item, Machine-Capability index and estimate a trend, determine the time of preventive maintenance. The software is useful to the plant operator in analyzing information easily and controlling preventive maintenance operations efficiently.

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An Automatic Generation Method of Traceability Links from Requirement to Design in Business Applications

  • Soojin Park
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.3-15
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    • 2023
  • Requirements traceability link information is the basis for determining whether requirement change requested throughout the software development life cycle should be reflected in the system. Setting up complete requirements traceability links requires considerable effort. However, the commensurate benefits can be obtained in later development or further maintenance phases. For this reason, setting up and managing requirements traceability links in the software development phase are tasks that cause considerable resistance to developers. This study proposes a method for generating requirement traceability links in business applications. The key feature of the proposed method is that the traceability link from the requirements element, which is the basis of the corresponding element to the analysis element, is automatically established at the same time the elements of the analysis model are identified. This can be a way to reduce developer effort while increasing the efficiency of the traceability model. A case study on a Course Registration System demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed requirements traceability management method to actual software development.

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A Study on Localization Model of Package Usage in Ada Program (Ada 프로그램에서 패키지 활용의 국부화 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Seon-Ho;Yun Chang-Seop
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.100-112
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    • 1991
  • Software system is a hierarchical structure with collection of program units. Software system can import external packages globally or locally depending on the usage within a system. If the imported package is used globally, the soft-ware system can be influenced globally by any change of package and programmer's debugging time for the program maintenance will be greater. To solve these problems, it is desirable to use the imported package locally right on the usage point within the system. The model presented in this paper analyzed entity usage of package in structure of program, identified the usage level to obtain localization and provided information for restructure of the program to localize package usage. To obtain localization, it identified declared entities inside the imported package and analyzed the specification and body part of program unit to identify entities referenced from the imported package. The proposed model can be used to improve the maintainability of software system and contributed to reduction of programmer's debugging time in program maintenance.

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Factors Influencing the Efforts for Embedded Software Maintenance : A Case from Semiconductor Wafer Processing Line (임베디드 소프트웨어 유지보수 노력의 영향요인 연구 : 반도체 웨이퍼 가공라인 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Namhyung;Kim, Chi Rin;Kim, Mi Ryang
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2017
  • The semiconductor industry develops and maintains software embedded in computer-controlled tools and facilities, to process and manufacture high-tech products. Upgrading embedded softwares for semiconductor processing robots and machinery is one of the basic activities that must be performed in order to maintain product quality and integrity. Maintenance and enhancement of embedded software consume a major portion of the total life cycle cost of a system. However, the area has been given little attention in the literature. 502 maintenance and enhancement cases, related to embedded softwares in wafer processing machines, were selected at random for analysis. Practical implications are also discussed.

Extracting of Features in Code Changes of Existing System for Reengineering to Product Line

  • Yoon, Seonghye;Park, Sooyong;Hwang, Mansoo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2016
  • Software maintenance becomes extremely difficult, especially caused by multiple versions in project-based or customer-oriented software development methodology. For reducing the maintenance cost, reengineering to software product line can be a solution to the software which either is a family of products nevertheless little different functionalities or are customized for each different customer's requirement. At an initial stage of the reengineering, the most important activity in software product line is feature extraction with respect to commonality and variability from the existing system due to verifying functional coverage. Several researchers have studied to extract features. They considered only a single version in a single product. However, this is an obstacle to classify the commonality and variability of features. Therefore, we propose a method for systematically extracting features from source code and its change history considering several versions of the existing system. It enables us to represent functionalities reflecting developer's intention, and to clarify the rationale of variation.

Development of Cloud-based Smart Farm Management System while Considering Its Maintenance Aspects

  • Minseok Choi
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.226-234
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    • 2024
  • Measures to enhance a cloud-based smart farm management system were proposed to improve its efficiency and maintenance. The existing system had achieved efficiency and stability by utilizing a web-based operating program with a general-purpose microcomputer and Linux. However, this system faced issues with synchronization and maintenance while concurrent tasks were being performed. Synchronization issues were solved by implementing an embedded DB, and the system was upgraded to allow over-the-air (OTA) software updates. Additionally, a method was also proposed to enable remote maintenance using tunneling. It was determined that applying the proposed method can contribute to the widespread adoption of smart farms, in addition to reducing maintenance costs. Furthermore, this system can also be expanded into a universal system applicable to different service models in the future.

Development of an Integrated Management System for Maintenance Parameters and Rotary Machine of Hydro-power Plant (수력발전소 정비변수 및 회전체 통합관리 시스템 개발)

  • Shin, Sung-Hwan;Park, Jin-Ho;Yoon, Doo-Byung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2012
  • Condition-based maintenance (CBM) has been used as a useful concept for optimizing maintenance plan and decreasing maintenance cost in several kinds of plant sites. This study introduced an example that developed an integrated management system for maintenance parameters and hydraulic turbine of hydro-power plant in order to improve its maintenance system as applying CBM techinique. The integrated management system consists of three parts. One is a hardware part including PDA inspection system and several kind of precision measuring instruments. Another is a vibration monitoring system on hydraulic turbine. The other is a software part that takes charge of making hierarchy tree of maintenance parameters and their inspection route, managing accumulated database, assessing health condition of components, and supporting interface with other enterprise management system. The system has been installed at Chuncheon Hydro-power plant for test and demonstration. It is expected that the system can contribute database construction for diagnostics and prognostics on facility health condition and systematic accumulation of know-how on operation and maintenance of plant.

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