An Automatic Generation Method of Traceability Links from Requirement to Design in Business Applications

  • Soojin Park (Graduate School of Management of Technology, Sogang University)
  • Received : 2023.09.15
  • Accepted : 2023.09.27
  • Published : 2023.10.30


Requirements traceability link information is the basis for determining whether requirement change requested throughout the software development life cycle should be reflected in the system. Setting up complete requirements traceability links requires considerable effort. However, the commensurate benefits can be obtained in later development or further maintenance phases. For this reason, setting up and managing requirements traceability links in the software development phase are tasks that cause considerable resistance to developers. This study proposes a method for generating requirement traceability links in business applications. The key feature of the proposed method is that the traceability link from the requirements element, which is the basis of the corresponding element to the analysis element, is automatically established at the same time the elements of the analysis model are identified. This can be a way to reduce developer effort while increasing the efficiency of the traceability model. A case study on a Course Registration System demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed requirements traceability management method to actual software development.



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