• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software development management

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The software configuration management system for image processing algorithm development (영상처리 알고리즘 개발을 위한 소프트웨어형상관리시스템)

  • Lee Jeong-Heon;Chae Ok-Sam
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.12B no.1 s.97
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • The importance of software is getting high in development of the digital device (digital camcoder, digital camera, mp3 player, ....). And because the sire of software becomes larger and complicated, the necessity of software configuration management (to solves a software crisis) is increased. The general software configuration management system shows lack of the property and features of software development environment for image processing algorithm due to its wide range to be covered. Image processing algorithm development environment has properties like repetitive analysis and simulation using visual programming environment where, beside support of elementary development functions. component(or library) can be combined and tested interactively. Moreover, the method to look fast and effectively for component having similar function is required. In this paper, we present the system which supports the software configuration management method for a simulation tool and the property in the visual programming environment. And we relate our system to real simulation tool so as to check its ability as the software configuration management system for image processing algorithm development environment.

The Dark Side of Emotional Involvement in Software Development: A Behavioral Economics Perspective

  • Shmueli, Ofira;Pliskin, Nava;Fink, Lior
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.322-337
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    • 2016
  • Research on information systems and software engineering has often neglected behavioral effects, which may play a role in decision making on software development. The current study addresses this issue by empirically investigating the behavioral roots of over-requirement in the context of a software development project via an experiment. The negative phenomenon of over-requirement refers to specifying a software system beyond the actual needs of the customer or the market, which overload the system with unneeded features. The research question addressed here is whether over-requirement is due in part to the emotional involvement of developers with the software features they developed because of behavioral effects. Previous studies have demonstrated that under the endowment, I-designed-it-myself, and IKEA effects, people become emotionally involved and overvalue physical items that they respectively possess, self-design, or self-create. The findings of our experiment show that participants over-valued features they were assigned to be responsible for, to specify, or to construct, thereby confirming that the three behavioral effects play a role in software development decisions and affect over-requirement. Thus, the study contributes to software development research and practice from the behavioral economics perspective, highlighting the roots of over-requirement.

Case Studies of the Software Development Applying EVM(Earned Value Management) (소프트웨어개발 프로젝트에서의 획득가치관리(EVM) 적용 사례 연구)

  • Jun, Sung-Chul;Kim, Ja-Hee
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2008
  • The uncertainty of software projects makes a big gap between the initial schedule/expense and the final one. Moreover, it is difficult for a project manager to reschedule and re-budget for reflecting the effects of changes in the software development. In this paper, we suggest EVM (Earned Value Management) to control the schedule and the expenses of an on-going software development project. In order to apply EVM to a software project, we consider turnkey contracts and propose the way to calculate the earned value for the software development. Finally, we illustrate our method with the case of N-company. We expect our EVM help to analyze and to predict the final schedule and the expense of a software development project.

Component-based Partner Management System Architecture on .NET Environment (닷넷 환경에서의 컴포넌트 기반의 파트너 관리 시스템 아키텍처)

  • Bae, Sung-Moon;Lee, Sang-Cheon;Choi, Jeong-Tae
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.16 no.spc
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    • pp.127-131
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    • 2003
  • Component-based development approach is used in modern software system development projects that are very complex and large-scale. Technical components are more effective rather than business components in software development. However, on the Microsoft .net environment, the technical component-based development issues are not adopted. Moreover, software architecture on the .net environment is not studied yet because the development platform is recently used in the development of enterprise-level system. This paper proposes a technical component-based software architecture on .net environment. Seven technical components - configuration, data access, exception, file I/O, log, message, and paging - are contained in the architecture. The proposed architecture enables developers to reduce development time and to concentrate business logic rather than architectural issues. To verify the proposed architecture and the components, a partner management system is developed based on the architecture.

우리나라 S/W 벤처기업의 경영현황

  • 한계섭;손성호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Information Systems Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2000
  • It is said that the focus of managing venture business is currently moving from technology competition to management competition. By the way, the software venture business(SVB) has some weak points in its structural composition and itematization and no professional personnel in other several sections except technology development section. In addition, such basic functions as technology and R & D, finance and accounting, marketing required to the management of business are concentrated on only one man, its representative director. Therefore, this study aims to provide the basic data useful to the establishment of governmental policy in information and communication, to the rearing of the SVB by a local government related to the software, and to the administration of SVB by investigating the actual conditions. This study attempts to examine the literature on venture business and software industry, and its management with a questionnaire about the actual conditions of managing the SVB. The questionnaire is given to 527 local enterprises belonging to the Software Industry Association and to 171 enterprises in the Software Center. This study compromises the characteristics of the SVB, the actual conditions of its technology and R & D, finance and accounting, and marketing. The characteristics of the SVB are classified into categories such as the stage of its growth(the stage of its seed and start-up, the stage of tis development and growth, the stage of its stability and maturity) and the main business(the system integration, the software development for contract, the package software development service, the software-related service). Additionally, the study attempts to analyze positively the actual condition of its management after classified by the areas of business profile, its general management, its technology development, its finance and accounting, and its marketing The result of this study is found that the SVB has a lot of troubles in part of marketing and finance & accounting activity as well as general management. The SVB realizes the importance of the technology development rather than that of management activity including marketing activity. So we expect this study can assist the SVB to establish the business guidelines for own management plans.

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Software Risk Management and Cyber Security for Development of Integrated System Remotely Monitoring and Controlling Ventilators (인공호흡기 원격 통합 모니터링 및 제어 시스템 개발을 위한 소프트웨어 위험관리 및 사이버보안)

  • Ji-Yong Chung;You Rim Kim;Wonseuk Jang
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2023
  • According to the COVID-19, development of various medical software based on IoT(Internet of Things) was accelerated. Especially, interest in a central software system that can remotely monitor and control ventilators is increasing to solve problems related to the continuous increase in severe COVID-19 patients. Since medical device software is closely related to human life, this study aims to develop central monitoring system that can remotely monitor and control multiple ventilators in compliance with medical device software development standards and to verify performance of system. In addition, to ensure the safety and reliability of this central monitoring system, this study also specifies risk management requirements that can identify hazardous situations and evaluate potential hazards and confirms the implementation of cybersecurity to protect against potential cyber threats, which can have serious consequences for patient safety. As a result, we obtained medical device software manufacturing certificates from MFDS(Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) through technical documents about performance verification, risk management and cybersecurity application.

Development Life Cycle-Based Association Analysis of Requirements for Risk Management of Medical Device Software (의료기기 소프트웨어 위험관리를 위한 개발생명주기 기반 위험관리 요구사항 연관성 분석)

  • Kim, DongYeop;Park, Ye-Seul;Lee, Jung-Won
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, the importance of the safety of medical device software has been emphasized because of the function and role of the software among components of the medical device, and because the operation of the medical device software is directly related to the life and safety of the user. To this end, various standards have been set up that provide activities that can effectively ensure the safety of medical devices and provide their respective requirements. The activities that standards provide to ensure the safety of medical device software are largely divided into the development life cycle of medical device software and the risk management process. These two activities should be concurrent with the development process, but there is a limitation that the risk management requirements to be performed at each stage of the medical device software development life cycle are not classified. As a result, developers must analyze the association of standards directly to develop risk management activities during the development of medical devices. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the relationship between medical device software development life cycle and risk management process, and extract risk management requirement items. It enables efficient and systematic risk management during the development of medical device software by mapping the extracted risk management requirement items to the development life cycle based on the analyzed associations.

The Effect of Task Interdependence and User Participation on Software Development Project Performance (업무상호의존성과 사용자참여가 소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong Myung-Hon;Kim Shinkon;Kim Jeonggon
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.213-229
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    • 2005
  • Cost overrun or schedule delay of the software development project happens frequently despite that software developers continue to make every effort for the effective management of the projects. Previous researches have ascertained that these problems are ascribed to the uncertainty of projects and the improper management of the projects. The purposes of this research are to investigate the impacts of user participation and task interdependence on the performance of the projects and also to find out the appropriate project management method to improve the project performance. Even though the model fitness of the path model is proved to be very high, the verification of the hypotheses showed a variety of results including the four verifications and the one refutation of the hypotheses as well as the suggestion of one alternative hypothesis. The contribution of this research is that the integration model is proposed and verified, comprising the relationship among the user participation, the task interdependence, and the performance of software development projects. A project manager can utilize the implication of this research for an effective management of software development project.

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The Impacts of Requirement Uncertainty and Standardization on Software Project Performance : A Comparison of Korea and USA (요구사항 불확실성과 표준화가 소프트웨어 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향 : 한국과 미국의 비교연구)

  • 나관식
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2004
  • Most software projects inevitably involve various types and degrees of uncertainty. Without proper risk assessment and coordination, software projects can easily run out of control and consume significant additional resource. Thus, risk management techniques are critical issues to information system researchers. Previous empirical studies of U.S. software firms support the adoption of development standardization and user requirement analysis techniques in risk-based software project management. Using data collected from software projects developed in Korea during 1999-2000, we conduct a comparative study to determine how risk management strategies impact software product and process performance in countries with dissimilar IT capabilities. In addition, we offer an alternative conceptualization of residual performance risk. We show that the use of residual performance risk as an intervening variable is inappropriate in IT developing countries like Korea where the role of late stage risk control remedies are critical. A revised model is proposed that generates more reliable empirical implications for Korean software projects.

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Design and implementation of mathematical programming software-LinPro (수리계획 소프트웨어 LinPro의 설계 및 구현)

  • 양광민
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 1995
  • This study addresses basic requirements for mathematical programming software, discusses considerations in designing these software, implementation issues facing in these types of applications development, and shows some examples of codes being developed in the course. This type of projects requires long and ever-changing evolutionary phases. The experience is therefore, valuaable in suggesting some useful hints which may be salvaged for similar projects as well as providing reusable codes. In particular, scanning and parsing the free-format inputs, symbol table management, mixed-language programming, and data structures dealing with large sparse matrices are indispensable to many management science software development. Extensions to be made are also discussed.

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