수리계획 소프트웨어 LinPro의 설계 및 구현

Design and implementation of mathematical programming software-LinPro

  • 발행 : 1995.02.01


This study addresses basic requirements for mathematical programming software, discusses considerations in designing these software, implementation issues facing in these types of applications development, and shows some examples of codes being developed in the course. This type of projects requires long and ever-changing evolutionary phases. The experience is therefore, valuaable in suggesting some useful hints which may be salvaged for similar projects as well as providing reusable codes. In particular, scanning and parsing the free-format inputs, symbol table management, mixed-language programming, and data structures dealing with large sparse matrices are indispensable to many management science software development. Extensions to be made are also discussed.



  1. 경영과학 v.11 no.3 소규모 한글 선형계획법 소프트웨어 K-LP의 개발 김세헌;김성륜;장근녕;여재현
  2. 경영과학 v.11 no.3 LIPED 박순달;김우제;설동렬
  3. Operations Research v.40 no.5 Very Large-Scale Linear Programming: A Case Study in Combining Interior Point and Simplex Methods Bixby,Robert E(et al.)
  4. Quant System (Version 2.0) Chang,Yih-Long;Robert S.Sullivan
  5. The LINGO Modeling Language Cunningham, Kevin;Linus Schrage
  6. Optimizing Microsoft C Libraries Dorfman, Len
  7. Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices Duff,I.S.;A.M.Erisman;J.K.Reid
  8. Compiler Construction for Digital Computers Gries,David
  9. Report SAND 81-0297 Sparse Linear Programming Subprogram, Sandia National Laboratory Hanson,R.J.;K.L.Hiebert
  10. Interfaces v.20 no.4 Some Throughts on Math Programming Practice in the 90s Hirshfeld,David S.
  11. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software v.7 no.4 The Design of the XMP Linear Programming Library Marsten,Roy
  12. Interfaces v.20 no.4 Interior Points Methods for Linear Programming: Just Call Newton Lagrange, and Fiacco and McCormick! (et.al.)
  13. Advanced Linear Programming Murtagh, Bruce A.
  14. Dr. Dobb’s Journal Calling C Functions with Variably Dimensioned Arrays Ross,John W.
  15. Born to Code in C Svhildt,HerBert
  16. User’s Manuual for Linear, Integer, and Quadratic Programming with LINDO Release 5.0 Schrage,Linus
  17. Management Science v.33 no.3 The Efficienty of the Simplex Method: A Survey Shamir,Ron
  18. OR/MS Today Linear Programmong Software for Personal Computers: 1992 Survey Sharsa,Ron
  19. Dr. Dobb’s Journal Optimizing Matrix Math on the Pentium Stockman,Harlan W.
  20. Interfaces v.18 no.4 Educational Operational Research Software: A Review Yurkiewicz,J.