• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software design

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The Study of Framework Model for Software Productivity Enhancement in Object-Oriented Environment (객체지향 환경에서 소프트웨어 생산성 향상을 위한 프레임워크 모델 연구)

  • Heo, Kwae-Bum;Kim, Young-Gyu;Yang, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.900-908
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    • 2010
  • Recently, OOM(Object-Oriented Method) access method which begins to apply to software development is emphasizing development cost and time reduction through independent software reuse. But because of planning to the exclusion of the lack of knowledge and expansion or performance for development technology many problems are coming out. Therefore, this thesis suggests Effective Object-Oriented Modeling methods considering the plan for higher productivity enhancement of software in the software development life cycle. Effective Object-Oriented Modeling method includes, methods, Use Case modeling methods, Analysis Modeling methods, Design Modeling methods and others.

Relating Use Cases and Classes to Identify Components and its Experience for Enterprise Software Development (컴포넌트 인식을 위한 유즈케이스와 클래스의 연관과 전사적 소프트웨어개발에서의 적용)

  • Lim, Joa-Sang
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.177-190
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    • 2006
  • Since their first inception a few decades ago, software components have received much attention mainly due to their alleged benefits of quality and productivity improvement. Despite this, it is yet to be agreed upon what and how components should be designed. This paper aims to bridge the gap by proposing a collaborative process where the voice of the customer is captured and documented by employing the event and entity models. These requirement elements (WHAT) are cross-tabulated in three relation matrices in accordance with the weights provided by the business users. The requirements are fed into the algorithm invented by the authors to optimize the component grouping (HOW). This collaborative process has been successfully validated at an enterprise wide software development project. The process was effective to help the users more actively involved in the design of the system and made the whole process faster and more adaptive to the changes.

Design a Learning Management System Platform for Primary Education

  • Quoc Cuong Nguyen;Tran Linh Ho
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.258-266
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    • 2024
  • E-learning systems have proliferated in recent years, particularly in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. For kids, there isn't a specific online learning platform available, though. To do this, new conceptual models of training and learning software that are adapted to the abilities and preferences of end users must be created. Young pupils: those in kindergarten, preschool, and elementary school are unique subjects with little research history. From the standpoint of software technology, young students who have never had access to a computer system are regarded as specific users with high expectations for the functionality and interface of the software, social network connectivity, and instantaneous Internet communication. In this study, we suggested creating an electronic learning management system that is web-based and appropriate for primary school pupils. User-centered design is the fundamental technique that was applied in the development of the system that we are proposing. Test findings have demonstrated that students who are using the digital environment for the first time are studying more effectively thanks to the online learning management system.

Software Development for Glass-Bulb Automatic Design Integrated System Using Design Axiom (설계공리를 이용한 유리벌브 제품설계 자동화 시스템 구축)

  • Do, Sung-Hee;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1333-1346
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    • 1996
  • As the automation system in manufacturing field works more efficientely, the automation scheme is applied to many areas. In order to reduce the entire manufacturing, cost the design process must be automated. However, design process is so complicated, it is very difficult to construct the design automation system. The axiomatic approach to design provides a general theoretical framework for all design fields, including mechanical design. The key concepts of axiomatic design are : the existence of domains, the characteristic vectors within the domains that can be decomposed into hierarchies through zigzagging between the domains, and the design axioms. Using this approach, the glass bulb design process was analyzed and the design automation software was developed. Through menu display, a user can select or furnish the design input and generate the drawing with ease.

A Survey on the 3D Printer Users' Experiences of 3D Modelling Software and Proposal of 3D Modeling Software Development for Koreans (3D프린터 사용자들의 3D모델링 소프트웨어 사용경험 탐색 및 한국인을 위한 3D모델링 소프트웨어 개발제안)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee;Cho, Jaekyung
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2017
  • While the second and the third industrial revolutions made it possible a few standardized designs to be extracted and produced in large quantities, the recent development of the 3D printing technology allowed many individuals to reflect their unique personal characteristics on their creative works and produce them in large quantities-i.e., personally customized designs and mass production of various designs. However, for the customized designs and the mass production of various designs through the 3D printing technology, the individuals should use a 3D modeling software and the supporting features of the software can significantly affect the type and shape of a creative work. In this study, we surveyed the individuals who design the creative works using 3D printers about the type of software that they use and the type of creative works that they design using the software, to propose a possible direction of new software that supports their activities. To do this, we first surveyed sixty members of the OpenCreators, which is the largest 3D printing creator community in South Korea, about the 3D modelling Software that they use for their 3D printing creations, the best 3D modelling software for the 3D printing, and the type of frequently printing creation using the best 3D modelling software. We then analysed the response results. As a result, we found that most of 3D printing creators in South Korea use Rhino and 123D Design. More specifically, the Rhino was being widely used by the people in the 3D printing industry to print prototypes, samples, and mock-ups, while the 123D Design was being mainly used for general purposes such as educational tools, accessories, and home interior accessories. Therefore, we believe it is necessary to develop the software in two separated categories, i.e. for the business, like the Rhino, and for the beginners, and educational and personal purposes, like the 123D Design. Finally, we stressed and proposed the necessity to support individual creators by developing an industry-specific 3D modeling software.

- A Case Study on OOP Component Build-up for Reliability of MRP System - (MRP 시스템의 신뢰성을 위한 객체재향 컴포넌트 개발 사례)

  • Seo Jang Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.211-235
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    • 2004
  • Component based design is perceived as a key technology for developing advanced real-time systems in a both cost- and time effective manner. Already today, component based design is seen to increase software productivity, by reducing the amount of effort needed to update and maintain systems, by packaging solutions for re-use, and easing distribution. Nowdays, a thousand and one companies in If(Information Technology) industry such as Sl(System Integration) and software development companies, regardless of scale of their projects, has spent their time and endeavor on developing reusable business logic. The component software is the outcome of software developers effort on overcoming this problem; the component software is the way propositioned for quick and easy implementation of software. In addition, there has been lots of investment on researching and developing the software development methodology and leading If companies has released new standard technologies to help with component development. For instance, COM(Component Object Model) and DCOM(Distribute COM) technology of Microsoft and EJB(Enterprise Java Beans) technology of Sun Microsystems has turned up. Component-Based Development (CBD) has not redeemed its promises of reuse and flexibility. Reuse is inhibited due to problems such as component retrieval, architectural mismatch, and application specificness. Component-based systems are flexible in the sense that components can be replaced and fine-tuned, but only under the assumption that the software architecture remains stable during the system's lifetime. In this paper, It suggest that systems composed of components should be generated from functional and nonfunctional requirements rather than being composed out of existing or newly developed components. about implements and accomplishes the modeling for the Product Control component development by applying CCD(Contract-Collaboration Diagram), one of component development methodology, to MRP(Material Requirement Planning) System

Validation Testing of Safety-critical Software (Safety-critical 소프트웨어의 검증시험)

  • Kim, Hang-Bae;Han, Jai-Bok
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 1995
  • A software engineering process has been developed for the design of safety critical software for Wolsong 2/3/4 project to satisfy the requirement of the regulatory body. Among the process, this paper described the detail process of validation testing peformed to ensure that the software with its hardware, developed by the design group, satisfies the requirements of the functional specification prepared by the independent functional group. To perform the test, test facility and test software ore developed and actual safety system computer was connected. Three kinds of test cases, i.e., functional test performance test and self-check test were programmed and run to verify each functional specifications. Test failures ore fedback to the design group to revise the software and test result were analyzed and documented in the report to submit to the regulatory body. The test methodology and procedure were very efficient and satisfactory to perform the systematic and automatic test. The test results were also acceptable and successful to verify the software acts as specified in the program functional specification. This methodology can be applied to the validation of other safety-critical software.

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Design of Navigation Environment Generation Module of M&S Software for Integrated Navigation System Performance Evaluation

  • Kim, Heyone;Lee, Junhak;Oh, Sang Heon;So, Hyoungmin;Hwang, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2018
  • Various navigation systems are integrated with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to improve navigation performance so that continuous navigation information can be obtained even when navigation performance is degraded or navigation is not available due to the outage of GNSS. Time and cost can be reduced by evaluating performance of the integrated navigation system through Modeling and Simulation (M&S) software prior to the deployment of the integrated navigation system. The measurements of the navigation system should be generated to evaluate performance through of the navigation system M&S software. This paper proposes a method of designing a navigation environment generation module in M&S software of the integrated navigation system. To show applicability of the proposed method to M&S software design of the integrated navigation system, functions are verified through MATLAB. And then visual C++ based M&S software for the integrated navigation system is implemented to check the operation of the navigation environment generation module. The reference trajectory is generated and true measurements of Global Positioning System (GPS), Korea Positioning System (KPS), and enhanced Long range navigation (eLoran) are generated from the reference trajectory. The navigation results obtained from the true measurements are compared with the reference trajectories. The results show that the measurements generated using the design generation module by the proposed method are valid and the navigation environment generation module can be applied to M&S software of the integrated navigation system.

A Study on Reusability Metric of Framework for Embedded Software (임베디드 소프트웨어를 위한 프레임워크의 재사용성 메트릭에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Eun-Sook;Kim, Chul-Jin;Lee, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.5252-5259
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    • 2011
  • Both Optimization and Reuse Technology are considered as core technologies handling the values of products in embedded software. Framework technology is a typical type of optimization and reuse technology. When we develop software based on framework, The effect of reusability as well as development productivity can be improved. However, currently the form of framework-based development is very poor in embedded software development. Furthermore, because framework development is also beginning stage in embedded software development, there are questions whether developing framework can bring reusability effect. In this paper, we propose metrics measuring reusability of framework which is designed for improving reusability of embedded software. As as result of applying proposed metrics into real design cases, we can obtain more effective results in framework-based design than existing design.

A Study on the Design Plan of Naval Combat System Software to Reduce Cost of Hardware Discontinuation Replacement

  • Jeong-Woo, Son
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we analyze the structure of TV video software, one of the warship combat management system software, and propose a standard architecture that minimizes software modification due to the discontinuation replacement of warship hardware. The class structure was newly designed to minimize the class modified when replacing the warship hardware by separating the variable elements and common elements of TV video software through FORM(Feature-Oriented Reuse Method), the common part that communicates with the warship combat management system and displays the TV screen and the variable part that communicates between the operator and the TV camera. In addition, the Strategy design pattern is applied to efficiently add and modify classes that directly use hardware-dependent APIs when replacing hardware discontinuation, and to make both discontinued and replacements available software. Finally, the reliability testing time and functional testing time of the existing TV video software and the proposed software were measured and compared, and finally, it was confirmed that the hardware discontinuation replacement cost was reduced.