• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sodium Fast Reactors

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Investigation of flow regime in debris bed formation behavior with nonspherical particles

  • Cheng, Songbai;Gong, Pengfeng;Wang, Shixian;Cui, Jinjiang;Qian, Yujia;Zhang, Ting;Jiang, Guangyu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2018
  • It is important to clarify the characteristics of flow regimes underlying the debris bed formation behavior that might be encountered in core disruptive accidents of sodium-cooled fast reactors. Although in our previous publications, by applying dimensional analysis technique, an empirical model, with its reasonability confirmed over a variety of parametric conditions, has been successfully developed to predict the regime transition and final bed geometry formed, so far this model is restricted to predictions of debris mixtures composed of spherical particles. Focusing on this aspect, in this study a new series of experiments using nonspherical particles have been conducted. Based on the knowledge and data obtained, an extension scheme is suggested with the purpose of extending the base model to cover the particle-shape influence. Through detailed analyses and given our current range of experimental conditions, it is found that, by coupling the base model with this scheme, respectable agreement between experiments and model predictions for the regime transition can be achieved for both spherical and nonspherical particles. Knowledge and evidence from our work might be utilized for the future improvement of design of an in-vessel core catcher as well as the development and verification of sodium-cooled fast reactor severe accident analysis codes in China.

Knowledge from recent investigations on sloshing motion in a liquid pool with solid particles for severe accident analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactor

  • Xu, Ruicong;Cheng, Songbai;Li, Shuo;Cheng, Hui
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.589-600
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    • 2022
  • Investigations on the molten-pool sloshing behavior are of essential value for improving nuclear safety evaluation of Core Disruptive Accidents (CDA) that would be possibly encountered for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFR). This paper is aimed at synthesizing the knowledge from our recent studies on molten-pool sloshing behavior with solid particles conducted at the Sun Yat-sen University. To better visualize and clarify the mechanism and characteristics of sloshing induced by local Fuel-Coolant Interaction (FCI), experiments were performed with various parameters by injecting nitrogen gas into a 2-dimensional liquid pool with accumulated solid particles. It was confirmed that under different particle-bed conditions, three representative flow regimes (i.e. the bubble-impulsion dominant, transitional and bed-inertia dominant regimes) are identifiable. Aimed at predicting the regime transitions during sloshing process, a predictive empirical model along with a regime map was proposed on the basis of experiments using single-sized spherical solid particles, and then was extended for covering more complex particle conditions (e.g. non-spherical, mixed-sized and mixed-density spherical particle conditions). To obtain more comprehensive understandings and verify the applicability and reliability of the predictive model under more realistic conditions (e.g. large-scale 3-dimensional condition), further experimental and modeling studies are also being prepared under other more complicated actual conditions.

Verification of OpenMC for fast reactor physics analysis with China experimental fast reactor start-up tests

  • Guo, Hui;Huo, Xingkai;Feng, Kuaiyuan;Gu, Hanyang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.10
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    • pp.3897-3908
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    • 2022
  • High-fidelity nuclear data libraries and neutronics simulation tools are essential for the development of fast reactors. The IAEA coordinated research project on "Neutronics Benchmark of CEFR Start-Up Tests" offers valuable data for the qualification of nuclear data libraries and neutronics codes. This paper focuses on the verification and validation of the CEFR start-up modelling using OpenMC Monte-Carlo code against the experimental measurements. The OpenMC simulation results agree well with the measurements in criticality, control rod worth, sodium void reactivity, temperature reactivity, subassembly swap reactivity, and reaction distribution. In feedback coefficient evaluations, an additional state method shows high consistency with lower uncertainty. Among 122 relative errors in the benchmark of the distribution of nuclear reaction, 104 errors are less than 10% and 84 errors are less than 5%. The results demonstrate the high reliability of OpenMC for its application in fast reactor simulations. In the companion paper, the influence of cross-section libraries is investigated using neutronics modelling in this paper.

Enhancing the performance of a long-life modified CANDLE fast reactor by using an enriched 208Pb as coolant

  • Widiawati, Nina;Su'ud, Zaki;Irwanto, Dwi;Permana, Sidik;Takaki, Naoyuki;Sekimoto, Hiroshi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2021
  • The investigation of the utilization of enriched 208Pb as a coolant to enhance the performance of a long-life fast reactor with a Modified CANDLE (Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities, and power shape During Life of Energy production) burnup scheme has performed. The analyzes were performed on a reactor with thermal power of 800 MegaWatt Thermal (MWTh) with a refueling process every 15 years. Uranium Nitride (enriched 15N), 208Pb, and High-Cr martensitic steel HT-9 were employed as fuel, coolant, and cladding materials, respectively. One of the Pb-nat isotopes, 208Pb, has the smallest neutron capture cross-section (0.23 mb) among other liquid metal coolants. Furthermore, the neutron-producing cross-section (n, 2n) of 208Pb is larger than sodium (Na). On the other hand, the inelastic scattering energy threshold of 208Pb is the highest among Na, natPb, and Bi. The small inelastic scattering cross-section of 208Pb can harden the neutron energy spectrum. Therefore, 208Pb is a better neutron multiplier than any other liquid metal coolant. The excess neutrons cause more production than consumption of 239Pu. Hence, it can reduce the initial fuel loading of the reactor. The selective photoreaction process was developing to obtain enriched 208Pb. The neutronic was calculated using SRAC and JENDL 4.0 as a nuclear data library. We obtained that the modified CANDLE reactor with enriched 208Pb as coolant and reflector has the highest k-eff among all reactors. Meanwhile, the natPb cooled reactor has the lowest k-eff. Thus, the utilization of the enriched 208Pb as the coolant can reduce reactor initial fuel loading. Moreover, the enriched 208Pb-cooled reactor has the smallest power peaking factor among all reactors. Therefore, the enriched 208Pb can enhance the performance of a long-life Modified CANDLE fast reactor.

Numerical simulation of localization of a sub-assembly with failed fuel pins in the prototype fast breeder reactor

  • Abhitab Bachchan;Puspendu Hazra;Nimala Sundaram;Subhadip Kirtan;Nakul Chaudhary;A. Riyas;K. Devan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.10
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    • pp.3648-3658
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    • 2023
  • The early localization of a fuel subassembly with a failed (wet rupture) fuel pin is very important in reactors to limit the associated radiological and operational consequences. This requires a fast and reliable system for failure detection and their localization in the core. In the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, the system specially designed for this purpose is Failed Fuel Location Modules (FFLM) housed in the control plug region. It identifies a failed sub-assembly by detecting the presence of delayed neutrons in the sodium from a failed sub-assembly. During the commissioning phase of PFBR, it is mandatory to demonstrate the FFLM effectiveness. The paper highlights the engineering and physics design aspects of FFLM and the integrated simulation towards its function demonstration with a source assembly containing a perforated metallic fuel pin. This test pin mimics a MOX pin of 1 cm2 of geometrical defect area. At 10% power and 20% sodium flow rate, the counts rate in the BCCs of FFLM system range from 75 cps to 145 cps depending upon the position of DN source assembly. The model developed for the counts simulation is applicable to both metal and MOX pins with proper values of k-factor and escape coefficient.

Theoretical simulation on evolution of suspended sodium combustion aerosols characteristics in a closed chamber

  • Narayanam, Sujatha Pavan;Kumar, Amit;Pujala, Usha;Subramanian, V.;Srinivas, C.V.;Venkatesan, R.;Athmalingam, S.;Venkatraman, B.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.2077-2083
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    • 2022
  • In the unlikely event of core disruptive accident in sodium cooled fast reactors, the reactor containment building would be bottled up with sodium and fission product aerosols. The behavior of these aerosols is crucial to estimate the in-containment source term as a part of nuclear reactor safety analysis. In this work, the evolution of sodium aerosol characteristics (mass concentration and size) is simulated using HAARM-S code. The code is based on the method of moments to solve the integro-differential equation. The code is updated to FORTRAN-77 and run in Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation 4.0 (on Desktop). The sodium aerosol characteristics simulated by HAARM-S code are compared with the measured values at Aerosol Test Facility. The maximum deviation between measured and simulated mass concentrations is 30% at initial period (up to 60 min) and around 50% in the later period. In addition, the influence of humidity on aerosol size growth for two different aerosol mass concentrations is studied. The measured and simulated growth factors of aerosol size (ratio of saturated size to initial size) are found to be matched at reasonable extent. Since sodium is highly reactive with atmospheric constituents, the aerosol growth factor depends on the hygroscopic growth, chemical transformation and density variations besides coagulation. Further, there is a scope for the improvement of the code to estimate the aerosol dynamics in confined environment.

Topology optimization on vortex-type passive fluidic diode for advanced nuclear reactors

  • Lim, Do Kyun;Song, Min Seop;Chae, Hoon;Kim, Eung Soo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.1279-1288
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    • 2019
  • The vortex-type fluidic diode (FD) is a key safety component for inherent safety in various advanced reactors such as the sodium fast reactor (SFR) and the molten salt reactor (MSR). In this study, topology optimization is conducted to optimize the design of the vortex-type fluidic diode. The optimization domain is simplified to 2-dimensional geometry for a tangential port and chamber. As a result, a design with a circular chamber and a restrictor at the tangential port is obtained. To verify the new design, experimental study and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis were conducted for inlet Reynolds numbers between 2000 and 6000. However, the results show that the performance of the new design is no better than the original reference design. To analyze the cause of this result, detailed analysis is performed on the velocity and pressure field using flow visualization experiments and 3-D CFD analysis. The results show that the discrepancy between the optimization results in 2-D and the experimental results in 3-D originated from exclusion of an important pressure loss contributor in the optimization process. This study also concludes that the junction design of the axial port and chamber offers potential for improvement of fluidic diode performance.

Application of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) to the power reactor innovative small module (PRISM)

  • Alrammah, Ibrahim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.9
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    • pp.3324-3335
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    • 2022
  • Several countries show interest in the Generation-IV power reactor innovative small module (PRISM), including: Canada, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Generation IV International Forum (GIF) has recommended the utilizing of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) in evaluating the safety of Generation-IV reactors. This paper reviews the PSA performed for PRISM using SAPHIRE 7.27 code. This work shows that the core damage frequency (CDF) of PRISM for a single module is estimated by 8.5E-8/year which is lower than the Generation-IV target that is 1E-6 core damage per year. The social risk of PRISM (likelihood of latent cancer fatality) with evacuation is estimated by 9.0E-12/year which is much lower than the basic safety objective (BSO) that is 1E-7/year. The social risk without evacuation is estimated by 1.2E- 11/year which is also much lower than the BSO. For the individual risk (likelihood of prompt fatality), it is concluded that it can be considered negligible with evacuation (1.0E-13/year). Assuming no evacuation, the individual risk is 2.7E-10/year which is again much lower than the BSO. In comparison with other PSAs performed for similar sodium fast reactors (SFRs), it shows that PRISM concept has the lowest CDF.

Conceptual designs and characteristic of the fuel handling and transfer system for 150 MWe PGSFR and 1400 MWe SFR burner reactor

  • Kang-Soo Kim;Jong-Bum Kim;Chang-Gyu Park
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.11
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    • pp.4125-4133
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    • 2022
  • KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) developed the conceptual design of PGSFR (Prototype Gen-IV Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor) and Burner Reactor. Since the reactor characteristics of the PGSFR and Burner Reactor are different, the shape, size and the arrangement of the main components in the reactors must be different. Therefore, the conceptual design for the fuel handling and transfer systems needs to be performed coinciding with the structure of the reactor. Especially, because a redan structure dividing hot and cold pool is installed in the reactor vessel, the conceptual design of the fuel handling and transfer system largely changes depending on the location of the redan structure. Various elements of the conceptual design and an integral arrangement for the fuel handling and transfer system were arranged according to the characteristics, sizes and shapes of the reactors. In this paper, the conceptual designs of the fuel handling and transfer system for PGSFR and Burner Reactor are described. Especially, an A-frame method is selected as the fuel handling and transfer system for the Burner Reactor, considering the layout of the internal structure. The tilt angle, diameter and length of A-frame is determined and the strength evaluation of the A-frame is performed.

Transducer analysis and signal processing of PMSF with embedded bluff body

  • Yan, Xiao-Xue;Xu, Ke-Jun;Xu, Wei;Yu, Xin-Long;Wu, Jian-Ping
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.296-307
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    • 2020
  • Permanent magnet sodium flowmeter (PMSF) have been used to measure the sodium flow in fast breeder reactors. Due to the effects of irradiation, thermal cycling, time lapse, etc., the magnetic flux density of the PMSF will decrease after being used in the reactor for a period of time. Therefore, it must be calibrated regularly. But some flowmeters that immersed in sodium cannot be removed for an off-line calibration, so the on-line calibration is required. However, the best online calibration accuracy of PMSF using cross-correlation analysis method was 2.0-level without considering the repeatability. In order to further improve this work, the operational principle of the transducer in PMSF is analyzed and the design principle of the transducer is proposed. The transducers were tested on the sodium flow loop to collect the experimental data. The signal characteristics are analyzed from the time and frequency domains, respectively. The cross-correlation analysis method based on biased estimation is adopted to obtain the flow rate. The verification experimental results showed that the measurement accuracy is 1.0-level when the flow velocity is above 0.5 m/s, and the measurement accuracy is 3.0-level when the flow velocity is in the range of 0.2 m/s to 0.5 m/s.