• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social practices-based education

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The Conceptualizing and Practices of Mathematical Classes Based on Students' Thinking (학생 사고기반 수학 수업의 특징과 그 실제)

  • Lee, Seon Young;Han, Sunyoung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.37-74
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the student participation-centered class, which takes students' mathematical thinking as an important issues of the class, is named as student thinking-based math class. The main characteristics of student thinking-based mathematics classes were examined in terms of tasks, students engagement, and the role of teachers. According to the results of analysis of class cases practiced by five secondary mathematics teachers, student thinking-based mathematics classes were conducted in the intersection of the rich mathematics tasks, students' cognitive and social engagement, and the role of teachers' formative facilitator. The results of this study showed that the student's thinking is more important than the activity itself. And it is meaningful in that it examines the influence of the dynamic interaction of the three components of the mathematics class on the direction and outcome of the class.

Navigating Identity: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Related Field Professionals' Views on Arts Education for North Korean Refugee Youth (탈북 청소년 대상 문화예술교육에 대한 질적 내용 분석 연구 - 정체성 형성 과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Hyesun;Youn, Hyunkyoung
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.55
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    • pp.75-113
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    • 2020
  • This research aims to identify current issues of arts education programs which have designed for North Korean Refugee Youth in South Korea and then navigates further steps to better serve the group. The purpose of study also pertains to the '2010 Seoul Agenda: Goals for the Development of Arts Education' announced at the Second World Conference on Arts Education, particularly, to the third Goal indicating how arts education practices can contribute to resolving social and cultural issues and promoting social cohesion and intercultural dialogues (UNESCO, 2010). This research engages with critical theory approach and adopts qualitative content analysis for collected documents and interview data. Based on the findings of this research, interview participants found its need of current arts education program for North Korean refugee youth become more value-driven and participant-centered. Currently, those programs available seem to incline to helping their adjustment to the South Korean society through arts-related activities, such as enhancing Korean language skills and learning Korean culture. Rather, it has been addressed that providing emotional and psychological supports and opportunities to search their own 'voice(s)' should be core objectives of the arts education programs. Moreover, when it is offered, arts educators and administrators need to make sure that participants can feel safe and secure as being present at the space for programs in order to express and encounter their true inner voice(s).

A Study on the Evaluation of Maternal Child Health Services in Public Health Centers (일개 시 보건소의 모자보건 선도보건사업 평가에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Soon;Park, Jee-Won;Bang, Kyung-Sook;Jung, Soon-Re;Woo, Hea-Suk;Lee, Hea-Jung;Jang, Hyeon-Soon
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.280-291
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    • 2002
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the maternal child health services provided by public health centers in Pyungtaek city. Methods: Data were collected based on multiple sources of official records. A questionnaire survey was obtained from 50 mothers with premature babies, and 89 mothers with full- term babies, in order to compare their demographic factors, and physical, obstetrical, and emotional status. In addition, the investigators collected data on pre and post follow-up care for the remature group to evaluate the effects of home visiting services on them. Moreover, additional data were collected from 135 pregnant women and 315 mothers with infants, to assess their degree of satisfaction for prenatal education course and breast feeding practices. Results: 1) The pregnant women's satisfaction for the prenatal education course, knowledge, and practices on self care were considered to be high. 2) Of the mothers with infants, 62.9% experienced breast feeding, but only 35.9% of them did it for six months. 3) Premature birth rate in the region was 5.6%, and 75.6% of all premature babies received follow-up care. 4) The mothers with premature babies experienced premature rupture of membrane. placenta previa, preeclampsia, and cesarean section more frequently than the mothers with full-term babies. 5) At the pre-intervention data collection point. mothers with premature babies experienced significantly less social support than mothers with full-term babies. In addition, mothers with premature babies reported higher levels of stress and care-giving burdens, and lower level of self esteem, than mothers with full-term babies, although the differences were not statistically significant. 6) In the premature group, stress, care giving burdens, and postpartum depression decreased after the intervention, whereas maternal self esteem, and the husband's support were increased after the intervention. Social support from significant others were somewhat decreased. 7) Satisfaction for the home visiting service in the mothers with premature babies was very high. Conclusion: These results showed a possibility that the recently started maternal child health services provided by the public health centers may be efficient. Although statistically significant differences were not found, the investigators found a potential for changes in a positive direction. Long-term effects of the health services on maternal child health needs should be addressed in future studies.

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A Study on Pre-service Elementary School Teachers' Perspectives on the Science Curriculum in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era through Photovoice Activity: Based on Three Perspectives on the 'Saber-toothed Tiger Curriculum' (초등 예비교사들의 포토보이스 활동을 통한 4차 산업혁명 시대 과학 교육과정 관점 탐색 - '검치호랑이 교육과정'의 세 가지 관점을 바탕으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Ryeul
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to determine the perspectives of pre-service elementary school teachers on the science curriculum in the fourth industrial revolution era. In this study, 128 pre-service elementary school teachers were asked to express their perspectives on the Saber-toothed Tiger Curriculum through photovoice activities. The resulting images were classified into three types: conservative, progressive, and radical perspectives. The number of both conservative and progressive perspectives was similar and high, whereas the number of radical perspectives was l ow. Those who had conservative perspectives on the Saber-toothed Tiger curriculum regarded "Inquiry" as the basis of the science curriculum, which should be maintained regardless of the time period and environment. Similarly, older teachers believed that this curriculum was based on eternal truth, which should be protected. Those who showed progressive perspectives on the Saber-toothed Tiger curriculum regarded a progressive person as someone succeeding to the blood of "New fist," and they showed positive attitudes toward AI-based education such as coding and meta-verse, regarding these practices as part of the teaching and learning method that could replace the existing inquiry-based education. Those who showed radical perspectives on the Saber-toothed Tiger Curriculum assumed critical attitudes toward the rapidly changing political circumstances of science education and criticized conflicts between different social classes formed through progressive curriculum. Based on these results, this study found that pre-service elementary school teachers needed to consider the science curriculum from several different perspectives rather than just one.

A Study on the Reform of Mathematics Education from the Comparison of Classroom Culture (교실문화 비교를 통한 수학교육개혁에 관한 소고)

  • 방정숙
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-35
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    • 2001
  • Many teachers report familiarity with and adherence to reform ideas, but their actual teaching practices do not reflect a deep understanding of reform. Given the challenges in implementing reform, this study intended to explore the breakdown that may occur between teachers' adoption of reform objectives and their successful incorporation of reform ideals. To this end, this study compared and contrasted the classroom social norms and sociomathematical norms of two United States second-grade teachers who aspired to implement reform. This study is an exploratory, qualitative, comparative case study. This study uses the grounded theory methodology based on the constant comparative analysis for which the primary data sources were classroom video recordings and transcripts. The two classrooms established similar social norms including an open and permissive learning environment, stressing group cooperation, employing enjoyable activity formats for students, and orchestrating individual or small group session followed by whole group discussion. Despite these similar social participation structures, the two classes were remarkably different in terms of sociomathematical norms. In one class, the students were involved in mathematical processes by which being accurate or automatic was evaluated as a more important contribution to the classroom community than being insightful or creative. In the other class, the students were continually engaged in significant mathematical processes by which they could develop an appreciation of characteristically mathematical ways of thinking, communi-eating, arguing, proving, and valuing. It was apparent from this study that sociomathematical norms are an important construct reflecting the quality of students' mathematical engagement and anticipating their conceptual learning opportunities. A re-theorization of sociomathematical norms was offered so as to highlight the importance of this construct in the analysis of reform-oriented classrooms.

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Students Opportunities to Develop Scientific Argumentation in the Context of Scientific Inquiry: A Review of Literature

  • Flick, Larry;Park, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.194-204
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this literature review is to investigate what kinds of research have been done about scientific inquiry in terms of scientific argumentation in the classroom context from the upper elementary to the high school levels. First, science educators argued that there had not been differentiation between authentic scientific inquiry by scientists and school scientific inquiry by students in the classroom. This uncertainty of goals or definition of scientific inquiry has led to the problem or limitation of implementing scientific inquiry in the classroom. It was also pointed out that students' learning science as inquiry has been done without opportunities of argumentation to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed. Second, what is scientific argumentation, then? Researchers stated that scientific inquiry in the classroom cannot be guaranteed only through hands-on experimentation. Students can understand how scientific knowledge is constructed through their reasoning skills using opportunities of argumentation based on their procedural skills using opportunities of experimentation. Third, many researchers emphasized the social practices of small or whole group work for enhancing students' scientific reasoning skills through argumentations. Different role of leadership in groups and existence of teachers' roles are found to have potential in enhancing students' scientific reasoning skills to understand science as inquiry. Fourth, what is scientific reasoning? Scientific reasoning is defined as an ability to differentiate evidence or data from theory and coordinate them to construct their scientific knowledge based on their collection of data (Kuhn, 1989, 1992; Dunbar & Klahr, 1988, 1989; Reif & Larkin, 1991). Those researchers found that students skills in scientific reasoning are different from scientists. Fifth, for the purpose of enhancing students' scientific reasoning skills to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed, other researchers suggested that teachers' roles in scaffolding could help students develop those skills. Based on this literature review, it is important to find what kinds of generalizable teaching strategies teachers use for students scientific reasoning skills through scientific argumentation and investigate teachers' knowledge of scientific argumentation in the context of scientific inquiry. The relationship between teachers' knowledge and their teaching strategies and between teachers teaching strategies and students scientific reasoning skills can be found out if there is any.

Effects of Nutrition Education Program Based on Social Cognitive Theory for Low Sodium Consumption among Housewives Living in Certain Regions of Seoul (서울시 일부 지역 주부의 나트륨 섭취 감소를 위한 사회인지이론 기반의 영양 교육 프로그램의 적용 및 평가)

  • Baek, Jae Yeon;Yi, Hae-Yeon;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Kirang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.10
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    • pp.1243-1252
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    • 2017
  • There are limited programs for low sodium intake based on the nutrition education model for housewives who cook family meals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of model-based nutrition programs for low sodium intake among housewives residing in Seoul by incorporating social cognitive theory. A questionnaire survey before and after education was conducted on 140 housewives who participated in the 'Low Sodium Nutritional Education Program' delivered by a district public health center for 12 weeks from November 2015 to January 2016. The contents of the nutrition education program and program evaluation items were based on the action plans for 'Less Sodium Healthy Practice' suggested by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The results show that program participants showed a lower preference for sodium, higher selection of low sodium dishes from restaurants or cafeteria if available, and increased awareness of the need of restaurants to serve low sodium dishes compared to before. In terms of behavioral changes, there were significant improvements in checking nutrition labeling and selection of foods with low sodium, use of low sodium food products, use of natural seasonings to reduce salt intake, and consumption of fast foods and processed foods. On the other hand, requesting less salty meals when ordering and introducing restaurants or cafeterias with healthy and low sodium menus turned out to be difficult to put into practice. In conclusion, the nutrition education program for sodium intake reduction for housewives was effective in increasing knowledge, environment recognition, and behaviors related to low sodium intake but not behaviors related to physical environmental factors. Therefore, further nutrition education programs and practices for sodium intake reduction should be comprehensively implemented with improvement of physical environments for low sodium intake.

Awareness and Practices Regarding Breast and Cervical Cancer among Turkish Women in Gazientep

  • Karadag, Gulendam;Gungormus, Zeynep;Surucu, Ramazan;Savas, Esen;Bicer, Fulya
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1093-1098
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    • 2014
  • Background: Cancer is a major public health problem both in our country and worldwide due to its disease burden, fatality and tendency for increased incidence. In Turkey, breast cancer ranks first with an incidence of 41.6% and cervical cancer is the tenth most common cancer with an incidence of 4.4%. Objectives and Design: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 240 women aged from 15 to 65 years admitted to a gynecology-obstetrics outpatient clinic of a private hospital in Gaziantep. Study data were collected by the investigators through a 36-item questionnaire form which was generated using information gathered from similar surveys in the literature. Results: It was determined that 34.6% of women were high-school graduates, and 64.2% had a medium income level. The majority (79.2%) stated that they never performed BSE and 49.5% of them said that they did not know how to do it. Some 79.2% did not know what a Pap smear was and 73.3% had not experienced a smear test ever. Conclusions: In this study, we found that most of the women had insufficient knowledge of breast and cervical cancer, while knowledge and practices increased with the education level. Based on these findings, we suggest that there is a need for planning, implementation and assessment of health policies and healthcare services at the national and regional level and we believe that nurses working in the field of protective health services should develop educational programmes for women with a primary focus on cancer in order to increase awareness among the female population in Turkey.

Women's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Breast Cancer in a Rural District of Central India

  • Gangane, Nitin;Ng, Nawi;Sebastian, Miguel San
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.16
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    • pp.6863-6870
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    • 2015
  • Background: Breast cancer accounted for almost 25% of all cancers in women globally in 2012. Although breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in India, there is no organised national breast cancer screening programme. Local studies on the burden of breast cancer are essential to develop effective context-specific strategies for an early detection breast cancer programme, considering the cultural and ethnic heterogeneity in India. This study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices about breast cancer in rural women in Central India. Materials and Methods: This community-based cross sectional study was conducted in Wardha district, located in Maharashtra state in Central India in 2013. The sample included 1000 women (609 rural, 391 urban) aged 13-50 years, selected as representative from each of the eight development blocks in the district, using stratified cluster sampling. Trained social workers interviewed women and collected demographic and socio-economic data. The instrument also assessed respondents' knowledge about breast cancer and its symptoms, risks, methods of screening, diagnosis and treatment, as well as their attitudes towards breast cancer and selfreported practices of breast cancer screening. Chi-square and t-test were applied to assess differences in the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice (the outcome variables) between urban and rural respondents. Multivariable linear regression was conducted to analyse the relationship between socio-demographic factors and the outcome variables. Results: While about two-thirds of rural and urban women were aware of breast cancer, less than 7% in rural and urban areas had heard about breast self-examination. Knowledge about breast cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, diagnostic modalities, and treatment was similarly poor in both rural and urban women. Urban women demonstrated more positive attitudes towards breast cancer screening practices than their rural counterparts. Better knowledge of breast cancer symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment correlated significantly with older age, higher levels of education, and being office workers or in business. Conclusions: Women in rural Central India have poor knowledge about breast cancer, its symptoms and risk factors. Breast self-examination is hardly practiced, though the willingness to learn is high. Positive attitudes towards screening provide an opportunity to promote breast self-examination.

Knowledge of Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination Practice among Iranian Women in Hamedan, Iran

  • Akhtari-Zavare, Mehrnoosh;Ghanbari-Baghestan, Abbas;Latiff, Latiffah A.;Matinnia, Nasrin;Hoseini, Mozhgan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.16
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    • pp.6531-6534
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    • 2014
  • Background: In Iran, breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women and a major public health problem. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out to determine knowledge on breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE) practices of 384 females living in the city of Hamadan, Iran. A purposive sampling method was adopted and data were collected via face-to-face interviews based on a validated questionnaire developed for this study. Results: Among respondents 268 (69.8%) were married and 144 (37.5%) of the respondents reported having a family history of breast cancer. One hundred respondents (26.0%) claimed they practiced BSE. Level of breast cancer knowledge was significantly associated with BSE practice (p=0.000). There was no association with demographic details (p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings showed that Iranian women's knowledge regarding breast cancer and the practice of BSE is inadequate. Targeted education should be implemented to improve early detection of breast cancer.