• 제목/요약/키워드: Social factor

검색결과 4,457건 처리시간 0.032초

The Effects of the Volunteering Satisfaction of Adolescents and their Attitudes towards School Violence: The Mediating Effects of Empowerment and Citizenship (청소년 봉사활동만족도가 학교폭력태도에 미치는 영향 - 임파워먼트와 시민의식의 매개효과)

  • Kim Jiyoon;Kang Hyunah
    • Journal of School Social Work
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    • 제47권
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    • pp.99-127
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to verify the mediating effect of empowerment and citizenship in the relations between the volunteering satisfaction of adolescents and attitudes towards school violence. For the purpose, the data of Middle school students, who are studying at school located in Gunpo and Bundang of Gyeonggi Province, and 612 of collected 748 questionnaires were analyzed. Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) was utilized to test research effectiveness. This study results are as follow. First, the satisfaction of adolescents' volunteer work directly positively influenced adolescents' empowerment and citizenship. However, it was found that the satisfaction of adolescents' volunteer work did not directly affect adolescents' perception of school violence and their coping behavior on school violence. Second, in terms of the effect of the satisfaction of adolescents' volunteer work through their empowerment and citizenship on the perception of school violence among adolescents, it was revealed that the satisfaction of volunteer work through citizenship among adolescents had an indirect impact on adolescents' perception of school violence. However, the satisfaction of volunteer work through empowerment did not influence adolescents' perception of school violence. Third, in regard with the effect of adolescents' satisfaction of volunteer work through their empowerment and citizenship on coping behavior on school violence, adolescents' satisfaction of volunteer work through their empowerment and citizenship directly influenced coping behavior on school violence. Based on the results, It is suggested that when it comes to exploring adolescents' attitudes toward school violence, plans for heightening not only adolescents' satisfaction of volunteer work, their empowerment, but also their citizenship are necessary.

Fulfilling the Export Potential of Agricultural Production in the Context of Aggravating Global Food Crisis

  • Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh;Ainur Osmonova;Ilona Dumanska;Petro Matkovskyi;Andriy Kalynovskyy
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제24권7호
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    • pp.128-142
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    • 2024
  • Creation and implementation of export-oriented strategy is an urgent issue of economic development of any country. In an export-oriented model of economic development, exports should be a means of promoting economic growth and a tool to strengthen existing and potential competitive advantages. Agricultural production is the key factor in exports and the source of foreign exchange earnings in many countries. However, the export potential of agricultural producers may be inefficiently fulfilled due to the heterogeneity of countries in terms of economic development, trade relations and border policy. The aim of the research is to study the nature, main trends and problematic aspects of fulfilling the export potential of agricultural production in the context of aggravating food crisis. The study involved general scientific methods (induction and deduction, description, analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special (statistical method, economic analysis, descriptive statistics and interstate comparisons, graphical method). The need to ensure food security by countries around the world urges the importance of the agricultural sector as a catalyst for economic development, sources of foreign exchange earnings, investment direction, etc. The study of agricultural specialization led to the conclusion that wheat and sugar are goods with the highest export potential. It is substantiated that the countries of South America, OECD, North America and Europe have the highest level of realization of export potential of agricultural production, and African countries are import-dependent. In addition, the low export orientation of Africa and Asia due to the peculiarities of their natural and climatic conditions is established based on the assessment of export-import operations in the regional context. The internal and external export potential of each of the regions is analysed. Economic and mathematical simulation of assessing the impact of the most important factors on the wheat exports volumes was applied, which allowed predicting wheat exports volume and making sound management decisions regarding the realization of the export potential of agricultural companies. The inverse correlation between the exports volume and wheat consumption per capita, and the direct correlation between the effective size and area of land used for wheat cultivation was established through the correlation and regression analysis.

Analyzing the Determinants of Performance in Government Research Institutes Using Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis(fsQCA) (퍼지집합 질적 비교 분석을 활용한 정부출연연구기관의 성과에 대한 결정요인 분석)

  • Junyeong Lee;Dongyeon Kim;Minwoo Jeong;Boram Kwon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.251-268
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    • 2024
  • In the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, global powers are enhancing R&D support to leverage innovations like AI, IoT, and big data for productivity gains and structural economic and social reforms. Yet, the declining R&D budget growth rate and the forecasted sharp cut in South Korea's R&D budget in 2024 highlight the critical need for national R&D performance management system discussions. Diverging from previous studies focused on quantitative analysis of performance determinants, this research utilizes fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA) to explore the interplay of factors affecting research institutions' outcomes comprehensively. Analyzing data from 2018 to 2022, it examines three outcome types of research institutions, identifying factor combinations crucial for success. By pinpointing these factors' configurations, the study offers institution-specific performance enhancement guidelines and insights for national R&D policy management and performance evaluation efficiency.

Korean Employees' Learning Orientation and Entrepreneurial Intention: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurship and the Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Experience (직장인의 학습지향성과 창업의도 간의 관계: 기업가정신의 매개효과 및 창업경험의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Joo-Heon Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 2024
  • Employees with a high learning orientation are more likely to identify a multitude of entrepreneurial opportunities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and readily develop innovative solutions. Therefore, understanding the structural link between employees' learning orientation and entrepreneurial intention is of great academic interest. Despite its importance, this relationship remains under-researched. This study investigated the mediating effect of entrepreneurship in the relationship between Korean employees' learning orientation and entrepreneurial intention, and verified the moderating effect of entrepreneurial experience in those relationships. The empirical analysis results of our study are as follows. First, employees' learning orientation had a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intention. Second, there was a full mediating effect of entrepreneurship in the relationship between employees' learning orientation and entrepreneurial intention. This means that employees with a high learning orientation tend to have high entrepreneurship, and this high entrepreneurship can be a decisive factor in increasing their entrepreneurial intention. Third, the moderating effect of entrepreneurial experience was empirically confirmed in the relationship between learning orientation and entrepreneurship. This indicates that employees with higher learning orientation and more entrepreneurial experience generally exhibit higher levels of entrepreneurship. However, it was confirmed that the interaction term between learning orientation and entrepreneurial experience had a significant negative effect on entrepreneurship. Fourth, it was found that there exists a fully mediated moderation effect of entrepreneurial experience through entrepreneurship in the relationship between learning orientation and entrepreneurial intention.

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A Study for The Prognostic Indicators of Korean Alcoholics in Psychological, Social and Biological Aspects (한국인 알코올중독 환자의 예후인자에 관한 연구 : 심리적, 사회적, 생물학적 요인을 중심으로)

  • Sung, Sang-Kyung;Chang, Hwan-Il
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.218-236
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    • 1995
  • The author studied prognostic indicators of sixty Korean male alcoholics in psychological, social and biological aspects who were divided into abstinent and drinking groups. Thirty patients were assigned to each group. They were controlled in age and sex. Both groups were compared in terms of the demographic characteristics, past drinking history, treatment history, famaily history, ego strength and personality factors differences and distribution of dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene Al allele. Also the author studied relation of clinical course, alcoholic family history and dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene Al allele in both groups. The results were as follows; 1) The abstinent group had higher rate of married state, higher economic status, longer education years and maintained more stable job than the drinking group. But made no differences in occupation and religion. 2) The abstinent group showed higher rate of living with family members than the drinking group, and wives and fellows of the alcoholics anonymous were important factors for maintenance of abstinence. Family loading and parent's characters were not different. 3) The abstinent group had longer maximal length of abstinence but mean amount of alcohol consumption per day were larger than the drinking group. But there were no differences in duration of past drinking, drinking pattern, main drinking time, first drinking age and preference of the kind of alcoholic beverage in the past drinking history. 4) The abstinent group showed stronger treatment motivation, absolute abstinence in treatment goal, more voluntary adimission and maintained longer therapeutic relationship otter discharge than the drinking group. But both groups showed negative attitude toward antabuse therapy. 5) The abstinent group had higher mean score in ego strength scale than the drinking group. 6) In the personality factor questionnaire, the abstinent group showed strong laugh poise and the trait of praxernia, conservatism personality but the drinking group showed tough poise, the trait of weak ego strength(unstableness) and tough mindedness personality. 7) In comparision of dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene A1 allele, the prevalence of A1 allele was seventy percent and the frequency was 0.38 in the abstinent group. The prevalence of A1 allele was sixty percent and the frequency was 0.42 in the drinking group. Both groups were not significantly different in A1 allele prevalence and frequency. 8) In comparision of dopamine $D_2$ receptor gene A1 allele according to alcoholic family history, the prevalence of A1 allele was seventy percent and the frequency was 0.43 in the family history positive group. The prevalence of A1 allele was sixty-one percent and the frequency was 0.38 in the family history negative group. Both groups were not significantly different in A1 allele prevalence and frequency. In comparision of past drinking history according to alcoholic family history, the family history positive group showed earlier first drinking and problem drinking, but the family history negative group hod longer duration of past drinking. The mean amount of alcohol consumption per day, the longest duration of abstinence and Alcoholism Screening Test of Seoul Natoinal Mental Hospital(NAST) results were not significant. In conclusion, the results suggest that successful prognostic indicators of Korean alcoholics are married state, higher economic status, longer education years, stable job, living with family members, longer abstinence during past drinking history, strong treatment motivation, absolute abstinence in treatment goal, voluntary adimission, maintained therapeufic relationship, strong ego strength and the trait of praxernia, conservatism personality. But occupation, religion, alcoholic family history, parent's characters, duration of past drinking, drinking pattern, main drinking time, first drinking age, preference of the kind of alcoholic beverage, attitude to antabuse therapy and distribution of dopamine $D_2$ receptor A1 allele were not significantly related to the prognostic indicators of Korean alcoholics.

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World Logistics Evolution & Marketing Strategy for Korea's Enhanced Port Competition (세계물류발전과 한국의 항만경쟁력 강화를 위한 마케팅 전략)

  • Gim, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.363-384
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    • 2008
  • This study aims at improving Korea's competitiveness in port logistics through marketing strategy with integrating the conceptual approach into the empirical one and combining both the oldest military treatise and the newest evaluating model in social science that was applied by the HFP(hierarchical fuzzy process) model enhanced by the KJ method. The empirical results of this study show Busan in the middle among subject ports. At present, Korea plays a reciprocal role in the port market in East Asia, but in the medium- and long-term, Korea's ports will vie together with most major ports in the East Asian region. A descriptive investigation shows that Korea's developing tasks in port logistics must be considered in the context of the direction for developing port policies, the necessity of expanding port facilities in the capital region, securing the sufficient traffic volume through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization, and reforming the direction for developing the global logistics through increased port competitiveness. In the short- and medium-term, Korea must use the opportunity factor of 'Growth and open door policy of China' as a geoeconomic advantage and to utilize Korea's ports as a gate to Chinese foreign trade. With the rise of China's economy, China also plays a significant role in both port and airport markets. Hence, the linking system between the two must be established to meet the expanding traffic volume, especially in the capital area. Moreover, it is necessary for Korea to secure port logistics through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization. The great accomplishment of this paper is to present strategies to increase Korea's port competitiveness in the rapidly changing environments of world logistics with the focus on both the oldest military strategic treatise and the newest empirical method in social science. In order to reinforce this study, it needs further compensative research because the evaluation structure could be subdivided with more extensive and precise criteria.

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Characteristics of Middle Aged Depressed Women with Hot Flushes (안면 홍조 증상을 수반한 중년 우울증 여성의 특성)

  • Song, Minjae;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Jung, Hyun-Gang
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.176-184
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Middle aged women with depression often experience hot flush symptoms. It is still unclear about the association between depression and hot flush symptoms. Therefore, we investigated hormonal profile, functional somatic symptoms, coping styles and attitude for menopause between depressed women with hot flush and those without hot flush. Methods : This study included 33 depressed patients with hot flush symptoms and 33 depressed patients without hot flush symptoms. Hot flush was confirmed through prospective daily symptom ratings for a week. Subjects' coping styles were assessed by the stress coping checklist. Somatic symptoms were assessed by the Patient Health Questionnaire-15(PHQ-15). Sex hormonal levels were assayed by a radioimmunoassay. The Brief World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Instrument(WHOQOL-BREF) was used to evaluate quality of life. Results : In coping style, depressed women with hot flush symptoms used less 'problem-centered coping'($13.15{\pm}3.17$) and 'search for social support'($11.83{\pm}2.84$) than those without hot flush symptoms($15.17{\pm}3.1$, p=0.028 ; $14.25{\pm}3.22$, p=0.009 ; respectively). Depressed women with hot flush symptoms showed more negative attitude toward post-menopause, but its statistical significance was marginally insufficient(p=0.059). We did not find any group differences in sex hormonal levels and somatic complaints assessed by the PHQ-15. The score of social relationship domain of WHOQOL-BREF was significantly lower in subjects with hot flush symptoms($8.62{\pm}2.04$) than subjects without hot flush symptoms($9.71{\pm}1.65$ ; p=0.044). Conclusions : Among middle aged women with depression, the manifestation of hot flush symptoms was associated with coping styles and attitude for menopausal transition. Hot flush symptoms in depressed women negatively influence quality of life, so clinicians actively perform therapeutic approach in case of depressed patients with hot flush symptoms. In case of depressed patients who present hot flushes, cognitive behavior therapy or stress management might be an effective treatment option in company with antidepressants or hormonal treatment. Later, longitudinal study will be needed to evaluate risk factor, cause and effect associated with hot flush and depression.

Effect of Residential Environment on the Health Status in Apartment Inhabitants (아파트 주민의 건강상태에 거주 환경이 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Ki-Won;Kim, Hwa-Joon;Kwon, Geun-Yong;Jung, Min-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: WHO insisted on that we should study about association between residential environment and health status and make 'health city' concept as practical motto. This study analyzed about that how community environment affected their health. Methods: We surveyed residential environment satisfaction and health status of a apartment complex residents. We transformed Chun's index about housing environment study and social capital index of WHO and used as community health survey. We analyzed the association between health status and related factor by using principal compound analysis and logistic regression analysis. Results: We found out that the perceived health status 1 years ago was highly related to the residential environment and also extracted five residential environment component (APT maintenance, House, APT complex, Neighbor, APT building) by principal component analysis. After residential environment component, demographic and socioeconomic variable were controlled, the high satisfaction group of APT complex and neighbor relationship was in lower risk of perceived health status 1 years ago than the low satisfaction group. Conclusions: Recently, the importance of residential environment and neighborhood is shaped as community capacity. Therefore, social relationship and residential environment should be the core variable for health promotion of community. After all, we should know the relationship of residential environment and perceived health status 1 years ago. This helps the concept of health city clearly.

Development of Cotton Farming and Transformation of Rural Area in Sanliurfa Prefecture, Turkey (터키 샹르울파주 목화농업의 전개와 지역사회의 변화)

  • Kang, Sukkyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 2013
  • Regional disparities between eastern and western regions is the most of serious problem for balanced regional development in Turkey. The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) is being implemented to eliminate these regional development disparities. The work that was initially planned as predominantly for hydraulic energy production to utilize water resources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers more effectively was later transformed into an integrated multi-sector regional development project. This study noted that this region had very limited cash crop production because of the constraints of semi-arid climate of the southeastern region, however, later, it has changed Turkey's major cotton producing region since Southeastern Anatolia Project carried out. Therefore, this study investigated background, process, and content of the Southeastern Anatolia Project with respect to high cotton productivity in this region and examined the dynamic changes of cotton productivity in this region. In addition, Sanliurfa prefecture is one of the main development axes of the Southeastern Anatolia Project, because government investments are concentrated on this prefecture. Therefore, this study examined the background and process of cotton farming growth in this prefecture. In 2011, Sanliurfa prefecture produced 37.6% of Turkey's total cotton production. This is mainly due to agricultural infrastructure expansion such as land consolidation, irrigation, roads and farm roads. Also, it is one of the main factor that subsidies paid to farmers for cotton cultivation. The introduction of irrigation has dramatically changed the direction of seasonal migration of this area. Prior to irrigation, this area had a serious social issue about out-migration for seasonal labor to other areas. However, the introduction of irrigation made this area that changed to in-migration and intramigration for cotton cultivation. Irrigation water is supplied to farmers through the WUAs (Water User Associations) that handed over irrigation water management, operation from DSI (General Directorate of State of Hydraulic Works). However, the WUAs are under the influence of Ashiret, a traditional feudal social structure. Because of this reason, it does not have an efficient management for farmers. Also, it is one of the reasons that this area does not have autonomous farmer organization.

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A Theory Construction on the Care Experience for Spouses of Patients with Chronic Illness (만성질환자 배우자의 돌봄 경험에 대한 이론 구축)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook;Eun, Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.122-136
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    • 2000
  • Chronic illness requiring attention and management during a long period of time puts great burden onto patients, their family and society. For patients with chronic illnesses, providing social support is the most important, and the fundamental support comes from their spouses. Amount and quality of support from spouses seems to differentiated according to the sex of patients. Female patients tend to believe that their spouses are not very supportive. Therefore, the researchers assessed the burden of husbands of female arthritis patients to discover the factors that result in greater burden. Also, they developed a theoretical model of husbands′ care for their wives through a qualitative research into husbands′ experience. Method 1: The study material was 650 female arthritis patients registered in an arthritis clinic. The questionnaire about the disease experience of female arthritis patients and the burden of husbands were sent. Returned questionnaires numbered 210(32.3%) and 27 were excluded because of inadequate answers. The remaining 183 questionnaires were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 51 years and the mean age of spouses was 55 years. The mean marital period was 28 years. The average duration since diagnosis was 9.1 years. Education level was varied from primary school to graduate school, and average income/month was 1,517,300 won. Method 2: Initial questionnaire studies on the burden of husbands were performed. Among 183 responding husbands, 23 consented to participate for a qualitative research. Data was obtained by direct and telephone interviews. The mean age of participants was 58 years, and the educational level and socioeconomic status also varied. Result: 1. Husbands′ burden: The average burden was 57.68 with a range of 6-96. 2. Burden and general characteristics: The husband′s burden correlated with the age of the patients, numbers in the family, therapy methods, patient′s level of discomfort, patient′s disease severity, patient′s level of dependence and the husband′s understanding of the level of severity. 3. Linear correlation analysis on burden: The husbands′ burden is explained in 22.5% by husband′s recognition of level of severity and husbands′ age. 4. There were four patterns of the burden on husbands: both objectve burden and subjective burden were high(pattern I), both of objectve burden and subjective burden were low(pattern II), objective burden was high but subjective burden was low(pattern III), objective burden was low but subjective burden was high(pattern IV). The pattern was correlated with the family income, educational level of the patients and their husbands, therapy methods, patient′s level of discomfort, patient′s disease severity, patient′s level of dependence and husband′s understanding of level of severity. 5. The core category of the caring experience of the husbands with arthritis patients was "companionship". The causal factor was the patients′ experience due to symptoms : physical disfigurement, pain, immobility, limitation of house chores, and limitation of social activities. Contextural factors are husbands′ identification of housework and husbands′ concern about the disease. The mediating factors are economic problems, fear of aging, feeling of limitation and family support. The strategy for interaction is mind control and how to solve emotional stress. The "companionship" resulted from caring activities, participation of household activities, helping patients′ to coping with emotional experience. 6. Companionship is established through the process of entering intervention, and caring state of mind. Entering intervention is the phase of participation of therapy and involvement of houseworks. The caring phase consists of decision on therapy, providing therapy, providing direct care, and taking over the household role of wife. Through caring phase, the changing phase set a stage in which husbands consolidate the relationship with their wives, and are reminded of the meaning of marriage. As a result, in changing phase, husbands′ companionship is enhanced. In conclusion, nursing care of chronic illnesses should include a family member especially the spouse. All information on disease shoud be provided to patients and whole family member. Strong support should also be provided to overcome difficulties in taking over role of other sex. Then the quality of life of patients and families will be much improved.

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