• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Safety Network

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Intent to Use a Smartphone Application for Radiation Monitoring in Correlation with Anxiety about Exposure to Radiation, Recognition of Risks, and Attitudes toward the Use of Radiation

  • Han, Eunkyoung;Rott, Carsten;Hong, Seung-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2017
  • Background: Radiation is used in a variety of areas, but it also poses potential risks. Although radiation is often used with great effectiveness in many applications, people perceive potential risks associated with radiation and feel anxious about the possibility of radiation exposure. Various methods of measuring radiation doses have been developed, but there is no way for the general public to measure their doses with ease. Currently, many people use smartphones, which provide information about the location of an individual phone through network connections. If a smartphone application could be developed for measuring radiation dosage, it would be a very effective way to measure individuals' radiation doses. Thus, we conducted a survey study to assess the social acceptance of such a technology by the general public and their intent to use that technology to measure radiation doses, as well as to investigate whether such an intention is correlated with anxiety and attitudes toward the use of radiation. Materials and Methods: A nationwide online survey was conducted among 355 Koreans who were 20 years old or older. Results and Discussion: Significant differences were found between the genders in attitudes, perceptions of radiation risk, and fears of exposure to radiation. However, a significant difference according to age was observed only in the intent to use a smartphone dose measurement application. Attitudes towards the use of radiation exerted a negative effect on radiation risk perception and exposure anxiety, whereas attitudes towards the use of radiation, risk perception, and anxiety about exposure were found to have a positive impact on the intent to use a smartphone application for dose measurements. Conclusion: A survey-based study was conducted to investigate how the general public perceives radiation and to examine the acceptability of a smartphone application as a personal dose monitoring device. If such an application is developed, it could be used not only to monitor an individual's dose, but also to contribute to radiation safety information infrastructure by mapping radiation in different areas, which could be utilized as a useful basis for radiation research.

A case study on a couple who overcame a crisis of divorce - Focused on the experience of IMAGO relationship therapy - (이혼 위기를 극복한 부부의 사례연구 - 이마고 부부관계치료 경험을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun, Eun Joo
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.119-140
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate and confirm the main factors of IMAGO relationship therapy(IRT) which influences overcoming a crisis of divorce, the role of the Imago relationship therapist and the changes made by the couple themselves in the process of the therapy. Method: This case study was based on the interviews with a couple who had participated in ten sessions of IRT. The couple who had been in the middle of a divorce lawsuit withdrew their suit after the therapy. The Interviews were conducted twice on the couple. The data from the interviews were analyzed by using constant comparative analysis, open coding method and Miles & Huberman's network display. Results: The findings of the study were as follows. Firstly, the factors influencing overcoming a crisis of divorce included preparation for the Imago dialogue and the structure of the Imago dialogue. Secondly, the role of the therapist was providing safety and confidence, deepening couple's conversations, and building the connectedness of the couple. Thirdly, the changes evident after the therapy included awareness of the influence of the original family, new image formation for each spouse, intimacy restoration and a changed perspective. Conclusions: Based on the findings, the study can contribute to healthy relational progress of married couples in conflict by developing the conditions to effectively apply the IRT. In addition, this study can be used to equip therapists with necessary tools and abilities for the therapy.

A Medical Staff Identification System by Using of Beacon, Iris Recognition and Blockchain (비콘과 홍채인식, 블록체인 기반의 의료진 신분확인 시스템 제안)

  • Lim, Se Jin;Kwon, Hyeok Dong;Seo, Hwa Jeong
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2021
  • Recently, incidents such as proxy surgery (unlicensed medical practice) have been reported in the media that threaten the safety of patients. Alternatives such as the introduction of operating room surveillance camera devices to prevent proxy surgery are emerging, but there are practical difficulties in implementing them due to strong opposition from the medical community. However, the social credibility of doctors is falling as incidents such as proxy surgery occur frequently. In this paper, we propose a medical staff identification system combining Beacon and iris recognition. The system adds reliability by operating on the blockchain network. The system performs primary identification by performing user authentication through iris recognition and proves that the medical staff is in the operating room through beacons. It also ensures patient trust in the surgeon by receiving beacon signals in the background and performing iris authentication at random intervals to prevent medical staff from leaving the operating room after only performing initial certification.

Spatial clustering of pedestrian traffic accidents in Daegu (대구광역시 교통약자 보행자 교통사고 공간 군집 분석)

  • Hwang, Yeongeun;Park, Seonghee;Choi, Hwabeen;Yoon, Sanghoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2022
  • Korea, which has the highest pedestrian fatality rate among OECD countries, is making efforts to improve the safe walking environment by enacting laws focusing on pedestrian. Spatial clustering was conducted with scan statistics after examining the social network data related to traffic accidents for children and seniors. The word cloud was used to examine people's recognition Campaigns for children and literature survey for seniors were in main concern. Naedang and Yongsan are the regions with the highest relative risk of weak pedestrian for children and seniors. On the contrary, Bongmu and Beomeo are the lowest relative risk region. Naedang-dong and Yongsan-dong of Daegu Metropolitan City were identified as vulnerable areas for pedestrian safety due to the high risk of pedestrian accidents for children and the elderly. This means that the scan statistics are effective in searching for traffic accident risk areas.

A Study on the Security Threat Response in Smart Integrated Platforms (스마트 통합플랫폼 보안위협과 대응방안 연구)

  • Seung Jae Yoo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2022
  • A smart platform is defined as an evolved platform that realizes physical and virtual space into a hyper-connected environment by combining the existing platform and advanced IT technology. The hyper-connection that is the connection between information and information, infrastructure and infrastructure, infrastructure and information, or space and service, enables the realization and provision of high-quality services that significantly change the quality of life and environment of users. In addition, it is providing everyone with the effect of significantly improving the social safety net and personal health management level by implementing smart government and smart healthcare. A lot of information produced and consumed in these processes can act as a factor threatening the basic rights of the public and individuals by the informations themselves or through big data analysis. In particular, as the smart platform as a core function that forms the ecosystem of a smart city is naturally and continuously expanded, it faces a huge security burden in data processing and network operation. In this paper, platform components as core functions of smart city and appropriate security threats and countermeasures are studied.

A Study on U-Service for Security in U-City Newtown Planning (신도시계획의 계획지표를 반영한 U-City의 U-방범서비스 개선방안 연구)

  • Yoon, Hyo Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5D
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    • pp.645-654
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    • 2009
  • This study started with necessity of historical spatial planning skills in U-city planning. Though U-city technology and information are very important, U-city development should be considered on the base of various experience of spatial planning. This study explored spatial planning indexes change in the recent newtown plans. In particular, safety and security were intensively analyzed. In addition, many theories on safe urban space, ubiquitous technology, traditional defensible space, and CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) are compared. The findings are as follows. First, each planning is not integrated and there is lack of network among each planning. Specifically, from the crime prevention perspective, there is only mechanical monitoring such as CCTV without architectural approach. Even though CCTV is social needs, it is necessary to adopt it with architectural environment in order to improve the synergy effect of spatial planning and non-spatial planning.

Development and Application of Water Balance Network Model in Agricultural Watershed (농업용수 유역 물수지 분석 모델 개발 및 적용)

  • Yoon, Dong-Hyun;Nam, Won-Ho;Koh, Bo-Sung;Kim, Kyung-Mo;Jo, Young-Jun;Park, Jin-Hyeon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2024
  • To effectively implement the integrated water management policy outlined in the National Water Management Act, it is essential to analyze agricultural water supply and demand at both basin and water district levels. Currently, agricultural water is primarily distributed through open canal systems and controlled by floodgates, yet the utilization-to-supply ratio remains at a mere 48%. In the case of agricultural water, when analyzing water balance through existing national basin water resource models (K-WEAP, K-MODISM), distortion of supply and regression occurs due to calculation of regression rate based on the concept of net water consumption. In addition, by simplifying the complex and diverse agricultural water supply system within the basin into a single virtual reservoir, it is difficult to analyze the surplus or shortage of agricultural water for each field within the basin. There are limitations in reflecting the characteristics and actual sites of rural water areas, such as inconsistencies with river and reservoir supply priority sites. This study focuses on the development of a model aimed at improving the deficiencies of current water balance analysis methods. The developed model aims to provide standardized water balance analysis nationwide, with initial application to the Anseo standard watershed. Utilizing data from 32 facilities within the standard watershed, the study conducted water balance analysis through watershed linkage, highlighting differences and improvements compared to existing methods.

Analysis of media trends related to spent nuclear fuel treatment technology using text mining techniques (텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용한 사용후핵연료 건식처리기술 관련 언론 동향 분석)

  • Jeong, Ji-Song;Kim, Ho-Dong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2021
  • With the fourth industrial revolution and the arrival of the New Normal era due to Corona, the importance of Non-contact technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data research has been increasing. Convergent research is being conducted in earnest to keep up with these research trends, but not many studies have been conducted in the area of nuclear research using artificial intelligence and big data-related technologies such as natural language processing and text mining analysis. This study was conducted to confirm the applicability of data science analysis techniques to the field of nuclear research. Furthermore, the study of identifying trends in nuclear spent fuel recognition is critical in terms of being able to determine directions to nuclear industry policies and respond in advance to changes in industrial policies. For those reasons, this study conducted a media trend analysis of pyroprocessing, a spent nuclear fuel treatment technology. We objectively analyze changes in media perception of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment techniques by applying text mining analysis techniques. Text data specializing in Naver's web news articles, including the keywords "Pyroprocessing" and "Sodium Cooled Reactor," were collected through Python code to identify changes in perception over time. The analysis period was set from 2007 to 2020, when the first article was published, and detailed and multi-layered analysis of text data was carried out through analysis methods such as word cloud writing based on frequency analysis, TF-IDF and degree centrality calculation. Analysis of the frequency of the keyword showed that there was a change in media perception of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology in the mid-2010s, which was influenced by the Gyeongju earthquake in 2016 and the implementation of the new government's energy conversion policy in 2017. Therefore, trend analysis was conducted based on the corresponding time period, and word frequency analysis, TF-IDF, degree centrality values, and semantic network graphs were derived. Studies show that before the 2010s, media perception of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology was diplomatic and positive. However, over time, the frequency of keywords such as "safety", "reexamination", "disposal", and "disassembly" has increased, indicating that the sustainability of spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology is being seriously considered. It was confirmed that social awareness also changed as spent nuclear fuel dry treatment technology, which was recognized as a political and diplomatic technology, became ambiguous due to changes in domestic policy. This means that domestic policy changes such as nuclear power policy have a greater impact on media perceptions than issues of "spent nuclear fuel processing technology" itself. This seems to be because nuclear policy is a socially more discussed and public-friendly topic than spent nuclear fuel. Therefore, in order to improve social awareness of spent nuclear fuel processing technology, it would be necessary to provide sufficient information about this, and linking it to nuclear policy issues would also be a good idea. In addition, the study highlighted the importance of social science research in nuclear power. It is necessary to apply the social sciences sector widely to the nuclear engineering sector, and considering national policy changes, we could confirm that the nuclear industry would be sustainable. However, this study has limitations that it has applied big data analysis methods only to detailed research areas such as "Pyroprocessing," a spent nuclear fuel dry processing technology. Furthermore, there was no clear basis for the cause of the change in social perception, and only news articles were analyzed to determine social perception. Considering future comments, it is expected that more reliable results will be produced and efficiently used in the field of nuclear policy research if a media trend analysis study on nuclear power is conducted. Recently, the development of uncontact-related technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data research is accelerating in the wake of the recent arrival of the New Normal era caused by corona. Convergence research is being conducted in earnest in various research fields to follow these research trends, but not many studies have been conducted in the nuclear field with artificial intelligence and big data-related technologies such as natural language processing and text mining analysis. The academic significance of this study is that it was possible to confirm the applicability of data science analysis technology in the field of nuclear research. Furthermore, due to the impact of current government energy policies such as nuclear power plant reductions, re-evaluation of spent fuel treatment technology research is undertaken, and key keyword analysis in the field can contribute to future research orientation. It is important to consider the views of others outside, not just the safety technology and engineering integrity of nuclear power, and further reconsider whether it is appropriate to discuss nuclear engineering technology internally. In addition, if multidisciplinary research on nuclear power is carried out, reasonable alternatives can be prepared to maintain the nuclear industry.

A Study on the Selection of Base Port and Establishment of International Cooperation System for Seafarer Rotation In case of Emergency - Focusing on the Service Network of HMM - (비상 시 선원교대를 위한 거점항만 선정과 국제협력 방안 - HMM 정기선을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Bo-ram;Lee, Hye-jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.275-285
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    • 2021
  • COVID-19 is threatening the safety of ships and seafarers by delaying seafarer rotation. Shipping companies and governments have a blindspot in case of the onboard environment of seafarers. An effective, alternative plan should be devised to eliminate the possibility of human accidents in an emergency that threatens the safety of seafarers. According to the survey of former and current seafarers, the most important factor in boarding life was safety, and the most necessary thing during emergencies was to secure smooth seafarer rotation rather than improve wages and welfare. By analyzing the major routes of national shipping companies by continent, ports with a large number of calls and a high Air Connectivity Index were selected as the base port. In addition, the route was designed for effective, domestic seafarer rotation during international shipping. Other countries must be consulted to establish a travel route linking ships, ports, and airports for the safe return of sailors to their home countries during an emergency. In addition, it is necessary to work together for the seafarers who are in trouble of seafarer rotation through cooperation with the International Maritime Organization(IMO). Starting with this, the government should have a monitoring system for the return and non-return routes as well as the number of seafarers on board. If such a system is established, it will be able to determine the response direction of our country's policy in case of an emergency. Along with the shipping company's ef orts to improve the treatment of seafarers, national and social attention will be needed to review domestic laws and improve awareness about seafarers.

The Improvement Index of Smart Public Services to Advance Information Accessibility for the Elderly (고령자 정보접근성 향상을 위한 스마트 공공서비스 지표)

  • Kim, Mi-Yun;Byun, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2018
  • Recently, public service for the improvement of quality of life and life support such as safety, aging, disaster, welfare, housing, economy, urban environment, traffic etc are actively developed based on open public data, and the spread of the network and the necessity of everyday life, smartphones are playing a role in providing public services. Currently, the development of science is changing the life expectancy of human beings and changing into social structure in which aged people become bigger due to various social conditions and low fertility and aging problems. However, the elderly who do not have easy access to information are very uncomfortable in dealing with mobile devices with very low accessibility and utilization of public services provided by mobile phones. Therefore, this study recategorizes the condition of the elderly presented in the previous study and identifies the problem through case analysis provided for the elderly. Also, we summarize the hierarchy of the core items of the existing interface design and derive it as an improvement index of the public service design for the improvement of the information accessibility of the elderly, and propose a design method to improve the utilization of the public service provided through the mobile device.