• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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Effects of Image of Nurse, Clinical Performance, and Major Satisfaction of Nursing Students on Nursing Professionalism (간호대학생의 간호사 이미지, 임상수행능력, 전공만족도가 간호전문직관에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.635-648
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of image of nurse, clinical performance, and major satisfaction of nursing students on their nursing professionalism. The subjects of this study were 303 sophomores and juniors majoring in nursing in G city, who were surveyed between October 15 and 19, 2018. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. According to the results, nursing professionalism showed a significant positive correlation with image of nurse (r=.70, p<.001), clinical performance (r=.23, p<.001), and major satisfaction (r=.62, p<.001), clinical performance had a positive correlation with image of nurse (r=.14, p=.015), and major satisfaction had a positive correlation with image of nurse (r=.55, p<.001) and clinical performance (r=.14, p=.012). Factors affecting nursing professionalism included major satisfaction (β=.32, p<.001), social image (β=.31, p<.001), professional image (β=.21, p<.001), and clinical performance (β=.09, p=.018), in order, with 59.9% explanation power. To establish positive nursing professionalism in nursing students, it is necessary to develop a variety of systematic educational programs to enhance their image of nurse, major satisfaction, and clinical performance.

Global Value Chains and Creating Shared Value in Vietnamese Coffee Frontier (베트남 커피변경지역의 글로벌 가치사슬과 공유가치 창출)

  • Lee, Sung-Cheol;Chung, Su-Yuel;Joh, Young-Kug
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.399-416
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    • 2016
  • The main aim of the research attempts to identify value relations appropriated and realized in the coffee frontier of Vietnam by investigating the ways in which it is integrated into coffee global value chains driven by multinational companies, and to provide some implications of the integration of the frontier into sustainable coffee global value chains for creating shared value in Dak Lak, Vietnam. Recently Dak Lak has gone through the transition of value relations from exploitative value chains based upon conventional coffee production into shared value chains relied upon the production of sustainable or certified coffee in Dak Lak. The transition has been expected to result in sustainability in the creation of value by enhancing regional competitive advantages and regional bargaining power in global value chains driven by multinational companies. However, the reality has shown the intensification of hierarchical profits allocation among stakeholders such as farmer, middlemen, and multinational companies in the region. The main reasons for this could be found in two perspectives. Firstly, the formation of exclusive relations among farmers, middlemen, and processors has led to stakeholders to secure market, but resulted in the intensification of hierarchy among them in global value chain, because multinational companies could control indirectly over the farming system through exclusive middlemen. Secondly, social and ecological costs imputed by multinational companies to coffee farmers in the name of creating shared value has deteriorated the economic profits of stakeholders such as farmers and middlemen. As a result, it has led to the configuration of systematically hierarchical and subordinated global value chain in Dak Lak.

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Comparative Analysis of Middle School Science Curriculum between Korea and Israel (우리나라와 이스라엘의 중학교 과학과 교육과정 비교연구)

  • Jang, Jin-Ju;Seo, Hae-Ae;Song, Bang-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.443-457
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    • 2003
  • The research aimed to compare science curriculum between Korea and Israel and find out characteristics of science curriculum in Israel at middle school level. The middle school 'science' of the 7th revised national curriculum in Korea and middle school 'science and technology' in Israel were compared. Among characteristics of the Israel curriculum of 'science and technology,' distinct ones are as follows: First, 'science and technology' was most highly emphasized with the largest number of time allotment among all subjects at middle school level in Israel. Second, the contents of 'science and technology' were classified into seven areas of 'energy and interaction', 'materials', 'organism', 'earth and the universe', 'technological systems and products' . 'information and communication',and 'ecosystems' rather than four areas of energy, materials, life and earth in Korea. Third, 'organism' was allocated with the highest number of hours among seven areas. Fourth, objectives of each content of 'science and technology' were divided into three categories: scientific aspect, technological aspect, and social value and objectives of each category were related to one another. This characteristic seems to stress STS, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary approaches in 'science and technology' in Israel. Such characteristics of the 'science and technology' education in Israel are likely to make significant contributions to establish human resources of highly developing science and technology including IT, BT, NT, ST in the future society. Reflecting upon the characteristics of 'science and technology' education in Israel, Korea might seek for ways to improve its national power based on science and technology through strengthening science and emphasizing science and technology contents among school curriculum.

A Study on the Development of Sensory Integration Intervention Competency Model for Occupational Therapist (감각통합중재를 위한 작업치료사 역량모델 개발 연구)

  • Namkung, Young;Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Kim, Misun;Lee, Jiyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2017
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to draw up sensory integration intervention competency model for occupational therapist and was to confirm a competency model through validation. Methods : We conducted literature review, expert opening survey, and expert focus meeting to draw up draft competency model. And then, we carried out Delphi survey twice and consulted an expert to confirm the sensory integration intervention competency model for occupational therapist. Results : The sensory integration intervention competency model for occupational therapist developed in this study was structured into 4 competency cluster, 15 competency, 60 competency indicators. 4 competency clusters had expertise, professionalism, interpersonal skills, and personal characteristics. Conclusion : The competency model revealed in this study can be used as basic critical data to foster development of competency based curriculum of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration (KASI).

Mechanical Properties of Recycled Powder mixing Concrete (재생미분말을 혼입한 콘크리트의 역학적 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwan;Jung, Dae-Jin;Choi, Ik-Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.769-772
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    • 2008
  • The problem of disposing construction waste materials has become a national and social problem. Recycled powder generated in the process of making aggregate, and the recycled powder is land-filled in its entirety. Results of toxicity testing of recycled power show that it contains base-pair substituent mutagenicity. As recycled powder is disposed of as landfill, it can cause secondary contamination such as soil and underground water contamination. There has been very little research made on recycled powder. This study has examined the utilization of concrete mixture by using recycled powder in a mixture instead of cement and compared and analyzed the characteristics of dynamics and workability. This study has examined the application of recycled powder in concrete. Depending on the replacement rate and workability, test piece was manufactured using different mixing rate by CP, WCP, PCP. The CP was used to examine the physical property of concrete and characteristics its dynamics. The letters W of WCP and P of PCP are the initials of water and mixture. They were made using the standard mixing ratiosemphasizing the workability to determine the characteristic of dynamics of concrete based on the mixing ratio of recycled powder. With the increase in the replacement rate, CP had very little change in the strength. But with the decline of slump, the workability was not good. The result of manufacturing WCP and PCP using the standard mixing ratio showed that WCP had a drop in strength compared to the plain. PCP had almost the same value as the plain only when the replacement rate was 10%. When it was higher than that, a reduction in strength was observed.

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A Research on Relationships between Stress Level of Parents in Single Parent Families and Life Satisfaction in accordance with Stress Removing Methods - Centering on Small Towns in Midsection Sphere - (스트레스해소법에 따른 한부모가정 부모의 스트레스와 생활만족도와의 관계 연구 - 중부권 소도시를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Seung-ha;Cho, Sung-Je
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to identify relationships between stress level of parents in single parent families and life satisfaction in accordance with methods of getting rid of stress. Subject of the research were 260 parents in single parent families, centering on small towns in midsection sphere based on answers to questionnaire executed from March 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013. Collected data were analyzed by executing frequency analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis, etc. and an empirical verification was performed at 5% of significance level. From the result of the research, stress level appeared according to factors in a sequence of economic power, physical strength, social relation, family, mentality, etc. and significant influence to life satisfaction was found depending on factors such as stress removing methods and controlling effect. And minor factors were shown in a sequence of finance, emotion and acknowledgement. Suggestive points of the research are thought to be significance of stress removing method to the enhancement of life satisfaction, which will be a good material for the establishment of fundamental supporting plans and development of programs for single parent families.

A Study on the Relationship between the Name Awareness of Public Medical Institutions and Patients' Intent to Revisit (공공의료기관 인지도와 재방문여부와의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2013
  • This study has significance in terms of its intent to contribute to the increase in hospital revisits by proposing measures to enhance name awareness through an examination of the relationship between the name awareness of public medical institutions and patients' revisit, and its corresponding influences. The study findings were drawn by employing analysis methods such as frequency analysis, reliability and exploratory factor analysis, t-tests, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results of the correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlations between all independent variables and the patients' revisit or not. The perception of service quality and the environmental factor of medical treatment increased the explanatory power of independent variables, thereby exhibiting a high correlation with the revisit to medical institutions. The usual image, medical service, and medical treatment environment were revealed to have a positive influence on the patient's intent to revisit. This study could confirm a correlation between the name awareness of medical public institutions and the patients' revisit or not. Consequently, to improve the quality and infrastructure of their medical services, public medical institutions are required to perform studies on measures to increase the revisits of patients by identifying their image, medical services, and treatment environment on a consistent basis.

Research on the Strategy to build the Tourism Brand Image for the Inducement of Foreign Tourist in Chungnam (외국인 관광객 유치를 위한 충남관광 브랜드이미지 구축에 관한 연구)

  • You, Ho-Jong
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2012
  • This research was performed to review the marketing PR(MPR) strategy to build the brand image of Chungnam tourism for the inducement of foreign tourist. Because each local governments are looking for the industries of new growth power from the tourism industry recently, we applied the BI strategy of Chungnam tourism with expended BLC model and GRID model after we analyzed the variety of PR situation and tasks to build the Chungnam tourism's brand image in the competitive domestic and foreign tourism industry. In the result of the study, we set up the limited brand image of Chungnam tourism newly; also we derived a specific action plan. First of all, they need every possible means for Brand Awareness PR, Issue PR, Brand Loyalty PR, etc. depend on brand life cycle with the Chungnam's tourism service products. Secondly, for the each tourism service products, it is requiring to repositioning from present position (B, C, D area) to A area by MPR strategy. Finally, many additional MPR strategies should put in to support for building the brand image for the 'Tourism Chungnam'. The strategic SNS public relations are required with considerations of items that are necessarily need to have the reasons and circumstances for the new foreign tourists, so they can have experiences for the Chungnam Tourism. For the existing foreign tourists, we should keep to build relationship in order to give them trusts and to feel sympathy.

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Predictors and Frailty Level in the Frail Elderly Receiving Home Visiting Health Care Services (방문건강관리사업 대상 재가노인의 허약정도와 예측요인)

  • Park, Jeong Sook;Oh, Yun Jung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the predictors and frailty level in the frail elderly receiving home visiting health care services. Methods: The subjects were 177 frail elders aged over 65 registered in the home visiting health care services of three public health centers in Daegu. The data collection was performed from June 9 to June 24, 2015. This study used descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, scheffe test and stepwise multiple regression by SPSS Win 18.0 program. Results: The mean of the frailty score was 10.05 (${\pm}4.52$). Age and life satisfaction were the significant factors related to the frailty score in frail elderly. Health promotion behavior, empowerment, social participation and perceived health status had a negative correlation with the frailty score. Thirty seven point four percent of the variance in the frailty score can be explained by perceived health status (${\beta}=-0.398$, p<0.001), health promotion behavior (${\beta}=-0.251$, p<0.001) and age (${\beta}=0.232$, p<0.001)(Cum $R^2=0.374$, F=25.744, p<0.001). Perceived health status was the most important factor related to the frailty score in our study. Conclusions: An integrative care program which includes these significant variables of subjects is essential to prevent the deterioration of frailty in frail elderly.

Narratives and Emotions on Immigrant Women Analyzing Comments from the Agora Internet Community(Daum Portal Site) (이주여성에 관한 혐오 감정 연구 다음사이트 '아고라' 담론을 중심으로)

  • Han, Hee Jeong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.75
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    • pp.43-79
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    • 2016
  • An increase in the number of immigrants to Korea since the late 1980s' has signified the proliferation of globalization and global capitalism. In Korea, most married immigrants are women, as the culture emphasizes patrilineage and the stability of the institution of marriage, particularly in rural areas. Immigrant women have experienced dual ordeals. The Aogra Internet community in Korea has been one of the most representative sites that has shown the power of communities in cyberspace since 2002, leading the discussion of social issues and deliberative democracy both online and offline. This paper analyzed Koreans' writings (such as long comments) on immigrant women in the Agora community. The analysis revealed the following results: first, immigrant women were referred to using terms related to prostitution, with excessive expression of disgust, which is called a "narrative of identity." Second, anti-multiculturalists called Korean men victims of married immigrant women and expressed hatred toward immigrant women, which is called a "narrative of sacrifice." Third, anti-multiculturalists justified their emotions as just resentment based on ideas of justice, equality, and patriotism, concealing the emotion of disgust, which is called the "narrative of justice, equality." Fourth, antimulticulturalists played roles to spread the emotion of disgust, by repeatedly referring to international marriage fraud and immigrant workers' crimes, which is called "narrative of crime." Fifth, some positive writings on immigrant women were based on empathy(a concept defined in this context by Martha Nussbaum), but they can be analyzed as narratives encouraging cultural integration through the perspective of orientalism. Therefore, comments on immigrant women in the Agora represent a "catch-22" dilemma. To deal with conflicts arising from disgust and violations of human rights, civic education focusing on humanism is needed in this multicultural era.

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