• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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A Study on Experiences with the Data-Embeded Exhibition

  • So-Jeong Park;Bo-A Rhee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2024
  • This study empirically examines the visitors' experience and acceptance of 《Hito Steyerl-A Sea of Data》, which explores power structures and social inequalities of contemporary society through data, via a survey. The aesthetic value received the highest evaluation among the perceived values. The high enthusiasm in the artist, the works of art and the exhibition theme were identified as key factors for perceived experience quality. The degree of satisfaction(71.4%) and the degree of immersion(70.8%) for the exhibition are rated highly. Summarizing the hypothesis testing, the interest level of digital media and contemporary art, and the high enthusiasm in the works of art and the exhibition theme positively influenced the degree of satisfaction, with the degree of immersion significantly correlating to the degree of satisfaction. Furthermore, the attitudes towards the exhibition demonstrated a positive correlation with intention to recommend the exhibition and to revisit the exhibition.

IM (Interindustry-Macro) Model on the Construction Sector

  • KwangHyuk Im
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1177-1186
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    • 2024
  • The construction sector, in relation to human's residential issues, serves as the cornerstone of societal systems, economic security, the national economy, individuals and households, economic activity, national safety, management, business, and government. Also, the essential sectors, such as electric power generation, transmission, and distribution, and natural gas distribution, water, sewage, and stormwater systems, and so on, form the heart of our social system. These essential sectors of our society provide core goods and services for continuous public health services, construction services, government operations, multiple businesses, and national and economic safety. Therefore, those systems are the cornerstone of our society, and strengthening their security and resilience is of utmost significance. However, the existing framework for assessing and evaluating the problems with regard to those systems lacks efficient methods and mechanisms. The main objective of this research is to define correlations between different infrastructures within an economic system to strengthen the resilience and security of the construction sector. This study will be conducted to identify physical relationships between different industries within an economic system and to define deterministic relationships through the values of interconnectedness and interdependency. In addition, this research attempts to complete a probabilistic estimation of economic impacts using historical economic data and to develop an assessment model that can be used in the future to measure economic impact in terms of the construction sector. In case of loss in the construction sector due to exogenous factors, identifying which critical infrastructures or sectors will be the most affected will help minimize the risks and property damages. Furthermore, improving the resiliency of the construction sector will help speed recovery from or resistance to unpredictable external elements.

American Culture at the Crossroad : Debates over NEA(National Endowments for the Arts) (미국 문화, 그 기로에 서서 - NEA(국립예술진흥기금)를 둘러싼 논쟁 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-A
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.4
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2006
  • The cultural debates between conservatives and liberals at the end of the 1980s and in the early 1990s were termed as "culture wars." The "culture wars" involved a diverse range of controversial issues, such as the introduction of multicultural curricula in educational institutions, prayers in schools, whether to allow gays to serve openly in the military, and whether abortion should be permitted. The most heated debates of the "culture wars" regarding art raged over the NEA and the question of whether Andres Serrano's works should have been publicly funded, in addition to the exhibition "Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment" which were charged as projecting "obscene" or "blasphemous" images. This paper examines the development of culture wars in art and focuses on several issues invoked by the NEA debates. However, it is not a detailed chronological investigation. Rather it pays attention to the several phases of the debates, analyzing and criticizing the clashes of the political and esthetical points of views between conservatives and liberals. How could NEA funding, a mere fraction of the federal budget, have become so critical for both sides(conservative and liberal), for politicians and artists' groups, and for academics and the general public? The art community was astounded by this chain of events; artists personally reviled, exhibitions withdrawn and under attack, the NEA budget threatened, all because of a few images. For conservative politicians, the NEA debate was not only a battle over the public funding of art, but a war over a larger social agenda, a war for "American values and cultures"based on the family, Christianity, the English language, and patriarchy. Conservative politicians argued the question was not one of "censorship" but of "sponsorship," since the NEA charter committed it to "helping museums better serve the citizens of the United States."Liberals and art communities argued that the attempt to restrict NEA funding violated the First Amendment rights of artists, namely "free speeches." "No matter how divided individuals are on matters of taste," Arthur C. Danto wrote, "freedom is in the interest of every citizen." The interesting phase is that both sides are actually borrowing one another's point of view when they are accompanied by art criticism. Kramer, representative of conservative art critic, objected the invasion of political contents or values in art, and struggled to keep art's own realm by promoting pure aesthetic values such as quality and beauty. But, when he talked about Mapplethorpe's works, he advocated political and ethical values. By contrast, art experts who argued for Mapplethorpe's works in the Cincinnati trial defended his work, ironically by ignoring its manifest sexual metaphor or content although they believed that the issues of AIDS and homosexuality in his work were to be freely expressed in the art form. They adopted a formalistic approach, for example, by comparing a child nude with putti, a traditional child-angel icon. For a while, NEA debates made art institutions, whether consciously or unconsciously, exert self-censorship, yet at the same time they were also producing positive aspects. To the majority of people, art was still regarded as belonging to the pure aesthetic realm away from political, economical, and social ones. These debates, however, were expanding the very perspective on the notion of what is art and of how art is produced, raising questions on art appreciation, representation, and power. The interesting fact remains: had the works not been swiped in NEA debates, could the Serrano's or Mapplethorpe's images gain the extent of power and acceptance that it has today?

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It Doesn't Taste the same from Someone Else's Plate: The Influence of Culture in Interpersonal Retail Service Evaluations (별인적반자적미도불일양(别人的盘子的味道不一样): 문화대인제령수복무평개적영향(文化对人际零售服务评价的影响))

  • Spielmann, Nathalie;Kim, Ju-Ran
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 2010
  • This study reviews the influence of culture in interpersonal servicescapes by examining the restaurant retail setting. Two cultures (Canada and France) are surveyed in order to better understand their retail expectations towards interpersonal servicescapes. Using Hofstede's (1991) cultural dimensions to explain some of the differences between Canadian and French restaurant patrons, this study demonstrates a potentially interesting research avenue in the field of cross-cultural interpersonal services marketing. It demonstrates that cultural dimensions do not operate independently but interdependently. Understanding this can help retailers better explain complex service interactions between countries that may appear similar in terms of various socio-demographic features. In this exploratory research, a measure via exploratory factor analysis was developed, one that encompasses both the physical and service aspects common to interpersonal servicescape by using personality traits. This measure was tested in order to better understand the service expectations between two cultures, Canada and France. Five dimensional structures were uncovered in both cultures but with different traits and groupings. The differences between the traits uncovered and the overall Canadian and French personality structures find some explanation using Hofstede's (1991) cultural dimensions. The results of this survey point to a possible explanation as to why when services are transferred between cultures, the perceptions of them can be different and sometimes even lead to service failure. There are clearly some cultural differences between the Canadian and French consumers and their overall expectations regarding their consumption experience. Reviewing the first factor of the French and Canadian personality structures shows that the individualist/collectivist differences are apparent between the Canadian and the French cultures. The second dimension also has quite a few traits in common, five, all of which have the personal treatment aspect of the restaurant experience that a service provider would be responsible for: polite, respectful, and dedicated. Notable is that the French dimension does not include the authenticity or the hospitable aspect of the experience but includes even more features that are inherent to the personal interaction, such as charming and courteous. The third dimension of the Canadian and French structures reflects completely different expectations. Whereas the French dimension centers around energy and enthusiasm, the Canadian version is more laid-back and relaxed. There is extroversion in the French dimension to introversion in the Canadian dimension. This could be explained by differences on the Uncertainty Avoidance dimension as outlined by Hofstede (1991). The fourth dimension seems to confirm previously outlined cultural differences. Whereas Canadians, being a bit lower on uncertainty avoidance and power distance, prefer an intimate and private experience, the French continue to expect extraversion and inclusive features to their experience. The fifth dimension is in the French personality structure a clear expression of the high power distance society, where the roles of the players in the restaurant experience are clearly defined and the rules of engagement preserved. This study demonstrates that different cultures clearly do relate to different expectations regarding interpersonal services. This is apparent in the dimensions that come up in both the French and the Canadian personality structures, not only in terms of how different they are but also in with which cultural dimensions these can be explained. For interpersonal servicescapes, the use of personality traits is interesting as it allows for both physical and service features to be accounted for. Furthermore, the social component inherent to interpersonal servicescapes surfaces in most of the dimensions of the service personality structures. The quality of social exchanges is extremely important, and this even more so in cross-cultural situations, where the expec tations regarding the service experience may vary. As demonstrated by this research and using Hofstede's (1991) paradigm, not all societies will have the same expectations pertaining to the interpersonal services. Furthermore, the traditions surrounding the type of service can also have an impact on the service evaluations and differ between countries and cultures. However, using personality traits may also allow for retailers to see which service traits are common to two or more cultures where they seek to be present, and focus on these in the offering. The findings demonstrate the importance of the individualist and collectivist dimension for interpersonal servicescapes. This difference between the French and the Canadian personality structure is apparent in the most dominant dimension as well as within others. The findings are a step in explaining how retailers can transfer and then measure interpersonal services across cultures.

The success and failure of non-regular workers' struggles and their effects on organizational strength (비정규직 노동자 투쟁의 승패와 조직력 변화)

  • Ch, Donmoon
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.139-176
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    • 2011
  • Non-regular workers came to the fore while working class formation was in retreat along with the democratic labor movement of regular workers. The formation of principal agents, however, is yet to occur. Then, why non-regular workers' struggles could not yield a consequence in that regard? What kind of factors are to determine the outcome of the struggles and how do they do it? It is the aim of this study to answer those questions. In contrast with regular workers' struggles, non-regular workers' struggles tend to break out in response to capitalist offensives, rely on atypical and, often, extreme measures of struggle rather than strike in the form of work stoppage, drag out for too long, and appeal for social solidarity outside when the solidarity of regular workers is not available. Non-regular workers' struggles tend to end up with failure rather than success, and with weakening rather than strengthening of their organizational strength. So as to overcome the tendency to fail, non-regular workers' struggles need regular workers' solidarity in addition to their own strong mobilization power, while social solidarity or positional power could substitute for regular workers' solidarity in some cases. So as to build up their organizational strength, non-regular workers' struggles should win victories in the struggles, while a victory could turn into a trap in the case of conversion. Both regular workers' solidarity and the internal integration of the struggles are two foremost important factors in achieving the victory of struggles and the building-up of organizational strength. Those who have got involved in struggles are from the best organized sector among all the non-regular workers. As they have gone through weakening of organizational strength, it becomes more difficult for non-regular workers to form principal agents. Without non-regular workers' struggles, however, the capitalist offensives must have carried the day. In that sense, non-regular workers' struggles did a role in at least detaining capitalist offensives, if not stopping them. The practical implication of non-regular workers' struggles is that, if non-regular workers redefine the ultimate goal of their struggles as the formation of their principal agents for working class formation, it would be a strategically rational choice to identify the strategic objective of struggles with the maintaining and strengthening of their organizational strength rather than the achievement of their immediate demands.

Analysis of Educational Needs by Adult Life Cycle for Well-aging Education Program Development (웰에이징 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 성인 생애주기별 교육 요구도 분석)

  • Ku, Jin-Hee;Lim, HyoNam;Kim, Doo-Ree;Kang, Kyung-hee;Kim, Seol-Hee;Kim, Yong-Ha;Lee, Chong-Hyung;Ahn, Sang-Yoon;Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Song, Hyeon-Dong;Hwang, Hey-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Joon;Park, A-rma;Jo, Gee-yong;Chang, Kyung-Hee;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.257-269
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to secure basic data for the development and operation of well-aging education programs by analyzing the physical, mental, and socio-economic needs of well-aging education for successful aging. The research tool was developed as a questionnaire to investigate the perception of well aging and the needs of well-aging education in terms of physical, mental, and socio-economic aspects. In February 2021, 1949 adults over the age of 19 were surveyed through an online and mobile survey by Gallup Korea. Descriptive statistics analysis, variance analysis, Borich needs analysis, and IPA analysis were conducted to analyze the needs of well-aging education. The results revealed economic power, exercise, and chronic disease management to be high in terms of the overall priority of the education needs for well-aging, and infectious disease management, independence, and social responsibility were surveyed in the order of low education needs. In terms of economic power, education needs were highest among all age groups except for the middle-age group (35-49 years old), 82.4% of all respondents, and education needs for exercise and chronic disease management were highest in the middle-age group. Therefore, it is necessary to develop well-aging education programs for each life cycle. These results are expected to be used as empirical data in establishing a platform for developing and operating educational programs for well aging.

Chinese Socialism and Nationalism (중국식 사회주의와 민족주의)

  • Cho, Bonglae
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.27
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    • pp.223-254
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    • 2009
  • This thesis is aimed at researching the formation of democracy in socialist China. Due to a sense of cultural superiority on the basis of their developed civilization, they already formed a strong cultural nationalism, which has come to firm up into "Sinocentrism" through long periods of time. However, there arose a sense of crisis due to the Western invasion after the Opium War and the intellectuals in China happened to seek the solution to rescuing their mother land from ruin; in the midst of this process, the theory of social evolution of the West was introduced and accepted. The acceptance of this theory of social evolution gradually transformed in confrontation with a logical limit that China defeated in international competition could not but be plundered by imperialism after all, but it contributed to Chinese intellectuals' forming the concept of the modern state nationalism of the West deviating from cultural Sinocentrism. After the Russian Revolution, a large number of Chinese progressive intellectuals developed their socialist movement with the recognition that Marxism was a practicable alternative to rescue China from its crisis. The Chinese Communist Party was under guidance of the Comintern from the early process of its formation, in which they emphasized the fact the national liberation struggle in colonialized countries was an indispensable element in the world communist movement under the condition of the control of the world by imperialist capital at that time and subsequently, Marxism characterized by resistant nationalism in China gained its cause. Afterwards, the People's Republic of China was established by the Chinese Communists which came to get widespread support from the Chinese through anti-imperialism &feudalism in the process of the Sino-Japanese War, and thus China equipped with a full-blown socialism system set sails. However, with the relations with the Soviet Union getting worse under the international conditions of a cold war, the development of the Chinese socialism couldn't but resort to the concentrated power of its people, which was linked to the boost of continuous patriotism of the Chinese Communists. Particularly, due to the newly-emerging contradictions after reform & opening [gig kifng], China underwent disruption; thus, as an ideology to integrate such disruptive elements, Sinocentrism based on China's cultural pride re-appeared. Recently, a very strong form of Sinocentrism has come to the fore as their superiority of traditional cultures is emphasized in China whose international position as an economic power has been raised.

Is 'Life Satisfaction' satisfactory?: Complementing the measurement of subjective well-being ('삶의 만족'은 만족스러운가: 주관적 웰빙 측정의 보완)

  • Jung-Ho Kim;Jhe Min You;Kyung Hyun Suh;Seong Kyeon Lim;Sun-Joo Kim;Mirihae Kim;Suja Gong;Tae-Young Kan;Jee-Sun Lee;Jungeun Hwang
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.187-205
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    • 2009
  • Based on the Motivational States Theory(MOST), the present research expanded and complemented Kim(2007)'s proposal to add the Life Satisfaction Expectancy Scale(LSES) to Diener et al's Satisfaction With Life Scale(SWLS) to measure subjective well-being(SWB). In the present study, the Life Satisfaction Motivation Scale(LSMS) was introduced to measure the strength of motivation for life satisfaction in general. Two hundred and eighty six college students participated in this study. Factor analyses revealed a two-factor structure, with the factors corresponding to life satisfaction and life satisfaction expectancy. Measures of internal and temporal reliability show the LSMS to be a good complement for the measure of SWB(The LSMS showed high internal and test-retest reliability). It was found that the addition of the LSES provided a significant increment in predictive power over the SWLS in the prediction of various factors related with well-being prediction. Exceptionally, in the prediction of anger the LSMS had the most predictive power. There were some differences between male and female students in the correlations among life satisfaction, life satisfaction expectancy and life satisfaction motivation and well-being-related factors. The merits of including LSES in the measurement of subjective well-being and the limitations of this study are discussed.

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A Study on the Ideal Leadership whole person of Confucian philosophy (유가(儒家)의 전인적(全人的) 지도자상(指導者像) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.62
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    • pp.145-176
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    • 2016
  • This paper aims to define the leadership of Gunja (君子, translated into prince, gentleman, or ideal man) based on Confucian Classics which offer the general values and norms of individuals' virtue and social virtuous acts. Thus, humanitarianism is regarded as true value, and the values of a virtuous person who properly practices social human relationships are discussed. The real worth of Gunja image is discussed as a true human image of "self-completion and completion of all things" (成己成物) which involves the convergence of truth, good and beauty where there is a sense of harmony and balance, where there is stern self discipline and self cultivation and where win-win values of human relationships are created. Confucian saint (聖人), wise man (賢人), great man (大人), and gentleman (君子) mean social leaders. They practice human morals, enlighten and beautify society with teachings, and are indicated as equipped with mental and material harmony, good character and competence, and economic power and morality. People today pursue their own personal growth according to their material preferences rather than pure intellectual cultural values, and are engrossed in visually beautiful external unlimited competition. In this digital age, we are supposed to demonstrate our individuality, but many people are obsessed with appearance, go on severe diet, and lose their health beauty, and consequently suffer mental stress. This trend fuels obsession with appearance and the sick practice of valuing appearance. As an alternative method to overcome this phenomenon, we need a leader image with the convergence of truth, good and beauty, which is characterized by internal self cultivation, external professionalism, and handsome and solid character. Confucian thoughts consist in practicing the Way of disciplining oneself for governing others (修己治人). Self discipline involves developing personal virtuous ability for cultivating a virtuous character, and governing others involves interacting to work together in society and to have right human relationships. Thus, leaders should impress not only themselves but also others. Self discipline for governing others means cultivating virtue for oneself and leading others. A true leader has self introspection and establishes himself through self discipline so that he can govern others or reach the realm of settling others where people live together. As all things have a value and a virtue, humans endeavor to cultivate character and virtue by learning and studying for securing their professionalism, reliability, character and ability, so as to create their own brand value. Personal character does not come from a high position, wealth and power. Character is a personal virtue, and is cultivated as immaculate and fresh through self discipline. As such, it well matches with a clean and clear spirit. This offers the ideal leader as the Guja image who has an extremely humane character, as well as being equipped with inherent virtues of intellect, benevolence and courage. Self development can foster virtue and self management through self leadership and self discipline. The leader in the relationship area can practice his virtue through virtuous acts, in other words, even think from another person's perspective. Such leader is mentioned as the principle of measuring square in the Great Learning. In our viewpoint, the beauty of character can breed the seed of virtue through intellect, benevolence and courage, the beauty of win-win can realize the right virtue by showing exemplary acts to others through considerateness, and the beauty of harmony can love and care for others like me through the principle of measuring square, thereby realizing the universal principle of virtue and harmony, which is like my mind. As such, the ideal leader, when his virtue and mind of being considerate of others all blending well, can exercise his ability to the full, can live together and coexist with many people, and can grow again into a triumphant relationship.

A Comparison of the Characteristics of Maritally Violent Men in a Community Sample and Batterers in the Criminal Justice System (지역사회의 폭력남편과 가정폭력범죄 행위자들의 특성 비교)

  • Chang, Hee-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.141-168
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    • 2006
  • The present study explored and compared the risk factors of two subtypes of maritally violent men with those of a nonviolent comparison group. One type of batterers consisted of a community sample, and the other was sought from the criminal justice system. The identities of the male community batterers were not exposed to the society since their victims did not contact any of the social service agents related to domestic violence. To identify the different characteristics associated with two subtypes of woman abusers, a total of 152 nonviolent men, 82 male community batterers, and 336 offenders in a criminal justice system were considered. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the level of physical violence of the community batterers was two times lower than that of the batterers who received legal punishments. The results of the multinominal logistic regression were as follows: (1) The variables that distinguished the male community batterers from the nonviolent men were the use of physical violence towards children, marital decision power, and income. (2) Four factors had been found to distinguish batterers in the criminal justice system from nonbatterers, namely: attitudes towards woman battering, education, violence towards children, and level of jealousy. (3) The community batterers showed a higher level of education and of stress as well as a longer period of marital relationship compared to the batterers in the criminal justice system. On the other hand, the batterers who received legal punishments had more severe alcohol problems and had an accepting attitude towards the use of violence. This study also investigated psychopathology among batterers using MCMI-III, based on 333 subjects. In terms of the mean scores, there were no subscales associated with personality pathology in all the male groups. Based on the logit model, the community batterers showed a stronger tendency towards having a passive-aggressive personality than did their counterparts, and they recorded a higher level of narcissism compared to the court-referred battering men. Post-traumatic stress was the only symptom that distinguished the batterers who received legal punishments from the other groups. The theoretical and practical implications of these results were pointed out and discussed in the paper.

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