• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Interaction Ties

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The influence of social capital on knowledge sharing behavior of mobile learners (사회적 자본이 이동학습자의 지식공유행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Qin, Ying;Lee, Kyeong-Rak;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.647-658
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    • 2018
  • Modern society is complex and rapidly changing, and knowledge sharing is needed to acquire and create knowledge. Knowledge sharing is the act of providing information knowledge and know-how of their own in order to cooperate with or help their colleagues. This study presents a research model using social capital theory to explain the mobile knowledge sharing behavior of virtual community members. Based on previous studies, social capital theory is divided into structural, relational, and cognitive aspects. It was composed of social interaction ties as a measure of structural aspect, trust as a measure of cognitive aspect, shared language, shared vision and relational aspect. After collecting survey data, factor analysis and regression analysis were performed using SPSS 22. In this way, we examined how the detailed factors of social capital affect information sharing behavior and how the level of knowledge sharing affects community promotion. The results showed that social interaction ties, shared language, shared vision, and trust affect knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing has had a positive impact on community promotion.

The Effects of Social Capital and Individual Motivations on Information Sharing and Community Promotion: Focused on a Chinese Virtual Community (사회적 자본과 개인 동기가 정보공유와 커뮤니티 촉진에 미치는 영향: 중국의 가상커뮤니티를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jongki;Dai, Shuang;Kim, Jeahyun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 2016
  • Purpose Virtual communities change the way people communicate and share information. The purpose of this paper is to find how internet social capital and individual motivations influence the information sharing in virtual communities. This study considers the social capital theory, individual motivations, information sharing, and community promotion to construct a theoretical model. Design/methodology/approach Social capital focuses on three dimensions that include 6 factors: social interaction ties, centrality, shared language, shared vision, trust and reciprocity. Individual motivations include 2 factors: reputation and enjoy helping. To confirm the research model and the hypotheses, 426 effective questionnaires were used for the final analysis. Findings The result of data analysis demonstrates that social interaction ties, centrality, shared language, trust, and reciprocity were significant in affecting information sharing behaviors. However, reputation, enjoy helping, and shared vision does not appear to have a significant influence on information sharing behaviors. The information sharing was positively related to community promotion.

Exploiting Group Social Capital in Systems Development Projects

  • Park, Jun-Gi;Lee, Seyoon;Lim, Gyoo Gun;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.131-152
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    • 2016
  • Group social capital can be defined as an intangible asset that promotes knowledge sharing and social interaction. It is posited here that the group social capital raised and nurtured among group members positively influences on team performance in IS (Information Systems) development projects. And communication effectiveness is selected as a critical antecedent and its detailed relationships with the dimensions of group social capital are analyzed. Effective communication plays important role in ISD project teams by integrating knowledge from different areas. Moderating effects of project phase between the sub-dimensions of social capital and project performance are investigated. Hypotheses are tested using data from 131 project teams of 85 manufacturing firms. The results indicated that Communication effectiveness positively impacted sub-dimensions of social capital (social ties, trust, and shared vision). Moreover, the team performance is influenced by shared vision and trust, leaving social ties as a leading subcontract, as theoretically proposed in prior research. The project phase moderates the impact of shared vision on team performance.

Effects of Interaction Factors on SNS User's Interaction and Use Intention: Comparison Between Korea and China (SNS 이용자 간 상호작용과 이용의도에 미치는 영향: 한·중 비교)

  • Song, Meng-Meng;Kim, Won-Kyum;Bai, Yang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.957-965
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    • 2013
  • The study focus on the factors affecting the interaction between SNS users, the purposes of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences between Korea and China users. As a result, the study found that the ease of use in technology factors has no effect to Korean users, while the social ties in social factors has no effect to Chinese users. The impact of user's interaction was not different between korea and the china customer. According the those results marketing managers should develop different marketing strategies.

Multi-level Analysis of the Antecedents of Knowledge Transfer: Integration of Social Capital Theory and Social Network Theory (지식이전 선행요인에 관한 다차원 분석: 사회적 자본 이론과 사회연결망 이론의 결합)

  • Kang, Minhyung;Hau, Yong Sauk
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2012
  • Knowledge residing in the heads of employees has always been regarded as one of the most critical resources within a firm. However, many tries to facilitate knowledge transfer among employees has been unsuccessful because of the motivational and cognitive problems between the knowledge source and the recipient. Social capital, which is defined as "the sum of the actual and potential resources embedded within, available through, derived from the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit [Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998]," is suggested to resolve these motivational and cognitive problems of knowledge transfer. In Social capital theory, there are two research streams. One insists that social capital strengthens group solidarity and brings up cooperative behaviors among group members, such as voluntary help to colleagues. Therefore, social capital can motivate an expert to transfer his/her knowledge to a colleague in need without any direct reward. The other stream insists that social capital provides an access to various resources that the owner of social capital doesn't possess directly. In knowledge transfer context, an employee with social capital can access and learn much knowledge from his/her colleagues. Therefore, social capital provides benefits to both the knowledge source and the recipient in different ways. However, prior research on knowledge transfer and social capital is mostly limited to either of the research stream of social capital and covered only the knowledge source's or the knowledge recipient's perspective. Social network theory which focuses on the structural dimension of social capital provides clear explanation about the in-depth mechanisms of social capital's two different benefits. 'Strong tie' builds up identification, trust, and emotional attachment between the knowledge source and the recipient; therefore, it motivates the knowledge source to transfer his/her knowledge to the recipient. On the other hand, 'weak tie' easily expands to 'diverse' knowledge sources because it does not take much effort to manage. Therefore, the real value of 'weak tie' comes from the 'diverse network structure,' not the 'weak tie' itself. It implies that the two different perspectives on strength of ties can co-exist. For example, an extroverted employee can manage many 'strong' ties with 'various' colleagues. In this regards, the individual-level structure of one's relationships as well as the dyadic-level relationship should be considered together to provide a holistic view of social capital. In addition, interaction effect between individual-level characteristics and dyadic-level characteristics can be examined, too. Based on these arguments, this study has following research questions. (1) How does the social capital of the knowledge source and the recipient influence knowledge transfer respectively? (2) How does the strength of ties between the knowledge source and the recipient influence knowledge transfer? (3) How does the social capital of the knowledge source and the recipient influence the effect of the strength of ties between the knowledge source and the recipient on knowledge transfer? Based on Social capital theory and Social network theory, a multi-level research model is developed to consider both the individual-level social capital of the knowledge source and the recipient and the dyadic-level strength of relationship between the knowledge source and the recipient. 'Cross-classified random effect model,' one of the multi-level analysis methods, is adopted to analyze the survey responses from 337 R&D employees. The results of analysis provide several findings. First, among three dimensions of the knowledge source's social capital, network centrality (i.e., structural dimension) shows the significant direct effect on knowledge transfer. On the other hand, the knowledge recipient's network centrality is not influential. Instead, it strengthens the influence of the strength of ties between the knowledge source and the recipient on knowledge transfer. It means that the knowledge source's network centrality does not directly increase knowledge transfer. Instead, by providing access to various knowledge sources, the network centrality provides only the context where the strong tie between the knowledge source and the recipient leads to effective knowledge transfer. In short, network centrality has indirect effect on knowledge transfer from the knowledge recipient's perspective, while it has direct effect from the knowledge source's perspective. This is the most important contribution of this research. In addition, contrary to the research hypothesis, company tenure of the knowledge recipient negatively influences knowledge transfer. It means that experienced employees do not look for new knowledge and stick to their own knowledge. This is also an interesting result. One of the possible reasons is the hierarchical culture of Korea, such as a fear of losing face in front of subordinates. In a research methodology perspective, multi-level analysis adopted in this study seems to be very promising in management research area which has a multi-level data structure, such as employee-team-department-company. In addition, social network analysis is also a promising research approach with an exploding availability of online social network data.

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Study on the Development Model and Improvement of Social Function of Social Games (소셜게임의 사회적 기능 향상에 관한 개발 모델 제안)

  • Kim, Tae-Gyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 2015
  • This study is done to analyze the social function of social games, propose a development model, and demonstrate predisposing factors and consequences on the model. Therefore, the predisposing variables on social functions of social games are explored through related theory and previous studies to propose the social function developing model of social games. Social function model of social games are classified in detail in terms of emotional ties, open communication, sense of belonging to a community and interaction to derive a measure for social function improvement, to prove social function improvement elements through various social network services and social game theories and to propose a social game development model.

Enhancing Fan Participation in Social Media Based Virtual Brand Communities: The Case of Like, Comment, and Share Activities

  • Liguo Lou;Joon Koh
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.54-76
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of marketing via Facebook is to convince consumers to become fans of a brand. Facebook constructs virtual brand communities that enable brand fans to interact with these brands. This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of fan participation characterized by the breadth and depth of brand fans' like, comment, and share activities. An empirical analysis with 204 survey respondents reveals that expected benefits, such as brand information, social interaction ties, playfulness, and incentive, have positive effects on fan participation. Furthermore, fan participation increases fan's attitudinal loyalty, which then positively affects behavioral loyalty. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings as well as future research directions are also discussed.

The Ecological Characteristics of the Communities and Social Interactions of the Elderly in rural Korea (농촌마을의 환경특성과 노인들의 사회적 상호작용에 대한 사례연구)

  • Han Gyoung Hae;Kim Joo Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2005
  • As the proportion of the elderly population in rural Korea has increased rapidly, the quality of life of the rural elderly has become a major public and policy concern. In this regards, most of the researches on rural elderly have focused mainly on the 'risk factors or problems' of rural areas, ignoring the 'positive or protective aspects' of rural community on the quality of life of elderly. This study attempts to explore the possible positive influence of rural community on the quality of life of elderly and to examine the linkage among ecological characteristics of the communities, social interaction and quality of life of rural elderly. To achieve this goal, a community case study was conducted in four Korean rural villages. The data were collected using participant observation method and in-depth interviews (person-to-person, group interviews). All the interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim for the analysis. The data was analyzed using the reflective qualitative analytic technique. The major findings of this study are as follows : All of the four villages have strong community ties and provide contexts which make it possible for older people to share their everyday life with neighbors and to actively participate as a community member. Although the four villages were geographically not far from each other, the pattern of social interaction and the nature of everyday-life of the elderly were nevertheless different depending on the ecological environment of each community, the relationship history among the community members, and the shared experience of historical events in recent Korean history. Elderly men have smaller networks and have less frequent contact with community members than elderly women. The political and practical implications of this study are discussed.

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A Study on the Impact of Employee's Person-Environment Fit and Information Systems Acceptance Factors on Performance: The Mediating Role of Social Capital (조직구성원의 개인-환경적합성과 정보시스템 수용요인이 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 사회자본의 매개역할)

  • Heo, Myung-Sook;Cheon, Myun-Joong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-42
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    • 2009
  • In a knowledge-based society, a firm's intellectual capital represents the wealth of ideas and ability to innovate, which are indispensable elements for the future growth. Therefore, the intellectual capital is evidently recognized as the most valuable asset in the organization. Considered as intangible asset, intellectual capital is the basis based on which firms can foster their sustainable competitive advantage. One of the essential components of the intellectual capital is a social capital, indicating the firm's individual members' ability to build a firm's social networks. As such, social capital is a powerful concept necessary for understanding the emergence, growth, and functioning of network linkages. The more social capital a firm is equipped with, the more successfully it can establish new social networks. By providing a shared context for social interactions, social capital facilitates the creation of new linkages in the organizational setting. This concept of "person-environment fit" has long been prevalent in the management literature. The fit is grounded in the interaction theory of behavior. The interaction perspective has a fairly long theoretical tradition, beginning with proposition that behavior is a function of the person and environment. This view asserts that neither personal characteristics nor the situation alone adequately explains the variance in behavioral and attitudinal variables. Instead, the interaction of personal and situational variables accounts for the greatest variance. Accordingly, the person-environment fit is defined as the degree of congruence or match between personal and situational variables in producing significant selected outcomes. In addition, information systems acceptance factors enable organizations to build large electronic communities with huge knowledge resources. For example, the Intranet helps to build knowledge-based communities, which in turn increases employee communication and collaboration. It is vital since through active communication and collaborative efforts can employees build common basis for shared understandings that evolve into stronger relationships embedded with trust. To this aim, the electronic communication network allows the formation of social network to be more viable to rapid mobilization and assimilation of knowledge assets in the organizations. The purpose of this study is to investigate: (1) the impact of person-environment fit(person-job fit, person-person fit, person-group fit, person-organization fit) on social capital(network ties, trust, norm, shared language); (2) the impact of information systems acceptance factors(availability, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) on social capital; (3) the impact of social capital on personal performance(work performance, work satisfaction); and (4) the mediating role of social capital between person-environment fit and personal performance. In general, social capital is defined as the aggregated actual or collective potential resources which lead to the possession of a durable network. The concept of social capital was originally developed by sociologists for their analysis in social context. Recently, it has become an increasingly popular jargon used in the management literature in describing organizational phenomena outside the realm of transaction costs. Since both environmental factors and information systems acceptance factors affect the network of employee's relationships, this study proposes that these two factors have significant influence on the social capital of employees. The person-environment fit basically refers to the alignment between characteristics of people and their environments, thereby resulting in positive outcomes for both individuals and organizations. In addition, the information systems acceptance factors have rather direct influences on the social network of employees. Based on such theoretical framework, namely person-environment fit and social capital theory, we develop our research model and hypotheses. The results of data analysis, based on 458 employee cases are as follow: Firstly, both person-environment fit(person-job fit, person-person fit, person-group fit, person-organization fit) and information systems acceptance factors(availability perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) significantly influence social capital(network ties, norm, shared language). In addition, person-environment fit is a stronger factor influencing social capital than information systems acceptance factors. Secondly, social capital is a significant factor in both work satisfaction and work performance. Finally, social capital partly plays a mediating role between person-environment fit and personal performance. Our findings suggest that it is vital for firms to understand the importance of environmental factors affecting social capital of employees and accordingly identify the importance of information systems acceptance factors in building formal and informal relationships of employees. Firms also need to reflect their recognition of the importance of social capital's mediating role in boosting personal performance. Some limitations arisen in the course of the research and suggestions for future research directions are also discussed.

Village Environment Improvement Projects from the Perspectives of Community - Focused on walls in village art projects - (커뮤니티의 관점에서 본 마을환경 개선 사업 - 마을 미술사업의 담을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-Yeong;Kim, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to identify orientations for the development of the community by establishing desirable aesthetical environments and reorganizing the residents' communal way of life through the implementation of village art projects. To investigate how the implementation of village art projects influence community and communication, the author analyzed changes in walls made by the implementation of actual projects in Anhyeon Village in Gochang, Dongpirang in Tongyeong, and Byeolbyeol Village in Yeongcheon. The community was analyzed from the view points of locality, communal ties, and communication. The results showed that Anhyeon Village in Gochang expressed its locality with chrysanthemum, poems and local figures. Similar walls were built across the village to strengthen ties among the residents, and portraits used as doorplates represented communication among them. Various paintings of seas, flowers, and poems were seen in Dongpirang in Tongyeong, which were thought to be representations of its locality and the friendliness of hometown in the less favoured area. Wall paintings played pivotal roles in this village to impart to the residents essentials that should be kept to eliminate inner walls in their minds and ensure open communications. In Byeolbyeol Village in Yeongcheon, locality was presented with common farm village landscapes in various materials, patterns and formativeness. Village-wide reinforcement contributed to strengthening ties in the community rather than forming boundaries against outside worlds. Cultural and artistic elements structured mental walls that made people not aware of the presence of physical walls.