• 제목/요약/키워드: Smart grid terminologies

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.015초

스마트그리드 용어 표준화를 위한 뜻풀이 작업 및 온라인 용어 정보시스템 개발 (Interpretation Works and Online Terminology Information System for the Standardization of Smart Grid Terminologies)

  • 황유모;김정훈
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제62권3호
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2013
  • Power system technologies in the area of smart grid are being converged with communication system technologies or information technologies(IT). This interdisciplinary action affects on two parts vigorously so that IT has become a essential part of power industry. But terminologies of two parts are confused and it is necessary that these are standardized to develop the industry. The interpretation works with scientific and technological standard of the smart grid terminologies which are IEC TC 57 glossary and non-glossary terminologies are introduced. Based on the interpretation works of the smart grid terminologies, an online terminology information system for the standardization of smart grid terminologies is proposed. The system provides the capability of collection and delivery of academic society opinions for the selected and interpreted terminologies.

스마트그리드 용어 표준화를 위한 개방형 한국어 지식 대사전 집필 시스템 (Writing System of the Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary for Standardization of Smart grid Terminologies)

  • 황유모;김정훈
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제63권10호
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    • pp.1337-1346
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    • 2014
  • Power system technologies in the area of smart grid are being converged with communication system technologies or information technologies(IT). This interdisciplinary action affects on two parts vigorously so that IT has become a essential part of power industry. But terminologies of two parts are confused and it is necessary that these are standardized to develop the industry. The writing system of the Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary for standardization of smart grid terminologies which are IEC TC 57 glossary and non-glossary is proposed. The writing system includes the process of collection, writing guideline and standardization of terminologies. Writing results of 90,000 terminologies for electricity, communication and computer fields including smart grid terminologies, which are registered in the Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary, are shown. The system provides the capability of collection and delivery of academic society opinions for the selected and interpreted terminologies through the internet for standardization and industry propagation of smart grid terminologies.

매트릭스형 분류체계를 적용한 IEC 기술용어 표준화 방안 (Standardization of IEC Terminologies Based on a Matrix Classification System)

  • 황유모;김정훈;문봉희
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제64권4호
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2015
  • Through the correspondence works with IEC in the smart grid fields and power IT fields, we set up the interpretation work procedure and defined the work rule for correspondence by analyzing the work results. In addition, we suggest cases for discussion of terms and definitions in the IEC and analyze them and then propose a matrix classification system for standardization to solve the cases for discussion. The matrix classification system with 3-axes of classification has been applied to newly emerging terminologies followed by smart gird. We drew the usefulness in search of terms in application fields and showed the cases of applying the matrix classification. The IEC Electropedia classification standard is unclear and the classification is mixed with principle, application and product areas. We proposed a new working group in IEC TC1 for research on the matrix classification system and then TC 1 decided to organize a new WG titled in the "IEV structure and supporting tools".

선진화된 IEC 기술용어 표준화 구축절차 및 전산시스템 (Advanced Procedure and Computing System for Standardization of IEC Terminologies)

  • 황유모;김정훈;문봉희
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제65권3호
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    • pp.388-396
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    • 2016
  • Through the correspondence works with international electrotechnical vocabulary(IEV) in the smart grid field and power information technology field, we analyzed cases for discussion of terms and definitions in the IEV and then proposed an advanced procedure and computing system for standardization of International Electronical Committee(IEC) terminologies. The standardization procedure consists of processes for existing terminology, new terminology and correspondent terminology which have different structures. An example of the standardization work of correspondent terminology is given. The standardization computing system are based on the process for terminology extraction, terminology verification and terminology management which could provide the Wikipedia type terminology search function. In order to prevent that there exist multiple terminologies in IEV, the database search system is needed to be developed. We proposed the 'IEV_Term_Search' program which is the database search system. Terminology standardization of different technical committees(TC) and completion of the IEV to promote cooperation between TC 1 and the TCs must be followed by revision and standardization using the standardization computing system.