• Title/Summary/Keyword: Slump Test

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Prediction of concrete pumping based on correlation between slump and rheological properties

  • Lee, Jung Soo;Kim, Eun Sung;Jang, Kyong Pil;Park, Chan Kyu;Kwon, Seung Hee
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.395-410
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    • 2022
  • This study collected the results of material tests and full-scale pumping tests using 127 types of concrete mixtures with compressive strength ranging from 24 to 200 MPa. The results of 242 material tests showed high correlations between the viscosity of the lubricating layer and concrete, between the slump and the yield stress of concrete, between the water-binder ratio and the viscosity of lubricating layer, and between the time required to reach 500 mm of slump flow and concrete viscosity. Based on these correlations, pumpability was predicted using 101 pumping test conditions, and their accuracy was compared to the actual test results. When the rheological properties of concrete and the lubricating layer were directly measured, the prediction result showed the highest accuracy. A high accuracy can be achieved when the measured viscosity of the lubricating layer, a key determinant of concrete pumpability, is reflected in the prediction of pumpability. When measuring rheological properties is difficult, the slump test can be used to quantitatively predict the pumpability despite the lower accuracy than those of other prediction methods.

A Fundamental Study on Very High Strength and High Flowable Concrete using Industrial By-products (산업부산물을 활용한 고유동화 초고강도 콘크리트의 기초물성 및 동결융해특성)

  • 김병권;이석홍;정하선;이영남;문한영
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.707-714
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents the fundamental study on rational manu(acture of Very High Strength(VHS) concrete using industrial by-products as like silica fume, slag and fly ash. In this study, we had tested various mixing cases to manufacture the VHS concrete(target compressive strength : over 1,000 kgf/$cm^{2}$) which is easily workable (target slump flow : 60$\pm$l0cm), The main variables studied are; 1) test variables to find the optimum replacement ratio of mineral admixture, 2) test variables to find a rational water-binder ratio, a proper binder content, 3) test variables to find the method for reduction of slump loss, 4) test variables to know the influence of air entrainment on frost resistance. From the test results, it is concluded that the rational mix design can be made by using 40% slag, 10% silica fume, and water reducing agent(slump loss reduction type). We found that it is unnecessary to entrain air for freeze-thawing resistance.

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Flow Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced High flow Concrete (폴리프로필렌 섬유보강 고유동 콘크리트의 유동 특성)

  • Noh, Kyung-Hee;Sung, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed to evaluate flow properties of polypropylene fiber reinforced high flow concrete. Test results were showed that the slump, slump flow and L-type compacting were decreased with increasing the content of polypropylene fiber. But, the Box-type passing and air content were increased with increasing the content of polypropylene fiber. The slump was $25.5{\sim}27.5cm$, the slump flow was $60{\sim}65cm$, the Box-type passing was $2{\sim}6cm$, the L-type compacting was excellent and air content was $2.7{\sim}3.2cm%$ by the polypropylene fiber content 0.2%, respectively. This concrete can be used for high flow concrete.

A study on the rheological properties of superfluidity self compacting concrete utilizing tailings from the tungsten mine (광산광미를 활용한 초유동 자기충전 콘크리트의 유변학적 특성 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Wang;Kim, Yong-Jic;Choi, Wook;Lee, Kwang-Myong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05b
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2006
  • This study has focused on the possibility for recycling of tailings from the Sangdong tungsten mine as powder of superfluidity self-compacting concrete. The experimental tests for slump-flow, time required to reach 500mm of slump flow(sec), time required to flow through V-funnel(sec) and filling height of U-box test(mm) were carried out in accordance with the specified by the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering(JSCE). The result of this study, in case of superfluidity self-compacting concrete mixed with tailings, slump-flow was decreased with increasing mixing ratio. But time required to reach 500mm of slump flow(sec), time required to flow through V-funnel(sec) and filling height of U-box test(mm) were satisfied a prescribed range.

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A Study on the Consistency Measurement of Weathered Granite Soil (화강암질풍화토(花崗岩質風化土)의 Consistency 측정(測定)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Yea Mook;Cho, Seung Seup;Hong, Soon Pil
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 1980
  • This test was carried out to present criterion to measure the liquid limit of weathered granite soil by using the flow-table method whose operation is easier and more convenient than slump test. The results are as follows. 1. Since liquid limit of weathered granite soil depends upon the particle size distribution, weatheredness and content of colored minerals, maximum particle size should be prescribed when the testing rule of liquid limit by flow-table method is enacted. 2. If take the averaged water content as liquid limit where the height and width of flow are 1 cm respectively by 10 times dropping, this liquid limit is slightly less than the one by slump test. The differance of liquid limit between flow table method and slump test is about 10%. 3. Correlation curves of flow width-water content and flow hight-water content show similar shapes. Those are straight lines in semi-logarithm paper just as liquid limit test. 4. This flow-table method is more convenient and has less personal error of measurement than slump test does. So flow-table method would be favourably utilized for judging the engineering properties of soil.

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A Study on the Strength Estimation of Concrete Using Microwave (마이크로파를 이용한 콘크리트 강도추정에 관한 연구)

  • 박일용;이종균;박영진;안형준;정상진
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 1999
  • Concrete is to be important quality in placement point and exact test method needed about early judgement method concrete on placement point. But early judgement method of concrete proposed various kind of method because the problems of accuracy and the time required of test exists, it is used within the limits. This study is to propose of early strength judgement by using microwave for accurate estimating early strength of concrete and to develop test machine. Through out this study we find that belows. 1) Strength development of concrete specimen according to the time heated by microwave showed the height strength development in 9 minutes regardless of slump and w/c. 2) As cooling time is long, strength of concrete specimen according to the time heated by microwave showed high strength development and this tendency is like regardless of heating time, w/c and slump. 3) As w/c is high, accelerating strength development according to w/c showed lower strength development and this tendency is like regardless of slump, heating time and cooling time. 4) As slump is big, compressive strength of specimen in standard curing showed lower value and as w/c is big, strength development showed lower

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Strength and Durability Properties of Polymer Concrete Utilizing Oyster Shell Powder as a Filler (굴 패각 분말을 충전재로 활용한 폴리머 콘크리트의 강도 및 내구 특성)

  • Sung, Chan-Yong;Kim, Young-Ik
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to evaluate the workability, strengths and durability of polymer concrete using oyster shell that are reclaimed at public shore illegally or leaved on the surroundings of shore to prevent the environmental pollution. We investigated the effect of oyster shell powder (OSP) and $CaCO_3$. on the slump, compressive strength, flexural strength, acid sulfuric and freezing and thawing resistance as a filler of polymer concrete. Modified OSP obtained by crushing oyster shell (less than 0.15 mm size) consists of 60.47 wt% of $SiO_2$ and 39.5 wt% of $CaCO_3$. As a result of slump test by OSP and $CaCO_3$. contents, it is found that slump of specimen used OSP is lower than that used $CaCO_3$. and the more OSP contents are, its slump is increased. Compressive and flexural strength of polymer concrete using OSP are similar or slightly lower than that using $CaCO_3$. In acid sulfuric test for 5 % $H_2SO_4$ and freezing thawing test, regardless of kinds of fillers and contents are not found fatal defects in weight change, falling-off in surface and durability factor.

Estimation and Analysis of Slump Loss in Ready Mixed Concrete (레드믹스트 콘크리트의 슬럼프손실량(損失量)의 추정(推定) 및 슬펌프손실(損失)에 영향을 미치는 요인분석(要因分析))

  • Moon, Han Young;Choi, Jae Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 1986
  • Multiple regression equation was derived for estimation of slump loss in ready mixed concrete and usefulness of the equation was verfied by field test. Factors affecting slump loss were examined and analyzed for transport distance and transport time of ready mixed concrete. The analysis showed that wait and discharge time of ready mixed concrete in job site caused difficulty in the slump control. To determine the influence of the other factors such as mix proportion, temperature of concrete, and dosage of admixture, experimental tests were performed. Generally, there was no significant difference in slump loss according to cement content and initial slump level. For one retarder, more slump loss was found, but difference according to dosage of admixture was not recognized.

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A study of Experimental on Construction of Concrete Filled in Steel Tube Column under a Low Temperature (저온하에서의 CFT 시공을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • 강용학;이민경;정근호;백민수;김진호;정상진
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.489-494
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    • 2002
  • The basic Physical properties, Slump, Slump Flow, Air content, Bleeding, and Settlement of concrete was investigated to test Characteristic of Setting and to evaluate the relation between Model Specimen and Heat of Hydration for construction under Low Temperature (CFT). The objective of this study is to take the partial core after the cementation of Model Specimen, test the compression intensity and analyze the relation to Test Piece.

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An Experimental Study on the Construction of CFT Column Over the High Temperature (CFT 기둥의 서중 시공 적용을 위한 기초적 연구)

  • 이장환;강용학;공민호;정근호;김진호;정상진
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.1029-1034
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    • 2003
  • The basic Physical properties, Slump, Slump Flow, Air content, Bleeding, and Settlement of concrete was investigateed to test Characteristic of Setting and to evaluate the relation between Model Specimen and Heat of hydration for construction Over the High Temperature (CFT). The objective of this study is to take the partial core after the cementation of Model Specimen, test the compression intensity and analyze the relation to Test Piece.

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