• Title/Summary/Keyword: Single image

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Study on single gap transflective fringe-fields switching liquid crystal display using the liquid crystal with negative dielectric anisotropy (유전율 이방성이 음인 액정을 이용한 FFS 모드의 단일 갭형 반투과형 액정 디스플레이 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Chin, Mi-Hyung;Lim, Young-Jin;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.312-313
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    • 2008
  • A transflective liquid crystal displays associated with fringe field switching (FFS) mode of new concept is proposed. The device utilizes unique characteristic of the FFS mode in which the rotation angle of LC director is strongly dependent on electrode position in on state. We use the liquid crystal with negative dielectric anisotropy. Also we are look for optimized electrode size and the optimization of pixel electrode width and distance between them, the LC director could rotate about $22.5^{\circ}$ and $45^{\circ}$ depending on electrode positions. Consequently, we get high transmittance and high reflection on the optimized electrode condition. Respectively, a high image quality transflective display with single gap and single gamma characteristics realized.

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Experimental evaluation of fuel rod pattern analysis in fuel assembly using Yonsei single-photon emission computed tomography (YSECT)

  • Choi, Hyung-joo;Cheon, Bo-Wi;Baek, Min Kyu;Chung, Heejun;Chung, Yong Hyun;You, Sei Hwan;Min, Chul Hee;Choi, Hyun Joon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.1982-1990
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the possibility of fuel rod pattern analysis in a fresh fuel assembly using the Yonsei single-photon emission computed tomography (YSECT) system. The YSECT system consisted of three main parts: four trapezoidal-shaped bismuth germanate scintillator-based 64-channel detectors, a semiconductor-based multi-channel data acquisition system, and a rotary stage. In order to assess the performance of the prototype YSECT, tomographic images were obtained for three representative fuel rod patterns in the 6 × 6 array using two representative image-reconstruction algorithms. The fuel-rod patterns were then assessed using an in-house fuel rod pattern analysis algorithm. In the experimental results, the single-directional projection images for those three fuel-rod patterns well discriminated each fuel-rod location, showing a Gaussian-peak-shaped projection for a single 10 mm-diameter fuel rod with 12.1 mm full-width at half maximum. Finally, we successfully verified the possibility of the fuel rod pattern analysis for all three patterns of fresh fuel rods with the tomographic images obtained by the rotational YSECT system.

Defect Length Measurement using Underwater Camera and A Laser Slit Beam

  • Kim, Young-Hwan;Yoon, Ji-Sup
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.746-751
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    • 2003
  • A method of measuring the length of defects on the wall of the spent nuclear fuel pool using the image processing and a laser slit beam is proposed. Since the defect monitoring camera is suspended by a crane and hinged to the crane hook, the camera viewing direction can not be adjusted to the orientation that is exactly perpendicular to the wall. Thus, the image taken by the camera, which is horizontally rotated along the axis of the camera supporting beam, is distorted and thus, the precise length can not be measured. In this paper, by using the LASER slit beam generator, the horizontally rotated angle of the camera is estimated. Once the angle is obtained, the distorted image can be easily reconstructed to the image normal to the wall. The estimation algorithm adopts a 3-dimensional coordinate transformation of the image plane where both the laser slit beam and the original image of the defects exist. The estimation equation is obtained by using the information of the beam projected on the wall and the parameters of this equation are experimentally obtained. With this algorithm, the original image of the defect taken at arbitrary rotated angle can be reconstructed to an image normal to the wall. From the result of a series of experiments, the accuracy of the defect is measured within 0.6 and 1.3 % error bound of real defect size in the air and underwater, respectively under 30 degree of the inclined angle of the laser slit beam generator. Also, the error increases as the inclined angle increases upto 60 degree. Over this angle, the defect length can not be measured since the defect image disappears. The proposed algorithm enables the accurate measurement of the defect length only by using a single camera and a laser slit beam.

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Multi-scale Decomposition tone mapping using Guided Image Filter (가이디드 이미지 필터를 이용한 다중 스케일 분할 톤 매핑 기법)

  • Gao, Ming;Jeong, Jechang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.474-483
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a multi-scale high dynamic range (HDR) tone mapping algorithm using guided image filter (GIF). The GIF is used to divide an image into a base layer and a detail layer, then the range of the detail layer is reduced with a compression function to enhance the detail information of the image. However, in most cases, an image includes the detail and edge information in different scales. That is to say, it is difficult to represent all detail features under a certain scale, and a single-scale image decomposition method is not free from artifacts around edges. To solve the problems, the multi-scale image decomposition method is proposed. It utilizes the detail layers of several scale to determine how much edge is preserved. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm has better image performance in preserving edge compared to conventional algorithm.

Color Sensibility Image of Naturally Dyed Silk Fabric (천연염색 견직물의 색채감성 이미지)

  • Yang, Young-Ae;Yi, Eun-Jou
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.403-412
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    • 2010
  • This study was aimed to consider the influence of hue-tone, dyes, and mordants of naturally dyed silk fabric on color sensibility image factors and to establish color sensibility image scales of naturally dyed silk fabric by color and image descriptors. By single or sequential dyeing with various natural dyes commercially available in domestic and foreign market on the same silk fabric, a total of 66 colored fabric stimuli were prepared and they were used to evaluate subjective color sensibility image by 40 participants. As results, four different color sensibility image factors for naturally dyed silk fabric, 'delight', 'natural', 'modern' and 'attractive' were extracted. All of factors were significantly influenced by hue-tone, dyes, and mordants. Furthermore, by using color sensibility image adjectives and colors, multidimensional image scales were established, which leads to the conclusions that the results of this study help to design color sensibility-oriented naturally dyed fabric and apparel products.

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Development of Automatic Crack Detection System for Concrete Structure Using Image Processing Method (이미지 분석기법을 이용한 콘크리트 구조물의 균열 검출 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Ho Beom;Kim, Jong Woo;Jang, Il Young
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.64-77
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the crack detecting system with digital image processing techniques based on the mathematical morphology method was developed to detect cracks in concrete structures. In the developed system, the image combining technique of reconstructing multiple images as an entire single image considering efficient management of analysis results was applied as an additional module. The developed system was verified through a field test with the cracked concrete culvert and the crack width of 0.2 mm was able to be detected in the 40m span. In the image analysis, the difference between calculated crack width and actual crack width were less than 0.08mm. For image combination in the stitching test of pattern images, the stitched image was identical with the original picture of entire subject in the visual perception level.

Automatic Video Chromakeying Generation Technology Using Background Modeling (배경 모델링을 이용한 비디오 크로마키 생성기법)

  • Yoo, Gil-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2021
  • In online meetings and classes using webcams, the chromakey technique is a very necessary part to produce content. We proposed a technology that enables background synthesis without using a cloth for chromakey. The proposed method consists of three steps: an HSI image conversion step, a step of detecting a region changed from a background, and a step of replacing the background region with a chromakey and applying it. In the input video, the block average image of each frame is calculated, and the difference between the block average image of the background image and the block average image of the input image is used to detect the change area. The developed chromakey effect technology uses a technique of acquiring a background image without an object from a single camera and extracting only an object by distinguishing the moving object and the background. The proposed method is not only capable of processing even if the background has a variety of colors, but also has the seamless processing of the boundary lines of objects.

Image Filtering Method for an Effective Inverse Tone-mapping (효과적인 역 톤 매핑을 위한 필터링 기법)

  • Kang, Rahoon;Park, Bumjun;Jeong, Jechang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a filtering method that can improve the results of inverse tone-mapping using guided image filter. Inverse tone-mapping techniques have been proposed that convert LDR images to HDR. Recently, many algorithms have been studied to convert single LDR images into HDR images using CNN. Among them, there exists an algorithm for restoring pixel information using CNN which learned to restore saturated region. The algorithm does not suppress the noise in the non-saturation region and cannot restore the detail in the saturated region. The proposed algorithm suppresses the noise in the non-saturated region and restores the detail of the saturated region using a WGIF in the input image, and then applies it to the CNN to improve the quality of the final image. The proposed algorithm shows a higher quantitative image quality index than the existing algorithms when the HDR quantitative image quality index was measured.

An Analytic Solution to Projector Pose Estimation Problem

  • Lee, Joo-Haeng
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.978-981
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    • 2012
  • We present an analytic solution to the projector pose estimation problem for the pinhole projection model in which the source image is a centered rectangle with an unknown aspect ratio. From a single quadrilateral given as a target image, our solution gives the position and orientation of a projector as well as the aspect ratio of a source image. The proposed method decomposes the problem into two pose estimation problems of coupled line projectors aligned at each diagonal of the given quadrilateral and then computes the common solution that satisfies the relevant geometric constraints. The solution is formulated as simple analytic equations. We also provide a determinant of projectability of an arbitrary quadrilateral.

Image-based Collision Detection on GPU (GPU를 이용한 이미지 기반 충돌검사)

  • Jang, Han-Young;Jung, Taek-Sang;Han, Jung-Hyun
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.812-817
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents an image-space algorithm to real-time collision detection, which is run completely by GPU. For a single object or for multiple objects with no collision, the front and back faces appear alternately along the view direction. However, such alternation is violated when objects collide. Based on these observations, the algorithm has been devised, and the implementation utilizes the state-of-the-art functionalities of GPU such as framebuffer objects(FBO), vertex buffer object(VBO) and occlusion query. The experimental results show the feasibility of GPU-intensive collision detection and its performance gain in real-time applications such as 3D games.

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