• Title/Summary/Keyword: Silage Quality

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Changes in microbial population and chemical composition of corn stover during field exposure and effects on silage fermentation and in vitro digestibility

  • Sun, Lin;Wang, Zhijun;Gentu, Ge;Jia, Yushan;Hou, Meiling;Cai, Yimin
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.815-825
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    • 2019
  • Objective: To effectively use corn stover resources as animal feed, the changes in microbial population and chemical composition of corn stover during field exposure, and their silage fermentation and in vitro digestibility were studied. Methods: Corn cultivars (Jintian, Jinnuo, and Xianyu) stovers from 4 random sections of the field were harvested at the preliminary dough stage of maturity on September 2, 2015. The corn stover exposed in the field for 0, 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 180 d, and their silages at 60 d of ensiling were used for the analysis of microbial population, chemical composition, fermentation quality, and in vitro digestibility. Data were analyzed with a completely randomized $3{\times}6$ [corn stover cultivar $(C){\times}exposure$ d (D)] factorial treatment design. Analysis of variance was performed using SAS ver. 9.0 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Results: Aerobic bacteria were dominant population in fresh corn stover. After ensiling, the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) became the dominant bacteria, while other microbes decreased or dropped below the detection level. The crude protein (CP) and water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) for fresh stover were 6.74% to 9.51% and 11.75% to 13.21% on a dry matter basis, respectively. After exposure, the CP and WSC contents decreased greatly. Fresh stover had a relatively low dry matter while high WSC content and LAB counts, producing silage of good quality, but the dry stover did not. Silage fermentation inhibited nutrient loss and improved the fermentation quality and in vitro digestibility. Conclusion: The results confirm that fresh corn stover has good ensiling characteristics and that it can produce silage of good quality.

Effect of harvest dates on β-carotene content and forage quality of rye (Secale cereale L.) silage and hay

  • Zhao, Guo Qiang;Wei, Sheng Nan;Liu, Chang;Kim, Hak Jin;Kim, Jong Geun
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.354-366
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    • 2021
  • Limited data about the effects of various factors on forage quality and β-carotene content of rye produced in Korea are available, so this study investigated the effects of two preservation methods. Samples were collected from rye harvested every 5 days between April 25 and May 31, and comparisons were done among rye silage wilted for different periods of time and hay of three growth stages of rye. For the silage, dry matter (DM), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents increased with advanced maturity of rye, whereas crude protein, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), total digestible nutrients (TDN), relative feed value (RFV), and DM loss decreased (p < 0.0001). Wilting increased the DM content and pH value significantly (p < 0.0001). Silage harvested at the heading stage had the lowest pH value (4.45), propionic acid (0.83 g/kg DM), butyric acid (0 g/kg DM), and fungi and yeast populations (3.70 Log CFU/g of fresh matter [FM]); conversely, it had the highest lactic acid (9.7 g/kg DM), lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (6.87 Log CFU/g of FM), total microorganisms (TM) (7.33 Log CFU/g of FM), and Flieg's score (70) (p < 0.0001). Wilting elevated LAB and TM populations, but it had no consistent effect on other fermentation products. Both delayed harvest and prolonged wilting decreased β-carotene content. Rye silage harvested around May 9 (heading stage) with 24 h of wilting was preferred for highland, Pyeongchang. For rye hay, advanced maturity decreased DM loss, IVDMD, TDN, and RFV, but it increased DM, ADF, and NDF significantly (p < 0.05). β-carotene was decreased by delay of hay-making. Consequently, to attain lower DM loss and higher hay quality, the harvest date of May 9 (heading stage) is recommended.

The Effect of Addition of Apple Pomace on Quality and In Situ Degradability of Orchardgrass Silage (사과박 첨가가 오차드그라스 사일리지의 품질과 In Situ 소실율에 미치는 영향)

  • 조익환;황보순;안종호;김현진;이주삼
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2001
  • The quality including in situ degradability in the rumen of Holstein of the orchardgrass silage added with apple pomace was investigated in this study. The amount of apple pomace added in different treatments were 0, 20, 40 and 60% respectively. With higher amount of addition of apple pomace to orchardgrass, ADF, NDF and crude ash contents decreased significantly (p<0.05). Crude protein contents in the silages (11.8- 12.9%) were similar to that of 100% orchardgrass silage. Moisture contents increased according to the higher proportion of apple pomace in the silages. On the contrary to moisture content, pH was lower in 40-60% addition of apple pomace (3.7-3.9) than that of 100% orchardgrass silage (4.7). However the contents of lactic acid (1.7-2.5%), acetic acid (1.3- 1.7%) and total organic acid (2.9-4.2%) significantly increased according to higher levels of addition of apple pomace compared to the respective values of 100% orchardgrass silage (1.1%, 0.6% 1.7%). In siru disappearance rates of dry matter and NDF in the rumen were significantly higher at the stages of incubation after 24h in 40-60% addition of apple pomace than in 100% orchardgrass silage. No statistical differences were observed with quickly degradable fraction (a) and slowly degradable fraction (b) in the disappearance rates of dry matter and NDF. However, fractional rate of disappearance (c) and effective degradability (ED, k=0.08) for dry matter and NDF were significantly higher in 20-60% addition of apple pomace as 0.0076-0.0079 and 0.0099-0.0130. and 39.3-41.7% and 18.4- 20.6% respectively than the respective values of 0.0054 and 0.0064, and 36.8 and 16.5% of 100% orchardgrass silage. (Key words : Orchardgrass silage. Apple pomace. Lactic acid, In Situ Degradability. Effective degradability)

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  • Yokota, H.;Okajima, T.;Ohshima, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 1992
  • Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) harvested at an early growth stage was ensiled with 4% of molasses in a polyethylene bag silo which contained 15 kg of chopped forage each. Dry matter (DM) content of the silage was so low as 14.75%, although chemical quality of the silage was very high. Ratio of ammonia nitrogen to total nitrogen was 6.59%, and the pH value of the silage was 3.79. Nutritive value of the silage was estimated using goats and compared to that of a timothy hay as a reference ration. Feeding level of each rations was adjusted to a level of nitrogen (N) recommendation. DM and N digestibilities of the silage were 65.0 and 54.5%, respectively, but those of the timothy hay were 37.6 and 37.2%. Feeding of the napier grass silage maintained body weight and kept positive N retention. Ammonia N concentration in the rumen fluid in goats fed the napier grass silage increased after feeding, but blood urea concentration was constant. Feeding of the timothy hay did not increase ammonia N concentration in the rumen fluid, but increased blood urea concentration. These facts indicated that the napier grass silage had enough digestible DM and N for maintenance ration to goats.

The Effect of Maturity Stage and Particle Length of Sorghum-Sudan Hybrid on the Quality of Silage (Sorghum-Sudan Hybrid의 생육시기와 절단길이가 Silage의 품종에 미치는 영향)

  • 최낙민;문영식;고영두
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 1985
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of maturity stages and particle length on quality of silage made from Sorghum-sudan hybrid (Pioneer 988). The silage was made at heading, milky, dough and yellow ripe stage and cut 1.0, 2.5, 4.0cm at each stage. The quality of the silage was evaluated on the bases of the chemical compositions, content of organic acids, pH and $NH_3-N$ of the silage, and also the correlation between main compositions of the silage. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The moisture content was decreased with advancing maturity, but dry matter content was increased. Crude protein was decreased with advancing maturity at the level of 12.55 percentageat heading stage. Crude fiber was tended to increase. 2. The moisture content of silage was markedly decreased with advancing maturity (p<0.01). 3. The pH value of silage was the lowest when particle length was 2.5cm, and there was no significant difference between particle lengths. At the yellow ripe stage, the pH value was the lowest (3.53) and at the dough stage, the pH value was the highest (4.59) (p<0.01). 4. The rate of $NH_3-N$ to total-N was the highest (16.3%) at heading stage, the lowest (9.2%) at the dough stage. 5. The organic acid contents was not uniformly fixed at the particle length, but the highest quality silage was produced at yellow ripe stage as was not produced butyric acid and plenty of lactic acid was contented. 6. The correlations between pH and lactic acid (r=0.719), pH and total acid (r=-0.716), butyric acid and Flieg's score (r=0.872) were negative, respectively (p<0.01). And those between lactic acid and total acid (r=0.990), moisture and $NH_3-N$ (r=0.767) were positive, respectively (p<0.01).

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Effect of Formic acid and Caproic acids on the Quality and Aerobic Deterioration of Reed Canarygrass Silage (Formic acid와 Caproic acid 첨가가 Reed Canarygrass Silage의 품질과 호기적 변패에 미치는 영향)

  • 김재황;고영두
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 1994
  • In order to study the effects of silage additive on the quality and in preventing aerobic deterioration, reed canarygrass silages were made with various levels of formic acid, caproic acid and a mixture of the two acids. Preparation of silages cutted into about 1.5 cm length with the forage cutter and packed in vinyl bags(50 kg of capacity, 0.1 mrn of thickness), and it also divided nine types of experimental treatments. Aerobic deterioration in the silages were investigated for 7 days of aerobic exposure periods, and the plastic vessel of diameter 25 cm, a height 30 cm used as a tool. The results obtained from this experiment are summarized as fellow. 1. Crude protein and NFE contents at the time if opening were increased in the silage with mixture of formic and caproic acids(P<0.01). Crude fiber and ADF contents during the 7 days of aerobic exposure periods were the decreased in the sslages with mixture of two acods treatment(P<0.01). 2. Temperature of the silage treated with fromic acid alone during the 2 days of aerobic exposure period reached$34.4^{\circ}C$, while that of the silage with caproic acid and mixture formic and caproic acids were not rapidly increased resulting by reduced aerobic deteriorarion. 3. The pH of silages treated with formic acid alone during 7 days of aerobic exposure was not effectively changed, while solages treated with caproic acid were effectively stabilized. 4. The ratio of amminia nitrogen to total nitrogen was significantly decreased in silages with formic acid>caproic acid>mixture of both in the order(P<0.01). 5. Microbiological population of the silage were positively changed during the 7 days of aerobic exposure period. Solages with formic acid were deteriorated at ensiling observed, while applicarion of 1.2% caproic acid was partially reduced deteriorarion by precenting of the growth moulds.

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Silage Fermentative Quality and Characteristics of Anthocyanin Stability in Anthocyanin-rich Corn (Zea mays L.)

  • Hosoda, Kenji;Eruden, Bayaru;Matsuyama, Hiroki;Shioya, Shigeru
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.528-533
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    • 2009
  • The fermentative quality and quantitative change in anthocyanin of anthocyanin-rich corn (Zea mays L.) during storage and in vitro ruminal fermentation were studied. The anthocyanin-rich corn silages in bag silo, drum silo and round bale had good fermentative qualities, such as low pH (5% DM) and butyric acid-free, and its quality was maintained for more than 370 d. The amount of anthocyanin in the anthocyanin-rich corn decreased after ensiling by about 45% (from 3.34 to 1.88 mg/g DM), but stayed constant after day 60. The in vitro incubation of the anthocyanin-rich corn with ruminal fluid revealed little degradation of anthocyanin. These results indicate that the anthocyanin had no negative effect on silage fermentation, and the anthocyanin-rich corn silage is utilizable for practical use as a feedstuff. Our results also demonstrate alteration of the anthocyanin content during storage, and show that anthocyanin-rich corn is a suitable antioxidant source for ruminants because of the high stability of the anthocyanin in ruminal fluid.

Effect of Pre-wilting Time on the Change of Moisture Content and Its Silage Quality at Different Harvest Stages of Whole Crop Oat (수확시기별 예건시간에 따른 귀리의 수분함량과 사일리지 품질변화)

  • Song, Tae-Hwa;Han, Ouk-Kyu;Yun, Seong-Kun;Park, Tae-Il;Kim, Kyeong-Hoon;Kim, Kee-Jong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to establish the optimum pre-wilting time for the high-quality silage production of whole crop oat. Plants were harvested for three time at intervals of 10 days after heading (DAH) and silage production was conducted after the pre-wilting treatment of 0, 4, 8 and 32 hours, respectively. Results showed to attain a proper moisture content for profitable silage production, which was an optimal content for making silage, by pre-wilting oat for 4 hours after harvest at either 20 days after heading or harvesting 30 DAH(days after heading). As the feed value of silage, the processing of proper moisture contents showed that crude protein contents were high and the entire feed value showed higher than others. High content of lactic acid and the low content of acetic and butyric acid showed on 60~65% the moisture conditions of silage. There was desired that whole crop oat was pre-wilting on 4 hours and harvested at about 20~30 DAH and after that, even if harvesting at once, it was judged that it could produce good quality silage.

Studies on the Forage Production and Utilization on Paddy Field in Korea (한국에 있어서 답리작을 이용한 양질 조사료 생산기술)

  • Seo, Sung;Yook, W.B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Grassland Science Conference
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    • 2002.09b
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    • pp.5-56
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    • 2002
  • The problems in the current domestic forage production were evaluated, and the prospective improvement was suggested in this paper. Grassland development in forest, production of high quality forages in upland and paddy land, efficient utilization of rice straw, development of new varieties of forages suitable for our environmental conditions and imported forages were described Among them, preferential production and utilization of forages using paddy field after rice harvest . should be enlarged for domestic supply of forages in Korea. Several studies were carried out to select the promising forage crops and barley cultivars for whole crop silage production, to determine productivity, nutritive value and production cost of forages produced in paddy field, and feeding effect of forages with Hanuwoo and milking cow for whole crop silage with forages produced in paddy field, 1999 to 2001, and also discussed restraint factors and activation plans for enlargement of forage production in paddy land. The promising forage crops in paddy field were rye and barley for Middle region, and rye, barley, early maturing Italian ryegrass and wheat for Southern region. The promising barley cultivars for whole crop silage in paddy field were Albori in Suwon, Keunalbori, Milyang 92, Saessalbori, and Naehanssalbori in Iksan, and Keunalbori, Albori, Naehanssalbori, and Saegangbori in Milyang, respectively. Silage production, quality and animal palatability of silage by trench and round bale were also compared. The production yields of whole crop barley silage(WBS) were 17,135kg as a fresh matter, and 6,011kg as a dry matter per ha, and the quality of WBS was 2∼3 grade, while that of rice straw silage was 4 grade as a farm basis. The production cost of WBS per kg was 83won as a fresh matter, and 238won as a dry matter. Feeding of WBS as forages on Hanwoo was very desirable for the improvement of live-weight gain, beef quality and farm income, particularly in growing stage of Hanwoo. Milk production and income were also increased, and feed cost was decreased by feeding of WBS. The daily voluntary intake of WBS in milking cow was 26.3kg as a fresh matter(DM 7.7kg) per head. Milk production when WBS was fed, was very similar to that of imported hay feeding such as Kentucky bluegrass or domestic corn silage. The issues to be solved in near future f3r stable forage production and supply in paddy land are sustainable livestock-forages policy, development & seed production of new varieties of barley, rye, Italian ryegrass and other promising forages, efficient demand & supply system of forages, solidification for mass production and utilization of forages, efficient application management of animal slurry on paddy field considering environmental agriculture/livestock industry, and break k development of bottleneck technique in production field. Domestic production & supply of high cost agricultural machine (round baler, wrapper, handler and so on), plastic wrapping film, and silage additives are also important.

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Effects of Molasses Supplementation Levels to Daesihotang (Herbal Medicine) Meal on Quality of Silage and the Palatability in Goats (당밀의 첨가가 대시호탕(한약제)박 사일리지의 품질과 산양의 기호성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김성복;문계봉;이봉덕;배형철;이수기
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.683-690
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    • 2006
  • Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of molasses supplementation levels to silage materials in ensiling herbal medicine meal on the quality of silage, and its palatability in Korean native goats. In experimentⅠ, molasses were added at the levels of 0, 0.5, and 1.0% to herbal medicine (Deasihotang) meal, with three replicates per each level. They were kept at room temperature for 40 d in glass bottles in order to get silage samples. In experiment Ⅱ, nine 1.5-yr-old Korean native female goats were employed to measure their palatability. In experimentⅠ, lactic acid contents in molasses treatments were significantly (p<0.05) higher, and pH and butyric acid contents was lower than those of non-molasses control treatment. In addition, molasses treatments increased total microbial cell counts in MRS medium for lactobacillus, but decreased total microbial cell counts in PDA medium for fungi. Molasses supplementation to silage materials increased in vitro dry matter disappearance rate. Molasses supplementation tended to increase silage intake in Korean native goat (experiment II), however, the difference was not significant. It is concluded that molasses supplementation to silage materials in ensiling Daesihotang meal could improve its preservability and palatability, the larger the amount the better the quality.