• 제목/요약/키워드: SiC Fiber

검색결과 262건 처리시간 0.028초

전기방사를 이용한 석유계 피치가 코팅된 Si/C Fiber의 전기화학적 성능 (Electrochemical Performances of Petroleum Pitch Coated Si/C Fiber Using Electrospinning)

  • 윤재웅;이종대
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제60권3호
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    • pp.439-445
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 전기방사를 이용해 제조한 Si/C Fiber 표면에 실리콘과 석유계 피치를 코팅하여 전지의 용량 안정성을 개선하고자 하였다. TEOS와 PAN을 전기방사 Fiber의 전구체로 사용하여 DMF에 용해해 방사하였다. 전기 방사된 Fiber는 탄화, 환원, 피치 코팅 공정의 특성을 분석하여 최적 공정을 조사하였으며, TEOS와 PAN의 비율에 따라 제조한 음극 소재의 성능을 평가하였다. 탄화/환원 공정 후의 TEOS : PAN = 4 : 6 (CR-46)로 제조된 음극 복합 소재는 657 mAh/g의 용량을 보여주었다. 전기화학적 성능을 개선하기 위하여, CR-46 표면에 실리콘과 석유계 피치를 코팅하였다. 피치의 조성을 10 wt%로 고정하였을 때, 실리콘의 함량이 증가할수록 용량은 개선되지만, 안정성은 저하됨을 알 수 있었다. 실리콘의 조성을 10 wt%로 제조한 음극 복합 소재는 982.4 mAh/g의 높은 용량과 86.1%의 용량 안정성을 확인할 수 있었다. 고속 충·방전 특성을 분석하기 위한 율속 테스트에서는 80.2%의 용량비(5C/0.1C)를 나타내었다.

다양한 SiC 섬유를 적용한 실리콘 용융 침투 공정 SiCf/SiC 복합재료의 제조 및 특성 변화 연구 (Liquid Silicon Infiltrated SiCf/SiC Composites with Various Types of SiC Fiber)

  • 송종섭;김세영;백경호;우상국;김수현
    • Composites Research
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2017
  • 섬유강화 세라믹 복합재료 제조 방법 중 실리콘 용융 침투 공정법(Liquid Silicon Infiltration-LSI)은 낮은 제조단가 및 짧은 공정 시간 등의 장점을 가진다. 본 연구에서는 고온 내산 특성이 우수한 SiC 섬유를 LSI 공정에 적용하기 위해 결정화도와 산소함량이 다른 세 가지 SiC 섬유(Tyranno SA, LoxM, Tyranno S)를 이용하여 $SiC_f/SiC$ 복합재료를 제작하고 그 적용 가능성을 확인하였다. LSI 공정을 통해 제조된 $SiC_f/SiC$ 복합재료는 모두 2% 미만의 기공률로 치밀화 되었지만, 섬유의 결정화도와 산소함량에 따라 3점 굽힘강도는 큰 차이를 나타냈다. 이는 $1450^{\circ}C$ 이상의 높은 LSI 공정 온도에 SiC 섬유가 노출 될 경우 비정질 SiOC상이 결정화되며 수축하는 현상과 섬유 내 잔존 산소-모재 내 탄소의 반응으로 인한 미세구조 차이에 기인하는 것으로 판단된다. 이는 SEM, XRD 및 TEM 분석을 통해 섬유 종류별 공정온도에서의 특성 변화로 확인하였다.

One-Pot 합성공정으로 만든 Aluminum이 doping된 폴리카보실란으로부터 제조된 치밀한 결정화 탄화규소 섬유 (Dense Polycrystalline SiC Fiber Derived from Aluminum-doped Polycarbosilane by One-Pot Synthesis)

  • 신동근;공은배;류도형;김영희;박홍식;김현이
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제44권7호
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2007
  • Polyaluminocarbosilane was synthesized by direct reaction of polydimethylsilane with aluminum(III)-acetylacetonate in the presence of zeolite catalyst. A fraction of higher molecular weight polycarbosilane was formed due to the binding of aluminium acetylacetonate radicals with the polycarbosilane backbone. Small amount of Si-O-Si bond was observed in the as-prepared polyaluminocarbosilane as the result. Polyaluminocarbosilane fiber was obtained through a melt spinning and was pyrolyzed and sintered into SiC fiber from $1200{\sim}2000^{\circ}C$ under a controlled atmosphere. The nucleation and growth of ${\beta}-SiC$ grains between $1400{\sim}1600^{\circ}C$ are accompanied with nano pores formation and residual carbon generation. Above $1800^{\circ}C$, SiC fiber could be sintered to give a fully crystallized ${\beta}-SiC$ with some ${\alpha}-SiC$.

Mechanical properties of bamboo-epoxy composites a structural application

  • Biswas, Sandhyarani
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the physical and mechanical properties of bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy composites were studied. Composites were fabricated using short bamboo fiber at four different fiber loading (0 wt%, 15 wt%, 30 wt% and 45 wt%). It has been observed that few properties increases significantly with respect to fiber loading, however properties like void fraction increases from 1.71% to 5.69% with the increase in fiber loading. Hence, in order to reduce the void fraction, improve hardness and other mechanical properties silicon carbide (SiC) filler is added in bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy composites at four different weight percentages (0 wt%, 5 wt%, 10 wt% and 15 wt%) by keeping fiber loading constant (45 wt%). The significant improvement of hardness (from 46 to 57 Hv) at 15 wt%SiC, tensile strength (from 10.48 to 13.44 MPa) at 10 wt% SiC, flexural strength (from 19.93 to 29.53 MPa) at 5 wt%SiC and reduction of void fraction (from 5.69 to 3.91%) at 5 wt%SiC is observed. The results of this study indicate that using particulate filled bamboo fiber reinforced epoxy composites could successfully develop a composite material in terms of high strength and rigidity for light weight applications compared to conventional bamboo composites. Finally, SEM studies were carried out to evaluate fibre/matrix interactions.

Effects of SiC Coating of Carbon Fiber on Mechanical Properties in Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Al Matrix Composite

  • Jin Man Jang;Se-Hyun Ko;Wonsik Lee
    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • 제66권4호
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    • pp.941-946
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    • 2021
  • A356 Al composites reinforced by short carbon fiber were prepared through the 2-step process: fabrication of a composite precursor and ultrasonication of the precursor melt. The short carbon fibers were coated with 0.15~1.5 ㎛ thick SiC layer by a carbothermal reaction, and an amount of the carbon fiber reinforcement was determined to be 1.5 vol.% and 4.0 vol.%, respectively. The addition of the carbon fiber increased the hardness of A356 alloy. However, tensile strength did not increase in the as-cast composites regardless of the SiC coating and volume fraction of the carbon fiber, due to the debonding which reduced load transfer efficiency from matrix to fiber at the interface. After T6-treatment of the composites, a significant increase in strength occurred only in the composite reinforced by the SiC-coated short carbon fiber, which was considered to result from the formation of a precipitate improving the Al/SiC interfacial strength.

SiC 장섬유 강화 SiC 기지 복합재료의 고온강도 특성 (High Temeprature Strength Property of Continuous SiC Fiber Reinforced SiC Matrix Composites)

  • 신윤석;이상필;이진경;이준현
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2005년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 2005
  • The mechanical properties of $SiC_f/SiC$ composites reinforced with continuous SiC fiber have been investigated in conjunction with the detailed analysis of their microstructures. Especially, the effect of test temperature on the characterization of $SiC_f/SiC$ composites was examined. In this composite system, a braiding Hi-Nicalon SiC fibric was selected as a reinforcement. $SiC_f/SiC$ composites have been fabricated by the reaction sintering process, using the complex matrix slurry with a constant composition ratio of SiC and C particles. The characterization of $RS-SiC_f/SiC$ composites was investigated by means of SEM, EDS and three point bending test. Based on the mechanical property-microstructure correlation, the high temperature applicability of $RS-SiC_f/SiC$ composites was discussed.

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Al-$SiC_f$ 복합재료에서 보강재의 coating처리가 젖음성에 미치는 영향 (A Study on Wetting Behaviors of Al-Coated $SiC_f$ Composite)

  • 김균영;이경구;최답천;이도재
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.274-284
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    • 1994
  • SiC fibers were coated with Cu, Ag and Ni metallic thin films by magnetron sputtering in order to improve wetting properties between Al matrix and SiC fiber. The wetting behavior of metal coated SiC fiber by pure Al has been studied at $670^{\circ}C{\sim}900^{\circ}C$ range for $10{\sim}90min$. under vacuum atmosphere. Besides, the effect of coated film thickness on the wettability has been investigated. The wetting behavior and interfacial reaction between Al and SiC fibers were analysed with optical microscope and SEM (scanning electron microscope). The wetting behavior of the as-received SiC fiber with Al melt was not uniform, indicated by the contact angles from less than $90^{\circ} to more Al melt was appeared in the initial stage of reation. It was considered that the metallic thin film played an important role in reducing the interfacial free energy and breaking down the aluminum oxide film by eutectic reaction with Al melt. However the wettability of Ni coated SiC fiber was not improved as much as that of Cu or Ag coated SiC fiber. The improvement of wettability by coating thickness is clearly showed in $1{\mu}m$ coated SiC fiber compared with $0.25{\mu}m$ coated SiC.

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Application of AE for Fracture Behavior Evaluation of Carbon-fiber/SiC Reinforced Plastic Composites

  • Ryu, Yeong Rok;Kwon, Oh Heon
    • Composites Research
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2017
  • In this study, SiC powder was added to twill woven carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites to improve its mechanical properties. An acoustic emission (AE) frequency analysis method was suggested for the prediction of failure behaviors. Tensile tests were conducted and the fracture characteristics of each component of the SiC reinforced composite were evaluated using AE. The results showed that SiC powder improved the strength of twill woven CFRP composites and the fracture behavior of the SiC reinforced CFRP composite and its crack extension could be effectively evaluated on the basis of the specific AE frequency bands which are 100 to 228 kHz and 428 to 536 kHz upon the resin failure and 232 to 424 kHz due to addition of SiC powder and 576 to 864 kHz at the fiber breakage.

SiCf/SiC 복합체의 화학기상침착 거동에 미치는 권선 구조와 침착 변수의 영향 (Influence of Winding Patterns and Infiltration Parameters on Chemical Vapor Infiltration Behaviors of SiCf/SiC Composites)

  • 김대종;고명진;이현근;박지연;김원주
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제51권5호
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    • pp.453-458
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    • 2014
  • SiC and its composites have been considered for use as nuclear fuel cladding materials of pressurized light water reactors. In this study, a $SiC_f$/SiC composite as a constituent layer of SiC triplex fuel cladding was fabricated using a chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) process in which tubular SiC fiber preforms were prepared using a filament winding method. To enhance the matrix density of the composite layer, winding patterns, deposition temperature, and gas input ratio were controlled. Fiber arrangement and porosity were the main parameters influencing densification behaviors. Final density of the composites decreased as the SiC fiber volume fraction increased. The CVI process was optimized to densify the tubular preforms with high fiber volume fraction at a high $H_2$/MTS ratio of 20 at $1000^{\circ}C$; in this process, surface canning of the composites was effectively retarded.

Conversion of Carbon Fiber into Silicon Carbide Fiber by Pack-Cementation

  • Joo, Hyeok-Jong;Kim, Jung-Il;Lee, Jum-Kyun
    • Carbon letters
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.12-16
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    • 2000
  • Carbon fiber was reacted with gaseous silicon monoxide which is produced from pack-powder mixture at elevated temperature. As a result of the reaction, two kinds of SiC fiber were obtained. The first one was SiC fibers which were converted from carbon fiber. The fiber is constituted with polycrystal like fine grains or monolithic crystals that have a size from sub-micron to $10\;{\mu}m$. Their size depends on the temperature during the conversion reaction. The second one was ultra-fine SiC fibers that were found on the surface of the converted SiC fibers. The ultra-fine fibers have diameters from 0.08 to $0.2\;{\mu}m$ and their aspect ratio were larger than 100. The chemical composit ion of the ultra-fine fibers was analyzed using an Auger electron spectroscopy. In result, the fibers consist of 51% silicon, 38% carbon and 11% oxygen by weight.

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